void Start()
     m_animCtrl = GetComponents <DirectionalAnimation>()[0];
     m_phyChar  = GetComponent <PhysicCharBehaviour>();
     TargetTile = RpgMapHelper.GetAutoTileByPosition(transform.position, 0);
     ableToMove = true;
Beispiel #2
        //float now;

        float GetDistToTarget(AutoTile targetTile)
            Vector3 target = RpgMapHelper.GetTileCenterPosition(targetTile.TileX, targetTile.TileY);

            target.z = transform.position.z;
            return((transform.position - target).magnitude);
        void Update()
            m_CurTile = RpgMapHelper.GetAutoTileByPosition(transform.position, 0);
            if (TargetTile == null) TargetTile = m_CurTile;

        public void ActivateTrigger(eTrigger trigger)
            if (m_CurTile == null) return;

            Vector2 targetMapPos = new Vector2(m_CurTile.TileX, m_CurTile.TileY);

            switch (trigger)
                case eTrigger.MoveDown:
                    targetMapPos.y += 1;
                case eTrigger.MoveLeft:
                    targetMapPos.x -= 1;
                case eTrigger.MoveRight:
                    targetMapPos.x += 1;
                case eTrigger.MoveUp:
                    targetMapPos.y -= 1;

            if (PlayerState == eState.Idle && (targetMapPos.x != m_CurTile.TileX || targetMapPos.y != m_CurTile.TileY))
                if (AutoTileMap.Instance.GetCellAutotileCollision((int)targetMapPos.x, (int)targetMapPos.y) == eTileCollisionType.PASSABLE)
                    Vector3 vTargetPos = RpgMapHelper.GetTileCenterPosition((int)targetMapPos.x, (int)targetMapPos.y);
                    TargetTile = RpgMapHelper.GetAutoTileByPosition(vTargetPos, 0);
                    m_fAxisX = TargetTile.TileX - m_CurTile.TileX; m_fAxisX = m_fAxisX != 0 ? Mathf.Sign(m_fAxisX) : 0;
                    m_fAxisY = TargetTile.TileY - m_CurTile.TileY; m_fAxisY = m_fAxisY != 0 ? Mathf.Sign(m_fAxisY) : 0;

        public override bool IsPassable()
            AutoTileMap autoTileMap = AutoTileMap.Instance;

            if (autoTileMap.IsValidAutoTilePos(TileX, TileY))
                for (int iLayer = autoTileMap.GetLayerCount() - 1; iLayer >= 0; --iLayer)
                    if (autoTileMap.MapLayers[iLayer].LayerType == eLayerType.Ground)
                        AutoTile           autoTile = autoTileMap.GetAutoTile(TileX, TileY, iLayer);
                        eTileCollisionType collType = autoTile.Id >= 0 ? autoTileMap.Tileset.AutotileCollType[autoTile.Id] : eTileCollisionType.EMPTY;
                        if (IsEmptyTilePassable && collType == eTileCollisionType.EMPTY ||
                            collType == eTileCollisionType.PASSABLE || collType == eTileCollisionType.WALL)
                        else if (collType == eTileCollisionType.BLOCK || collType == eTileCollisionType.FENCE)
Beispiel #6
        float GetDistToTarget(AutoTile targetTile)
            Vector3 target = m_curNode.Next != null?RpgMapHelper.GetTileCenterPosition(targetTile.TileX, targetTile.TileY) : (Vector3)TargetPos;

            target.z = transform.position.z;
            float dist = (transform.position - target).magnitude;

        void Update()
//			if (!ableToMove) {
//				TargetTile = null;
//			}
            m_CurTile = RpgMapHelper.GetAutoTileByPosition(transform.position, 0);
            if (TargetTile == null)
                TargetTile = m_CurTile;

        // special case for walls
        bool _IsWallPassable(MapTileNode neighNode)
            AutoTileMap        autoTileMap   = AutoTileMap.Instance;
            eTileCollisionType collType      = eTileCollisionType.EMPTY;
            eTileCollisionType collTypeNeigh = eTileCollisionType.EMPTY;

            for (int iLayer = autoTileMap.GetLayerCount() - 1; iLayer >= 0; --iLayer)
                if (autoTileMap.MapLayers[iLayer].LayerType == eLayerType.Ground)
                    AutoTile autoTile      = autoTileMap.GetAutoTile(TileX, TileY, iLayer);
                    AutoTile autoTileNeigh = autoTileMap.GetAutoTile(neighNode.TileX, neighNode.TileY, iLayer);

                    if (autoTile.Id == autoTileNeigh.Id) // you can walk over two wall tiles if they have the same type
                        if (autoTile.Id >= 0)
                        // collType will keep the first collision type found of type wall or passable
                        if (collType != eTileCollisionType.PASSABLE && collType != eTileCollisionType.WALL)
                            collType = autoTile.Id >= 0 ? autoTileMap.Tileset.AutotileCollType[autoTile.Id] : eTileCollisionType.EMPTY;
                        if (collTypeNeigh != eTileCollisionType.PASSABLE && collTypeNeigh != eTileCollisionType.WALL)
                            collTypeNeigh = autoTileNeigh.Id >= 0 ? autoTileMap.Tileset.AutotileCollType[autoTileNeigh.Id] : eTileCollisionType.EMPTY;

                        if (collType == eTileCollisionType.PASSABLE && collTypeNeigh == eTileCollisionType.PASSABLE)
                        else if (collType == eTileCollisionType.WALL || collTypeNeigh == eTileCollisionType.WALL)
        private void _DoStateLogic()
            switch (PlayerState)
            case eState.Idle:
                UpdateMovement(0, 0);
                transform.position = RpgMapHelper.GetTileCenterPosition(m_CurTile.TileX, m_CurTile.TileY) + new Vector3(0, 0, transform.position.z);

            case eState.Moving:
                UpdateMovement(m_fAxisX, -m_fAxisY);
                Vector3  vCheckPos = transform.position - new Vector3((AutoTileMap.Instance.CellSize.x / 2) * m_fAxisX, -(AutoTileMap.Instance.CellSize.y / 2) * m_fAxisY);
                AutoTile checkTile = RpgMapHelper.GetAutoTileByPosition(vCheckPos, 0);
                if (checkTile == TargetTile)
                    transform.position = RpgMapHelper.GetTileCenterPosition(TargetTile.TileX, TargetTile.TileY) + new Vector3(0, 0, transform.position.z);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Refresh a tile according to neighbors
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="autoTile">Tile to be refreshed</param>
        public void RefreshTile( AutoTile autoTile )
            if (autoTile == null) return;

            m_tileChunkPoolNode.MarkUpdatedTile( autoTile.TileX, autoTile.TileY, autoTile.Layer);

            if( MapLayers[autoTile.Layer].LayerType == eLayerType.FogOfWar )

            SubTilesetConf tilesetConf = Tileset.SubTilesets[autoTile.TilesetIdx];
            if( autoTile.Id >= 0 )
                int relativeTileIdx = autoTile.Id % AutoTileset.k_TilesPerSubTileset;
                // Check if the tile is a normal tile, non autotile
                if (relativeTileIdx >= 128 || !tilesetConf.HasAutotiles) // 128 start with NORMAL tileset, treated differently )
                    if( tilesetConf.HasAutotiles )
                        relativeTileIdx -= 128; // relative idx to its normal tileset
                    int tx = relativeTileIdx % Tileset.AutoTilesPerRow;
                    int ty = relativeTileIdx / Tileset.AutoTilesPerRow;

                    //fix tileset OBJECTS, the other part of the tileset is in the right side
                    if( ty >= 16 )
                        ty -= 16;
                        tx += 8;

                    int tileBaseIdx = tilesetConf.TilePartOffset[autoTile.Type == eTileType.OBJECTS? 0 : 4]; // set base tile idx of autoTile tileset ( 4 is the index of Normal tileset in autotilesets )
                    int tileIdx = (autoTile.Type == eTileType.OBJECTS) ? ty * 2 * Tileset.AutoTilesPerRow + tx : ty * Tileset.AutoTilesPerRow + tx;
                    tileIdx +=  tileBaseIdx;

                    autoTile.TilePartsIdx[ 0 ] = tileIdx;

                    // set the kind of tile, for collision use
                    autoTile.TilePartsType[ 0 ] = eTilePartType.EXT_CORNER;

                    // Set Length of tileparts
                    autoTile.TilePartsLength = 1;
                    int gridX = autoTile.TileX;
                    int gridY = autoTile.TileY;
                    int iLayer = autoTile.Layer;
                    int tilePartIdx = 0;
                    for( int j = 0; j < 2; ++j )
                        for( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i, ++tilePartIdx )
                            int tile_x = gridX*2 + i;
                            int tile_y = gridY*2 + j;

                            int tilePartX = 0;
                            int tilePartY = 0;

                            eTilePartType tilePartType;
                            if (tile_x % 2 == 0 && tile_y % 2 == 0) //A
                                tilePartType = _getTileByNeighbours( autoTile.Id,
                                                               GetAutoTile( gridX, gridY-1, iLayer ).Id, //V
                                                               GetAutoTile( gridX-1, gridY, iLayer ).Id, //H
                                                               GetAutoTile( gridX-1, gridY-1, iLayer ).Id  //D
                                tilePartX = aTileAff[ (int)tilePartType, 0 ];
                                tilePartY = aTileAff[ (int)tilePartType, 1 ];
                            else if (tile_x % 2 != 0 && tile_y % 2 == 0) //B
                                tilePartType = _getTileByNeighbours( autoTile.Id,
                                                               GetAutoTile( gridX, gridY-1, iLayer ).Id, //V
                                                               GetAutoTile( gridX+1, gridY, iLayer ).Id, //H
                                                               GetAutoTile( gridX+1, gridY-1, iLayer ).Id  //D
                                tilePartX = aTileBff[ (int)tilePartType, 0 ];
                                tilePartY = aTileBff[ (int)tilePartType, 1 ];
                            else if (tile_x % 2 == 0 && tile_y % 2 != 0) //C
                                tilePartType = _getTileByNeighbours( autoTile.Id,
                                                               GetAutoTile( gridX, gridY+1, iLayer ).Id, //V
                                                               GetAutoTile( gridX-1, gridY, iLayer ).Id, //H
                                                               GetAutoTile( gridX-1, gridY+1, iLayer ).Id  //D
                                tilePartX = aTileCff[ (int)tilePartType, 0 ];
                                tilePartY = aTileCff[ (int)tilePartType, 1 ];
                            else //if (tile_x % 2 != 0 && tile_y % 2 != 0) //D
                                tilePartType = _getTileByNeighbours( autoTile.Id,
                                                               GetAutoTile( gridX, gridY+1, iLayer ).Id, //V
                                                               GetAutoTile( gridX+1, gridY, iLayer ).Id, //H
                                                               GetAutoTile( gridX+1, gridY+1, iLayer ).Id  //D
                                tilePartX = aTileDff[ (int)tilePartType, 0 ];
                                tilePartY = aTileDff[ (int)tilePartType, 1 ];

                            // set the kind of tile, for collision use
                            autoTile.TilePartsType[ tilePartIdx ] = tilePartType;

                            int tileBaseIdx = tilesetConf.TilePartOffset[ (int)autoTile.Type ]; // set base tile idx of autoTile tileset
                            //NOTE: All tileset have 32 autotiles except the Wall tileset with 48 tiles ( so far it's working because wall tileset is the last one )
                            relativeTileIdx = autoTile.MappedIdx - ((int)autoTile.Type * 32); // relative to owner tileset ( All tileset have 32 autotiles )
                            int tx = relativeTileIdx % Tileset.AutoTilesPerRow;
                            int ty = relativeTileIdx / Tileset.AutoTilesPerRow;
                            int tilePartSpriteIdx;
                            if( autoTile.Type == eTileType.BUILDINGS )
                                tilePartY = Mathf.Max( 0, tilePartY - 2);
                                tilePartSpriteIdx = tileBaseIdx + ty * (Tileset.AutoTilesPerRow * 4) * 4 + tx * 4 + tilePartY * (Tileset.AutoTilesPerRow * 4) + tilePartX;
                            //NOTE: It's not working with stairs shapes
                            // XXXXXX
                            // IIIXXX
                            // IIIXXX
                            // IIIIII
                            else if( autoTile.Type == eTileType.WALLS )
                                if( ty % 2 == 0 )
                                    tilePartSpriteIdx = tileBaseIdx + (ty/2) * (Tileset.AutoTilesPerRow * 4) * 10 + tx * 4 + tilePartY * (Tileset.AutoTilesPerRow * 4) + tilePartX;
                                    //tilePartY = Mathf.Max( 0, tilePartY - 2);
                                    tilePartY -= 2;
                                    if( tilePartY < 0 )
                                        if( tilePartX == 2 && tilePartY == -2 ) 	 {tilePartX = 2; tilePartY = 0;}
                                        else if( tilePartX == 3 && tilePartY == -2 ) {tilePartX = 1; tilePartY = 0;}
                                        else if( tilePartX == 2 && tilePartY == -1 ) {tilePartX = 2; tilePartY = 3;}
                                        else if( tilePartX == 3 && tilePartY == -1 ) {tilePartX = 1; tilePartY = 3;}
                                    tilePartSpriteIdx = tileBaseIdx + (Tileset.AutoTilesPerRow * 4) * ((ty/2) * 10 + 6) + tx * 4 + tilePartY * (Tileset.AutoTilesPerRow * 4) + tilePartX;
                                tilePartSpriteIdx = tileBaseIdx + ty * (Tileset.AutoTilesPerRow * 4) * 6 + tx * 4 + tilePartY * (Tileset.AutoTilesPerRow * 4) + tilePartX;

                            autoTile.TilePartsIdx[ tilePartIdx ] = tilePartSpriteIdx;

                            // Set Length of tileparts
                            autoTile.TilePartsLength = 4;
Beispiel #11
 // calculate tileset idx of autotile base in the number of tiles of each tileset
 private eTileType _GetAutoTileType( AutoTile autoTile )
     SubTilesetConf tilesetConf = Tileset.SubTilesets[autoTile.TilesetIdx];
     if( tilesetConf.HasAutotiles )
         int relTileIdx = autoTile.Id % AutoTileset.k_TilesPerSubTileset;
         if( relTileIdx >= 0 && relTileIdx < 16 )        return eTileType.ANIMATED;
         else if( relTileIdx >= 16 && relTileIdx < 48 )  return eTileType.GROUND;
         else if (relTileIdx >= 48 && relTileIdx < 80 )  return eTileType.BUILDINGS;
         else if (relTileIdx >= 80 && relTileIdx < 128)  return eTileType.WALLS;
         else return eTileType.NORMAL;
     else return eTileType.OBJECTS;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Set a tile in the grid coordinates specified and layer ( 0: ground, 1: overground, 2: overlay )
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridX">Tile x position of the map</param>
        /// <param name="gridY">Tile y position of the map</param>
        /// <param name="tileId">This is the id of the tile. You can see it in the editor while editing the map in the top left corner. Use -1 for an empty tile</param>
        /// <param name="iLayer"> Layer where to set the tile ( 0: ground, 1: overground, 2: overlay )</param>
        /// <param name="refreshTile">If tile and neighbors should be refreshed by this method or do it layer</param>
        public void SetAutoTile(int gridX, int gridY, int tileId, int iLayer, bool refreshTile = true)
            if( !IsValidAutoTilePos( gridX, gridY ) || iLayer >= MapLayers.Count )

            bool tileHasChange = false;

            //+++ Special Case for Fog of War
            if (MapLayers[iLayer].LayerType == eLayerType.FogOfWar)
                int idx = gridX + gridY * MapTileWidth;
                AutoTile autoTile = TileLayers[MapLayers[iLayer].TileLayerIdx][idx];
                if (autoTile == null)
                    autoTile = new AutoTile();
                    TileLayers[MapLayers[iLayer].TileLayerIdx][idx] = autoTile;
                tileHasChange = autoTile.Id != tileId;
                autoTile.Id = tileId;
                autoTile.TileX = gridX;
                autoTile.TileY = gridY;
                autoTile.Layer = iLayer;
                if (refreshTile && tileHasChange)
                tileId = Mathf.Clamp(tileId, -1, Tileset.ThumbnailRects.Count - 1);
                int idx = gridX + gridY * MapTileWidth;
                AutoTile autoTile = TileLayers[MapLayers[iLayer].TileLayerIdx][idx];

                if (autoTile == null)
                    autoTile = new AutoTile();
                    TileLayers[MapLayers[iLayer].TileLayerIdx][idx] = autoTile;
                    autoTile.TilePartsType = new eTilePartType[4];
                    autoTile.TilePartsIdx = new int[4];
                int tilesetIdx = tileId / AutoTileset.k_TilesPerSubTileset;
                tileHasChange = autoTile.Id != tileId;
                autoTile.Id = tileId;
                autoTile.TilesetIdx = tilesetIdx;
                autoTile.MappedIdx = tileId < 0 ? -1 : Tileset.AutotileIdxMap[tileId % AutoTileset.k_TilesPerSubTileset];
                autoTile.TileX = gridX;
                autoTile.TileY = gridY;
                autoTile.Layer = iLayer;
                autoTile.Type = _GetAutoTileType(autoTile);

                // refresh tile and neighbours
                if (refreshTile && tileHasChange)
                    for (int xf = -1; xf < 2; ++xf)
                        for (int yf = -1; yf < 2; ++yf)
                            RefreshTile(gridX + xf, gridY + yf, iLayer);
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy a section of the map and use it as drawing template
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tile_start_x"></param>
        /// <param name="tile_start_y"></param>
        /// <param name="tile_end_x"></param>
        /// <param name="tile_end_y"></param>
        /// <param name="_dragEndTileX"></param>
        /// <param name="_dragEndTileY"></param>
        /// <param name="isCtrlKeyHold"></param>
        public void RefreshBrushGizmo(int tile_start_x, int tile_start_y, int tile_end_x, int tile_end_y, int _dragEndTileX, int _dragEndTileY, bool isCtrlKeyHold)
            Vector2 pivot = new Vector2(0f, 1f);

            SpriteRenderer[] aSprites = GetComponentsInChildren <SpriteRenderer>();

            int sprIdx = 0;

            for (int tile_x = tile_start_x; tile_x <= tile_end_x; ++tile_x)
                for (int tile_y = tile_start_y; tile_y <= tile_end_y; ++tile_y)
                    for (int tile_layer = 0; tile_layer < MyAutoTileMap.GetLayerCount(); ++tile_layer)
                        if (
                            (isCtrlKeyHold && tile_layer == SelectedLayer) || //copy all layers over the SelectedLayer
                            !MyAutoTileMap.MapLayers[tile_layer].Visible      // skip invisible layers

                        AutoTile autoTile = MyAutoTileMap.GetAutoTile(tile_x, tile_y, tile_layer);
                        if (autoTile != null && autoTile.TilePartsIdx != null && autoTile.Id >= 0)
                            for (int partIdx = 0; partIdx < autoTile.TilePartsLength; ++partIdx, ++sprIdx)
                                SpriteRenderer spriteRender = sprIdx < aSprites.Length? aSprites[sprIdx] : null;
                                if (spriteRender == null)
                                    GameObject spriteObj = new GameObject();
                                    spriteObj.transform.parent = transform;
                                    spriteRender = spriteObj.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                                spriteRender.transform.gameObject.name = "BrushGizmoPart" + sprIdx;
                                spriteRender.sprite       = Sprite.Create(MyAutoTileMap.Tileset.AtlasTexture, MyAutoTileMap.Tileset.AutoTileRects[autoTile.TilePartsIdx[partIdx]], pivot, AutoTileset.PixelToUnits);
                                spriteRender.sortingOrder = 50;                                 //TODO: +50 temporal? see for a const number later
                                spriteRender.color        = new Color32(192, 192, 192, 192);

                                // get last tile as relative position
                                int tilePart_x = (tile_x - _dragEndTileX) * 2 + partIdx % 2;
                                int tilePart_y = (tile_y - _dragEndTileY) * 2 + partIdx / 2;

                                float xFactor = MyAutoTileMap.CellSize.x / 2f;
                                float yFactor = MyAutoTileMap.CellSize.y / 2f;
                                spriteRender.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(tilePart_x * xFactor, -tilePart_y * yFactor, spriteRender.transform.position.z);
                                spriteRender.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(MyAutoTileMap.CellSize.x * AutoTileset.PixelToUnits / MyAutoTileMap.Tileset.TileWidth, MyAutoTileMap.CellSize.y * AutoTileset.PixelToUnits / MyAutoTileMap.Tileset.TileHeight, 1f);
            // clean unused sprite objects
            while (sprIdx < aSprites.Length)
                if (Application.isEditor)
        /// <summary>
        /// Set a tile in the grid coordinates specified and layer ( 0: ground, 1: overground, 2: overlay )
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="autoTile_x">Tile x position of the map</param>
        /// <param name="autoTile_y">Tile y position of the map</param>
        /// <param name="tileIdx">This is the index of the tile. You can see it in the editor while editing the map in the top left corner. Use -1 for an empty tile</param>
        /// <param name="iLayer"> Layer where to set the tile ( 0: ground, 1: overground, 2: overlay )</param>
        /// <param name="refreshTile">If tile and neighbors should be refreshed by this method or do it layer</param>
        public void SetAutoTile(int autoTile_x, int autoTile_y, int tileIdx, int iLayer, bool refreshTile = true)
			if( !IsValidAutoTilePos( autoTile_x, autoTile_y ) || iLayer >= m_AutoTileLayers.Count )

			tileIdx = Mathf.Clamp( tileIdx, -1, Tileset.ThumbnailRects.Count-1 );

			AutoTile autoTile = m_AutoTileLayers[iLayer][autoTile_x, autoTile_y];
			if( autoTile == null)
				autoTile = new AutoTile();
				m_AutoTileLayers[iLayer][autoTile_x, autoTile_y] = autoTile;
				autoTile.TilePartsType = new eTilePartType[4];
				autoTile.TilePartsIdx = new int[4];
            int tilesetIdx = tileIdx / AutoTileset.k_TilesPerSubTileset;
			autoTile.Idx = tileIdx;
            autoTile.TilesetIdx = tilesetIdx;
            autoTile.MappedIdx = tileIdx < 0 ? -1 : Tileset.AutotileIdxMap[tileIdx % AutoTileset.k_TilesPerSubTileset];
			autoTile.TileX = autoTile_x;
			autoTile.TileY = autoTile_y;
			autoTile.Layer = iLayer;
			autoTile.Type = _GetAutoTileType( autoTile );

			// refresh tile and neighbours
            if (refreshTile)
                for (int xf = -1; xf < 2; ++xf)
                    for (int yf = -1; yf < 2; ++yf)
                        RefreshTile(autoTile_x + xf, autoTile_y + yf, iLayer);
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Reveal an area using as center, the tile over worldPosition and a sight length in tiles (sightLength)
        /// Uses a coroutine to make a fade transition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worldPosition">The center tile</param>
        /// <param name="sightLength">The sight length in tiles</param>
        public static void RemoveFogOfWarWithFade(Vector3 worldPosition, int sightLength)
            float sqrMaxDist = sightLength * sightLength * 4;
            int   iFogLayer  = AutoTileMap.Instance.MapLayers.FindIndex(x => x.LayerType == eLayerType.FogOfWar);

            if (iFogLayer >= 0)
                AutoTile centerTile = RpgMapHelper.GetAutoTileByPosition(worldPosition, iFogLayer);
                for (int yf = -sightLength; yf <= sightLength; ++yf)
                    for (int xf = -sightLength; xf <= sightLength; ++xf)
                        int tx = centerTile.TileX + xf;
                        int ty = centerTile.TileY + yf;
                        if (AutoTileMap.Instance.IsValidAutoTilePos(tx, ty)) // This extra check is needed with fog of war layer
                            byte[] aFogAlpha = new byte[4];
                            for (int i = 0; i < aFogAlpha.Length; ++i)
                                //NOTE: for the fog level, each tile is divided in 4 tileparts.
                                // The index i of each tile part is:
                                // 0|2
                                // 1|3

                                int xf2 = 0;
                                if (xf < 0)
                                    xf2 = (i == 0 || i == 1) ? 2 * -xf : 2 * -xf - 1; //NOTE: 0, 1 are the left tile parts
                                else if (xf > 0)
                                    xf2 = (i == 2 || i == 3) ? 2 * xf : 2 * xf - 1;
                                else //if( xf == 0 )
                                    xf2 = 0;

                                int yf2 = 0;
                                if (yf < 0)
                                    yf2 = (i == 0 || i == 2) ? 2 * -yf : 2 * -yf - 1;
                                else if (yf > 0)
                                    yf2 = (i == 1 || i == 3) ? 2 * yf : 2 * yf - 1;
                                else //if( xf == 0 )
                                    yf2 = 0;

                                float sqrDist = xf2 * xf2 + yf2 * yf2;

                                //NOTE: sqrDist = [0..(sightAreaSize*2)^2]

                                float fAlphaFactor = Mathf.Clamp01(sqrDist / sqrMaxDist);
                                fAlphaFactor *= fAlphaFactor;
                                byte fogAlpha = (byte)(0xff * fAlphaFactor);
                                aFogAlpha[i] = fogAlpha;
                            AutoTileMap.Instance.AddFogOfWarSetToQueue(tx + ty * AutoTileMap.Instance.MapTileWidth, aFogAlpha);

                AutoTileMap.Instance.RefreshMinimapTexture(centerTile.TileX - sightLength, centerTile.TileY - sightLength, 2 * sightLength, 2 * sightLength);
Beispiel #16
        protected void FixedUpdate()
            if (m_curNode != null)
                MapTileNode curTileNode = m_curNode.Value as MapTileNode;
                AutoTile    autoTile    = RpgMapHelper.GetAutoTileByPosition(transform.position, 0);
                if (
                    (autoTile.TileX != curTileNode.TileX || autoTile.TileY != curTileNode.TileY) ||
                    GetDistToTarget(autoTile) > MinDistToMoveNextTarget // wait until min dist is reached
                    Vector3 vSeek = curTileNode.Position; vSeek.z = transform.position.z; // put at this object level
                    if (m_movingBehavior)
                        if (m_curNode.Next != null)
                    m_curNode = m_curNode.Next;

            //if (TargetPos != null) //TODO: TargetPos can't be null
                int prevTileidx = m_startTileIdx;
                m_startTileIdx  = RpgMapHelper.GetTileIdxByPosition(TargetPos);
                m_isUpdatePath |= prevTileidx != m_startTileIdx;
                if (m_isUpdatePath)//|| !m_isComputing) //Removed to keep actor moving until reach the center of the node
                    m_isUpdatePath = false;
                    m_endTileIdx   = RpgMapHelper.GetTileIdxByPosition(transform.position);
                    //now = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            //+++ Debug
            for (LinkedListNode <IPathNode> it = Path.First; it != null; it = it.Next)
                MapTileNode mapTileNode0 = it.Value as MapTileNode;
                if (it.Next != null)
                    MapTileNode mapTileNode1 = it.Next.Value as MapTileNode;
                    Vector3     v0           = mapTileNode0.Position;
                    Vector3     v1           = mapTileNode1.Position;
                    v0.z = transform.position.z;
                    v1.z = transform.position.z;
                    Debug.DrawLine(v0, v1, Color.red);
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Save the map configuration
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_autoTileMap"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool SaveData(AutoTileMap _autoTileMap, int width = -1, int height = -1)
            if (width < 0)
                width = TileMapWidth;
            if (height < 0)
                height = TileMapHeight;
            // avoid clear map data when auto tile map is not initialized
            if (!_autoTileMap.IsInitialized)
                //Debug.LogError(" Error saving data. Autotilemap is not initialized! Map will not be saved. ");

            Metadata.version = k_version;

            for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < _autoTileMap.GetLayerCount(); ++iLayer)
                AutoTileMap.MapLayer mapLayer = _autoTileMap.MapLayers[iLayer];
                List <int>           tileData = new List <int>(width * height);
                int iTileRepetition           = 0;
                int savedTileId = 0;

                int mapWidth  = _autoTileMap.MapTileWidth;
                int mapHeight = _autoTileMap.MapTileHeight;
                for (int tile_y = 0; tile_y < height; ++tile_y)
                    for (int tile_x = 0; tile_x < width; ++tile_x)
                        int iType = -1;
                        if (tile_x < mapWidth && tile_y < mapHeight)
                            AutoTile autoTile = _autoTileMap.TileLayers[_autoTileMap.MapLayers[iLayer].TileLayerIdx][tile_x + tile_y * mapWidth];
                            iType = autoTile != null? autoTile.Id : -1;

                        //+++fix: FogOfWar tiles could be < -1, and this is not good for compress system, excepting ids >= -1
                        if (mapLayer.LayerType == eLayerType.FogOfWar)
                            iType = ((iType >> 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF); // remove the last bit of the last byte. Will be << 1 later when loading

                        if (iTileRepetition == 0)
                            savedTileId     = iType;
                            iTileRepetition = 1;
                            // compression data. All tiles of the same type are store with number of repetitions ( negative number ) and type
                            // ex: 5|5|5|5 --> |-4|5| (4 times 5) ex: -1|-1|-1 --> |-3|-1| ( 3 times -1 )
                            if (iType == savedTileId)
                                if (iTileRepetition > 1)
                                    tileData.Add(-iTileRepetition);                                       // save number of repetition with negative sign
                                if (savedTileId < -1)
                                    Debug.LogError(" Wrong tile id found when compressing the tile layer " + mapLayer.Name);
                                    savedTileId = -1;
                                savedTileId     = iType;
                                iTileRepetition = 1;
                // save last tile type found
                if (iTileRepetition > 1)

                TileData.Add(new TileLayer()
                    Tiles        = tileData,
                    Depth        = mapLayer.Depth,
                    LayerType    = mapLayer.LayerType,
                    SortingLayer = mapLayer.SortingLayer,
                    SortingOrder = mapLayer.SortingOrder,
                    Name         = mapLayer.Name,
                    Visible      = mapLayer.Visible
            TileMapWidth  = width;
            TileMapHeight = height;
 //float now;
 float GetDistToTarget( AutoTile targetTile )
     Vector3 target = RpgMapHelper.GetTileCenterPosition(targetTile.TileX, targetTile.TileY);
     target.z = transform.position.z;
     return (transform.position - target).magnitude;