Beispiel #1
        protected void DetectRelations(CsvDatabase db)
            //limit maximum relations count
            int maximumRelationsCount = db.Tables.Count * db.Tables.Count;

            var tcl = (
                from tab in db.Tables
                from col in tab.Columns
                where col.CsvColumnName.EndsWith("id", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                select new { tab, col }
                ).ToLookup(k => k.col.CsvColumnName, v => v, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // t1.nameID -> name.ID
            // t1.nameID -> names.ID
            // t1.nameID -> name.nameID
            // t1.nameID -> names.nameID
            // t1.fishID -> fishes.fishID
            // t1.fishID -> fishes.ID
            var r1 = (
                from t1 in db.Tables
                let keyNamesForeign = GetTableForeignKeyPossibleNames(t1)
                                      let keyNames = keyNamesForeign.Concat(new [] { "id" })
                                                     from c1 in t1.Columns
                                                     where keyNames.Contains(c1.CsvColumnName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

                                                     from tc2 in keyNamesForeign.SelectMany(k => tcl[k])
                                                     where != t1
                                                     select new { t1, c1, t2 =, c2 = tc2.col }

            //translate to relations
            var relations = (
                from r in
                    from r in (new[] { r1 }).SelectMany(r => r).Take(maximumRelationsCount)
                    select new[] { r, new { t1 = r.t2, c1 = r.c2, t2 = r.t1, c2 = r.c1 } }     //add reverse direction
                ).SelectMany(r => r).Distinct()
                select new CsvRelation()
                CodeName = r.t2.CodeName,
                SourceTable = r.t1,
                SourceColumn = r.c1,
                TargetTable = r.t2,
                TargetColumn = r.c2,

            //add relations to DB structure
            int relationCount = 0;

            foreach (var relationsGroup in relations.GroupBy(r => r.SourceTable))
                foreach (var relation in relationsGroup)

            Logger.Log("Relations detected {0} {1}", relationCount, relationCount >= maximumRelationsCount ? "Maximum limit reached" : "");
Beispiel #2
        public CsvDatabase CreateModel()
            string[] files   = FileUtils.EnumFiles(Properties.Files.Split('\n'));
            string   baseDir = FileUtils.GetLongestCommonPrefixPath(files);

            //create db structure
            var db = new CsvDatabase()
                Name   = baseDir,
                Tables = (
                    from file in files
                    where File.Exists(file)
                    let csvSeparator = Properties.CsvSeparatorChar ?? FileUtils.CsvDetectSeparator(file)
                                       where !Properties.IgnoreInvalidFiles || FileUtils.CsvIsFormatValid(file, csvSeparator)
                                       let fileName = Path.GetFileName(file)
                                                      let fileDir = (Path.GetDirectoryName(file.Remove(0, baseDir.Length) + "x") ?? "").TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
                                                                    select new CsvTable()
                    FilePath = file,
                    CodeName = CodeGenHelper.GetSafeCodeName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileDir) ? "" : ("_" + fileDir))),
                    DisplayName = fileName + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileDir) ? "" : (" in " + fileDir)) + " " + FileUtils.GetFileSizeInfo(file) + "",
                    CsvSeparator = csvSeparator,
                    Columns = (
                        from col in FileUtils.CsvReadHeader(file, csvSeparator).Select((value, index) => new { value, index })
                        select new CsvColumn()
                        CodeName = CodeGenHelper.GetSafeCodeName(col.value),
                        DisplayName = "",
                        CsvColumnName = col.value ?? "",
                        CsvColumnIndex = col.index,

            //unique code names
            MakeCodeNamesUnique(db.Tables, t => t.CodeName, (t, n) => t.CodeName = n);
            foreach (var table in db.Tables)
                MakeCodeNamesUnique(table.Columns, c => c.CodeName, (c, n) => c.CodeName = n);

            if (Properties.DetectRelations)
                foreach (var table in db.Tables)
                    MakeCodeNamesUnique(table.Relations, c => c.CodeName, (c, n) => c.CodeName = n, table.Columns.Select(c => c.CodeName));

            //adjust displaynames
            foreach (var x in db.Tables)
                x.DisplayName = x.CodeName + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.DisplayName) ? "" : " (" + x.DisplayName + ")");
            foreach (var x in db.Tables.SelectMany(t => t.Columns))
                x.DisplayName = x.CodeName + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.DisplayName) ? "" : " (" + x.DisplayName + ")");
            foreach (var x in db.Tables.SelectMany(t => t.Relations))
                x.DisplayName = x.CodeName + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.DisplayName) ? "" : " (" + x.DisplayName + ")");

        /// <summary>
        /// Get LINQPad Schema from CSV data model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static List<ExplorerItem> GetSchema(CsvDatabase db, ICsvDataContextDriverProperties props)
            var schema = (
                from table in db.Tables ?? Enumerable.Empty<CsvTable>()
                select new ExplorerItem(table.DisplayName, ExplorerItemKind.QueryableObject, ExplorerIcon.Table) {
                    DragText = table.CodeName,
                    IsEnumerable = true,
                    ToolTipText = table.FilePath,
                    Children = (
                        from c in table.Columns ?? Enumerable.Empty<CsvColumn>()
                        select new ExplorerItem(c.DisplayName, ExplorerItemKind.Property, ExplorerIcon.Column)
                            DragText = c.CodeName,
                            ToolTipText = (c.CsvColumnIndex + 1) + ":" + c.CsvColumnName,
                        from r in table.Relations
                        select new ExplorerItem(r.DisplayName, ExplorerItemKind.CollectionLink, ExplorerIcon.ManyToMany)
                            DragText = r.CodeName,
                            ToolTipText = string.Format("Relation to {0} where {1}.{2} == {3}.{4}", r.TargetTable.CodeName, r.SourceTable.CodeName, r.SourceColumn.CodeName, r.TargetTable.CodeName, r.TargetColumn.CodeName ),

            return schema;