Provides a way of extracting the timestamp from a request body if the body says "Timestamp out of range"
 public void TimestampParser_GivenTimestampOutOfRangeMessage_ReturnsTrue()
     var parser = new TimestampParser();
     long timestamp;
     bool result = parser.TryParseTimestamp( TEST_TIMESTAMP_MESSAGE, out timestamp );
     Assert.IsTrue( result );
 public void TimestampParser_GivenUnparsableMessage_ReturnsFalse()
     var parser = new TimestampParser();
     long timestamp;
     bool result = parser.TryParseTimestamp( "timestamp", out timestamp );
     Assert.IsFalse( result );
 public void TimestampParser_GivenTimestampOutOfRangeMessage_ParsesTimestampOutOfIt()
     var parser = new TimestampParser();
     long timestamp;
     parser.TryParseTimestamp( TEST_TIMESTAMP_MESSAGE, out timestamp );
     Assert.AreEqual( TEST_TIMESTAMP, timestamp );
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjusts the server skew if necessary based on the body of the response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="responseBody">The body of the response</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the timestamp was changed or not</returns>
        private bool TryCalculateServerSkewFromResponse( string responseBody ) {
			var timestampParser = new TimestampParser();
			long serverTimestampSeconds;
			if( timestampParser.TryParseTimestamp( responseBody, out serverTimestampSeconds ) ) {
				long clientTimestampMilliseconds = m_timestampProvider.GetCurrentTimestampInMilliseconds();
				m_serverSkewMillis = serverTimestampSeconds * 1000 - clientTimestampMilliseconds;
                return true;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjusts the server skew if necessary based on the body of the response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="responseBody">The body of the response</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the timestamp was changed or not</returns>
        private bool TryCalculateServerSkewFromResponse(string responseBody)
            var  timestampParser = new TimestampParser();
            long serverTimestampSeconds;

            if (timestampParser.TryParseTimestamp(responseBody, out serverTimestampSeconds))
                long clientTimestampMilliseconds = m_timestampProvider.GetCurrentTimestampInMilliseconds();
                m_serverSkewMillis = serverTimestampSeconds * 1000 - clientTimestampMilliseconds;