Beispiel #1
        public async Task LaunchAsync()

            // ensure http listener has started (HttpServer is started synchronously, so not currently required, but listener code might change to async startup)
            while (VsHttpServer.Port == 0)
                await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false);

            ushort vsListeningPort = VsHttpServer.Port;

            // Note that Chrome only supports single debugging port per user profile, if you want
            // multiple concurrent instances you need to configure the --user-data-dir startup param

            // for list of some of the Chrome startup params, look here:

            // --remote-debugging-port option keeps chrome open until we close it
            //string args = $"--user-data-dir={Logger.LogPath}{_chromeDebuggingPort} --enable-automation --disable-extensions --no-sandbox --disable-gpu --remote-debugging-port={_chromeDebuggingPort}";
            string args;

            if (_runContext.IsBeingDebugged)
                args = $"--user-data-dir={Logger.LogPath}{_chromeDebuggingPort} --remote-debugging-port={_chromeDebuggingPort}";
                args = $"--user-data-dir={Logger.LogPath}{_chromeDebuggingPort} --enable-automation --disable-extensions --no-sandbox --headless --disable-gpu --remote-debugging-port={_chromeDebuggingPort}";
            Log($"Chrome cmd line args are : {args}");

            // start chrome with no initial URL specified
            const string chromeExe = @"c:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe";
            var          process   = Process.Start(chromeExe, args);

            // next get websocket endpoint uri using http via the debugging port
            // note that trying to get this from within the browser is problematic because you will be hitting CORS violations, CORS applies to http only, not web sockets
            CdpClient cdp          = new CdpClient(_chromeDebuggingPort);
            string    wsBrowserUri = await cdp.CdpConfig.LoadConfigAsync();

            // run specified test file and also pass in VS listening port and WS endpoint uri
            string url = $"http://localhost:10202/TestRunner.html?wwwroot={_wwwroot}&testFileUrl={_testFileUrl}&vsPort={vsListeningPort}&wsUri={wsBrowserUri}";
            string response;

            response = await cdp.EnablePageEventsAsync();

            response = await cdp.EnableNetworkEventsAsync();

            response = await cdp.NavigatePageAsync(url);