Beispiel #1
 public TwoEstimate(MySqlUtils sqlUtils, IRuleSupplier ruleSupplier, string category)
     : base(sqlUtils, ruleSupplier, category)
     m_ruleExecuter += new RuleExecuterDelegate(TwoEstimateMethod);
     m_ruleInitializer += new RuleExecuterDelegate(internalInit);
     Id = TwoEstimateStr;
Beispiel #2
 public static void PrintTableSize(string tableName, MySqlUtils sqlUtils)
         "Table {0} has {1} elements.",
         sqlUtils.ExecuteScalar(string.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0}", tableName))));
Beispiel #3
 public Majority(MySqlUtils sqlUtils, IRuleSupplier ruleSupplier, string category)
     : base(sqlUtils, ruleSupplier, category)
     m_ruleInitializer += new RuleExecuterDelegate(internalInit);
     m_ruleExecuter += new RuleExecuterDelegate(MajorityFunc);
     Id = "MajorityRule";
     PrerequisiteRules = new List<Rule>(0);
Beispiel #4
 public RepairKeySample(MySqlUtils sqlUtils, IRuleSupplier ruleSupplier, string category)
     : base(sqlUtils, ruleSupplier, category)
     m_ruleExecuter += new RuleExecuterDelegate(SampleWithJoin);
     m_ruleInitializer += new RuleExecuterDelegate(internalInit);
     Id = "RepairKeySample";
     PrerequisiteRules = new List<DCF.Lib.Rule>();
Beispiel #5
 public Cosine(MySqlUtils sqlUtils, IRuleSupplier ruleSupplier, string category)
     : base(sqlUtils, ruleSupplier, category)
     m_ruleExecuter += new RuleExecuterDelegate(CosineMethod);
     m_ruleInitializer += new RuleExecuterDelegate(internalInit);
     Id = CosineStr;
     InvolvedTables = new List<string>(new string[] { TableConstants.UserScores });
     AffectedTables = new List<string>();
Beispiel #6
 public void init()
     m_sqlUtils = new MySqlNativeClientUtils(DBUsername, DBPassword, DBName, HostName);
     Logger.TraceWriteLine(string.Format("Connected to {0}/{1}@{2} - {3}", DBUsername, DBPassword, DBName, HostName));
     m_supplier = new XmlRuleSupplier(SqlUtils);
     m_cleansingManager = new CleansingManager(m_supplier);
 public XmlSqlRepairKeyStatement(string stmnt, MySqlUtils utils, 
     string idFields, string keyFields, string probField, string targetTable)
     : base(stmnt, utils)
     m_idFields = idFields.Split(',');
     for (int i = 0; i < m_idFields.Length; i++) m_idFields[i] = m_idFields[i].Trim();
     m_keyFields = keyFields;
     m_probField = probField;
     m_targetTableName = targetTable;
Beispiel #8
 public static void PrintDbTable(string tableName, MySqlUtils sqlUtils)
     if (Logger.ShowTableContents)
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         sqlUtils.ExecuteQuery("select * from " + tableName, ds);
         ds.Tables[0].TableName = tableName;
 public MultipleAnswersSample(MySqlUtils sqlUtils, IRuleSupplier ruleSupplier, string category)
     : base(sqlUtils, ruleSupplier)
     m_ruleExecuter += new RuleExecuterDelegate(SampleWithJoin);
     m_ruleInitializer += new RuleExecuterDelegate(internalInit);
     Id = "MultipleAnswersSample";
     InvolvedTables = new List<string>();
     AffectedTables = new List<string>();
     PrerequisiteRules = new List<DCF.Lib.Rule>();
     Category = category;
Beispiel #10
 public void SetQuestionText(MySqlUtils sqlUtils, 
     string title, string questionText, string paramTableName,
     string paramColNames, string queryBody, TopicType topicType)
     m_sqlUtils = sqlUtils;
     m_queryBody = queryBody;
     Text = title;
     m_topicType = topicType;
     DataSet ds = new DataSet();
     sqlUtils.ExecuteQuery(string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1}", paramColNames, paramTableName), ds);
     m_paramNames = paramColNames.Split(new char[] { ' ', ',', ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
     m_tableName = paramTableName;
     int curPosition = 0;
     while (curPosition < questionText.Length)
         int startParamIndex = questionText.IndexOf('{', curPosition);
         if (startParamIndex < 0) // if there is no more paraeters in the string
             string labelText = questionText.Substring(curPosition);
             _flowLayoutPanelQueryText.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = labelText, AutoSize = true,
                 Font = m_labelInfo.Font, ForeColor = m_labelInfo.ForeColor,
                 Margin = m_labelInfo.Margins, BackColor = Color.Transparent });
         if (startParamIndex > curPosition) // if there is a need in Label
             string labelText = questionText.Substring(curPosition, startParamIndex - curPosition);
             _flowLayoutPanelQueryText.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = labelText, AutoSize = true,
                 Font = m_labelInfo.Font, ForeColor = m_labelInfo.ForeColor,
                 Margin = m_labelInfo.Margins, BackColor = Color.Transparent });
         int endParamIndex = questionText.IndexOf('}', startParamIndex);
         curPosition = endParamIndex + 1;
         int curParamInd = int.Parse(questionText.Substring(startParamIndex + 1, endParamIndex - startParamIndex - 1));
         BBBNOVA.BNComboBox cb = new BBBNOVA.BNComboBox()
             Size = m_comboBoxInfo.Size,
             Font = m_comboBoxInfo.Font,
             ForeColor = Color.White,
             BackColor = Color.Black,
             DataSource = ds.Tables[0],
             DisplayMember = m_paramNames[curParamInd],
             Margin = m_comboBoxInfo.Margins,
             DropDownWidth = 300
         cb.SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler(comboBox_SelectedValueChanged);
Beispiel #11
        public DanielConvergence(MySqlUtils sqlUtils, IRuleSupplier ruleSupplier)
            : base(sqlUtils, ruleSupplier)
            this.AffectedTables = new List<string>();
            this.Id = "DanielConvergence";
            this.InvolvedTables = new List<string>() { TableConstants.UserScores };
            this.PrerequisiteRules = new List<DCF.Lib.Rule>();
            this.RuleType = RuleTypeEnum.System;

            this.m_ruleExecuter += new RuleExecuterDelegate(CosineConverged_m_ruleExecuter);
            this.m_ruleInitializer += new RuleExecuterDelegate(CosineConverged_m_ruleInitializer);

            // initialize the threshold
            m_ConvergenceThreshold = CleaningConfiguration.Instance.ConversionDelta;
            // initialize convergence count - number of good samples in a row that need to be good in order to decide converence
            m_ConvergenceSamplesCount = CleaningConfiguration.Instance.ConversionSamplesCount;
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies majority on facts and normalizes their score
 /// </summary>
 public static void CalculateFactScores(MySqlUtils sqlUtils, string category, TopicType topicType)
     string factScoreUpdate1 = string.Format(
         "UPDATE {0} sf, {3} t1 SET sf.Score = IFNULL((SELECT SUM(us.Belief) FROM {1} us, {2} im " +
         "WHERE sf.ItemID=im.ItemID AND im.UserId=us.UserId AND sf.Category='{4}'), 0) " +
         "WHERE sf.TopicID=t1.TopicId AND t1.TopicType={5}",
         TableConstants.ScoredFacts, TableConstants.UserScores,
         TableConstants.ItemsMentions, TableConstants.Topics,
         category, (int)topicType);
     string factScoreUpdate2 = string.Format(
         "UPDATE {0} sf, (SELECT SUM(sf1.Score) AS TopicScore, sf1.TopicId " +
         "FROM {0} sf1, {1} t WHERE sf1.Category = '{2}' AND sf1.TopicId=t.TopicId AND t.TopicType={3} " +
         "GROUP BY sf1.TopicId) cs " +
         "SET sf.Score = sf.Score / cs.TopicScore " +
         "WHERE sf.TopicId = cs.TopicId AND sf.Category='{2}' AND cs.TopicScore <> 0",
         TableConstants.ScoredFacts, TableConstants.Topics, category, (int)topicType);
Beispiel #13
 public static object CalculateQuality(MySqlUtils sqlUtils)
         string innerSelect =
             "select a.* from scoredfacts a, " +
             "(SELECT topicid, max(Score) as score FROM scoredfacts group by topicid) b " +
             "where a.topicid = b.topicid and a.score = b.score group by a.topicid";
         string qualityMeasurement = string.Format(
             "select " +
             "(select count(*) from ({0}) d, correctfacts c where c.itemid=d.itemid) / " +
             "(select count(*) from ({0}) e) as Quality", innerSelect
         object qualityRes = sqlUtils.ExecuteScalar(qualityMeasurement);
         Logger.TraceWriteLine(string.Format("The quality of the run is {0}", qualityRes.ToString()));
         return qualityRes;
     catch (Exception)
         Logger.TraceWriteLine("No correct facts");
     return 0;
Beispiel #14
        private void MainFormMySql_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (LoginForm lf = new LoginForm())
                lf.UserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[UsernameSettingName];
                lf.Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[PasswordSettingName];
                DialogResult dr = lf.ShowDialog(this);
                if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel)
                string password = lf.Password;
                string username = lf.UserName;
                m_sqlUtils = new MySqlNativeClientUtils(username, password,

            SqlUtils.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM QueryForms", m_dsQueryForms);
            _lboxQuestions.DataSource = m_dsQueryForms.Tables[0];
            _lboxQuestions.DisplayMember = "FormName";
            _lboxQuestions_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null);
 public SingleIterationSingleAnswersRule(MySqlUtils sqlUtils, IRuleSupplier ruleSupplier, string category)
     : base(sqlUtils, ruleSupplier, category)
Beispiel #16
 public XmlRuleSupplier(MySqlUtils utils)
     SqlUtils = utils;
Beispiel #17
 public XmlMySqlRule(MySqlUtils utils, IRuleSupplier ruleSupplier)
     : base(utils, ruleSupplier)
     m_ruleExecuter += new RuleExecuterDelegate(XmlMySqlRuleExecuter);
     m_ruleInitializer += new RuleExecuterDelegate(XmlMySqlRuleInitializer);
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the cleaning process
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Connects to the database and creates <see cref="CleansingManager"/>
        /// </remarks>
        public void InitFlow()
            m_sqlUtils = new MySqlNativeClientUtils(DBUsername, DBPassword, DBName, HostName);
            Logger.TraceWriteLine(string.Format("Connected to {0}/{1}@{2} - {3}", DBUsername, DBPassword, DBName, HostName));
            // TODO Demo m_cleansingManager = new CleansingManager(new PaperRuleProvider(SqlUtils));
            m_cleansingManager = new CleansingManager(new OfflineCleaningRuleProvider(SqlUtils));

            // remove previous run data
                Logger.TraceWriteLine("Truncating table " + TableConstants.ScoredFacts);
                Logger.TraceWriteLine("Truncating table " + TableConstants.UserScores);
            catch (MySqlException)
                Logger.TraceWriteLine(string.Format("Tables {0} and {1} do not exit",
                    TableConstants.ScoredFacts, TableConstants.UserScores));
Beispiel #19
 private void Dispose(bool disposing)
     if (disposing)
         if (m_sqlUtils != null)
             m_sqlUtils = null;
Beispiel #20
 public XmlSqlStatement(string statement, MySqlUtils utils)
     SqlStatement = statement;
     SqlUtils = utils;
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// generates ItemsMEntions and Users table
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The algorithm of User activity emulation is as follows:
        /// 1) create a User with probability p to give correct answer. (p is choosen according to users profiles)
        /// 2) draw a topic at random from topics that where not choosen by this user
        /// 3.0) choose a possible item for this topic with probability p from Correct Facts table and 
        /// with probability of (1-p) from Items fact that is not correct
        /// 3.1) for topic with multiple answers choose randomly n from the number possible correct answers and 
        /// run (3.0) n times for current topic
        /// 4) add the new row to ItemsMentions table
        /// </remarks>
        public void SimulateUsersActivity(
            DataTable dtTopics, DataTable dtItems,
            DataTable dtCorrectFacts, DataTable dtItemsMentions, DataTable dtUsers,
            MySqlUtils sqlUtils)
            Logger.DebugWriteLine("Simulating users activity...");
            Random userRnd = new Random();
            Random iterationRnd = new Random();
            Random confidenceRnd = new Random();
            List<Pair<double, double>> userProfile = m_initSection.GetUserProfiles();
            long currentFactsNum = 0;
            int topicsCount = (from r in dtItems.AsEnumerable() select r.Field<uint>("TopicId")).Distinct().Count();
            Dictionary<int, int> topicId2CorrectCount = CreateTopicId2CorrectCountMap(dtCorrectFacts);
            int correctFactsCount = dtCorrectFacts.Rows.Count;
            int numberOfUsers = (int)m_initSection.NumberOfFacts / topicsCount + 10;
            List<User> listOfUsers = new List<User>(numberOfUsers);
            int currentUser = 0;
            Dictionary<int, int> restrictedTopics =
                DrawRestrictedTopics(m_initSection.GetTopicsVariabilityProfiles(), topicsCount);
            // stats
            int[] answerStats = new int[2] { 0, 0 };

            // first populate the users
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUsers; i++)
                CreateUser(userRnd, userProfile, listOfUsers, topicsCount);
            PopulateUsersTable(listOfUsers, dtUsers);
            sqlUtils.RePopulateExistingTable(dtUsers); // add users into DB

            // now populate items mentions
            while (currentFactsNum < m_initSection.NumberOfFacts)
                int fixedUser = currentUser + numberOfUsers;
                User user = listOfUsers[currentUser++ % numberOfUsers];

                // get a topic and move it to used
                int topicIndex;
                Logger.Assert(user.GetNextTopic(out topicIndex), "User is exhausted");

                DataRow topicRow = dtTopics.Rows[topicIndex];
                int topicId = (int)topicRow.Field<uint>("TopicId");

                // define iteration for the current topic type
                int iterationCount = 1;
                if (TopicType.MultipleChoiseAnswer == (TopicType)topicRow.Field<UInt16>("TopicType"))
                    iterationCount = iterationRnd.Next(
                int [] answers = new int[2] {0, 0};
                for (int i = 0; i < iterationCount; i++)
                    double randomNumber = confidenceRnd.NextDouble();
                    if (randomNumber <= user.Confidence)
                        answers[0]++; // correct
                        answers[1]++; // incorrect
                if (answers[0] > 0) // correct answers
                    PopulateCorrectAnswers(dtCorrectFacts, dtItemsMentions, user, topicId, answers[0]);
                if (answers[1] > 0) // incorrect answers
                    populateIncorrectAnswers(dtItems, dtItemsMentions, user, topicId,
                        topicId2CorrectCount[topicId], answers[1], restrictedTopics);
                currentFactsNum += answers[0] + answers[1];
                // stats
                answerStats[0] += answers[0];
                answerStats[1] += answers[1];

                if (dtItemsMentions.Rows.Count > LimitOfRows)
            sqlUtils.PopulateTableToDb(dtItemsMentions); // populate the rest of the items mention
                "Database contain {0} facts on {1} topics with {2} correct and {3} incorrect facts - DB correct ratio is {4}",
                currentFactsNum, topicsCount, answerStats[0], answerStats[1], answerStats[0] * 1.0 / currentFactsNum));
Beispiel #22
 public static void NewNormalizedScoreCalculation(MySqlUtils sqlUtils)
     object obj = sqlUtils.ExecuteScalar(string.Format(
         "select max(NumOfFacts) from {0}", TableConstants.UserScores));
     int maxFactor = (int)obj;
     int minFactor = (int)sqlUtils.ExecuteScalar(string.Format(
         "select min(NumOfFacts) from {0}", TableConstants.UserScores));
     // this works but not converges
         "UPDATE {0} us " +
         "SET us.Belief=((1-{3})*us.Belief + " +
         "{3}*(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {1} rk, {2} im " +
         "WHERE rk.FactId=im.ItemId AND im.UserID=us.UserId)/" +
         "us.NumOfFacts*(us.NumOfFacts-{4})/({5}-{4})), us.Version=us.Version+1",
         0.2, minFactor, maxFactor));
Beispiel #23
 public PaperRuleProvider(MySqlUtils utils)
     m_sqlUstils = utils;
Beispiel #24
        public static void PrepareDb(MySqlUtils sqlUtils, string category, TopicType topicType)
            // reinitiate the Users Scores table
            // for each user from table of Users create
            // posititve and negative rows

                "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {0} ( " +
                "UserID int(11) unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " +
                "Belief double NOT NULL, " +
                "Version int(11) NULL, " +
                "NumOfFacts int(11) NOT NULL " +
                // ", FOREIGN KEY usUserID_fkey (UserID) REFERENCES Users (UserID) ON DELETE CASCADE" +
                ") ENGINE = MyISAM",

            // new users creation in the userscores table
                "INSERT INTO {0} (UserId, Belief, Version, NumOfFacts) " +
                "(SELECT u.UserID as UserId, {2} as Belief, 1 as Version, " +
                "0 as NumOfFacts FROM {1} u " +
                "WHERE u.UserID NOT IN (SELECT us.UserId FROM {0} us))",
                TableConstants.UserScores, TableConstants.Users, BeliefInitialValue,

            // update users number of facts
                "UPDATE {0} us,  (SELECT im.UserID, COUNT(*) as NumOfItems FROM {1} im GROUP BY im.UserID) s " +
                "SET us.NumOfFacts = s.NumOfItems, Version=1 " +
                "WHERE s.UserID=us.UserID",
                TableConstants.UserScores, TableConstants.ItemsMentions));

            // creation and initiallization of scored facts table
                "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {0} ( " +
                "ItemID INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL, " +
                "TopicID INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL, " +
                "Factor int(11) NOT NULL, " +
                "Score DOUBLE NOT NULL, " +
                "Category varchar(70) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, " +
                "Correctness TINYINT(1) NULL, " +
                //"FactName varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_bin NULL, " +
                //"FactValue varchar(500) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, " +

                "PRIMARY KEY(ItemID), " +
                //"FOREIGN KEY sfItemID_fkey (ItemID) REFERENCES Items (ItemID) ON DELETE CASCADE, " +
                "FOREIGN KEY sfItemID_fkey (ItemID) REFERENCES Items (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, " +
                "FOREIGN KEY sfTopicID_fkey (TopicID) REFERENCES Topics (TopicID) ON DELETE CASCADE " +
                ") ENGINE = MyISAM",

            // insert into ScoredFacts new facts
                "INSERT INTO {0} (ItemId, TopicId, Category, Factor, Score) " +
                "SELECT i.ItemId, i.TopicId, '{3}' AS Category, 0 AS Factor, 0 AS Score " +
                "FROM {1} t, {2} i WHERE t.TopicId=i.TopicId AND t.Category = '{3}' AND t.TopicType={4} " +
                "AND i.ItemId NOT IN (SELECT ItemID FROM {0})",
                TableConstants.ScoredFacts, TableConstants.Topics, TableConstants.Items,
                category, (int)topicType));

            // update all facts Factor
                "UPDATE {0} sf, (SELECT im.ItemId, COUNT(im.ID) as Factor FROM {1} im, {2} t " +
                "WHERE t.TopicId=im.TopicId AND t.TopicType={3} GROUP BY im.ItemId) s " +
                "SET sf.Factor = s.Factor WHERE sf.ItemId = s.ItemId",
                TableConstants.ScoredFacts, TableConstants.ItemsMentions,
                TableConstants.Topics, (int)topicType));
Beispiel #25
 protected MySqlRule(MySqlUtils sqlUtils, IRuleSupplier ruleSupplier)
     : base(ruleSupplier)
     SqlUtils = sqlUtils;
 public OfflineCleaningRuleProvider(MySqlUtils utils)
     m_sqlUstils = utils;
Beispiel #27
 public XmlSqlEventStatement(string statement, MySqlUtils utils, Rule.RuleStoppingDelegate raiseEvent)
     : base(statement, utils)
     SqlUtils = utils;
     m_event = raiseEvent;
Beispiel #28
 public DcfRule(MySqlUtils sqlUtils, IRuleSupplier ruleSupplier, string category)
     : base(sqlUtils, ruleSupplier)
     Category = category;
Beispiel #29
 public static void NewScoreCalculation(MySqlUtils sqlUtils)
     // this works but not converges
         "UPDATE {0} us " +
         "SET us.Belief=((1-{3})*us.Belief + " +
         "{3}*(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {1} rk, {2} im " +
         "WHERE rk.FactId=im.ItemId AND im.UserID=us.UserId)/" +
         //"us.Version/us.NumOfFacts)/(1+1/us.Version), us.Version=us.Version+1",
         "us.NumOfFacts/us.version), us.Version=us.Version+1",