/// <summary>
		/// Constructs a NPC
		/// </summary>
		public GameNPC()
			: base()
			Level = 1; // health changes when GameNPC.Level changes
			m_Realm = 0;
			m_name = "new mob";
			m_model = 408;
			//Fill the living variables
			//			CurrentSpeed = 0; // cause position addition recalculation
			MaxSpeedBase = 200;
			GuildName = "";

			m_brainSync = m_brains.SyncRoot;
			m_followTarget = new WeakRef(null);

			m_size = 50; //Default size
			TargetPosition = new Point3D();
			m_followMinDist = 100;
			m_followMaxDist = 3000;
			m_flags = 0;
			m_maxdistance = 0;
			m_roamingRange = 0; // default to non roaming - tolakram
			m_ownerID = "";

			if ( m_spawnPoint == null )
				m_spawnPoint = new Point3D();

			//m_factionName = "";
			LinkedFactions = new ArrayList(1);
			if (m_ownBrain == null)
				m_ownBrain = new StandardMobBrain();
				m_ownBrain.Body = this;
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds a temporary brain to Npc, last added brain is active
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="newBrain"></param>
		public virtual void AddBrain(ABrain newBrain)
			if (newBrain == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("newBrain");
			if (newBrain.IsActive)
				throw new ArgumentException("The new brain is already active.", "newBrain");

			lock (BrainSync)
				ArrayList brains = new ArrayList(m_brains);
				m_brains = brains; // make new array list to avoid locks in the Brain property
				newBrain.Body = this;
		/// <summary>
		/// Removes a temporary brain from Npc
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="removeBrain">The brain to remove</param>
		/// <returns>True if brain was found</returns>
		public virtual bool RemoveBrain(ABrain removeBrain)
			if (removeBrain == null) return false;

			lock (BrainSync)
				ArrayList brains = new ArrayList(m_brains);
				int index = brains.IndexOf(removeBrain);
				if (index < 0) return false;
				bool active = brains[index] == Brain;
				if (active)
				m_brains = brains;
				if (active)

				return true;
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets the NPC own brain
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="brain">The new brain</param>
		/// <returns>The old own brain</returns>
		public virtual ABrain SetOwnBrain(ABrain brain)
			if (brain == null)
				return null;
			if (brain.IsActive)
				throw new ArgumentException("The new brain is already active.", "brain");

			lock (BrainSync)
				ABrain oldBrain = m_ownBrain;
				bool activate = oldBrain.IsActive;
				if (activate)
				m_ownBrain = brain;
				m_ownBrain.Body = this;
				if (activate)

				return oldBrain;