public MainPage()

            highlightBrush = this.Resources["ApplicationPressedForegroundThemeBrush"] as Brush;

            // Accumulate all the classes that derive from DependencyObject

            // Sort them alphabetically by name
            classes.Sort((t1, t2) =>
                return(String.Compare(t1.GetTypeInfo().Name, t2.GetTypeInfo().Name));

            // Put all these sorted classes into a tree structure
            ClassAndSubclasses rootClass = new ClassAndSubclasses(rootType);

            AddToTree(rootClass, classes);

            // Display the tree using TextBlock's added to StackPanel
            DisplayAndPrinterPrep(rootClass, 0);

            // Create PrintDocument and attach handlers
            printDocument                 = new PrintDocument();
            printDocumentSource           = printDocument.DocumentSource;
            printDocument.Paginate       += OnPrintDocumentPaginate;
            printDocument.GetPreviewPage += OnPrintDocumentGetPreviewPage;
            printDocument.AddPages       += OnPrintDocumentAddPages;
        void AddToTree(ClassAndSubclasses parentClass, List <Type> classes)
            foreach (Type type in classes)
                Type baseType = type.GetTypeInfo().BaseType;

                if (baseType == parentClass.Type)
                    ClassAndSubclasses subClass = new ClassAndSubclasses(type);
                    AddToTree(subClass, classes);
        void DisplayAndPrinterPrep(ClassAndSubclasses parentClass, int indent)
            TypeInfo typeInfo = parentClass.Type.GetTypeInfo();

            // Create TextBlock and add to StackPanel
            TextBlock txtblk = CreateTextBlock(typeInfo, indent);


            // Create TextBlock and add to printer list
            txtblk            = CreateTextBlock(typeInfo, indent);
            txtblk.Foreground = blackBrush;

            // Call this method recursively for all subclasses
            foreach (ClassAndSubclasses subclass in parentClass.Subclasses)
                DisplayAndPrinterPrep(subclass, indent + 1);