         * 执行带参数的sql,包括 : 插入、更新、删除
         * */
        public bool excute(string sql, Dictionary<string, Object> parameters)
            SqlCommand command = null;
                command = new SqlCommand();
                command.Connection = conn;
                command.CommandText = sql;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Object> param in parameters)
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue(param.Key, param.Value);

                if (-1 != command.ExecuteNonQuery())
                    return true;
                    return false;
            catch (Exception e)
                return false;
                if(command != null)
Beispiel #2
        public Dictionary<string, int> GetLastRefreshNr(String marketIds)
            Dictionary<string, int> result = new Dictionary<string, int>();
                string query = null;
                using (var ctx = new bfmsEntities())
                    query = "SELECT MAX(RefreshNr) as RefreshNr,Marketbook.*  from Marketbook where Marketid in (" + marketIds + ") group by marketid";
                    var RefrNrList = ctx.Database.SqlQuery<marketbook>(query).ToList();

                    foreach (var row in RefrNrList)

                        result.Add(row.MarketId, row.RefreshNr);

            catch (Exception ex)

            return result;
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 ///     Single Param Constructor for specifying advanced connection options.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="connectionOpts">A dictionary containing all desired options and their values</param>
 public SQLiteDatabase(Dictionary<String, String> connectionOpts)
     String str = "";
     foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> row in connectionOpts)
         str += String.Format("{0}={1}; ", row.Key, row.Value);
     str = str.Trim().Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
     dbConnection = str;
        public ProgressWindow(Dictionary dictionary, string sourceTextPath)
            wndProgress.Title = Resources["creatingDictionary"].ToString();
            FinishedSuccesfull = false;

            mProgressThread = new Thread(() =>
                if(ParseDictionaryToSql(dictionary, sourceTextPath))
                    FinishedSuccesfull = true;
                Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => this.Close()));
 static ExportCSV()
     reportFields = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string[]>>();
     reportFields.Add("data_account", new Dictionary<string, string[]> {
         { "month", new string[] { "出账月份", "date", "{0:yyyy-MM}" } },
         { "city", new string[] { "地市", "param" } },
         { "product", new string[] { "产品", "param" } },
         { "type", new string[] { "出账类型", "param" } },
         { "money", new string[] { "出账金额", "money" } }
     reportFields.Add("data_cardsale", new Dictionary<string, string[]> {
         { "date", new string[] { "销售日期", "date", "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" } },
         { "city", new string[] { "地市", "param" } },
         { "product", new string[] { "产品", "param" } },
         { "number", new string[] { "卡销售数量", "int" } },
         { "unit_price", new string[] { "面值金额", "money" } },
         { "total_price", new string[] { "总金额", "money" } },
         { "final_price", new string[] { "实售金额", "money" } }
     reportFields.Add("data_notice", new Dictionary<string, string[]> {
         { "date", new string[] { "营业收款日期", "date", "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" } },
         { "city", new string[] { "地市", "param" } },
         { "product", new string[] { "产品", "param" } },
         { "type", new string[] { "通知单类型", "param" } },
         { "money", new string[] { "营业收入金额", "money" } }
     reportFields.Add("data_prestore", new Dictionary<string, string[]> {
         { "date", new string[] { "销账日期", "date", "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" } },
         { "city", new string[] { "地市", "param" } },
         { "product", new string[] { "产品", "param" } },
         { "type", new string[] { "销账类型", "param" } },
         { "money", new string[] { "销账金额", "money" } }
     reportFields.Add("data_settlement", new Dictionary<string, string[]> {
         { "month", new string[] { "结算月份", "date", "{0:yyyy-MM}" } },
         { "city", new string[] { "地市", "param" } },
         { "product", new string[] { "产品", "param" } },
         { "operator", new string[] { "结算运营商", "param" } },
         { "type", new string[] { "结算类型", "param" } },
         { "money", new string[] { "结算金额", "money" } }
        public static int CreateDictionary(Dictionary dictionary)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dictionary.Title) || dictionary.Title.Length > 200 || dictionary.Note.Length > 500)
                return 0;

            using (SqlConnection connection = Connection.SqlConnection)
                using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    command.CommandText = "CreateDictionary";
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@title", dictionary.Title);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@termLanguageId", dictionary.TermLanguageId);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@definitionLanguageId", dictionary.DefinitionLanguageId);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@note", dictionary.Note);
                    SqlParameter returnedValue = command.Parameters.Add("return", SqlDbType.Int);
                    returnedValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;


                    return (int)returnedValue.Value;
Beispiel #7
        public ActionResult DownloadOrderAsPdf(int id = 0)
            string cookieName = OpenIdMembershipService.LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME;
            HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies[cookieName];
            Dictionary<string, string> cookies = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            cookies.Add(cookieName, cookie.Value);
            int? historyActionId = null;

            Order order;
            using (OrdersHistoryRepository ordersHistoryRep = new OrdersHistoryRepository(CurrentUser.CompanyId, CurrentUser.UserId, id))

            using (OrdersRepository ordersRep = new OrdersRepository(CurrentUser.CompanyId))
                order = ordersRep.GetEntity(id);

                historyActionId = (int)HistoryActions.OrderPrinted;
                Orders_History orderHistory = new Orders_History();
                if (historyActionId.HasValue) ordersHistoryRep.Create(orderHistory, historyActionId.Value);

            return new ActionAsPdf("PrintOrderToScreen", new { password = PRINT_PASSWORD, id = id, companyId = CurrentUser.CompanyId, userId = CurrentUser.UserId, userRoles = CurrentUser.Roles, languageCode = CurrentUser.LanguageCode, coinSign = CurrentUser.CompanyCoinSign }) { FileName = String.Format("Order_{0}.pdf", order.OrderNumber) };
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 ///     Allows the programmer to easily update rows in the DB.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tableName">The table to update.</param>
 /// <param name="data">A dictionary containing Column names and their new values.</param>
 /// <param name="where">The where clause for the update statement.</param>
 /// <returns>A boolean true or false to signify success or failure.</returns>
 public bool Update(String tableName, Dictionary<String, String> data, String where)
     String vals = "";
     Boolean returnCode = true;
     if (data.Count >= 1)
         foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> val in data)
             vals += String.Format(" {0} = '{1}',", val.Key.ToString(), val.Value.ToString());
         vals = vals.Substring(0, vals.Length - 1);
         this.ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("update {0} set {1} where {2};", tableName, vals, where));
         returnCode = false;
     return returnCode;
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 ///     Allows the programmer to easily insert into the DB
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tableName">The table into which we insert the data.</param>
 /// <param name="data">A dictionary containing the column names and data for the insert.</param>
 /// <returns>A boolean true or false to signify success or failure.</returns>
 public bool Insert(String tableName, Dictionary<String, String> data)
     String columns = "";
     String values = "";
     Boolean returnCode = true;
     foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> val in data)
         columns += String.Format(" {0},", val.Key.ToString());
         values += String.Format(" '{0}',", val.Value);
     columns = columns.Substring(0, columns.Length - 1);
     values = values.Substring(0, values.Length - 1);
         this.ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("insert into {0}({1}) values({2});", tableName, columns, values));
     catch (Exception fail)
         returnCode = false;
     return returnCode;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds wall data ( Wall, Insulated, Sandwich and Double Wall ) to the ModelBuilderData instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="modelBuilderData">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="elementDictionary">
        /// </param>
        void AddWallData( ImpactDatabase database, ref ModelBuilderData modelBuilderData, ref Dictionary<ElementType.KnownValue, List<Element>> elementDictionary )
            if( null == modelBuilderData )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "data" );

            if( null == elementDictionary )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "elementDictionary" );

            // No need to continue if the list is empty.
            if( 0 == elementDictionary.Count )

            List<Element> tempList = null;
            List<Element> allList = new List<Element>( 500 );

            if( elementDictionary.TryGetValue( ElementType.KnownValue.Wall, out tempList ) )
                allList.AddRange( tempList );
                elementDictionary.Remove( ElementType.KnownValue.Wall );

            if( elementDictionary.TryGetValue( ElementType.KnownValue.InsulatedWall, out tempList ) )
                allList.AddRange( tempList );
                elementDictionary.Remove( ElementType.KnownValue.InsulatedWall );

            if( elementDictionary.TryGetValue( ElementType.KnownValue.Sandwich, out tempList ) )
                allList.AddRange( tempList );
                elementDictionary.Remove( ElementType.KnownValue.Sandwich );

            if( elementDictionary.TryGetValue( ElementType.KnownValue.DoubleWall, out tempList ) )
                allList.AddRange( tempList );
                elementDictionary.Remove( ElementType.KnownValue.DoubleWall );

            // No walls in the project, no need to query the database for more information.
            if( allList.Count == 0 )

            // var wallMaterialArgs = new ImpactDatabase.ProfacomArgs<ImpWallStyleStd>( _factory, _project, GetWallMaterialQuery( _company, _factory, _project ),
            // ImpWallStyleStd.ElementType,
            // ImpWallStyleStd.Name );

            // var wallMaterialList = database.Profacom( wallMaterialArgs, column => new
            // {
            // ElementType = ( (ElementType)DataConverter.Cast<string>( column[0] ) ).EnumValue,
            // Name = DataConverter.Cast<string>( column[1] ),
            // MaterialName = DataConverter.Cast<string>( column[2] ),
            // } );
            var wallMaterialList = database.GetAll( GetWallMaterialQuery( this._factory, this._project ).ToString(), column => new
                ElementMark = column[0].Cast<string>().Trim(),
                MaterialName = column[1].Cast<string>(),
            } );

            #region Endcap Edges

            // Get all endcap edges for walls.
            var endcapEdgeList = database.GetAll( GetEndcapEdgeQuery( this._factory, this._project ), column => new
                ElementMark = column[0].Cast<string>().Trim(),
                EndcapEdge = new EndcapEdge
                                 Side = ( (Side)column[1].Cast<string>() ).EnumValue,
                                 StartAt = column[2].Cast<double>(),
                                 Length = column[3].Cast<double>(),
                                 FromSide = ( (Side)column[4].Cast<string>() ).EnumValue,
                                 IndentAtStart = column[5].Cast<double>(),
                                 IndentAtEnd = column[6].Cast<double>(),
            } );

            #endregion Endcap Edges

            #region Openings

            // Get all opening standards.
            ImpactDatabase.ProfacomArgs<ImpOpeningStd> openingArgs =
                new ImpactDatabase.ProfacomArgs<ImpOpeningStd>( this._factory, this._project, GetOpeningStandardQuery( this._factory, this._project ), ImpOpeningStd.Name );

            var openingStandardDictionary = database.Profacom( openingArgs, column => new
                Name = column[0].Cast<string>(),
                Width = column[1].Cast<double>(),
                Height = column[2].Cast<double>(),
            } ).ToDictionary( openingStd => openingStd.Name );

            var openingStandard = new { Name = string.Empty, Width = 0d, Height = 0d };

            // Get all the openings in the project.
            var openingList = database.GetAll( GetOpeningQuery( this._factory, this._project ).ToString(), column => new
                            ElementMark = column[0].Cast<string>().Trim(),
                            Name = column[1].Cast<string>(),
                            X = column[2].Cast<double>(),
                            Y = column[3].Cast<double>(),
                        } );

            var openingGroupList = ( from n in openingList
                                     let isFound = openingStandardDictionary.TryGetValue( n.Name, out openingStandard )
                                     where isFound
                                     select new
                                         Opening = new Opening
                                                       X = n.X,
                                                       Y = n.Y,
                                                       Width = openingStandard.Width,
                                                       Height = openingStandard.Height
                                     } ).GroupBy( x => x.ElementMark, x => x.Opening ).ToList();

            #endregion Openings

            List<WallGeometry> wallList = new List<WallGeometry>( allList.Count );

            foreach( var element in allList )
                WallGeometry wall = new WallGeometry( element.Geometry );

                // Endcap Edges.
                wall.EndcapEdges = ( from endcap in endcapEdgeList
                                     where element.Geometry.ElementMark == endcap.ElementMark
                                     select endcap.EndcapEdge ).ToList();

                // Windows and Doors.
                var openingGroup = openingGroupList.Find( group => group.Key == element.Geometry.ElementMark );
                if( null != openingGroup )
                    wall.Openings = openingGroup.ToList();

                // Find the material for the wall.
                var wallMaterial = wallMaterialList.Find( item => item.ElementMark == wall.ElementMark );

                if( null != wallMaterial )
                    wall.MaterialName = wallMaterial.MaterialName;

                wallList.Add( wall );

            // Add the walls to the model builder data.
            modelBuilderData.Walls = wallList;
        /// <summary>
        /// The add linked data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database">
        /// The database.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="modelBuilderData">
        /// The model builder data.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="elementDictionary">
        /// The element dictionary.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// </exception>
        void AddLinkedData( ImpactDatabase database, ref ModelBuilderData modelBuilderData, ref Dictionary<ElementType.KnownValue, List<Element>> elementDictionary )
            if( null == modelBuilderData )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "modelBuilderData" );

            if( null == elementDictionary )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "elementDictionary" );

            // No need to continue if the list is empty.
            if( 0 == elementDictionary.Count )

            List<Element> tempList = null;
            List<LinkedGeometry> linkedList = new List<LinkedGeometry>( 50 );

            if( elementDictionary.TryGetValue( ElementType.KnownValue.Linked, out tempList ) )
                linkedList.AddRange( from item in tempList select new LinkedGeometry( item.Geometry ) );
                elementDictionary.Remove( ElementType.KnownValue.Linked );

            if( elementDictionary.TryGetValue( ElementType.KnownValue.PrestressedLinked, out tempList ) )
                linkedList.AddRange( from item in tempList select new LinkedGeometry( item.Geometry ) );
                elementDictionary.Remove( ElementType.KnownValue.PrestressedLinked );

            modelBuilderData.Linked = linkedList;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds section data ( Beam, Prestressed Beam, Column, Hollow Core and Prestressed Slab ) to the ModelBuilderData instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="modelBuilderData">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="elementDictionary">
        /// </param>
        void AddSectionData( ImpactDatabase database, ref ModelBuilderData modelBuilderData, ref Dictionary<ElementType.KnownValue, List<Element>> elementDictionary )
            if( null == modelBuilderData )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "data" );

            if( null == elementDictionary )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "elementDictionary" );

            // No need to continue if the list is empty.
            if( 0 == elementDictionary.Count )

            List<Element> tempList = null;
            List<Element> beamList = new List<Element>( 500 );
            List<Element> columnList = new List<Element>( 500 );
            List<Element> hollowCoreList = new List<Element>( 500 );
            List<Element> slabList = new List<Element>( 500 );

            List<Element> allList = new List<Element>( 1000 );

            bool proceed = false;

            if( elementDictionary.TryGetValue( ElementType.KnownValue.Beam, out tempList ) )
                beamList.AddRange( tempList );
                allList.AddRange( tempList );
                elementDictionary.Remove( ElementType.KnownValue.Beam );

                proceed = true;

            if( elementDictionary.TryGetValue( ElementType.KnownValue.PrestressedBeam, out tempList ) )
                beamList.AddRange( tempList );
                allList.AddRange( tempList );
                elementDictionary.Remove( ElementType.KnownValue.PrestressedBeam );

                proceed = true;

            if( elementDictionary.TryGetValue( ElementType.KnownValue.Column, out tempList ) )
                columnList.AddRange( tempList );
                allList.AddRange( tempList );
                elementDictionary.Remove( ElementType.KnownValue.Column );

                proceed = true;

            if( elementDictionary.TryGetValue( ElementType.KnownValue.HollowCore, out tempList ) )
                hollowCoreList.AddRange( tempList );
                allList.AddRange( tempList );
                elementDictionary.Remove( ElementType.KnownValue.HollowCore );

                proceed = true;

            if( elementDictionary.TryGetValue( ElementType.KnownValue.PrestressedSlab, out tempList ) )
                slabList.AddRange( tempList );
                allList.AddRange( tempList );
                elementDictionary.Remove( ElementType.KnownValue.PrestressedSlab );

                proceed = true;

            // No need to query the database if there are no elements.
            if( false == proceed )

            // Section Parameters.
            var sectionParameterArgs = new ImpactDatabase.ProfacomArgs<ImpSectionStyleParameterStd>(
                this._factory, this._project,
                GetSectionParameterQuery( this._factory, this._project ),
                ImpSectionStyleParameterStd.ParameterId );

            var sectionParameterList = database.Profacom( sectionParameterArgs, column => new
                                                                                              ElementType =
                                                                                              ( (ElementType)
                                                                                                column[0].Cast<string>() ).
                                                                                              Name = column[1].Cast<string>(),
                                                                                              Parameter =
                                                                                              new SectionParameter(
                                                                                                      column[2] ),
                                                                                              column[3].Cast<double>() )
                                                                                          } );

            // Section Geometry.
            var sectionGeometryArgs = new ImpactDatabase.ProfacomArgs<ImpSectionGeometryStd>(
                this._factory, this._project,
                GetSectionGeometryQuery( this._factory, this._project ),
                ImpSectionGeometryStd.PointId );

            var sectionGeometryList = database.Profacom( sectionGeometryArgs, column => new
                                                                                            ElementType =
                                                                                            ( (ElementType)
                                                                                              column[0].Cast<string>() ).
                                                                                            Name = column[1].Cast<string>(),
                                                                                            Id = column[2].Cast<int>(),
                                                                                            Point = new GeometryPoint
                                                                                                        X =
                                                                                                        Y =
                                                                                                        Bulge =
                                                                                        } );

            // Section Core Geometry.
            var sectionCoreGeometryArgs = new ImpactDatabase.ProfacomArgs<ImpSectionCoreGeometryStd>(
                this._factory, this._project,
                GetSectionCoreGeometryQuery( this._factory, this._project ),
                ImpSectionCoreGeometryStd.CorePointId );

            var sectionCoreGeometryList = database.Profacom( sectionCoreGeometryArgs, column => new
                                                                                                    ElementType =
                                                                                                    ( (ElementType)
                                                                                                      column[0].Cast<string>() )
                                                                                                    Name =
                                                                                                    Id = column[2].Cast<int>(),
                                                                                                    PointId =
                                                                                                    Point = new GeometryPoint
                                                                                                                X =
                                                                                                                Y =
                                                                                                                Bulge =
                                                                                                } ).GroupBy(
                                                                                                    item =>
                                                                                                    } );

            // Section style and material.
            var sectionArgs = new ImpactDatabase.ProfacomArgs<ImpSectionStyleStd>(
                this._factory, this._project,
                GetSectionStyleQuery( this._company, this._factory, this._project ),
                ImpSectionStyleStd.Name );

            var sectionStyleList = database.Profacom( sectionArgs, column => new
                                                                                 ElementType =
                                                                                 ( (ElementType)column[0].Cast<string>() ).
                                                                                 Name = column[1].Cast<string>(),
                                                                                 SectionType = column[2].Cast<string>(),
                                                                                 Width = column[3].Cast<double>(),
                                                                                 Height = column[4].Cast<double>(),
                                                                                 CutType = column[5].Cast<CutType>(),

                                                                                 // It is possible that no material was found, in that case
                                                                                 // the resulting columns will contain 'null' values.
                                                                                 // If the material is missing, we'll set the RGB value
                                                                                 // to black ( 0, 0, 0 ).
                                                                                 Material = column[6].Cast<string>(),
                                                                             } );

            // End Beam angles.
            var endBeamList = database.GetAll( GetEndBeamQuery( this._factory, this._project ).ToString(), column => new
                                                                                                                             () ==
                                                                                                                             ? Side
                                                                                                                             : Side
                                                                                                                     } );

            var sectionList = new List<SectionGeometry>();

            foreach( var element in allList )
                var style =
                    sectionStyleList.Find( x => x.ElementType == element.Geometry.ElementType && x.Name == element.Style );
                if( null != style )
                    var section = new SectionGeometry( element.Geometry )
                                      SectionType = ( (SectionType)style.SectionType ).EnumValue,
                                      CutType = style.CutType,
                                      SectionWidth = style.Width,
                                      SectionHeight = style.Height,
                                      MaterialName = element.Geometry.MaterialName,
                                      Parameters = ( from item in sectionParameterList
                                                     where item.ElementType == style.ElementType
                                                           && item.Name == style.Name
                                                     select item.Parameter ).ToDictionary( param => param.Key,
                                                                                           param => param.Value ),
                                      SectionPoints = ( from item in sectionGeometryList
                                                        where item.ElementType == style.ElementType
                                                              && item.Name == style.Name
                                                        orderby item.Id ascending
                                                        select item.Point ).ToList(),
                                      Cores = ( from item in sectionCoreGeometryList
                                                where item.Key.ElementType == style.ElementType
                                                      && item.Key.Name == style.Name
                                                let points = from n in item
                                                             orderby n.PointId ascending
                                                             select n.Point
                                                orderby item.Key.Id ascending
                                                select new CoreGeometry( points.ToList() ) ).ToList()
                    sectionList.Add( section );
                    // If we don't have a style, then we have to create the section as a bounding box.
                    var section = new SectionGeometry( element.Geometry )
                                      SectionType = SectionType.KnownValue.Invalid,
                                      CutType = CutType.Symmetrical,
                                      SectionWidth = element.Geometry.Width,
                                      SectionHeight = element.Geometry.Height,
                                      MaterialName = element.Geometry.MaterialName,
                    sectionList.Add( section );

            // var sectionList = ( from element in allList
            // let style = sectionStyleList.Find( x => x.ElementType == element.Geometry.ElementType && x.Name == element.Style )
            // where null != style
            // let section = new SectionGeometry( element.Geometry )
            // {
            // SectionType = ( (SectionType)style.SectionType ).EnumValue,
            // CutType = style.CutType,
            // SectionWidth = style.Width,
            // SectionHeight = style.Height,
            // MaterialName = style.Material,

            // Parameters = ( from item in sectionParameterList
            // where item.ElementType == style.ElementType
            // && item.Name == style.Name
            // select item.Parameter ).ToDictionary( param => param.Key, param => param.Value ),

            // SectionPoints = ( from item in sectionGeometryList
            // where item.ElementType == style.ElementType
            // && item.Name == style.Name
            // orderby item.Id ascending
            // select item.Point ).ToList(),

            // Cores = ( from item in sectionCoreGeometryList
            // where item.Key.ElementType == style.ElementType
            // && item.Key.Name == style.Name
            // let points = ( from n in item orderby n.PointId ascending select n.Point )
            // orderby item.Key.Id ascending
            // select new CoreGeometry( points.ToList() ) ).ToList()
            // }
            // select section ).ToList();

            foreach( var item in sectionList )
                switch( item.ElementType )
                    case ElementType.KnownValue.Beam:
                    case ElementType.KnownValue.PrestressedBeam:
                        // Because the height parameter might be missing in the database,
                        // we add it explicitly here.
                        item.Parameters[SectionStyleParameter.H] = item.Height;

                        var beam = new BeamGeometry( item );

                        // Check if the beam has an left vertical angle.
                        var endBeamItem =
                                endBeam => endBeam.ElementMark == beam.ElementMark && endBeam.Side == Side.KnownValue.Left );

                        // Set the left vertical angle.
                        if( null != endBeamItem )
                            beam.VerticalAngleLeft = endBeamItem.Angle;

                        // Check if the beam has an right vertical angle.
                        endBeamItem =
                                endBeam => endBeam.ElementMark == beam.ElementMark && endBeam.Side == Side.KnownValue.Right );

                        // Set the right vertical angle.
                        if( null != endBeamItem )
                            beam.VerticalAngleRight = endBeamItem.Angle;

                        modelBuilderData.Beams.Add( beam );

                    case ElementType.KnownValue.Column:
                        // Because the height parameter might be missing in the database,
                        // we add it explicitly here.
                        item.Parameters[SectionStyleParameter.H] = item.Height;
                        modelBuilderData.Columns.Add( item );

                    case ElementType.KnownValue.HollowCore:
                        modelBuilderData.HollowCores.Add( item );

                    case ElementType.KnownValue.PrestressedSlab:
                        modelBuilderData.PrestressedSlabs.Add( item );

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds slab data ( Slab, Form Slab, and Prestressed Form Slab ) to the ModelBuilderData instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="modelBuilderData">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="elementDictionary">
        /// </param>
        void AddSlabData( ImpactDatabase database, ref ModelBuilderData modelBuilderData, ref Dictionary<ElementType.KnownValue, List<Element>> elementDictionary )
            if( null == modelBuilderData )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "data" );

            if( null == elementDictionary )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "elementDictionary" );

            // No need to continue if the list is empty.
            if( 0 == elementDictionary.Count )

            List<Element> tempList = null;
            List<Element> allList = new List<Element>( 500 );

            if( elementDictionary.TryGetValue( ElementType.KnownValue.Slab, out tempList ) )
                allList.AddRange( tempList );
                elementDictionary.Remove( ElementType.KnownValue.Slab );

            if( elementDictionary.TryGetValue( ElementType.KnownValue.FormSlab, out tempList ) )
                allList.AddRange( tempList );
                elementDictionary.Remove( ElementType.KnownValue.FormSlab );

            if( elementDictionary.TryGetValue( ElementType.KnownValue.PrestressedFormSlab, out tempList ) )
                allList.AddRange( tempList );
                elementDictionary.Remove( ElementType.KnownValue.PrestressedFormSlab );

            if( allList.Count == 0 )

            List<SlabGeometry> slabList = new List<SlabGeometry>( allList.Count );

            foreach( var element in allList )
                SlabGeometry slab = new SlabGeometry( element.Geometry );

                slabList.Add( slab );

            // Add the walls to the model builder data.
            modelBuilderData.Slabs = slabList;
        private bool ParseDictionaryToSql(Dictionary dictionary, string sourceTextPath )
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dictionary.Title) || dictionary.TermLanguageId<1 || dictionary.DefinitionLanguageId<1)
                return false;

            int dictionaryId = DB.Dictionary.CreateDictionary(dictionary);
            if (dictionaryId == 0)
                return false;

            //Create a new instance of ProgressBar Delegate that points
            //  to the ProgressBar's SetValue method.
            UpdateProgressBarDelegate updatePbDelegate = new UpdateProgressBarDelegate(pbProgress.SetValue);
            Dispatcher.Invoke(updatePbDelegate, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background, new object[] { ProgressBar.ValueProperty, 0.0 });

            String source = File.ReadAllText(sourceTextPath, Encoding.UTF8);
            string[] chunks = source.Split(new string[] { "<k>" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            List<Article> articles = new List<Article>();

            Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => pbProgress.Maximum = chunks.Count()));
            int counter = 0;

            Parallel.ForEach(chunks, chunk =>
                Interlocked.Increment(ref counter);

                StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(chunk);
                text.Replace("<opt>", "[");
                text.Replace("</opt>", "]");
                text.Replace("<nu />", "");
                text = new StringBuilder(Regex.Replace(text.ToString(), @"<rref>.*</rref>", " "));
                text = new StringBuilder(Regex.Replace(text.ToString(), @"<iref>.*</iref>", " "));
                text = new StringBuilder(Regex.Replace(text.ToString(), @"•\s+<kref>", "- <kref>"));
                text = new StringBuilder(Regex.Replace(text.ToString(), @"\- <kref>.*</kref>", ""));

                string output = text.ToString();

                output = Regex.Replace(output, @"\)\s*\n", ") ");
                output = Regex.Replace(output, @"•", " ");

                output = output.Replace("<k>", "\n<k>");
                output = output.Replace("<tr>", "\n<tr>");
                output = output.Replace("<ex>", "\n<ex>");
                output = Regex.Replace(output, @"\s+\n+", " \n");

                StringWriter myWriter = new StringWriter();
                // Decode the encoded string.
                HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(output, myWriter);
                output = myWriter.ToString();

                StringBuilder article = new StringBuilder(output);
                Regex tagsRegex = new Regex(@"<((\w+)|(/\w+)|( /\w+)|\w+ /)>");
                string addedWord = Regex.Match(output, @".*</k>").ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(addedWord))
                    article.Replace(addedWord, "");

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(addedWord) || addedWord.Contains("#ICON_FILE"))

                addedWord = tagsRegex.Replace(addedWord, "");

                HashSet<string> uniqueTranscriptions = new HashSet<string>();
                foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(output, @"<tr>.*</tr>"))
                    uniqueTranscriptions.Add(tagsRegex.Replace(m.ToString(), ""));
                    article.Replace(m.ToString(), "");
                StringBuilder transcription = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (string tr in uniqueTranscriptions)
                    transcription.Append(tr).Append("  ");

                string example = null;
                foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(article.ToString(), @"<ex>.*</ex>"))
                    example = tagsRegex.Replace(m.ToString(), "");
                    example = Regex.Replace(example, " ; ", " ");
                    article.Replace(m.ToString(), "");
                if (example != null)
                    example = example.Trim();

                string transl = tagsRegex.Replace(article.ToString(), "");
                transl = Regex.Replace(transl, @"\s+\n+", " \n");

                    articles.Add(new Article(0, dictionaryId, addedWord.Trim(), transcription.ToString().Trim(), transl.Trim(), example));
                    Debug.Print("{0}/{1}", counter, chunks.Count());

                    if (articles.Count > 50) // "|| counter==end" can lead to data loss

                        Dispatcher.Invoke(updatePbDelegate, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background, new object[] { ProgressBar.ValueProperty, (double)counter });

            //if previous condition didn't work
            //do not remove!
            if (articles.Count > 0)
                Dispatcher.Invoke(updatePbDelegate, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background, new object[] { ProgressBar.ValueProperty, (double)counter });
                Debug.Print("Safety net");

            return true;
 * 执行带参数的查询
 * */
 public SqlCeDataReader excuteSqlCeQuery(string sql, Dictionary<string, Object> parameters)
     return null;
        * 执行带参数的查询
        * */
        public SqlDataReader excuteQuery(string sql, Dictionary<string, Object> parameters)
            SqlCommand command = null;
                command = new SqlCommand();
                command.Connection = conn;
                command.CommandText = sql;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Object> param in parameters)
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue(param.Key, param.Value);

                return command.ExecuteReader();
            catch (Exception e)
                return null;
                if (command != null)