protected virtual void SetRecord(int x, ref IndexFileRecord r)
            int off = NodeOverhead + NodeBase + x * NodeSize;

            for (int i = 0; i < ColStore; i += 1)
                long     v = r.Col[i].L;
                DataType t = Inf.Types[i];
                if (t == DataType.String && v == 0)
                    r.Col[i].L = Database.EncodeString((string)r.Col[i]._O);
                else if (t == DataType.Binary && v == 0)
                    r.Col[i].L = Database.EncodeBinary((byte[])r.Col[i]._O);
                int size = DTI.Size(t);

                ulong p = (ulong)r.Col[i].L;
                if (t == DataType.Float)
                    p = Conv.PackFloat(p);

                Set(off, p, size);
                off += size;
Beispiel #2
        // For implementation of Alter Table.
        public void AlterData(ColInfo newcols, int[] map)
            // For each record, read the old data, copy the columns, write the new data.
            // Each column in the new table will either be new, in which case it gets a default value,
            // or is copied from an old column. The types do not have to match exactly, but need to have the same base type.
            // Map holds the old colId for eaach new column ( or -1 if it is a new column ).
            // Doesn't currently check for overflow.

            long [] oldRow = new long[Cols.Count];
            long [] newRow = new long[newcols.Count];
            // Initialise newRow to default values.
            for (int i = 0; i < newRow.Length; i += 1)
                newRow[i] = DTI.Default(newcols.Types[i]).L;

            int newRowSize = CalcRowSize(newcols);

            byte [] blank = new byte[newRowSize];
            RB = new byte[newRowSize];

            // So that old data is not over-written before it has been converted, if new row size is bigger, use descending order.
            bool desc = newRowSize > RowSize;
            long id   = desc ? RowCount - 1 : 0; // Note : zero based, whereas actual id values are 1-based.
            long n    = RowCount;

            while (n > 0)
                DF.Position = id * RowSize;
                bool ok = AlterRead(Cols.Types, oldRow);

                for (int i = 0; i < newRow.Length; i += 1)
                    int m = map[i];
                    if (m >= 0)
                        newRow[i] = oldRow[m];

                DF.Position = id * newRowSize;
                if (ok)
                    AlterWrite(newcols.Types, newRow, newRowSize);
                    DF.Write(blank, 0, blank.Length);
                n -= 1;
                id = desc ? id - 1 : id + 1;
            if (!desc)
                DF.SetLength(RowCount * newRowSize);
            Dirty   = true;
            RowSize = newRowSize;
            Cols    = newcols;
Beispiel #3
 public int KeySize()
   int result = 0;
   for ( int i = 0; i < KeyCount; i += 1 )
     result += DTI.Size( Types[ i ] );
   return result;
Beispiel #4
        public static string DecimalString(long x, DataType t)
            decimal d     = x;
            int     scale = DTI.Scale(t);

            d = d / Util.PowerTen(scale);
            return(d.ToString("F" + scale, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Beispiel #5
        // end Alter section

        int CalcRowSize(ColInfo c)
            int result = 1; // Flag byte that indicates whether row is deleted.

            for (int i = 1; i < c.Count; i += 1)
                result += DTI.Size(c.Type[i]);
Beispiel #6
 public Inserter(Table t, int[] colIx, int idCol, TableExpression te)
     T = t; ColIx = colIx; IdCol = idCol; TE = te;
     DataType [] types = t.Cols.Types;
     Row = new Value[types.Length];
     // The line below is not required as Writer.SaveRecord handles any nulls, but this may be safer.
     for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i += 1)
         Row[i] = DTI.Default(types[i]);
  public void AlterTable( string schemaName, string tableName, G.List<AlterAction> alist, Exec e )
    Table t = (Table) GetTable( schemaName, tableName, e );

    var names = new G.List<string>( t.Cols.Names );
    var types = new G.List<DataType>( t.Cols.Types );
    var map = new G.List<int>();
    for ( int i = 0; i < names.Count; i += 1 ) map.Add( i );

    foreach ( AlterAction aa in alist )
      int ix = names.IndexOf( aa.Name );
      if ( aa.Operation != Action.Add && ix == -1 )
        e.Error( "Column " + aa.Name + " not found" );

      switch ( aa.Operation )
        case Action.Add: 
          if ( ix != -1 ) e.Error( "Column " + aa.Name + " already exists" );
          names.Add( aa.Name );
          types.Add( aa.Type );
          map.Add( 0 );
          Sql( "INSERT INTO sys.Column( Table, Name, Type ) VALUES ( " + t.TableId + "," + Util.Quote(aa.Name) + "," + (int)aa.Type + ")" );
        case Action.Drop:
          names.RemoveAt( ix );
          types.RemoveAt( ix );
          map.RemoveAt( ix );
          Sql( "DELETE FROM sys.Column WHERE Table = " + t.TableId + " AND Name = " + Util.Quote(aa.Name) ); 
          Sql( "EXEC sys.DroppedColumn(" + t.TableId + "," + ix + ")" );
        case Action.ColumnRename:
          names.RemoveAt( ix );
          names.Insert( ix, aa.NewName );
          Sql( "UPDATE sys.Column SET Name = " + Util.Quote(aa.NewName) + " WHERE Table=" + t.TableId + " AND Name = " + Util.Quote(aa.Name) );
        case Action.Modify:
          if ( DTI.Base( aa.Type ) != DTI.Base( types[ ix ] ) )
            e.Error( "Modify cannot change base type" );
          if ( DTI.Scale( aa.Type ) != DTI.Scale( types[ ix ] ) )
            e.Error( "Modify cannot change scale" );
          types.RemoveAt( ix );
          types.Insert( ix, aa.Type );
          Sql( "UPDATE sys.Column SET Type = " + (int)aa.Type + " WHERE Table=" + t.TableId + " AND Name = " + Util.Quote(aa.Name) );
          Sql( "EXEC sys.ModifiedColumn(" + t.TableId + "," + ix + ")" );
    var newcols = ColInfo.New( names, types );
    t.AlterData( newcols, map.ToArray() );
    Sql( "EXEC sys.RecreateModifiedIndexes()" );
 public ColInfo(string [] names, DataType[] types)
     Names = names;
     Types = types;
     Count = Types.Length;
     Sizes = new byte[Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < Count; i += 1)
         Sizes[i] = (byte)DTI.Size(Types[i]);
Beispiel #9
     public static string ToString(Value x, DataType t)
         t = DTI.Base(t);
             (t == DataType.Bigint ? x.L.ToString()
 : t == DataType.String ? "'" + x.S + "'"
 : t == DataType.Double ? x.D.ToString()
 : t == DataType.Bool ? x.B.ToString()
 : t == DataType.Binary ? Util.ToString(x.X)
 : DecimalString(x.L, t));
Beispiel #10
     public static string ToHtml(Value x, DataType t)
         t = DTI.Base(t);
             (t == DataType.Bigint ? x.L.ToString()
 : t == DataType.String ? HtmlEncode((string)x._O)
 : t == DataType.Double ? x.D.ToString()
 : t == DataType.Bool ? x.B.ToString()
 : t == DataType.Binary ? Util.ToString((byte[])x._O)
 : DecimalString(x.L, t));
Beispiel #11
 public Inserter(Table t, int[] colIx, int idCol, TableExpression te)
     T = t; ColIx = colIx; IdCol = idCol; TE = te;
     DataType [] types = t.CI.Type;
     Row = new Value[types.Length];
     // Initialise row to default values.
     for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i += 1)
         Row[i] = DTI.Default(types[i]);
Beispiel #12
        bool AlterRead(DataType [] types, long [] row)
            int ix; byte [] RowBuffer = DataFile.FastRead(RowSize, out ix);

            if (RowBuffer[ix++] == 0)
                return(false);                // Row has been deleted
            for (int i = 1; i < types.Length; i += 1)
                DataType t    = types[i];
                int      size = DTI.Size(t);
                long     x    = Util.Get(RowBuffer, ix, size, t);
                ix    += size;
                row[i] = x;
        protected virtual void GetRecord(int x, ref IndexFileRecord r)
            if (r.Col == null)
                r.Col = new Value[ColStore];
            int off = NodeOverhead + NodeBase + x * NodeSize;

            for (int i = 0; i < ColStore; i += 1)
                DataType t    = Inf.Types[i];
                int      size = DTI.Size(t);
                ulong    u    = Get(off, size);
                off += size;

                if (t == DataType.Float)
                    u = Conv.UnpackFloat((uint)u);
                else if (t == DataType.Int)
                    u = (ulong)(long)(int)(uint)u;
                else if (t == DataType.Smallint)
                    u = (ulong)(long)(short)(ushort)u;
                else if (t == DataType.Tinyint)
                    u = (ulong)(long)(sbyte)(byte)u;

                r.Col[i].L = (long)u;
                if (t == DataType.String)
                    r.Col[i]._O = Database.DecodeString((long)u);
                else if (t == DataType.Binary)
                    r.Col[i]._O = Database.DecodeBinary((long)u);
Beispiel #14
        void AlterWrite(DataType [] types, long [] row, int newRowSize)
            RowBuffer[0] = 1;
            int ix = 1;

            for (int i = 1; i < types.Length; i += 1)
                DataType t = types[i];
                long     x = row[i];
                if (t == DataType.Float)
                    x = Conv.PackFloat(x);
                int size = DTI.Size(t);
                Util.Set(RowBuffer, ix, x, size);
                ix += size;
            DataFile.Write(RowBuffer, 0, newRowSize, false);
Beispiel #15
        protected virtual void GetRecord(int x, ref IndexFileRecord r)
            if (r.Col == null)
                r.Col = new Value[ColStore];
            int off = NodeOverhead + NodeBase + x * NodeSize;

            for (int i = 0; i < ColStore; i += 1)
                DataType t    = Inf.Types[i];
                int      size = DTI.Size(t);
                long     v    = Util.Get(Data, off, size, t);
                off       += size;
                r.Col[i].L = v;
                if (t <= DataType.String)
                    r.Col[i]._O = Database.Decode(v, t);
Beispiel #16
        void InitColumnInfo(ColInfo ci)
            CI = ci;
            int count = ci.Count;

            AllCols = Util.OneToN(count - 1);
            Size    = new byte[count];
            Offset  = new int[count];
            int offset = -8; // -8 to allow for the Id column not being stored.

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 1)
                Size[i]   = (byte)DTI.Size(CI.Type[i]);
                Offset[i] = offset;
                offset   += Size[i];

            RowSize   = 1 + offset; // +1 is for byte that indicates whether row exists.
            RowCount  = DataFile.Length / RowSize;
            RowBuffer = new byte[RowSize];
Beispiel #17
        protected virtual void SetRecord(int x, ref IndexFileRecord r)
            int off = NodeOverhead + NodeBase + x * NodeSize;

            for (int i = 0; i < ColStore; i += 1)
                DataType t = Inf.Types[i];
                if (t <= DataType.String && r.Col[i].L == 0)
                    r.Col[i].L = Database.Encode(r.Col[i]._O, t);
                int size = DTI.Size(t);

                long p = r.Col[i].L;
                if (t == DataType.Float)
                    p = Conv.PackFloat(p);

                Set(off, (ulong)p, size);
                off += size;