Beispiel #1
        private void RemoveDead(LivingBeing dead) // removing an element from the scene
            if (dead is Fish fish)
                FishList = FishList.Where(diedFish => diedFish != dead).ToArray(); //remove from array all died Fish

                if (fish is Carnivore carn)                                        // remove from general delegate the action so it's not triggered anymore
                    AttackCarn -= carn.Attack;
                else if (fish is Herbivore herb)
                    AttackHerb -= herb.Attack;
                ReproduceFish -= fish.Mate;

                AddToReport( + " died");
            else if (dead is Alga alga)
                AlgaList       = AlgaList.Where(diedAlga => diedAlga != dead).ToArray(); // remove from array all died algas
                ReproduceAlga -= alga.Grow;                                              // remove from general delegate the growing action

                AddToReport("An alga disapeared");
            dead.Dispose(); // make the object disposable for garbage collector
Beispiel #2
        private void AddToArray(LivingBeing newElement) // add new element to the right array
            newElement.ReportToAqua += AddToReport;
            if (newElement is Fish fish)
                List <Fish> newFishList = FishList.ToList(); // add fish to array
                FishList = newFishList.ToArray();

                fish.Reproduce += delegate(string name, Fish parent)  // link the reproduction actionby an anonymous delegate to the fish delegate
                    Fish newFish = (Fish)Activator.CreateInstance(parent.GetType(), name);
                ReproduceFish += fish.Mate; // add the mating action to the reproduction general delegate

                if (fish is Carnivore carn) // add the attacking action to the attacking general delegate
                    AttackCarn += carn.Attack;
                else if (fish is Herbivore herb)
                    AttackHerb += herb.Attack;
            else if (newElement is Alga alga) // Add the alga to the array
                List <Alga> newAlgaList = AlgaList.ToList();
                AlgaList = newAlgaList.ToArray();

                alga.Reproduce += AddAlga;   // add the reproduction action to the alga delegate
                ReproduceAlga  += alga.Grow; // add the alga's reproduction action to the general delegate
            newElement.death += RemoveDead;  // Link the function that removes the element when it dies to the element's delegate