Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves issues within the specified Jira sprint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of sprint issues.</returns>
        private async Task <JiraSeachResults> GetUnclosedSprintIssuesAsync()
            JiraSeachResults results = new JiraSeachResults
                Results = new List <JiraIssue>()

            int batchSize = JIRA_PAGE_RESULTS_REST_LIMIT;
            int start     = 0;

            // Loops through batches of the REST results.
            while (batchSize >= JIRA_PAGE_RESULTS_REST_LIMIT)
                // Prepares the resource path of the GET request retrieving the existing issues
                string resourcePath = String.Format(JQL_FILTER_PATH, SprintId, JIRA_PAGE_RESULTS_REST_LIMIT, start, FIELDS_IDS);

                string responseContent;

                    // Gets the JSON content from the GET request.
                    responseContent = await Connector.GetRequestAsync(resourcePath);
                catch (NullReferenceException ex)
                    Writer.WriteLine("Exception: Retrieving of the JIRA issues failed ({0}).", ex.Message);
                catch (AtlassianGetRequestException ex)
                    Writer.WriteLine("Exception: Retrieving of the JIRA issues failed ({0}: {1} - {2}).", ex.Message, ex.StatusCode, ex.ReasonPhrase);

                // Deserializes the request data into an object.
                JiraSeachResults batchResults = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JiraSeachResults>(responseContent);

                // Checks whether another result page was found.
                if (batchResults.Results.Count > 0)
                    results.Count += batchResults.Results.Count;

                start    += batchResults.Results.Count;
                batchSize = batchResults.Results.Count;

            // Returns the parent page's child pages.
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills in the set Jira sprint issues according to the defined rules.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task PrioritizeBacklogAsync()
            // Retrieves the issues in the sprint asynchroniously.
            Task <JiraSeachResults> getBacklogIssues = GetUnclosedSprintIssuesAsync();

            // Awaits for retrieving the sprint issues.
            JiraSeachResults backlogIssues = await getBacklogIssues;

            if (backlogIssues == null)
                Writer.WriteLine($"There are no issues in sprint {SprintId}.");
                MailSender.SendMail(EmailFrom, EmailTo, EmailFromPassword, "CTC prioritization feels kinda weird", $"The tool hasn't found any issue in the given sprint (ID: {SprintId}). Is this really the sprint you want to prioritize?");
            Writer.WriteLine($"There are {backlogIssues.Count} issues to prioritize in sprint {SprintId}.");

            // Gets a non-duplicated list of epics
            HashSet <string> epicKeys = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (JiraIssue issue in backlogIssues.Results)
                if (issue.Fields.Epic != null && issue.Fields.Epic.StartsWith("CTC-"))

            // Retrieves the issues' epics asynchronously.
            var epicIssues = epicKeys.Select(epic => GetEpic(epic)).ToList();

            // Waits for the tasks creating pages and count their successfulness.
            JiraIssue[] epics = await Task.WhenAll(epicIssues);

            // Prioritizes the issues asynchronously.
            var prioritizedIssues = backlogIssues.Results.Select(issue => ProcessIssueAsync(issue, issue.Fields.Epic != null && issue.Fields.Epic.StartsWith("CTC-") ? epics.Where(epic => epic.Key == issue.Fields.Epic).FirstOrDefault() : null)).ToList();

            // Waits for the tasks creating pages and count their successfulness.
            Tuple <int, string>[] prioritizedResults = await Task.WhenAll(prioritizedIssues);

             * // For debugging async-await
             * List<String> prioritizedIssues = new List<string>();
             * foreach (JiraIssue issue in backlogIssues.Results)
             * {
             *  prioritizedIssues.Add(await ProcessIssueAsync(issue));
             * }
             * string[] prioritizedResults = prioritizedIssues.ToArray();

            // Write out the final results.
            int failedIssueNumber = prioritizedResults.Where(x => x.Item1 == 0).Count();

            Writer.WriteLine("FINAL RESULTS");
            Writer.WriteLine($"Number of all issues: {backlogIssues.Count}");
            Writer.WriteLine($"Number of updated issues: {prioritizedResults.Where(x => x.Item1 == 1).Count()}");
            Writer.WriteLine($"Number of issues that didn't need to be updated: {prioritizedResults.Where(x => x.Item1 == 2).Count()}");
            Writer.WriteLine($"Number of issues whose update failed: {failedIssueNumber}");

            // If there were any failures, they are listed and a notification email is sent.
            if (failedIssueNumber > 0)
                StringBuilder failedIssues = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (Tuple <int, string> t in prioritizedResults)
                    if (t.Item1 == 0)

                Writer.WriteLine("Issues whose update failed:");

                MailSender.SendMail(EmailFrom, EmailTo, EmailFromPassword, "CTC prioritization ended with errors", $"Prioritization ended with the following errors in updates: {failedIssues.ToString()}");