/// <summary>
        /// Generates a map based on the maplet assigned
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maplet">The maplet to generate</param>
        /// <param name="parentWallID">The wall that the parent has</param>
        /// <param name="parentTileID">The ID of the tiles used in the parent maplet item</param>
        /// <param name="enemyType">The type of actor which is dominant in this map</param>
        /// <param name="owner">The owner of the map. Any maplet items which don't belong will be hidden</param>
        /// <param name="actors">The actors which we have generated</param>
        /// <param name="actorType">The type of actors to generate</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MapBlock[,] GenerateMap(int parentTileID, int? parentWallID, Maplet maplet, bool preferSides, string actorType, OwningFactions owner,
            out Actor[] actors, out MapletActorWanderArea[] wAreas, out MapletPatrolPoint[] patrolRoutes, out MapletFootpathNode[] footpathNodes)
            List<Actor> actorList = new List<Actor>();
            List<MapletActorWanderArea> wanderAreas = new List<MapletActorWanderArea>();
            List<MapletPatrolPoint> patrolRouteList = new List<MapletPatrolPoint>();
            List<MapletFootpathNode> footpathNodeList = new List<MapletFootpathNode>();

            PlanningMapItemType[,] planningMap = new PlanningMapItemType[maplet.SizeX, maplet.SizeY];

            //Step 1: Plan how the map will look

            //Step 1a: Set all tiles to available, and set the frame to walls if there's a wall
            planningMap = this.CreateBlueprint(maplet);

            //Step 1b: Put in the tiles in the actual map, and the walls if they are present
            MapBlock[,] generatedMap = new MapBlock[maplet.SizeX, maplet.SizeY];
            ItemFactory.ItemFactory factory = new ItemFactory.ItemFactory();

            int tileID = 0;

            if (maplet.Tiled)
                if (maplet.TileID.HasValue)
                    tileID = maplet.TileID.Value;
                    //Load the tileID from the factory
                    factory.CreateItem(Archetype.TILES, maplet.TileTag, out tileID);

                tileID = parentTileID;

            //That's the tiles done
            for (int x = 0; x < generatedMap.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < generatedMap.GetLength(1); y++)
                    MapItem tile = factory.CreateItem("tile", tileID);
                    tile.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x, y, 0, DRObjects.Enums.MapType.LOCAL);

                    MapBlock block = new MapBlock();
                    block.Tile = tile;

                    generatedMap[x, y] = block;

            //Do the walls now if they are required
            int? wallID = null;
            int tempWallID = -1;

            if (parentWallID.HasValue)
                MapItem wall = factory.CreateItem("MUNDANEITEMS", parentWallID.Value);
                wallID = parentWallID;
                MapItem wall = factory.CreateItem(DRObjects.Enums.Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "wall", out tempWallID);
                wallID = tempWallID;

            if (maplet.Walled && wallID.HasValue)
                //wall the edge tiles
                for (int x = 0; x < maplet.SizeX; x++)
                    generatedMap[x, 0].PutItemOnBlock(factory.CreateItem("mundaneitems", wallID.Value));
                    generatedMap[x, maplet.SizeY - 1].PutItemOnBlock(factory.CreateItem("mundaneitems", wallID.Value));

                    if (maplet.WindowProbability.HasValue && maplet.WindowProbability.Value > 0)
                        if (random.Next(100) < maplet.WindowProbability.Value)
                            int itemID;
                            //Put a window :)
                            generatedMap[x, 0].ForcePutItemOnBlock(factory.CreateItem(DRObjects.Enums.Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "window", out itemID));
                        else if (random.Next(100) < maplet.WindowProbability.Value)
                            int itemID;
                            //Put a window :)
                            generatedMap[x, maplet.SizeY - 1].ForcePutItemOnBlock(factory.CreateItem(DRObjects.Enums.Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "window", out itemID));

                for (int y = 0; y < maplet.SizeY; y++)
                    generatedMap[0, y].PutItemOnBlock(factory.CreateItem("mundaneitems", wallID.Value));
                    generatedMap[maplet.SizeX - 1, y].PutItemOnBlock(factory.CreateItem("mundaneitems", wallID.Value));

                    if (maplet.WindowProbability.HasValue && maplet.WindowProbability.Value > 0)
                        if (random.Next(100) < maplet.WindowProbability.Value)
                            int itemID;
                            //Put a window :)
                            generatedMap[0, y].ForcePutItemOnBlock(factory.CreateItem(DRObjects.Enums.Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "window", out itemID));
                        else if (random.Next(100) < maplet.WindowProbability.Value)
                            int itemID;
                            //Put a window :)
                            generatedMap[maplet.SizeX - 1, y].ForcePutItemOnBlock(factory.CreateItem(DRObjects.Enums.Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "window", out itemID));


            //Step 1c: Determine where we'll put the maplets
            foreach (MapletContentsMaplet childMaplet in maplet.MapletContents.Where(mc => (mc is MapletContentsMaplet)).OrderByDescending(mc => mc.ProbabilityPercentage).ThenBy(mc => random.Next()))
                //Calculate the probability of putting the item in, and how many items we're putting
                for (int i = 0; i < childMaplet.MaxAmount; i++)
                    if (random.NextDouble() * 100 <= childMaplet.ProbabilityPercentage)
                        //Does it fit?
                        int x = -1;
                        int y = -1;
                        PlanningMapItemType[,] newMap;

                        //Convert the child maplet into a planning map
                        PlanningMapItemType[,] childMapletBlueprint = this.CreateBlueprint(childMaplet.Maplet);
                        //mark the areas covered by the blueprint as being held by that blueprint

                        if (childMaplet.Position == PositionAffinity.FIXED)
                            if (Fits(planningMap, childMapletBlueprint, childMaplet.x.Value, childMaplet.y.Value, out newMap))
                                //it fits, generate it - <3 Recursion
                                Actor[] childActors = null;

                                MapletActorWanderArea[] wanderA = null;
                                MapletPatrolPoint[] patrolPoints = null;
                                MapletFootpathNode[] fpNodes = null;

                                MapBlock[,] childMap = this.GenerateMap(tileID, wallID.Value, childMaplet.Maplet, childMaplet.Position == DRObjects.LocalMapGeneratorObjects.Enums.PositionAffinity.SIDES, actorType, owner, out childActors, out wanderA, out patrolPoints, out fpNodes);

                                //Add the child actors

                                //Update any actors's locations should they have any
                                foreach (var actor in childActors)
                                    if (actor.MissionStack.Count() > 0)
                                        var wander = actor.MissionStack.Peek() as WanderMission;

                                        if (wander != null)
                                            wander.WanderPoint.X += childMaplet.x.Value;
                                            wander.WanderPoint.Y += childMaplet.y.Value;

                                            wander.WanderRectangle = new Rectangle(wander.WanderRectangle.X + childMaplet.x.Value, wander.WanderRectangle.Y + childMaplet.y.Value, wander.WanderRectangle.Width, wander.WanderRectangle.Height);


                                //Update any wander areas too
                                foreach (var area in wanderA)
                                    area.WanderRect = new Rectangle(area.WanderRect.X + childMaplet.x.Value, area.WanderRect.Y + childMaplet.y.Value, area.WanderRect.Width, area.WanderRect.Height);
                                    area.WanderPoint.X += childMaplet.x.Value;
                                    area.WanderPoint.Y += childMaplet.y.Value;

                                //and patrol points
                                foreach (var point in patrolPoints)
                                    point.Point.X += childMaplet.x.Value;
                                    point.Point.Y += childMaplet.y.Value;

                                foreach (var n in fpNodes)
                                    n.Point.X += childMaplet.x.Value;
                                    n.Point.Y += childMaplet.y.Value;

                                //And add them

                                //Join the two maps together
                                generatedMap = this.JoinMaps(generatedMap, childMap, childMaplet.x.Value, childMaplet.y.Value);
                            if (Fits(planningMap, childMapletBlueprint, childMaplet.Position == DRObjects.LocalMapGeneratorObjects.Enums.PositionAffinity.SIDES, childMaplet.FirstFit, childMaplet.Padding, out x, out y, out newMap))
                                //it fits, generate it - <3 Recursion
                                Actor[] childActors = null;
                                MapletActorWanderArea[] wanderA = null;
                                MapletPatrolPoint[] patrolPoints = null;
                                MapletFootpathNode[] fpNodes = null;

                                MapBlock[,] childMap = this.GenerateMap(tileID, wallID.Value, childMaplet.Maplet, childMaplet.Position == DRObjects.LocalMapGeneratorObjects.Enums.PositionAffinity.SIDES, actorType, owner, out childActors, out wanderA, out patrolPoints, out fpNodes);

                                //Add the child actors

                                //Update any actors's locations should they have any
                                foreach (var actor in childActors)
                                    if (actor.MissionStack.Count() > 0)
                                        var wander = actor.MissionStack.Peek() as WanderMission;

                                        if (wander != null)
                                            wander.WanderPoint.X += x;
                                            wander.WanderPoint.Y += y;

                                            wander.WanderRectangle = new Rectangle(wander.WanderRectangle.X + x, wander.WanderRectangle.Y + y, wander.WanderRectangle.Width, wander.WanderRectangle.Height);


                                //Update any wander areas too
                                foreach (var area in wanderA)
                                    area.WanderRect = new Rectangle(area.WanderRect.X + x, area.WanderRect.Y + y, area.WanderRect.Width, area.WanderRect.Height);
                                    area.WanderPoint.X += x;
                                    area.WanderPoint.Y += y;

                                //and patrol routes
                                foreach (var point in patrolPoints)
                                    point.Point.X += x;
                                    point.Point.Y += y;

                                foreach (var n in fpNodes)
                                    n.Point.X += x;
                                    n.Point.Y += y;

                                //And add them

                                //Join the two maps together
                                generatedMap = this.JoinMaps(generatedMap, childMap, x, y);

            //Step 2: Put the items into the map

            //Lets list places we can put it in
            List<MapBlock> candidateBlocks = new List<MapBlock>();

            for (int x = 0; x < planningMap.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < planningMap.GetLength(1); y++)
                    if (planningMap[x, y] == PlanningMapItemType.FREE)
                        candidateBlocks.Add(generatedMap[x, y]);

            List<MapBlock> edgeBlocks = new List<MapBlock>();

            //Lets also get the edge mapblocks - for those who prefer being on the edge
            for (int x = 0; x < planningMap.GetLength(0); x++)
                if (!maplet.Walled)
                    if (planningMap[x, 0] == PlanningMapItemType.FREE)
                        edgeBlocks.Add(generatedMap[x, 0]);

                    if (planningMap[x, planningMap.GetLength(1) - 1] == PlanningMapItemType.FREE)
                        edgeBlocks.Add(generatedMap[x, planningMap.GetLength(1) - 1]);
                    if (planningMap[x, 1] == PlanningMapItemType.FREE)
                        edgeBlocks.Add(generatedMap[x, 1]);

                    if (planningMap[x, planningMap.GetLength(1) - 2] == PlanningMapItemType.FREE)
                        edgeBlocks.Add(generatedMap[x, planningMap.GetLength(1) - 2]);


            //Doing the y parts
            for (int y = 0; y < planningMap.GetLength(1); y++)
                if (!maplet.Walled)
                    if (planningMap[0, y] == PlanningMapItemType.FREE)
                        edgeBlocks.Add(generatedMap[0, y]);

                    if (planningMap[planningMap.GetLength(0) - 1, y] == PlanningMapItemType.FREE)
                        edgeBlocks.Add(generatedMap[planningMap.GetLength(0) - 1, y]);
                    if (planningMap[1, y] == PlanningMapItemType.FREE)
                        edgeBlocks.Add(generatedMap[1, y]);

                    if (planningMap[planningMap.GetLength(0) - 2, y] == PlanningMapItemType.FREE)
                        edgeBlocks.Add(generatedMap[planningMap.GetLength(0) - 2, y]);



            //go through the maplet contents

            //Get the smallest x and y coordinate in the candidate blocks so we can use it for fixed things

            int smallestX = -1;
            int smallestY = -1;

                smallestX = candidateBlocks.Select(b => b.Tile.Coordinate.X).Min();
                smallestY = candidateBlocks.Select(b => b.Tile.Coordinate.Y).Min();
                //No space :(


            foreach (MapletContents contents in maplet.MapletContents.Where(mc => mc is MapletContentsItem || mc is MapletContentsItemTag || mc is MapletContentsItemSpecial).OrderByDescending(mc => mc.ProbabilityPercentage))
                //We'll see if we even put this at all
                MapItem itemPlaced = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < contents.MaxAmount; i++)
                    //lets see what the probability of putting it in is
                    if ((random.NextDouble() * 100) <= contents.ProbabilityPercentage)
                        //Put it in
                        if (contents is MapletContentsItem)
                            MapletContentsItem mapletContent = (MapletContentsItem)contents;
                            itemPlaced = factory.CreateItem(mapletContent.ItemCategory, mapletContent.ItemID);
                            if (contents is MapletContentsItemTag)
                                MapletContentsItemTag mapletContent = (MapletContentsItemTag)contents;
                                int tempInt;
                                itemPlaced = factory.CreateItem(mapletContent.Category, mapletContent.Tag, out tempInt);
                                //I CHANGED THIS
                                itemPlaced.OwnedBy = mapletContent.Factions;
                                if (contents is MapletContentsItemSpecial)
                                    //what type is it
                                    switch ((contents as MapletContentsItemSpecial).Type)
                                        case "StairsUp":
                                            itemPlaced = new DungeonStairs(true); break;
                                        case "StairsDown":
                                            itemPlaced = new DungeonStairs(false); break;
                                        case "SummoningCircle":
                                            itemPlaced = new SummoningCircle(); break;
                                        case "TreasureChest":
                                            itemPlaced = new TreasureChest(); break;
                                        case "Altar":
                                            itemPlaced = new Altar(); break;
                                        case "WishingWell":
                                            itemPlaced = new WishingWell(); break;
                                        case "Potion":
                                            var potionType = (PotionType[]) Enum.GetValues(typeof(PotionType));
                                            var potion = potionType.GetRandom();
                                            itemPlaced = new Potion(potion);
                                            throw new NotImplementedException("No code for " + (contents as MapletContentsItemSpecial).Type + " can be found");

                        if (candidateBlocks.Count != 0)
                            //Lets decide where to put it

                            if (contents.Position == DRObjects.LocalMapGeneratorObjects.Enums.PositionAffinity.SIDES && edgeBlocks.Count != 0)
                                //pick a place at random and add it to the maplet
                                int position = random.Next(edgeBlocks.Count);


                                if (!contents.AllowItemsOnTop)
                                    //remove it from both

                            if (contents.Position == DRObjects.LocalMapGeneratorObjects.Enums.PositionAffinity.MIDDLE && candidateBlocks.Except(edgeBlocks).Count() != 0)
                                //pick a place at random and add it to the maplet
                                int position = random.Next(candidateBlocks.Except(edgeBlocks).Count());

                                MapBlock block = candidateBlocks.Except(edgeBlocks).ToArray()[position];


                                if (!contents.AllowItemsOnTop)
                                    //remove it from both

                            if (contents.Position == DRObjects.LocalMapGeneratorObjects.Enums.PositionAffinity.ANYWHERE)
                                //pick a place at random and add it to the maplet
                                int position = random.Next(candidateBlocks.Count);


                                if (!contents.AllowItemsOnTop)
                                    //remove it from both

                            if (contents.Position == DRObjects.LocalMapGeneratorObjects.Enums.PositionAffinity.FIXED)
                                //Fix it in a particular position.
                                MapCoordinate coordinate = new MapCoordinate(smallestX + contents.x.Value, smallestY + contents.y.Value, 0, DRObjects.Enums.MapType.LOCAL);

                                var selectedBlock = candidateBlocks.Where(cb => cb.Tile.Coordinate.Equals(coordinate)).FirstOrDefault();

                                if (selectedBlock != null)
                                { //maybe someone put something there already

                                if (!contents.AllowItemsOnTop)
                                    //and remoev it from both


            //Step 3: Stripe through the map except for the current maplet's walls - work out where the walls are, and for each wall segment, put a door in
            #region Wall Segments
            List<Line> wallSegments = new List<Line>();

            for (int x = 1; x < planningMap.GetLength(0) - 1; x++)
                //lets see if we find a wall Segment
                Line wallSegment = null;

                for (int y = 1; y < planningMap.GetLength(1) - 1; y++)
                    if (planningMap[x, y] == PlanningMapItemType.WALL)
                        //Three possibilities exist. Either this is the start of a wall segment
                        //Or this is a continuation of a wall segment
                        //Or this is the end of a wall segment
                        // -> Because there is an intersection
                        // -> Because there was an active wall segment and there is no wall in this one
                        if (wallSegment == null)
                            //Its a start
                            wallSegment = new Line(new MapCoordinate(x, y, 0, DRObjects.Enums.MapType.LOCAL), null);
                            //Continuation or end
                            //Check if there's an interesection
                            //Go up one and down one. If there is the maplet's walls there won't be a door - but then there'll be a double wall anyway which makes no sense
                            if (planningMap[x + 1, y] == PlanningMapItemType.WALL || planningMap[x - 1, y] == PlanningMapItemType.WALL)
                                //terminate the wall - and start a new one
                                wallSegment.End = new MapCoordinate(x, y, 0, DRObjects.Enums.MapType.LOCAL);

                                wallSegment = new Line(new MapCoordinate(x, y, 0, DRObjects.Enums.MapType.LOCAL), null);
                                //do nothing, its a continuation

                        //Mayhaps a line has stopped?
                        if (wallSegment != null)
                            //It has - lets terminate it
                            wallSegment.End = new MapCoordinate(x, y - 1, 0, DRObjects.Enums.MapType.LOCAL);

                            wallSegment = null;



                //Check if there's an active line - maybe it reaches till the end of the maplet
                if (wallSegment != null)
                    wallSegment.End = new MapCoordinate(x, (planningMap.GetLength(1) - 1), 0, DRObjects.Enums.MapType.LOCAL);
                    wallSegment = null;

            //Now stripe in the other direction
            for (int y = 1; y < planningMap.GetLength(1) - 1; y++)
                //lets see if we find a wall Segment
                Line wallSegment = null;

                for (int x = 1; x < planningMap.GetLength(0) - 1; x++)
                    if (planningMap[x, y] == PlanningMapItemType.WALL)
                        //Three possibilities exist. Either this is the start of a wall segment
                        //Or this is a continuation of a wall segment
                        //Or this is the end of a wall segment
                        // -> Because there is an intersection
                        // -> Because there was an active wall segment and there is no wall in this one
                        if (wallSegment == null)
                            //Its a start
                            wallSegment = new Line(new MapCoordinate(x, y, 0, DRObjects.Enums.MapType.LOCAL), null);
                            //Continuation or end
                            //Check if there's an interesection
                            //Go up one and down one. If there is the maplet's walls there won't be a door - but then there'll be a double wall anyway which makes no sense
                            if (planningMap[x, y + 1] == PlanningMapItemType.WALL || planningMap[x, y - 1] == PlanningMapItemType.WALL)
                                //terminate the wall - and start a new one
                                wallSegment.End = new MapCoordinate(x, y, 0, DRObjects.Enums.MapType.LOCAL);

                                wallSegment = new Line(new MapCoordinate(x, y, 0, DRObjects.Enums.MapType.LOCAL), null);
                                //do nothing, its a continuation

                        //Mayhaps a line has stopped?
                        if (wallSegment != null)
                            //It has - lets terminate it
                            wallSegment.End = new MapCoordinate(x - 1, y, 0, DRObjects.Enums.MapType.LOCAL);

                            wallSegment = null;



                //Check if there's an active line - maybe it reaches till the end of the maplet
                if (wallSegment != null)
                    wallSegment.End = new MapCoordinate(planningMap.GetLength(0) - 1, y, 0, DRObjects.Enums.MapType.LOCAL);
                    wallSegment = null;

            #endregion Wall Segments

            #region Doors

            //Get all wall segments larger than 0, and we can put a door there

            foreach (Line segment in wallSegments.Where(ws => ws.Length() > 1))
                //Put a door somewhere, as long as its not the start or end
                //Oh and remove the wall

                MapBlock block = null;

                if (segment.Start.X == segment.End.X)
                    //Get the entirety of the segment
                    List<int> possibleYs = new List<int>();

                    int smallerY = Math.Min(segment.Start.Y, segment.End.Y);
                    int largerY = Math.Max(segment.Start.Y, segment.End.Y);

                    //Check in the real map whether the tile next to it is free for walking in
                    for (int y = smallerY + 1; y <= largerY; y++)
                        if (generatedMap[segment.Start.X - 1, y].MayContainItems && generatedMap[segment.Start.X + 1, y].MayContainItems)

                    //Now check whether there's a possible y, and pick a random one from it
                    if (possibleYs.Count != 0)
                        block = generatedMap[segment.Start.X, possibleYs[random.Next(possibleYs.Count - 1)]];
                        //nothing to do - take smallest
                        block = generatedMap[segment.Start.X, segment.Start.Y + 1];
                    List<int> possibleXs = new List<int>();

                    int smallerX = Math.Min(segment.Start.X, segment.End.X);
                    int largerX = Math.Max(segment.Start.X, segment.End.X);

                    //Check in the real map whether the tile next to it is free for walking in
                    for (int x = smallerX + 1; x <= largerX; x++)
                        if (generatedMap[x, segment.Start.Y - 1].MayContainItems && generatedMap[x, segment.Start.Y + 1].MayContainItems)

                    //Now check whether there's a possible x, and pick a random one from it
                    if (possibleXs.Count != 0)
                        block = generatedMap[possibleXs[random.Next(possibleXs.Count - 1)], segment.Start.Y];
                        //nothing to do - take the smallest one
                        block = generatedMap[segment.Start.X + 1, segment.Start.Y];


                    if (block != null)
                        int doorID = -1;
                        block.PutItemOnBlock(factory.CreateItem(DRObjects.Enums.Archetype.MUNDANEITEMS, "door", out doorID));
                catch { }


            #region Enemies

            //Now lets create enemies :)
            foreach (var mc in maplet.MapletContents.Where(mc => mc.GetType().Equals(typeof(MapletActor))).OrderByDescending(o => o.ProbabilityPercentage))
                var actor = mc as MapletActor;

                for (int i = 0; i < actor.MaxAmount; i++)
                    //Check the random
                    if (random.Next(100) < actor.ProbabilityPercentage)
                        int actorID = 0;

                        string enemyType = actor.UseLocalType ? actorType : actor.EnemyType;

                        //For now set gear cost to 0
                        Actor newActor = ActorGeneration.CreateActor(enemyType, actor.EnemyTag, null, 10, 0, null, out actorID);

                        if (actor.VendorType.HasValue)
                            GenerateVendor(newActor, actor);

                        //Generate the map character
                        var mapCharacter = factory.CreateItem("enemies", actorID);

                        newActor.MapCharacter = mapCharacter;

                        if (!actor.Factions.HasFlag(owner))
                            //inactive character
                            newActor.MapCharacter.IsActive = false;

                        (mapCharacter as LocalCharacter).Actor = newActor;

                        //Lets position them randomly
                        for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 150; attempt++)
                            //Try 150 times
                            int x = random.Next(maplet.SizeX);
                            int y = random.Next(maplet.SizeY);

                            if (generatedMap[x, y].MayContainItems)
                                //Put it there
                                mapCharacter.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x, y, 0, MapType.LOCAL);
                                generatedMap[x, y].ForcePutItemOnBlock(mapCharacter);

                                //What mission does he have?
                                if (actor.EnemyMission == ActorMissionType.WANDER)
                                    newActor.MissionStack.Push(new WanderMission()
                                            LoiterPercentage = 80,
                                            WanderPoint = new MapCoordinate(mapCharacter.Coordinate),
                                            WanderRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, generatedMap.GetLength(0), generatedMap.GetLength(1))



            #region Wander Areas

            foreach (var mc in maplet.MapletContents.Where(mc => mc.GetType().Equals(typeof(MapletActorWanderArea))))
                var wander = mc as MapletActorWanderArea;

                //The area of this is going to be the entire maplet (so if we're in a submaplet, they'll wander in there - Awesome no ?)
                wander.WanderRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, generatedMap.GetLength(0), generatedMap.GetLength(1));

                //Pick the wander point to be the middle of the rectangle. If the point isn't valid we might have a problem
                wander.WanderPoint = new MapCoordinate(generatedMap.GetLength(0) / 2, generatedMap.GetLength(1) / 2, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                MapletActorWanderArea clone = new MapletActorWanderArea();
                clone.WanderPoint = new MapCoordinate(wander.WanderPoint);
                clone.WanderRect = new Rectangle(wander.WanderRect.X, wander.WanderRect.Y, wander.WanderRect.Width, wander.WanderRect.Height);
                clone.Profession = wander.Profession;
                clone.OwnerFactions = wander.OwnerFactions;


            wAreas = wanderAreas.ToArray();


            #region Patrol Points & Paths

            foreach (var mc in maplet.MapletContents.Where(mc => mc.GetType().Equals(typeof(MapletPatrolPoint))))
                var point = mc as MapletPatrolPoint;

                //The point is going to be in the middle of the entire maplet
                point.Point = new MapCoordinate(generatedMap.GetLength(0) / 2, generatedMap.GetLength(1) / 2, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                MapletPatrolPoint clone = new MapletPatrolPoint();
                clone.Point = new MapCoordinate(point.Point);
                clone.OwnerFactions = point.OwnerFactions;
                clone.Profession = point.Profession;
                clone.PointRadius = point.PointRadius;


            patrolRoutes = patrolRouteList.ToArray();

            foreach (var n in maplet.MapletContents.Where(mc => mc.GetType().Equals(typeof(MapletFootpathNode))))
                var node = n as MapletFootpathNode;

                //Point is going to be in the middle of the entire maplet
                node.Point = new MapCoordinate(generatedMap.GetLength(0) / 2, generatedMap.GetLength(1) / 2, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

                //Better create a new one
                MapletFootpathNode clone = new MapletFootpathNode();
                clone.Point = new MapCoordinate(node.Point);
                clone.IsPrimary = node.IsPrimary;


            footpathNodes = footpathNodeList.ToArray();


            #region Aniamls

            //Now lets create enemies :)
            foreach (var mc in maplet.MapletContents.Where(mc => mc.GetType().Equals(typeof(MapletHerd))).OrderByDescending(o => o.ProbabilityPercentage))
                var herd = mc as MapletHerd;

                for (int i = 0; i < herd.MaxAmount; i++)
                    //Check the random
                    if (random.Next(100) < herd.ProbabilityPercentage)
                        var herds = ActorGeneration.CreateAnimalHerds(herd.Biome, herd.Domesticated, herd.HerdTag, 1);

                        foreach (var animalHerd in herds)
                            foreach (var animal in animalHerd)
                                //Position them on the map
                                for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 150; attempt++)
                                    //Try 150 times
                                    int x = random.Next(maplet.SizeX);
                                    int y = random.Next(maplet.SizeY);

                                    if (generatedMap[x, y].MayContainItems)
                                        //Put it there
                                        animal.MapCharacter.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x, y, 0, MapType.LOCAL);
                                        generatedMap[x, y].ForcePutItemOnBlock(animal.MapCharacter);

                                        //Wander around does he have?
                                        animal.MissionStack.Push(new WanderMission()
                                            LoiterPercentage = 80,
                                            WanderPoint = new MapCoordinate(animal.MapCharacter.Coordinate),
                                            WanderRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, generatedMap.GetLength(0), generatedMap.GetLength(1))




            actors = actorList.ToArray();

            #region Ownership

            //Go through all map items - If they're not valid for this particular owner, make them inactive.
            foreach (var mapBlock in generatedMap)
                foreach (var item in mapBlock.GetItems())
                    if (!item.OwnedBy.HasFlag(owner))
                        item.IsActive = false;


            //we're done
            return generatedMap;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and puts a particular room in a particular rectangle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roomType"></param>
        /// <param name="rect"></param>
        /// <param name="circle">When the room is a Summoning Room, there's the circle</param>
        private static void PutRoom(MapBlock[,] map, int tileID, int level, DungeonRoomType roomType, Rectangle rect, out SummoningCircle circle)
            circle = null;

            string tagName = roomType.ToString().ToLower().Replace("_", " ") + " room";

            LocalMapXMLParser parser = new LocalMapXMLParser();
            var maplet = parser.ParseMapletFromTag(tagName);

            //Change the width and height to match the rectangle we're fitting it in
            //Leave a rim of 1
            maplet.SizeX = rect.Width - 2;
            maplet.SizeY = rect.Height - 2;

            LocalMapGenerator lmg = new LocalMapGenerator();

            Actor[] actors = null;
            MapletActorWanderArea[] areas = null;
            MapletPatrolPoint[] patrolRoutes = null;
            MapletFootpathNode[] footpathNodes = null;

            var gennedMap = lmg.GenerateMap(tileID, null, maplet, false, "", OwningFactions.UNDEAD, out actors, out areas, out patrolRoutes, out footpathNodes);

            //Is this a summoning room?
            if (roomType == DungeonRoomType.SUMMONING)
                //Go through each map block and see if we find a summoning circle
                for (int x = 0; x < gennedMap.GetLength(0); x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < gennedMap.GetLength(1); y++)
                        var block = gennedMap[x, y];
                        if (block.GetTopMapItem() != null && block.GetTopMapItem().GetType().Equals(typeof(SummoningCircle)))
                            circle = block.GetTopMapItem() as SummoningCircle;

            if (roomType == DungeonRoomType.COMBAT_PIT)
                int docLevel = (int) level/4;
                docLevel = docLevel < 1 ? 1 : docLevel;
                docLevel = docLevel > 5 ? 5 : docLevel;
                //Generate a combat manual - Level [1..5] will be determined by floor of Dungeon Level /4
                CombatManual cm = new CombatManual(SpecialAttacksGenerator.GenerateSpecialAttack(docLevel));

                //Now place it, somewhere (or at least try 50 times)
                for(int i=0; i < 50; i++)
                    MapBlock randomBlock = gennedMap[GameState.Random.Next(gennedMap.GetLength(0)), GameState.Random.Next(gennedMap.GetLength(1))];

                    if (randomBlock.MayContainItems)

            //Do we have any treasure chests?
            for (int x = 0; x < gennedMap.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < gennedMap.GetLength(1); y++)
                    var block = gennedMap[x, y];
                    if (block.GetTopMapItem() != null && block.GetTopMapItem().GetType().Equals(typeof(TreasureChest)))
                        TreasureChest chest = block.GetTopMapItem() as TreasureChest;

                        InventoryItemManager iim = new InventoryItemManager();

                        //Fill em up
                        chest.Contents = iim.FillTreasureChest((InventoryCategory[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(InventoryCategory)), 300 + (50 * level));

            //Now fit one into the other
            lmg.JoinMaps(map, gennedMap, rect.X + 1, rect.Y + 1);