public static void ValidateBlock(Block block)
            // first validate the Nonce matches the difficulty mask
            string mineHash = Sha256Hash.Hash(BitConverter.GetBytes(block.Nonce), block.PreviousBlockHash);

            if (!Regex.IsMatch(mineHash, block.DifficultyMask))
                throw new Exception("Nonce does not match difficulty mask");

            for (int i = 0; i < block.Transactions.Count; i++)
                Transaction t = block.Transactions[i];
        public static void ValidateTransaction(Transaction transaction)
            bool isCoinbase = transaction.Inputs.Count == 0;

                totalInput  = 0,
                totalOutput = 0;

            // verify the inputs are able to be spent with the public key the transaction is signed with
            for (int i = 0; i < transaction.Inputs.Count; i++)
                TransactionInput txIn = transaction.Inputs[i];

                Transaction       lastTxInTrans  = TransactionFactory.TransactionFromTxInput(txIn);
                TransactionOutput lastTxInOutput = lastTxInTrans.Outputs.ElementAt((int)txIn.PreviousTransactionOutIndex);

                if (!transaction.VerifySignature(lastTxInOutput.To))
                    throw new Exception("Transaction sign chain is invalid");


                totalInput += lastTxInOutput.Amount;

            if (isCoinbase)
                if (transaction.Inputs.Count != 1 && transaction.Outputs.Count != 1)
                    throw new Exception("Coinbase transaction must have one input and one output");


            for (int i = 0; i < transaction.Outputs.Count; i++)
                TransactionOutput txOut = transaction.Outputs[i];
                totalOutput += txOut.Amount;

            if (!isCoinbase && totalOutput > totalInput)
                throw new Exception("Output must not exceed input");