/// <summary>
        /// Fill the leaderboard panel with nonpaged scores then show it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scoresList">List of the scores to display.</param>
        /// <param name="noScoreErrorMessage">Error message to display in case of no score to display.</param>
        public void FillNonpagedLeaderboardPanel(NonpagedList <Score> scoresList, string noScoreErrorMessage = "(no score to display)")
            // Clear the leaderboard panel

            // If there are scores to display, fill the leaderboard panel with score prefabs
            if ((scoresList != null) && (scoresList.Count > 0))
                foreach (Score score in scoresList)
                    // Create a leaderboard score GameObject and hook it at the leaderboard items layout
                    GameObject prefabInstance = Instantiate <GameObject>(leaderboardScorePrefab);
                    prefabInstance.transform.SetParent(leaderboardItemsLayout.transform, false);

                    // Fill the newly created GameObject with score data
                    LeaderboardScoreHandler leaderboardScoreHandler = prefabInstance.GetComponent <LeaderboardScoreHandler>();

                    // Add the newly created GameObject to the list
            // Else, show the "no score" text
                noScoreText.text = noScoreErrorMessage;
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill the leaderboard panel with paged scores then show it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scoresList">List of the scores to display.</param>
        /// <param name="noScoreErrorMessage">Error message to display in case of no score to display.</param>
        public void FillPagedLeaderboardPanel(PagedList <Score> scoresList, string noScoreErrorMessage = "(no score to display)")
            // Clear the leaderboard panel

            // If there are scores to display, fill the leaderboard panel with score prefabs
            if ((scoresList != null) && (scoresList.Count > 0))
                foreach (Score score in scoresList)
                    // Create a leaderboard score GameObject and hook it at the leaderboard items layout
                    GameObject prefabInstance = Instantiate <GameObject>(leaderboardScorePrefab);
                    prefabInstance.transform.SetParent(leaderboardItemsLayout.transform, false);

                    // Fill the newly created GameObject with score data
                    LeaderboardScoreHandler leaderboardScoreHandler = prefabInstance.GetComponent <LeaderboardScoreHandler>();

                    // Add the newly created GameObject to the list

                // Keep the last PagedList<Score> to allow fetching of previous and next leaderboard pages and show the previous page and next page buttons
                currentScoresList = scoresList;
                previousPageButton.interactable = currentScoresList.HasPrevious;
                nextPageButton.interactable     = currentScoresList.HasNext;
            // Else, show the "no score" text and reset the current scores list
                noScoreText.text = noScoreErrorMessage;
                currentScoresList = null;