public override void Fill(Tensor blob)
            Guard.That(() => blob.Count).IsPositive();

            using (var @cpuBlob = blob.OnCpu())
                var data = @cpuBlob.Data;

                var distribution = new ContinuousUniform(0, 1);
                data.MapInplace(x => distribution.Sample(), Zeros.Include);

                int dim = blob.Count / blob.Num;
                Guard.That(() => dim).IsPositive();

                for (int i = 0; i < blob.Num; i++)
                    double sum = 0.0d;
                    for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
                        sum += data[i * dim + j];

                    for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
                        data[i * dim + j] /= sum;
Beispiel #2
        public override void Fill(Tensor blob)
            using (var @cpuBlob = blob.OnCpu())
                var data = @cpuBlob.Data;

                var distribution = new ContinuousUniform(this.Parameters.Min, this.Parameters.Max);
                data.MapInplace(x => distribution.Sample(), Zeros.Include);
Beispiel #3
        public override void Fill(Tensor blob)
            using (var @cpuBlob = blob.OnCpu())
                var data = @cpuBlob.Data;

                var value = this.Parameters.Value;

                data.MapInplace(x => value, Zeros.Include);
        public override void Fill(Tensor blob)
            Guard.That(() => blob.Count).IsPositive();

            using (var @cpuBlob = blob.OnCpu())
                var data = @cpuBlob.Data;

                int    fanIn = blob.Count / blob.Num;
                double scale = Math.Sqrt(3 / fanIn);

                var distribution = new ContinuousUniform(-scale, scale);
                data.MapInplace(x => distribution.Sample(), Zeros.Include);
Beispiel #5
        public void CopyFrom(Tensor other, bool copyDiff = false, bool reshape = false)
            if (other == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("other");

            // If reshaping needed we reshape the instance with new memory.
            if (reshape)

            switch (this.Location)
            case TensorLocation.Cpu:
                using (var @thisCpu = this.OnCpu())
                    using (var @otherCpu = other.OnCpu())
                        // We copy the data

                        // If copying differential is needed, we copy it too.
                        if (copyDiff)

            case TensorLocation.Gpu:

            throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #6
        internal override double ForwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
            using (var probabilityCpu = probability.OnCpu())
                // The forward pass computes the softmax prob values.
                softmaxLayer.ForwardCpu(bottom, new CpuTensorScopeCollection {

                var probabilityData = probabilityCpu.Data;
                var labels          = bottom[1].Data;

                int num = bottom[0].Num;
                int dim = bottom[0].Count / num;

                double loss = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    loss -= Math.Log(Math.Max(probabilityData[i * dim + (int)labels[i]], double.Epsilon));

                loss = loss / num;

                if (top.Count >= 1)
                    top[0].Data[0] = loss;

                if (top.Count == 2)

        public override void Fill(Tensor blob)
            using (var @cpuBlob = blob.OnCpu())
                var data = @cpuBlob.Data;

                var distribution = new Normal(this.Parameters.Mean, this.Parameters.Std);
                data.MapInplace(x => distribution.Sample(), Zeros.Include);

                if (this.Parameters.IsSparse)
                    Guard.That(() => blob.Num).Equals(1);
                    Guard.That(() => blob.Channels).Equals(1);

                    int    numberOfInputs     = blob.Height;
                    double nonZeroProbability = 1.0d / numberOfInputs;

                    var bernoulli = new Bernoulli(nonZeroProbability);
                    var mask      = Vector <double> .Build.SameAs(data, () => bernoulli.Sample());

                    data.PointwiseMultiply(mask, result: data);
Beispiel #8
        public void CopyFrom(Tensor other, bool copyDiff = false, bool reshape = false)
            if (other == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("other");

            // If reshaping needed we reshape the instance with new memory.
            if (reshape)

            switch (this.Location)
                case TensorLocation.Cpu:
                    using (var @thisCpu = this.OnCpu())
                    using (var @otherCpu = other.OnCpu())
                        // We copy the data

                        // If copying differential is needed, we copy it too.
                        if (copyDiff)
                case TensorLocation.Gpu:

            throw new NotImplementedException();
