public AsyncWebSocketClient(Uri uri,
     Func<AsyncWebSocketClient, string, Task> onServerTextReceived = null,
     Func<AsyncWebSocketClient, byte[], int, int, Task> onServerBinaryReceived = null,
     Func<AsyncWebSocketClient, Task> onServerConnected = null,
     Func<AsyncWebSocketClient, Task> onServerDisconnected = null,
     AsyncWebSocketClientConfiguration configuration = null)
     : this(uri,
          new InternalAsyncWebSocketClientMessageDispatcherImplementation(
              onServerTextReceived, onServerBinaryReceived, onServerConnected, onServerDisconnected),
        public AsyncWebSocketClient(Uri uri, IAsyncWebSocketClientMessageDispatcher dispatcher, AsyncWebSocketClientConfiguration configuration = null)
            if (uri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");
            if (dispatcher == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dispatcher");

            if (!Consts.WebSocketSchemes.Contains(uri.Scheme.ToLowerInvariant()))
                throw new NotSupportedException(
                    string.Format("Not support the specified scheme [{0}].", uri.Scheme));

            _uri = uri;

            var host = _uri.Host;
            var port = _uri.Port > 0 ? _uri.Port : uri.Scheme.ToLowerInvariant() == "wss" ? 443 : 80;

            IPAddress ipAddress;
            if (IPAddress.TryParse(host, out ipAddress))
                _remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, port);
                if (host.ToLowerInvariant() == "localhost")
                    _remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(@""), port);
                    IPAddress[] addresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses(host);
                    if (addresses.Any())
                        _remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(addresses.First(), port);
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                            string.Format("Cannot resolve host [{0}] by DNS.", host));

            _dispatcher = dispatcher;
            _configuration = configuration ?? new AsyncWebSocketClientConfiguration();
            _sslEnabled = uri.Scheme.ToLowerInvariant() == "wss";

        public AsyncWebSocketClient(Uri uri, IAsyncWebSocketClientMessageDispatcher dispatcher, AsyncWebSocketClientConfiguration configuration = null)
            if (uri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");
            if (dispatcher == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dispatcher");

            if (!Consts.WebSocketSchemes.Contains(uri.Scheme.ToLowerInvariant()))
                throw new NotSupportedException(
                    string.Format("Not support the specified scheme [{0}].", uri.Scheme));

            _uri = uri;
            _remoteEndPoint = ResolveRemoteEndPoint(_uri);
            _dispatcher = dispatcher;
            _configuration = configuration ?? new AsyncWebSocketClientConfiguration();
            _sslEnabled = uri.Scheme.ToLowerInvariant() == "wss";

Beispiel #4
        private async Task PerformWebSocketLoad(int connections, IPEndPoint remoteEP)
            var channels = new List<AsyncWebSocketClient>();
            var configuration = new AsyncWebSocketClientConfiguration();
            configuration.SslPolicyErrorsBypassed = _options.IsSetSslPolicyErrorsBypassed;
            configuration.SslTargetHost = _options.SslTargetHost;
            configuration.SslClientCertificates = _options.SslClientCertificates;

            string uriString = string.Format("{0}://{1}/{2}",
                _options.IsSetSsl ? "wss" : "ws",
                _options.IsSetWebSocketPath ? _options.WebSocketPath.TrimStart('/') : "");
            var uri = new Uri(uriString);

            for (int c = 0; c < connections; c++)
                var client = new AsyncWebSocketClient(uri,
                    onServerTextReceived: async (s, b) => { await Task.CompletedTask; },
                    onServerBinaryReceived: async (s, b, o, l) => { await Task.CompletedTask; },
                    onServerConnected: async (s) => { await Task.CompletedTask; },
                    onServerDisconnected: async (s) => { await Task.CompletedTask; },
                    configuration: configuration);

                    _logger(string.Format("Connecting to [{0}].", remoteEP));
                    await client.Connect();
                    _logger(string.Format("Connected to [{0}] from [{1}].", remoteEP, client.LocalEndPoint));
                catch (Exception ex) when (!ShouldThrow(ex))
                    if (ex is AggregateException)
                        var a = ex as AggregateException;
                        if (a.InnerExceptions != null && a.InnerExceptions.Any())
                            _logger(string.Format("Connect to [{0}] error occurred [{1}].", remoteEP, a.InnerExceptions.First().Message));
                        _logger(string.Format("Connect to [{0}] error occurred [{1}].", remoteEP, ex.Message));

                    if (client != null)
                        await client.Close(WebSocketCloseCode.AbnormalClosure);

            if (_options.IsSetChannelLifetime && channels.Any())
                await Task.Delay(_options.ChannelLifetime);

            foreach (var client in channels)
                    _logger(string.Format("Closed to [{0}] from [{1}].", remoteEP, client.LocalEndPoint));
                    await client.Close(WebSocketCloseCode.NormalClosure);
                catch (Exception ex) when (!ShouldThrow(ex))
                    if (ex is AggregateException)
                        var a = ex as AggregateException;
                        if (a.InnerExceptions != null && a.InnerExceptions.Any())
                            _logger(string.Format("Closed to [{0}] error occurred [{1}].", remoteEP, a.InnerExceptions.First().Message));
                        _logger(string.Format("Closed to [{0}] error occurred [{1}].", remoteEP, ex.Message));