Beispiel #1
 // saves the given game
 public static void SaveGame(Game Game)
     Game.ChangedSinceLoading = false;
     SerializeObject(Game, Time.GetTicks().ToString(), DataPath + "\\" + SaveGamesPath);
Beispiel #2
        public GameControl(Control Control, GameScreen GameScreen, int MapIndex, int SavegameIndex, MultiplayerMatchStartInformation MP)
            this.GameScreen = GameScreen;
            this.Control = Control;

            // multiplayer
            if (MP != null)
                this.UserName = MP.UserName;
                this.Password = MP.Password;
                this.MatchId = MP.MatchId;
                this.GameState = 0;
                this.MultiplayerMatch = true;
                this.MultiplayerFraction = MP.MultiplayerFraction;

                // timer checking if a newer game state is available
                NewGameStateAvailableTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
                NewGameStateAvailableTimer.Interval = 1000;
                NewGameStateAvailableTimer.Tick += UpdateGameState;

                // show multiplayer tab (gui) and update it's content
                GameScreen.TabItem_Multiplayer.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                GameScreen.Button_Restart.IsEnabled = false; // disable restart map button for multiplayer matches
                GameScreen.Label_Multiplayer_MatchID.Content = R.String("MatchID") + ": " + MatchId.ToString();
                GameScreen.Label_Multiplayer_MatchVersion.Content = R.String("MatchVersion") + ": " + GameState.ToString();

                // background worker
                BackgroundWorkerDownloadLatestGameState.DoWork += BackgroundWorkerDownloadLatestGameStateWork;
                BackgroundWorkerDownloadLatestGameState.RunWorkerCompleted += BackgroundWorkerDownloadLatestGameState_RunWorkerCompleted;
                // hide multiplayer tab
                GameScreen.TabItem_Multiplayer.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            if (SavegameIndex != -1) // user wants to load a savegame
                this.Game = Data.GetGame(SavegameIndex); // load savegame file

                if (Game == null)
                    // error loading savegame
                    // Control.ShowMenuScreen();
                    return; // cancel game control initialization
            else // user wants to start a new game
                this.Game = new Game(Map.GetMap(MapIndex));

            if (Game.Map != null)
                GameScreen.InitializeBackground(Game.Map.Name, Game.Map.Buildings);

            // disable end turn button if the player is not allowed to move
            if (MP != null && MultiplayerFraction != Game.Turn)
                GameScreen.Button_EndTurn.IsEnabled = false;
