Beispiel #1
        private void button_Click_11(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string[] Field_name        = new string[] { "Код номера", "Код сотрудника", "Наименование", "Вместимость", "Описание", "Стоимость" };
            string[] explore           = new string[] { "Код номера", "Код сотрудника", "Наименование", "Вместимость", "Описание", "Стоимость" };
            string[] query_output_name = new string[] { "ID_Numbers", "ID_Employee", "Name", "Capacity", "Description", "The_cost" };
            string[] array             = new string[] { };
            string[] line        = new string[] { };
            string   sql_fil_end = " from dbo.Rooms";
            string   full_sql    = "select ID_Numbers,ID_Employee,Name,Capacity,Description,The_cost from dbo.Rooms";

            CheckBox[] array_check = new CheckBox[] { Check_ID_Num, Check_ID_Emp, Check_Names, Check_Capa, Check_Descr, Check_Cos };

            Query_input Query = new Query_input();

  , query_output_name, array, line, explore, array_check, explorer_box, explorer_textBox, sql_fil_end, full_sql);
Beispiel #2
        private void button_Click_10(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string[] Field_name        = new string[] { "Код клиента", "Код услуги", "Стоимость" };
            string[] explore           = new string[] { "Код клиента", "Код услуги", "Стоимость" };
            string[] query_output_name = new string[] { "ID_Client", "ID_Services", "The_cost" };
            string[] array             = new string[] { };
            string[] line        = new string[] { };
            string   sql_fil_end = " from dbo.[Services provided to the client]";
            string   full_sql    = "select ID_Client, ID_Services, The_cost from dbo.[Services provided to the client]";

            CheckBox[] array_check = new CheckBox[] { Check_Cli, Check_ID_Ser, Check_Cost };

            Query_input Query = new Query_input();

  , query_output_name, array, line, explore, array_check, explorer_box, explorer_textBox, sql_fil_end, full_sql);
        private void button_Click_11(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string[] Field_name        = new string[] { "Код услуги", "Наименование", "Описание", "Стоимость" };
            string[] explore           = new string[] { "Код услуги", "Наименование", "Описание", "Стоимость" };
            string[] query_output_name = new string[] { "ID_Services", "Name", "Description", "The_cost" };
            string[] array             = new string[] { };
            string[] line        = new string[] { };
            string   sql_fil_end = " from dbo.Services";
            string   full_sql    = "Select ID_Services, Name, Description, The_cost from dbo.Services";

            CheckBox[] array_check = new CheckBox[] { Check_ID_Ser, Check_Nam, Check_Desc, Check_Cost };

            Query_input Query = new Query_input();

  , query_output_name, array, line, explore, array_check, explorer_box, explorer_textBox, sql_fil_end, full_sql);
        private void button_Click_11(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string[] Field_name        = new string[] { "Код должности", "Наименование должности", "Обязанности", "Требование", "Оклад" };
            string[] query_output_name = new string[] { "ID_Position", "Job_title", "Duties", "Requirements", "Salary" };

            string[] array       = new string[] { };
            string[] line        = new string[] { };
            string[] explore     = new string[] { "Код должности", "Наименование должности", "Обязанности", "Требование", "Оклад" };
            string   sql_fil_end = " from dbo.Positionen";
            string   full_sql    = "select ID_Position, Job_title, Duties, Requirements, Salary from dbo.Positionen";

            CheckBox[] array_check = new CheckBox[] { Check_ID, Check_Job, Check_Dut, Check_Requ, Check_Sal };

            Query_input Query = new Query_input();

  , query_output_name, array, line, explore, array_check, explorer_box, explorer_textBox, sql_fil_end, full_sql);
Beispiel #5
        private void button_Click_11(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string[] Field_name = new string[] { "Код клиента", "Код сотрудника", "Код номера", "Фамилия", "Имя", "Отчество", "Адрес по прописке", "Серия",
                                                 "Номер паспорта", "Подразделение", "Дата выдачи", "Кто выдал", "Дата выезда", "Дата заселения" };
            string[] query_output_name = new string[] { "ID_Client", "ID_Employee", "ID_Numbers", "Surname", "Name", "Patronymic", "Registered_address", "Series", "ID_Passport", "Subdivision", "Date_of_issue", "Issued_by", "Check_in_date", "Date_of_departure" };

            string[] array       = new string[] { };
            string[] line        = new string[] { };
            string   sql_fil_end = " from dbo.Clients";
            string   full_sql    = "select ID_Client,ID_Employee,ID_Numbers,Surname,Name,Patronymic,Registered_address,Series,ID_Passport,Subdivision,Date_of_issue,Issued_by,Check_in_date,Date_of_departure from dbo.Clients";

            string[] explore = new string[] { "Код клиента", "Код сотрудника", "Код номера", "Фамилия", "Имя", "Отчество", "Адрес по прописке", "Серия",
                                              "Номер паспорта", "Подразделение", "Дата выдачи", "Кто выдал", "Дата выезда", "Дата заселения" };
            CheckBox[] array_check = new CheckBox[] { Check_ID_Cli, Check_ID_EMP, Check_ID_NUM, Check_Familys, Check_Names, Check_Patr, Check_Register, Check_Ceria,
                                                      Check_ID_P, Check_Podrazdelenia, Check_Dates, Check_Is_Date, Check_Date_Vi, Check_Data_Za };

            Query_input Query = new Query_input();

  , query_output_name, array, line, explore, array_check, explorer_box, explorer_textBox, sql_fil_end, full_sql);
Beispiel #6
        private void button_Click_11(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string[] Field_name = new string[] { "Код сотрудника", "Код должности", "Фамилия", "Имя", "Отчество", "Возраст", "Пол", "Адрес по прописке",
                                                 "Адрес фактического проживание", "Серия", "Номер паспорта", "Подразделение", "Дата выдачи", "Кто выдал", "Телефон" };
            string[] query_output_name = new string[] { "ID_Employee", "ID_Position", "Surname", "Name", "Patronymic", "Age", "Gender", "Registered_address", "Address_of_actual_residence", "Series", "ID_Passport", "Subdivision", "Date_of_issue",
                                                        "Issued_by", "Phone" };

            string[] array   = new string[] { };
            string[] line    = new string[] { };
            string[] explore = new string[] { "Код сотрудника", "Код должности", "Фамилия", "Имя", "Отчество", "Возраст", "Пол", "Адрес по прописке",
                                              "Адрес фактического проживание", "Серия", "Номер паспорта", "Подразделение", "Дата выдачи", "Кто выдал", "Телефон" };
            string sql_fil_end = " from dbo.Staff";
            string full_sql    = "select ID_Employee,ID_Position,Surname,Name,Patronymic,Age,Gender,Registered_address,Address_of_actual_residence,Series,ID_Passport,Subdivision,Date_of_issue,Issued_by,Phone from dbo.Staff";

            CheckBox[] array_check = new CheckBox[] { Check_ID_Emp, Check_ID_Post, Check_Sur, Check_Names, Check_Patr, Check_Year, Check_Gendr, Check_Registered, Check_actual, Check_Series, Check_ID_Pass, Check_Subdivision, Check_Date, Check_Issued, Check_Phones };

            Query_input Query = new Query_input();

  , query_output_name, array, line, explore, array_check, explorer_box, explorer_textBox, sql_fil_end, full_sql);