private void RenderBasket(BasketDecorator basket) {

            if (basket != null && phBasket.Visible) {
                //If you can see this, you can't see the summary

                try {

                    ArrayList lines = basket.GetStandardItems();
                    rBasket.DataSource = lines;

                    //Now put in the quantities and translated alt text on the buttons
                    if (rBasket.Items.Count == lines.Count) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++) {
                            TextBox txtQuantity = (TextBox)rBasket.Items[i].FindControl("txtQuantity");
                            if (txtQuantity != null) {
                                txtQuantity.Text = ((IBasketLine)lines[i]).Quantity.ToString();

                } catch (Exception ex) {
		public void PopulatePayment(IElectronicPayment payment, IBasket order, ITextTranslator translator) {

			BasketDecorator basket = new BasketDecorator(order);

			payment.LocalRequestReference = basket.OrderHeader.OrderHeaderID.ToString();
			payment.Description = string.Format(translator.GetText("web_store_purchase{0}"), payment.LocalRequestReference);
			payment.PaymentAmount = basket.GrandTotal;
			payment.PaymentDate = DateTime.Now;

            IUserDetails userDetails = (order.UserDetails != null) ? new UserDecorator(order.UserDetails) : order.AltUserDetails;

            //payment.UserInfo.UserDetails. = userDetails.FirstName + " " + userDetails.LastName; -- Is this needed?
            if(payment.UserInfo.UserDetails == null){
                payment.UserInfo.UserDetails = userDetails;

			IAddress invoiceAddress = basket.OrderHeader.InvoiceAddress; 

			payment.UserInfo.UserAddress = invoiceAddress;

			if (invoiceAddress.AddressLine3 != null && invoiceAddress.AddressLine3.Length > 0) {
				payment.UserInfo.UserAddress.AddressLine2 = invoiceAddress.AddressLine2 + ", " + invoiceAddress.AddressLine3;
			} else {
				payment.UserInfo.UserAddress.AddressLine2 = invoiceAddress.AddressLine2;

			payment.UserInfo.UserAddress.City = invoiceAddress.City;
			payment.UserInfo.UserAddress.Region = invoiceAddress.Region;
			payment.UserInfo.UserAddress.Postcode = invoiceAddress.Postcode;
			ITextTranslator ccTrans = TranslatorUtils.GetTextTranslator(typeof(CountryCode), translator.CultureCode);
			payment.UserInfo.UserAddress.CountryCode = invoiceAddress.CountryCode;
        protected virtual void RenderBasket(IBasket basket) {
            try {

                if (basket != null) {

                    BasketDecorator decoratedBasket = new BasketDecorator(basket);
                    litBasketTotal.Text = HtmlFormatUtils.FormatMoney(decoratedBasket.StandardItemPrice);
                    ArrayList standardItems = decoratedBasket.GetStandardItems();

                    if (standardItems.Count > 0) {

                        int itemCounter = 0;

                        for (int i = 0; i < standardItems.Count; i++) {
                            itemCounter += ((IBasketLine)standardItems[i]).Quantity;

                        ItemCount = itemCounter;

            } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
		public void BindOrder(IBasket order) {

            ECommerceModule mod = Module as ECommerceModule;

			Order = new BasketDecorator(order);
			Header = order.OrderHeader;

			rptBasketLines.DataSource = Order.GetStandardItems();
        public BasketDecorator ProcessReceivedPayment(IElectronicPayment ccPayment, ITextTranslator translator) {

			try {

				long orderID = Int64.Parse(ccPayment.LocalRequestReference);
				IBasket basket = _dao.FindOrder(orderID);
				BasketDecorator order;

				if (basket != null) {
					order = new BasketDecorator(basket);
				} else {
					throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find order for local ccPayment ref [" + ccPayment.LocalRequestReference + "]");

				//Make a record in the database about this ccPayment
				RecordPayment(basket, ccPayment);

				//Make sure this isn't already purchased
				if (order.IsPurchased) {
					throw new InvalidOperationException("Paid for order [" + order.OrderHeader.OrderHeaderID + "] more than once");

				//Make sure the amount is correct (assume the same currency)
				if (order.GrandTotal.Amount != (decimal) ccPayment.PaymentAmount.Amount) {
					throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid ccPayment amount - expected " + order.GrandTotal.Amount
						+ ", recieved " + ccPayment.PaymentAmount.Amount + " " 
						+ ccPayment.PaymentAmount.CurrencyCode);

				//Either PO or successful credit card
				if (order.OrderHeader.PaymentMethod == PaymentMethodType.PurchaseOrderInvoice 
					|| ccPayment != null && (ccPayment.TransactionStatus == PaymentStatus.Approved || ccPayment.TransactionStatus == PaymentStatus.Referred)) {

					//This is a purchase order, or a direct credit card order
                    return order;

			} catch (Exception f) {

            return null;
        private void RetrieveBasketAndLastOrder(IStoreContext context) {

            if (context.CurrentBasket == null && context.BasketID > 0) {
                context.CurrentBasket = GetBasket(context.BasketID);

                //If we can't find the basket, no point looking again in future
                if (context.CurrentBasket == null) SetCurrentBasket(context, null);

            //Set this as the last order, if necessary
            if (context.CurrentBasket != null) {

                BasketDecorator cbd = new BasketDecorator(context.CurrentBasket);

                if (cbd.IsPurchased || cbd.IsAwaitingAccountPaymentApproval) {

                    //Update the order with basket details
                    context.LastOrder = context.CurrentBasket;
                    context.CurrentBasket = null;


            if (context.LastOrder == null && context.LastOrderID > 0) {

                context.LastOrder = GetBasket(context.LastOrderID);

                //If we can't find the last order, no point looking again in future
                if (context.LastOrder == null) context.LastOrderID = StoreContext.ID_NULL;

            //Make sure this order is still current
            if (context.LastOrder != null) {

                BasketDecorator lod = new BasketDecorator(context.LastOrder);

                if (!lod.IsPurchased && !lod.IsAwaitingAccountPaymentApproval) {
                    context.CurrentBasket = context.LastOrder;
                    context.LastOrder = null;
        private void DisplayContents(IBasket basket) {

            Visible = true;

            if (basket != null) {

                BasketDecorator decorator = basket as BasketDecorator;

                if (decorator == null) {
                    decorator = new BasketDecorator(basket);

                if (!decorator.IsEmpty) {
                    pnlDetails.Visible = true;

            pnlEmpty.Visible = !pnlDetails.Visible;
        public void Process(IBasket order) {

            BasketDecorator dec = order as BasketDecorator;
            if (dec == null) {
                dec = new BasketDecorator(order);

            //Remove any existing delivery charge

            decimal totalWeight = 0;

            foreach (IBasketLine line in order.BasketItemList) {

                BasketItem item = line as BasketItem;

                if (item != null && item.Product != null) {
                    totalWeight += line.Quantity * GetProductWeight(item.Product.ProductID);

            string countryCode = "GB";
            if (order.OrderHeader != null && (order.OrderHeader.DeliveryAddress != null || order.OrderHeader.InvoiceAddress != null)) {
                if (order.OrderHeader.DeliveryAddress != null) {
                    countryCode = order.OrderHeader.DeliveryAddress.CountryCode;
                } else {
                    countryCode = order.OrderHeader.InvoiceAddress.CountryCode;

            decimal cost = GetDeliveryChargeByWeight(countryCode, totalWeight);

            if (cost > 0 && order.BasketItemList.Count > 0) {
                //Where does this magic item come from?
                // We should have a variable in order header / basket that stores Delivery Charges. Not bodging it as an item.
                order.AddItem(BasketItemType.DeliveryCharge, "Delivery Charge", cost);
        protected BasketDecorator GetLastOrder() {

            //Gets the last order placed in this session, usually the result of having just completed
            //a credit card order
            IBasket order = EModule.CommerceService.GetLastOrder(WebStoreContext.Current);
            if (order == null) {
                return null;

            BasketDecorator decorator = order as BasketDecorator;
            if (decorator == null) {
                decorator = new BasketDecorator(order);

            return decorator;
        protected BasketDecorator GetCurrentBasket() {

            IBasket basket = EModule.CommerceService.GetCurrentBasket(WebStoreContext.Current);
            if (basket == null) {
                return null;

            BasketDecorator decorator = basket as BasketDecorator;
            if (decorator == null) {
                decorator = new BasketDecorator(basket);

            return decorator;
        protected virtual void PopulateOrderDetailsFromForm(BasketDecorator basketOrder) {

            if (basketOrder.OrderHeader == null) {
                new BasketDecorator(basketOrder).ConvertToOrder(EModule.CommerceDao, EModule.CommonDao);
                basketOrder.OrderHeader.InvoiceAddress = EModule.CommerceDao.CreateAddress();
                basketOrder.OrderHeader.DeliveryAddress = EModule.CommerceDao.CreateAddress();
                basketOrder.OrderHeader.PaymentMethod = (IsAccountPayment) ? PaymentMethodType.PurchaseOrderInvoice : PaymentMethodType.CreditCard;

            if (basketOrder.UserDetails == null) {
                basketOrder.UserDetails = WebStoreContext.Current.CurrentUser;

            if (ctlInvoiceAddress != null) {
                AddressHelper.CopyAddress(ctlInvoiceAddress, basketOrder.OrderHeader.InvoiceAddress);

            if (ctlDeliveryAddress != null && ctlDeliveryAddress.Enabled) {
                if (basketOrder.OrderHeader.DeliveryAddress == null) {
                    basketOrder.OrderHeader.DeliveryAddress = EModule.CommerceDao.CreateAddress();
                AddressHelper.CopyAddress(ctlDeliveryAddress, basketOrder.OrderHeader.DeliveryAddress);
            } else {
                basketOrder.OrderHeader.DeliveryAddress = null;

            if (ctlUser != null && basketOrder.AltUserDetails != null) {
                UserDetailsHelper.CopyUserDetails(ctlUser, basketOrder.AltUserDetails);

            //Might need to set other things from the entered details,
            //or force a final price/availability for all items

            //See if any of these details have changed anything

            if (ctlUser != null && basketOrder.AltUserDetails == null) {
                UserDetail userDetail = new UserDetail();
                userDetail.AccountType = (IsAccountPayment) ? AccountType.StandardAccount : AccountType.CreditCard;
                basketOrder.AltUserDetails = userDetail;
                UserDetailsHelper.CopyUserDetails(ctlUser, basketOrder.AltUserDetails);

            //Show saved details
        protected virtual void SubmitAccountOrder(BasketDecorator basketOrder) {

            //probably redundant, but must ensure it is true
            IsAccountPayment = true;

            if (basketOrder.OrderHeader == null) {
                new BasketDecorator(basketOrder).ConvertToOrder(EModule.CommerceDao, EModule.CommonDao);
                basketOrder.OrderHeader.PaymentMethod = PaymentMethodType.PurchaseOrderInvoice;

            if (ctlUserAcct != null && basketOrder.AltUserDetails != null) {
                UserDetail userDetails = basketOrder.AltUserDetails as UserDetail;
                CopyUserDetailsInfo(ctlUserAcct, userDetails);

            //See if any of these details have changed anything

            if (ctlUserAcct != null && basketOrder.AltUserDetails == null) {

                UserDetail userDetail = new UserDetail();
                basketOrder.AltUserDetails = userDetail;
                CopyUserDetailsInfo(ctlUserAcct, userDetail);


            if (EModule.CommerceService.SubmitCurrentOrder(WebStoreContext.Current, this)) {
        protected virtual void CollectPayment(BasketDecorator basketOrder) {

            IElectronicPayment payment = new PaymentHelper(EModule.CommerceDao).CreatePayment(basketOrder, this);
            IPaymentProvider provider = EModule.PaymentProvider;//HACK to get it to compile MUST FIX

            IWebFormPaymentProvider webProvider = provider as IWebFormPaymentProvider;

            if (webProvider != null) {
                webProvider.TransferClientToPaymentPage(payment, PaymentRequestTypes.ImmediatePayment);
            } else {
                if (provider != null) {
                    IBasket order = new PaymentHelper(EModule.CommerceDao).ProcessReceivedPayment(payment, this);
                    if (order != null) {
                        EModule.CommerceService.CloseOrder(order, TranslatorUtils.GetTextTranslator(GetType(), order.CultureCode));
                } else {
 /// <summary>
 /// Action performed before the order is closed and confirmation is shown
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void CloseOrder(BasketDecorator basketOrder) {
     if (!basketOrder.IsPurchased) {
         EModule.CommerceService.CloseCurrentOrder(WebStoreContext.Current, this);
        protected virtual void PerformStepActions(CheckoutStep oldStep, CheckoutStep newStep, BasketDecorator basketOrder) {

            //Hide all of the steps
                = phStep1a.Visible
                = phStep2a.Visible
                = phStep2b.Visible
                = phStep3a.Visible
                = phStep3b.Visible
                = false;

            btnPrevious.Visible = (newStep != CheckoutStep.SelectPaymentMethod);

            switch (newStep) {

                case CheckoutStep.ShowCompletedOrder:

                    if (IsAccountPayment) {
                        phStep3a.Visible = true;
                    } else {
                        phStep3b.Visible = true;


                    btnNext.Visible = false;
                    btnPrevious.Visible = false;


                case CheckoutStep.ConfirmDetails:

                    if (IsAccountPayment) {
                        phStep3a.Visible = true;
                        btnNext.Text = GetText("submit order request");
                    } else {
                        phStep3b.Visible = true;
                        btnNext.Text = GetText("proceed to payment");


                case CheckoutStep.ProceedToPayment:

                    if (IsAccountPayment) {
                        phStep2a.Visible = true;
                    } else {
                        phStep2b.Visible = true;


                case CheckoutStep.EnterAddressDetails:

                    if (IsAccountPayment) {
                        phStep2a.Visible = true;
                    } else {
                        phStep2b.Visible = true;

                    btnNext.Text = GetText("proceed to step 3");

                case CheckoutStep.SelectPaymentMethod:
                    phStep1.Visible = true;
                    btnNext.Text = GetText("proceed to step 2");

                case CheckoutStep.EnterAccountDetails:
                    phStep2a.Visible = true;
                    btnNext.Text = GetText("submit order request");

                case CheckoutStep.ShowSubmittedOrder:
                    phStep3a.Visible = true;
                    btnNext.Visible = false;
                    btnPrevious.Visible = false;

                case CheckoutStep.Login:
                    phStep1a.Visible = true;
                    btnNext.Visible = false;
                    btnPrevious.Visible = false;
                    ctlLogin.RedirectTo = this.Page.Request.RawUrl;
 private void SetAndActionNewStep(CheckoutStep newStep, BasketDecorator basketOrder) {
     CheckoutStep oldStep = Step;
     Step = newStep;
     PerformStepActions(oldStep, Step, basketOrder);
        protected virtual void PopulateExtraDetails(BasketDecorator basketOrder) {

            if (basketOrder.OrderHeader == null || basketOrder.OrderHeader.InvoiceAddress == null) {

                //See if the user has any address details
                IAddress defaultAddress = basketOrder.UserDetails as IAddress;

                if (defaultAddress != null) {
                    ctlDeliveryAddress.CountryCode = ctlInvoiceAddress.CountryCode;
        private void PopulateUserDetails(BasketDecorator basketOrder, IStoreContext context) {
            if (basketOrder.UserDetails != null || basketOrder.AltUserDetails != null) {

                UserDetail userDetails = ((basketOrder.UserDetails != null) ? new UserDecorator(basketOrder.UserDetails) : basketOrder.AltUserDetails) as UserDetail;

                if (ctlUser != null && userDetails != null) {

                if (ctlUserAcct != null && basketOrder.UserDetails != null) {
                    txtAccountNumber.Text = userDetails.AccountNumber;
                    txtCompanyName.Text = userDetails.CompanyName;
            } else {

                if (context != null && context.WebStoreUser != null) {
                    if (ctlUser != null && context.WebStoreUser.UserDetails != null) {
		//Make a note of whether this payment worked
		private void RecordPayment(IBasket order, IElectronicPayment ccPayment) {

			IPaymentRecord payment = _dao.CreatePaymentRecord(order);

			BasketDecorator basketOrder = new BasketDecorator(order);

			payment.Basket = order;

			payment.PaymentMethod = order.OrderHeader.PaymentMethod;
			payment.PaymentAmount = basketOrder.GrandTotal;
			payment.PaymentDate = System.DateTime.Now;
			payment.TransactionReference = ccPayment.TransactionReference;
			payment.TransactionStatus = ccPayment.TransactionStatus;
			payment.PaymentProviderID = 1; // provider.PaymentProviderID;

        protected virtual CheckoutStep GetNextStep(CheckoutStep currentStep, BasketDecorator basketOrder) {

            //Can't move on unless the current page is valid
            if (!Page.IsValid) {
                return currentStep;

            switch (currentStep) {
                case CheckoutStep.SelectPaymentMethod:
                    return (!IsAccountPayment) ? CheckoutStep.EnterAddressDetails : CheckoutStep.EnterAccountDetails;
                case CheckoutStep.EnterAccountDetails:
                    return CheckoutStep.ShowSubmittedOrder;
                case CheckoutStep.EnterAddressDetails:
                    return CheckoutStep.ConfirmDetails;
                    if (basketOrder.OrderHeader != null && basketOrder.OrderHeader.PaymentMethod == PaymentMethodType.PurchaseOrderInvoice) {
                        return CheckoutStep.ShowCompletedOrder;
                    } else {
                        return CheckoutStep.ProceedToPayment;
        public bool CloseOrder(IBasket order, ITextTranslator translator) {

            BasketDecorator b = new BasketDecorator(order);
            if (b.IsPurchased) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot close an order that is already purchased");

            order.OrderHeader.Status = Util.Enums.OrderStatus.OrderedPaid;
            order.OrderHeader.OrderedDate = DateTime.Now;

            IOrderProcessor processor = _processorFactory.GetCloseProcessor();

            if (processor != null) {

            //And save the results
            return true;
        public bool SubmitOrder(IBasket order, ITextTranslator translator) {

            BasketDecorator b = new BasketDecorator(order);
            if (b.IsPurchased || b.OrderHeader.Status == OrderStatus.OrderedSubmittedForAccountPayment) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot close an order that is already purchased or submitted");

            order.OrderHeader.Status = Util.Enums.OrderStatus.OrderedSubmittedForAccountPayment;
            order.OrderHeader.OrderedDate = DateTime.Now;

            IOrderProcessor processor = _processorFactory.GetProcessor("order.submit");

            if (processor != null) {

            //And save the results
            return true;
 public void EmptyBasket(IStoreContext context) {
     BasketDecorator basket = new BasketDecorator(GetCurrentBasket(context));
		private XmlDocument CreatePaymentXml(IElectronicPayment payment, string transactionType) {

			CreditCardPayment ccPayment = (CreditCardPayment) payment;
			XmlNode orderFormDoc = CreateOrderFormDoc();

			AppendCcApiStringField(ref orderFormDoc, XML_TAG_ID, payment.LocalRequestReference);
			AppendCcApiStringField(ref orderFormDoc, XML_TAG_PAYMENT_MODE, PaymentMode);
			AppendCcApiStringField(ref orderFormDoc, XML_TAG_COMMENTS, Comments);

			XmlNode consumer = AppendCcApiRecord(ref orderFormDoc, XML_TAG_CONSUMER);
			AppendCcApiStringField(ref consumer, XML_TAG_EMAIL, ccPayment.UserInfo.UserDetails.EmailAddress);
			XmlNode paymentMech = AppendCcApiRecord(ref consumer, XML_TAG_PAYMENT_MECHANISM);

			//Address verification information
			if (payment.UserInfo.UserAddress.AddressLine1.Length > 0 && payment.UserInfo.UserAddress.Postcode.Length > 0) {
				AppendAvsElements(ref consumer, payment);

			//Credit card
			XmlNode creditCard = AppendCcApiRecord(ref paymentMech, XML_TAG_CREDIT_CARD);
			AppendCcApiStringField(ref creditCard, XML_TAG_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER, ccPayment.CardNumber);
			AppendCcApiStartDateField(ref creditCard, 

			AppendCcApiExpirationDateField(ref creditCard, 

			if (ccPayment.CardIssueNumber.Length > 0) {
				AppendCcApiStringField(ref creditCard, XML_TAG_CREDIT_CARD_ISSUE_NUMBER, ccPayment.CardIssueNumber);

			//CVM Stuff
			if (ccPayment.CardCvmNumber.Length > 0) {
				AppendCcApiStringField(ref creditCard, XML_TAG_CVM_VALUE, ccPayment.CardCvmNumber);
				AppendCcApiStringField(ref creditCard, XML_TAG_CVM_INDICATOR, "" + CVM_VALUE_SUBMITTED_BY_STORE);
			XmlNode transaction = AppendCcApiRecord(ref orderFormDoc, XML_TAG_TRANSACTION);
			AppendCcApiStringField(ref transaction, XML_TAG_TRANSACTION_TYPE, transactionType);

			XmlNode currentTotals = AppendCcApiRecord(ref transaction, XML_TAG_CURRENT_TOTALS);
			XmlNode totals = AppendCcApiRecord(ref currentTotals, XML_TAG_TOTALS);

			AppendCcApiMoneyField(ref totals, XML_TAG_TOTAL, ccPayment.PaymentAmount);

			if (ccPayment.Basket != null) {

                BasketDecorator basket = new BasketDecorator(ccPayment.Basket);
				AppendCcApiMoneyField(ref totals, XML_TAG_SHIPPING_CHARGE, basket.DeliveryPrice);
				AppendCcApiMoneyField(ref totals, XML_TAG_VAT, basket.TaxPrice);

				AppendOrderItems(ref orderFormDoc, ccPayment.Basket);

			return orderFormDoc.OwnerDocument;
        private void PopulateAddressDetails(BasketDecorator basketOrder, IStoreContext context) {

            //Sort out the country list
            IList countryList = EModule.AccountService.GetCountries();

            if (ctlInvoiceAddress != null) {

            if (ctlDeliveryAddress != null) {

            //Populate any details already in the order
            if (basketOrder.OrderHeader != null) {
                if (ctlInvoiceAddress != null && basketOrder.OrderHeader.InvoiceAddress != null) {

                if (ctlDeliveryAddress != null && basketOrder.OrderHeader.DeliveryAddress != null) {
            } else {
                if (context != null && context.WebStoreUser != null) {
                    if (ctlDeliveryAddress != null && context.WebStoreUser.UserDetails != null) {