public DataSet Select10()
            string  s3 = " SELECT DISTINCT pId 项目号,bh 编号,getId 领取批次号,problem 问题描述,solve 解决方案 FROM  (SELECT DISTINCT pId ,bh ,getId  from pcprocessing where gj != 0 and gj = status1 +1) a left JOIN (SELECT bh xx,getId xxx,problem,solve from fileproblem ) b ON a.getId = AND = b.xx";
            DataSet ds = DBhelper.Dataset(s3);

        public DataSet Select3(string a)
            string  s3 = "SELECT getId 领取批次号,status 状态 ,pId 项目号,bh 编号,projectunit 项目单位,filetype 档案类型,page 页数,problem 问题描述 from (SELECT status,pId,bh,getId,problem,page from (SELECT pId x,bh xx,getId,status,problem,page from nprocessing2 WHERE (LID ='2' AND status = '0' and zrr = '" + a + "')) a INNER JOIN (SELECT pId,bh from nprocessing2 WHERE ((pId,LID) IN (SELECT pId,up FROM jd where LID = '2') AND  status = '1'))b ON a.x=b.pId AND a.xx = LEFT JOIN (SELECT pId xxx,projectunit ,filetype  FROM project1 WHERE pId IN(SELECT pId FROM nprocessing2 WHERE LID = '2' and status = 0)) b ON a.pId = ;";
            DataSet ds = DBhelper.Dataset(s3);

        public DataSet Select4()
            string  s3 = "SELECT pId 项目号,lzId 流转单号,bh 编号,page 页数,solve 解决方案,xxxx 领取批次号 FROM (SELECT pId,lzId ,bh,page,getId xxxx FROM (sELECT pId,getId xxx,bh FROM nprocessing2 WHERE LID = 9 and status = 0) a LEFT JOIN(SELECT getId,lzId,page FROM fileprocess WHERE getId in (SELECT DISTINCT getId FROM nprocessing2 WHERE LID = 9 and status = 0)) b ON = b.getId) a LEFT JOIN (SELECT solve,bh xxx,getId from fileproblem WHERE bh IN (sELECT bh FROM nprocessing2 WHERE LID = 9 and status = 0) and getId IN(sELECT getId FROM nprocessing2 WHERE LID = 9 and status = 0)) b ON =";
            DataSet ds = DBhelper.Dataset(s3);

        public DataSet Select112004(string a)
            string  s3 = "SELECT lzId 流转单号,status 状态,pId 项目号,bh 编号,projectunit 项目单位,filetype 档案类型,problem 问题描述,page 页数  FROM ( SELECT status1 ,lzId ,bh ,projectunit ,filetype,getId FROM fileprocess WHERE (bh,getId) IN (SELECT bh,getId from (SELECT pId x,bh xx,getId,status from nprocessing2 WHERE (LID ='11' AND status = '0' and zrr = '" + a + "')) a INNER JOIN (SELECT pId,bh from nprocessing2 WHERE ((pId,LID) IN (SELECT pId,up FROM jd where LID = '11') AND  status = '1'))b ON a.x=b.pId AND a.xx = a LEFT JOIN (SELECT bh xx,getId x,pId,status,problem,page from (SELECT pId x,bh xx,getId,status,problem,page from nprocessing2 WHERE (LID ='11' AND status = '0' and zrr = '" + a + "')) a INNER JOIN (SELECT pId,bh from nprocessing2 WHERE ((pId,LID) IN (SELECT pId,up FROM jd where LID = '11') AND  status = '1'))b ON a.x=b.pId AND a.xx = b on a.getId = b.x and = b.xx";
            DataSet ds = DBhelper.Dataset(s3);

        public DataSet Select10061()
            string  s3 = "SELECT pId 项目号,getId 领取批次号,bh 编号,projectunit 项目单位,filetype 档案类型  from (SELECT pId xxx,projectunit ,filetype  FROM project1 WHERE pId IN(SELECT pId FROM nprocessing2 WHERE LID = 4 and status = 0))a LEFT JOIN (SELECT pId,bh,getId, status FROM nprocessing2 WHERE LID = 4 and status = 0) b ON = b.pId";
            DataSet ds = DBhelper.Dataset(s3);

        public DataSet Select4()
            string  s3 = "SELECT distinct getId 领取批次号,status 状态  ,pId 项目号,bh 编号,projectunit 项目单位,filetype 档案类型 from (SELECT status,pId,bh,getId from (SELECT pId x,bh xx,getId,status from nprocessing2 WHERE (LID ='2' AND status = '0' and zrr is null)) a INNER JOIN (SELECT pId,bh from nprocessing2 WHERE ((pId,LID) IN (SELECT pId,up FROM jd where LID = '2') AND  status = '1'))b ON a.x=b.pId AND a.xx = LEFT JOIN (SELECT pId xxx,projectunit ,filetype  FROM project1 WHERE pId IN(SELECT pId FROM nprocessing2 WHERE LID = '2' and status = 0)) b ON a.pId =";
            DataSet ds = DBhelper.Dataset(s3);

        public DataSet Select()
            string  s3 = "SELECT pId 项目号,projectunit 项目单位,filetype 档案类型 FROM project1 WHERE pId IN(SELECT pId FROM nprocessing WHERE LID = 1 and status = 0)";
            DataSet ds = DBhelper.Dataset(s3);

        public DataSet Select3(string a, string b)
            string s3 = "SELECT dangId 档号,filetype 档案类型,projectUnit 项目单位 FROM file3 WHERE filetype like '%" + a + "%' and projectUnit like '%" + b + "%'";

            DataSet ds = DBhelper.Dataset(s3);

Beispiel #9
        public DataSet Select2(string a, string b, string c)
            string s3 = "SELECT pId 项目号,projectunit 项目单位 ,filetype 档案类型,gdmethod 归档类型,year 年限 FROM project1 WHERE filetype like '%" + a + "%' and pId like '%" + b + "%'and gdmethod = '" + c + "'";

            DataSet ds = DBhelper.Dataset(s3);

Beispiel #10
        public DataSet Select(string a, string b, string c)
            string s3 = "SELECT pId 项目号,projectunit 项目单位 ,filetype 档案类型,gdmethod 归档类型,year 年限,lq 领取,cf 拆分,zl 著录,dm 打码,sm 扫描,tc 图处,zj 质检,gj 挂接,hy 还原,gh 归还 from (SELECT pId xxx,projectunit  ,filetype ,gdmethod ,year  FROM project1 WHERE filetype like '%" + a + "%' and pId like '%" + b + "%' and gdmethod like '%" + c + "%') a left JOIN (select pId,lq,cf,zl,dm,sm,tc,zj,gj,hy,gh FROM processing WHERE pId like '%" + b + "%') b ON = b.pId";
            // string s3 = "SELECT pId 项目号,projectunit 项目单位 ,filetype 档案类型,gdmethod 归档类型,year 年限 from project1 where pId = '" + b + "'";
            DataSet ds = DBhelper.Dataset(s3);
