Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBModel.Properties.Settings.StockDataConnectionString"].ConnectionString;

            List<SymbolInfo> symbolList = new List<SymbolInfo>();

            //Load Symbols From CSV
            using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(@"F:\Projects\Git\StockDownloader\LoadSymbol\ETF_List.csv"))
                var line = sr.ReadLine();
                while(line != null)
                    var items = line.Split(new char[] { ',' });

                    if(items.Length ==4)
                        var si = new SymbolInfo();

                        si.NativeSymbol = items[0];
                        si.Name = items[1];
                        si.Exchange = items[2];
                        si.NativeCountry = items[3];


                    line = sr.ReadLine();


            using (StockDBDataContext dbContext = new StockDBDataContext(strConn))
                foreach(var si in symbolList)
                    var stockSymbol = dbContext.StockSymbols.Where(s => s.Symbol == si.Symbol).SingleOrDefault();

                    if(stockSymbol == null)
                        stockSymbol = new StockSymbol() { Symbol = si.Symbol, StockName = si.Name, Country = si.Country, ETF = si.ETF };

                        stockSymbol.StockName = si.Name;
                        stockSymbol.Country = si.Country;
                        stockSymbol.ETF = si.ETF;

Beispiel #2
        private static void StartDownload()
            string strConn = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBModel.Properties.Settings.StockDataConnectionString"].ToString();
            List<string> lstSymbol = new List<string>();

            DateTime lastEndDate = Helper.GetEndDate(DateTime.Today);

            using (StockDBDataContext dbContext = new StockDBDataContext(strConn))
                lstSymbol = (from s in dbContext.StockSymbols
                             where ((s.EndDate < lastEndDate || s.EndDate==null) /*&& s.Symbol=="GLW"*/)
                             //and s.Symbol =="GLW"d
                             orderby s.Symbol
                             select s.Symbol).ToList();

            var exceptions = new Queue<Exception>();

            ParallelOptions pOptions = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10 };

            Parallel.ForEach(lstSymbol, pOptions, s =>
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Processing {0}", s));

                        new PeakCalculater.QuoteDownload()
                            Symbol = s,
                            ConnString = strConn

                catch (Exception e)
                    ApplicationException appExp = new ApplicationException(string.Format("Exception happend when processing {0}", s), e);

            if (exceptions.Count > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Check Exception");
        // If your activity returns a value, derive from CodeActivity<TResult>
        // and return the value from the Execute method.
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
            string strSymbol = this.MySymbol.Get(context);
            string strConn = this.MyConnString.Get(context);

            using (StockDBDataContext dbContext = new StockDBDataContext(strConn))
                StockPick lastPick = (from a in dbContext.StockPicks
                                      where a.Symbol == strSymbol
                                      && a.PickType == 3
                                      orderby a.PickDate descending
                                      select a).FirstOrDefault();

                DateTime lastDtPick = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-20);

                if (lastPick != null)
                    lastDtPick = lastPick.PickDate;

                List<StockQuote> lstQuote = (from a in dbContext.StockQuotes
                                             where a.Symbol == strSymbol
                                             && a.TimeFrame == 2
                                             && a.QuoteDate >= lastDtPick
                                             orderby a.QuoteDate
                                             select a).ToList();

                int fallWeeks = 0;
                StockQuote prevQuote = null;
                int pastWeeks = 0;
                bool startChecking = false;

                foreach (StockQuote quote in lstQuote)
                    if (quote.CloseValue < quote.OpenValue)
                        fallWeeks = 0;

                    if (fallWeeks >= 4)
                        pastWeeks = 0;
                        startChecking = true;

                    if (pastWeeks <= 8 && startChecking)
                        startChecking = false;

                    if (startChecking)
                        if (quote.CloseValue > quote.OpenValue)
                            string pickKey = string.Format("{0}_{1:yyyy-MM-dd}", quote.Symbol,

                            if (quote.CloseValue > prevQuote.HighValue)
                                StockPick sp = new StockPick();
                                sp.PickDate = quote.QuoteDate;
                                sp.PickType = 3;
                                sp.Symbol = quote.Symbol;
                                sp.PickKey = pickKey;


                                startChecking = false;
                            prevQuote = quote;
Beispiel #4
        // If your activity returns a value, derive from CodeActivity<TResult>
        // and return the value from the Execute method.
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
            string strSymbol = this.MySymbol.Get(context);
            string strConn =this.MyConnString.Get(context);

            using (StockDBDataContext dbContext = new StockDBDataContext(strConn))
               StockPeak lastPeak = (from sp in dbContext.StockPeaks
                                       where sp.Symbol == strSymbol
                                       && sp.TimeFrame == 1
                                       orderby sp.PeakDate descending
                                       select sp).FirstOrDefault();

               DateTime lastDtPeak = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-20);
               decimal lastPeakVal = 0;
               int lastPeakType = 0;

               if (lastPeak != null)
                   lastDtPeak = lastPeak.PeakDate;
                   lastPeakType = lastPeak.PeakType;

                   StockQuote sq = (from a in dbContext.StockQuotes
                                    where a.Symbol == strSymbol
                                    && a.QuoteDate == lastPeak.PeakDate
                                    && a.TimeFrame == lastPeak.TimeFrame
                                    select a).FirstOrDefault();

                   if (sq == null)

                    if (lastPeakType < 0)
                        lastPeakVal = sq.LowValue;
                    else if (lastPeakType > 0)
                        lastPeakVal = sq.HighValue;

                List<StockQuote> lstQuote = (from sq in dbContext.StockQuotes
                                             where sq.Symbol == strSymbol
                                             && sq.TimeFrame == 1
                                             && sq.QuoteDate >= lastDtPeak
                                             orderby sq.QuoteDate
                                             select sq).ToList();

                for (int i = 0; i < lstQuote.Count; i++)
                    if(i>=PeakCount  && (i+PeakCount)<=(lstQuote.Count-1))
                        List<StockQuote> lstTmp = lstQuote.GetRange(i - PeakCount, PeakCount*2+1);

                        decimal minLow = (from a in lstTmp
                                          orderby a.LowValue
                                          select a.LowValue).FirstOrDefault();

                        decimal maxHigh = (from a in lstTmp
                                           orderby a.HighValue descending
                                           select a.HighValue).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (lstQuote[i].HighValue >= maxHigh)
                            if (lastPeakType > 0)
                                lastPeakType = 1;

                            StockPeak highPeak = new StockPeak();

                            highPeak.TimeFrame = lstQuote[i].TimeFrame;
                            highPeak.Symbol = lstQuote[i].Symbol;
                            highPeak.PeakDate = lstQuote[i].QuoteDate;
                            highPeak.PeakType = lastPeakType;

                        else if (lstQuote[i].LowValue <= minLow)
                            if (lastPeakType < 0)
                                lastPeakType = -1;

                            StockPeak highPeak = new StockPeak();

                            highPeak.TimeFrame = lstQuote[i].TimeFrame;
                            highPeak.Symbol = lstQuote[i].Symbol;
                            highPeak.PeakDate = lstQuote[i].QuoteDate;
                            highPeak.PeakType = lastPeakType;

        // If your activity returns a value, derive from CodeActivity<TResult>
        // and return the value from the Execute method.
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
            string symbol = context.GetValue(this.MySymbol);
            string strConn = this.MyConnString.Get(context);

            string requestURL = "" + symbol + "&f=" + InfoTag.Symbol
                + InfoTag.Divident + InfoTag.MarketCap + InfoTag.PriceSales + InfoTag.PriceBooks + InfoTag.PE
                + InfoTag.PEG + InfoTag.DivedentPayDay + InfoTag.ShortRatio + InfoTag.DividentYield
                + InfoTag.AvgVolume;

            List<string> lstInfo = HttpLib.GetHttpRespsonse (requestURL);

            using (StockDBDataContext dbContext = new StockDBDataContext(strConn))
                int iExist = (from q in dbContext.StockSymbols
                              where q.Symbol == symbol
                              select q).Count();

                    throw new ApplicationException("Cannot find Symbol: " + symbol);

                foreach (string strInfo in lstInfo)
                    string[] items = strInfo.Split(',');

                    if (items[(int)InfoOrder.Symbol].Trim().Replace("\"", "").ToUpper() == symbol.ToUpper())

                            var infos = from i in dbContext.StockInformations
                                        where i.Symbol == symbol
                                        select i;

                            List<StockInformation> lstStockInfo = infos.ToList<StockInformation>();

                            StockInformation stockInfo = new StockInformation();

                            if (lstStockInfo.Count == 1)
                                stockInfo = lstStockInfo[0];

                            stockInfo.Symbol = symbol;

                            #region 1.Parsing Divident
                            if (Information.IsNumeric(items[(int)InfoOrder.Divident]))
                                stockInfo.Divident = Convert.ToDecimal(items[(int)InfoOrder.Divident]);

                            #region 2.Parsing MarketCap
                            NumberDegree degree = NumberDegree.Unknown;
                            string marketCap = items[(int)InfoOrder.MarketCap].Replace("\"", "").ToUpper();
                            if (marketCap.Contains("B"))
                                degree = NumberDegree.Billion;
                                marketCap = marketCap.Replace("B", "");
                            else if (marketCap.Contains("M"))
                                degree = NumberDegree.Million;
                                marketCap = marketCap.Replace("M", "");
                            else if (marketCap.Contains("K"))
                                degree = NumberDegree.Thousand;
                                marketCap = marketCap.Replace("K", "");

                            if (Information.IsNumeric(marketCap))
                                stockInfo.MarKetCap = Convert.ToDecimal(marketCap);

                                switch (degree)
                                    case NumberDegree.Billion:
                                        stockInfo.MarKetCap *= 100000000;
                                    case NumberDegree.Million:
                                        stockInfo.MarKetCap *= 1000000;
                                    case NumberDegree.Thousand:
                                        stockInfo.MarKetCap *= 1000;

                            #region 3.Parsing Price/Sales
                            if (Information.IsNumeric(items[(int)InfoOrder.PriceSales]))
                                stockInfo.PriceSales = Convert.ToDecimal(items[(int)InfoOrder.PriceSales]);

                            #region 4.Parsing Price/Books
                            if (Information.IsNumeric(items[(int)InfoOrder.PriceBooks]))
                                stockInfo.PriceBooks = Convert.ToDecimal(items[(int)InfoOrder.PriceBooks]);

                            #region 5.Parsing PE
                            if (Information.IsNumeric(items[(int)InfoOrder.PE]))
                                stockInfo.PE = Convert.ToDecimal(items[(int)InfoOrder.PE]);

                            #region 6.Parsing PEG
                            if (Information.IsNumeric(items[(int)InfoOrder.PEG]))
                                stockInfo.PEG = Convert.ToDecimal(items[(int)InfoOrder.PEG]);

                            #region 6.Parsing Dividents Payday
                            string dividentDay = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + " " + items[(int)InfoOrder.DividentPayDay].Replace("\"", "");
                            if (Information.IsDate(dividentDay))
                                stockInfo.DivedentPayDay = Convert.ToDateTime(dividentDay);

                            #region 7.Parsing Short Ratio
                            if (Information.IsNumeric(items[(int)InfoOrder.ShortRatio]))
                                stockInfo.ShortRatio = Convert.ToDecimal(items[(int)InfoOrder.ShortRatio]);

                            #region 8.Parsing Divident Yield
                            if (Information.IsNumeric(items[(int)InfoOrder.DividentYield]))
                                stockInfo.DividentYield = Convert.ToDecimal(items[(int)InfoOrder.DividentYield]);

                            #region 9.Parsing Divident Yield
                            if (Information.IsNumeric(items[(int)InfoOrder.DividentYield]))
                                stockInfo.DividentYield = Convert.ToDecimal(items[(int)InfoOrder.DividentYield]);

                            #region 10.Parsing Average Volume
                            if (Information.IsNumeric(items[(int)InfoOrder.AvgVolumn]))
                                stockInfo.AvgVolume = Convert.ToInt32(items[(int)InfoOrder.AvgVolumn]);

                            if (lstStockInfo.Count != 1)


        // If your activity returns a value, derive from CodeActivity<TResult>
        // and return the value from the Execute method.
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
            string symbol = context.GetValue(this.MySymbol);
            string strConn = this.MyConnString.Get(context);

            using (StockDBDataContext dbContext = new StockDBDataContext(strConn))
                dbContext.CommandTimeout = 120;

                StockSymbol  sSymbol = (from s in dbContext.StockSymbols
                               where s.Symbol == symbol
                               select s).FirstOrDefault();
                if(sSymbol == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Cannot find Symbol: " + symbol);

                DateTime startDate = sSymbol.EndDate.HasValue ? sSymbol.EndDate.Value  : new DateTime(1990,1,1);
                DateTime endDate = Helper.GetEndDate(DateTime.Now);

                while (startDate.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Saturday)
                    startDate = startDate.AddDays(-1);

                while (endDate.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Saturday)
                    endDate = endDate.AddDays(1);

                if (endDate > startDate)
                    var delQuotes = from s in dbContext.StockQuotes
                                    where s.Symbol == symbol
                                    && s.QuoteDate >= startDate && s.QuoteDate <= endDate
                                    select s;


                    //Dowload daily quotes first; then download weekly quotes
                    for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                        TimeFrame timeFrame = TimeFrame.Day;

                        if (i == 1)
                            timeFrame = TimeFrame.Week;

                        #region 1. Download Quotes
                        string webAddress = "[%s]&a=[%m1]&b=[%d1]&c=[%y1]&d=[%m2]&e=[%d2]&f=[%y2]&g=[%Type]&ignore=.csv";

                        webAddress = webAddress.Replace("[%s]", symbol);
                        webAddress = webAddress.Replace("[%m1]", (startDate.Month - 1).ToString());
                        webAddress = webAddress.Replace("[%d1]", startDate.Day.ToString());
                        webAddress = webAddress.Replace("[%y1]", startDate.Year.ToString());
                        webAddress = webAddress.Replace("[%m2]", (endDate.Month - 1).ToString());
                        webAddress = webAddress.Replace("[%d2]", endDate.Day.ToString());
                        webAddress = webAddress.Replace("[%y2]", endDate.Year.ToString());

                        string dateType = string.Empty;
                        if (timeFrame == TimeFrame.Day)
                            dateType = "d";
                        else if (timeFrame == TimeFrame.Week)
                            dateType = "w";

                        webAddress = webAddress.Replace("[%Type]", dateType);

                        List<string> lstQuote = HttpLib.GetHttpRespsonse(webAddress);

                        if (lstQuote.Count > 0)
                            foreach (string strQuote in lstQuote)
                                string[] items = strQuote.Split(',');

                                if (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsDate(items[0]))
                                    StockQuote stockQuote = new StockQuote();
                                    decimal close = Convert.ToDecimal(items[(int)QuoteOrder.ClosePrice]);
                                    decimal adjustClose = Convert.ToDecimal(items[(int)QuoteOrder.AdjustedClose]);
                                    decimal ratio = adjustClose / close;

                                    stockQuote.Symbol = symbol;
                                    stockQuote.QuoteDate = Convert.ToDateTime(items[(int)QuoteOrder.PriceDate]);
                                    stockQuote.OpenValue = Convert.ToDecimal(items[(int)QuoteOrder.OpenPrice]) * ratio;
                                    stockQuote.CloseValue = (Decimal)adjustClose;
                                    stockQuote.LowValue = Convert.ToDecimal(items[(int)QuoteOrder.LowPrice]) * ratio;
                                    stockQuote.HighValue = Convert.ToDecimal(items[(int)QuoteOrder.HighPrice]) * ratio;
                                    stockQuote.Volume = Convert.ToInt64 (items[(int)QuoteOrder.Volume]);
                                    stockQuote.TimeFrame = (short)timeFrame;



                        #region 2. Update Symbol's Start/End Date
                        if (timeFrame == TimeFrame.Day)
                            StockSymbol symbolItem = (from s in dbContext.StockSymbols
                                                      where s.Symbol == symbol
                                                      select s).SingleOrDefault();

                            DateTime firstQuoteDate = (from q in dbContext.StockQuotes
                                                       where q.Symbol == symbol
                                                       && q.TimeFrame == (short)timeFrame
                                                       orderby q.QuoteDate
                                                       select q.QuoteDate).FirstOrDefault();

                            DateTime lastQuoteDate = (from q in dbContext.StockQuotes
                                                      where q.Symbol == symbol
                                                      && q.TimeFrame == (short)timeFrame
                                                      orderby q.QuoteDate descending
                                                      select q.QuoteDate).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (symbolItem != null)
                                    symbolItem.StartDate = firstQuoteDate;
                                    symbolItem.EndDate = lastQuoteDate;

                                catch (Exception e)



        // If your activity returns a value, derive from CodeActivity<TResult>
        // and return the value from the Execute method.
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
            string strSymbol = this.MySymbol.Get(context);
            string strConn = this.MyConnString.Get(context);

            using (StockDBDataContext dbContext = new StockDBDataContext(strConn))
                StockPick lastPick = (from a in dbContext.StockPicks
                                      where a.Symbol == strSymbol
                                      && a.PickType == 2
                                      orderby a.PickDate descending
                                      select a).FirstOrDefault();

                DateTime lastDtPick = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-20);

                if (lastPick != null)
                    lastDtPick = lastPick.PickDate;

                List<StockPeak> lstPeaks = (from a in dbContext.StockPeaks
                                            where a.Symbol == strSymbol
                                            && a.TimeFrame == 1
                                            && a.PeakDate >= lastDtPick.AddMonths(-6)
                                            && a.PeakType >0
                                            orderby a.PeakDate
                                            select a).ToList();

                List<StockQuote> lstQuote = (from a in dbContext.StockQuotes
                                             where a.Symbol == strSymbol
                                             && a.TimeFrame == 1
                                             && a.QuoteDate >= lastDtPick
                                             orderby a.QuoteDate
                                             select a).ToList();
                string orgPickKey = "";
                foreach (StockQuote sq in lstQuote)
                    List<StockPeak> lstRcntPk = (from p in lstPeaks
                                                 where p.PeakDate <= sq.QuoteDate
                                                 && p.PeakDate >= sq.QuoteDate.AddMonths(-6)
                                                 && p.PeakType >0
                                                 orderby p.PeakDate descending
                                                 select p).ToList();

                    StockQuote prevQuote = (from q in lstQuote
                                            where q.QuoteDate < sq.QuoteDate
                                            orderby q.QuoteDate descending
                                            select q).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (prevQuote != null)
                        decimal maxPeak = 0;
                        foreach (StockPeak sPeak in lstRcntPk)
                            StockQuote pQuote = (from q in lstQuote
                                            where q.TimeFrame == sPeak.TimeFrame
                                            && q.QuoteDate == sPeak.PeakDate
                                            select q).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (pQuote != null)
                                if (pQuote.HighValue > maxPeak)
                                    maxPeak = pQuote.HighValue;

                        if (prevQuote.CloseValue < maxPeak && sq.CloseValue > maxPeak)
                                string pickKey = string.Format("{0}_{1:yyyy-MM-dd}_2", sq.Symbol,sq.QuoteDate );

                                if (pickKey != orgPickKey)
                                    int existFlag = (from p in dbContext.StockPicks
                                                     where p.PickKey == pickKey
                                                     select p.PickKey).Count();

                                    if (existFlag <= 0)
                                        StockPick sp = new StockPick();
                                        sp.PickDate = sq.QuoteDate;
                                        sp.PickType = 2;
                                        sp.Symbol = sq.Symbol;
                                        sp.PickKey = pickKey;


                                    //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Pick {0:yyyy-MM-dd}", sq.QuoteDate));
                                    orgPickKey = pickKey;

        // If your activity returns a value, derive from CodeActivity<TResult>
        // and return the value from the Execute method.
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
            string strSymbol = this.MySymbol.Get(context);
            string strConn = this.MyConnString.Get(context);

            using (StockDBDataContext dbContext = new StockDBDataContext(strConn))
                StockPick lastPick = (from a in dbContext.StockPicks
                                      where a.Symbol == strSymbol
                                      && a.PickType == 1
                                      orderby a.PickDate descending
                                      select a).FirstOrDefault();

                DateTime lastDtPick = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-20);

                if (lastPick != null)
                    lastDtPick = lastPick.PickDate;

                List<StockPeak> lstPeaks = (from a in dbContext.StockPeaks
                                            where a.Symbol == strSymbol
                                            && a.TimeFrame == 1
                                            && a.PeakDate >= lastDtPick.AddMonths(-6)
                                            orderby a.PeakDate
                                            select a).ToList();

                List<StockQuote> lstQuote = (from a in dbContext.StockQuotes
                                             where a.Symbol == strSymbol
                                             && a.TimeFrame == 1
                                             && a.QuoteDate >= lastDtPick
                                             orderby a.QuoteDate
                                             select a).ToList();

                string orgPickKey = "";
                foreach (StockQuote sq in lstQuote)
                    List<StockPeak> lstRcntPk = (from p in lstPeaks
                                                  where p.PeakDate <= sq.QuoteDate
                                                  && p.PeakDate >= sq.QuoteDate.AddDays(-45)
                                                  orderby p.PeakDate descending
                                                  select p).ToList();

                    if (lstRcntPk.Count >= 3)
                        if (lstRcntPk[0].PeakType < 0)
                            decimal p1 = (from q in lstQuote
                                          where q.QuoteDate == lstRcntPk[0].PeakDate
                                          select q.LowValue).FirstOrDefault();

                            decimal p2 = 0;
                            decimal p3 = 0;

                            for (int i = 1; i < lstRcntPk.Count; i++)
                                if (lstRcntPk[i].PeakType < 0 && p3==0)
                                    p3 = (from q in lstQuote
                                          where q.QuoteDate == lstRcntPk[i].PeakDate
                                          select q.LowValue).FirstOrDefault();

                                if (lstRcntPk[i].PeakType >0 && p2 == 0)
                                    p2 = (from q in lstQuote
                                          where q.QuoteDate == lstRcntPk[i].PeakDate
                                          select q.HighValue).FirstOrDefault();

                                if (p2 != 0 && p3 != 0)

                            if (p2!=0 && p3 !=0)
                                if (p1 <= p3 && sq.CloseValue > p2)
                                    string pickKey = string.Format("{0}_{1:yyyy-MM-dd}_{2:yyyy-MM-dd}", sq.Symbol,
                                        lstRcntPk[0].PeakDate, lstRcntPk[1].PeakDate);

                                    if (pickKey != orgPickKey)
                                        int existFlag = (from p in dbContext.StockPicks
                                                         where p.PickKey == pickKey
                                                         select p.PickKey).Count();

                                        if (existFlag <= 0)
                                            StockPick sp = new StockPick();
                                            sp.PickDate = sq.QuoteDate;
                                            sp.PickType = 1;
                                            sp.Symbol = sq.Symbol;
                                            sp.PickKey = pickKey;


                                        //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Pick {0:yyyy-MM-dd}", sq.QuoteDate));
                                        orgPickKey = pickKey;


        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
            string symbol = context.GetValue(this.MySymbol);
            string strConn = this.MyConnString.Get(context);

            using (StockDBDataContext dbContext = new StockDBDataContext(strConn))
                TradingGame_StockPerformance tspLatest = (from tsp in dbContext.TradingGame_StockPerformances
                                      where tsp.Symbol == symbol
                                      orderby tsp.StartDate descending
                                      select tsp).FirstOrDefault();

                DateTime dtStartDate = new DateTime(1990, 1, 1);
                DateTime dtEndDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-14);

                if (tspLatest != null)
                    dtStartDate = tspLatest.StartDate.AddMonths(1);
                    DateTime? dbStartTime = (from s in dbContext.StockSymbols
                                   where s.Symbol == symbol
                                   select s.StartDate).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (dbStartTime.HasValue == false)
                        dtStartDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1);

                while (dtStartDate < dtEndDate)
                    TradingGame_StockPerformance objSP = new TradingGame_StockPerformance();

                    //Get Quote of Strat Date
                    StockQuote quote = (from q in dbContext.StockQuotes
                                 where q.Symbol == symbol && q.TimeFrame == (short)TimeFrame.Day
                                    && q.QuoteDate >= dtStartDate && q.QuoteDate <= dtStartDate.AddDays(14)
                                 orderby q.QuoteDate
                                 select q).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (quote != null)
                        objSP.Symbol = quote.Symbol;
                        objSP.StartDate = quote.QuoteDate;

                        //Get Performance of 3 Month
                        StockQuote quote_3M = (from q in dbContext.StockQuotes
                                               where q.Symbol == symbol && q.TimeFrame == (short)TimeFrame.Day
                                                  && q.QuoteDate >= dtStartDate.AddMonths(3) && q.QuoteDate <= dtStartDate.AddMonths(3).AddDays(14)
                                               orderby q.QuoteDate
                                               select q).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (quote_3M != null)
                            objSP.ThreeMonth = (double)(quote_3M.CloseValue / quote.CloseValue);

                        //Get Performance of 6 Month
                        StockQuote quote_6M = (from q in dbContext.StockQuotes
                                               where q.Symbol == symbol && q.TimeFrame == (short)TimeFrame.Day
                                                  && q.QuoteDate >= dtStartDate.AddMonths(6) && q.QuoteDate <= dtStartDate.AddMonths(6).AddDays(14)
                                               orderby q.QuoteDate
                                               select q).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (quote_6M != null)
                            objSP.SixMonth = (double)(quote_6M.CloseValue / quote.CloseValue);

                        //Get Performance of 12 Month
                        StockQuote quote_12M = (from q in dbContext.StockQuotes
                                                where q.Symbol == symbol && q.TimeFrame == (short)TimeFrame.Day
                                                   && q.QuoteDate >= dtStartDate.AddMonths(12) && q.QuoteDate <= dtStartDate.AddMonths(12).AddDays(14)
                                                orderby q.QuoteDate
                                                select q).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (quote_12M != null)
                            objSP.TwelveMonth = (double)(quote_12M.CloseValue / quote.CloseValue);

                        //Insert Performance Date
                        if (objSP.Symbol.Length > 0)

                    if (dtStartDate.Month == 12)
                        dtStartDate = new DateTime(dtStartDate.Year + 1, 1, 1);
                        dtStartDate = new DateTime(dtStartDate.Year, dtStartDate.Month + 1, 1);
