Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Console header



            #region Read input file and create InputParameters object

            FileInfo inputFile = new FileInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\input.txt");

            if (!inputFile.Exists)
                Console.WriteLine("Could not find input file: \n{0}", inputFile.FullName);
                Console.WriteLine("Aborting. Press ENTER to end the program.");

            InputParameters ip = new InputParameters(inputFile);


            #region Make a copy of the input file

            // We found it helpful to make a copy of the input file every time we ran the
            // simulation. We stamp the copy's filename with the date and time so that
            // we know which results files correspond to which input file.
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
            string   inputFileCopyName =
                    "input {0:D2}-{1:D2}-{2:D4} {3:D2}h {4:D2}m {5:D2}s, seed {6:G}.txt",
            FileInfo inputFileCopy = new FileInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\" + inputFileCopyName);
            inputFile.CopyTo(inputFileCopy.FullName, true);
            File.SetCreationTime(inputFileCopy.FullName, dt);
            File.SetLastWriteTime(inputFileCopy.FullName, dt);


            #region Create output files



            #region Generate Sample of Firms and their Cost Systems

            Firm[] sampleFirms = new Firm[ip.NUM_FIRMS];

            for (int firmID = 1; firmID <= ip.NUM_FIRMS; ++firmID)
                    "Starting firm {0:D3} of {1}",
                    firmID + 1, sampleFirms.Length

                Firm f = new Firm(ip, firmID);
                sampleFirms[firmID - 1] = f;

                for (int a_indx = 0; a_indx < ip.ACP.Count; ++a_indx)
                    int a = ip.ACP[a_indx];

                    for (int p_indx = 0; p_indx < ip.PACP.Count; ++p_indx)
                        int p = ip.PACP[p_indx];

                        for (int r_indx = 0; r_indx < ip.PDR.Count; ++r_indx)
                            int r = ip.PDR[r_indx];

                            // Create a cost system
                            CostSys costsys = new CostSys(ip, f, a, p, r);
                            int costSysID = f.costSystems.Count;
                            Output.LogCostSys(costsys, firmID, costSysID);

                            // Generate a starting decision for the cost system.
                            RowVector startingDecision;
                            if (ip.STARTMIX == 0)
                                startingDecision = f.CalcOptimalDecision();
                                var ones = Enumerable.Repeat(1.0, ip.CO).ToList();
                                startingDecision = new RowVector(ones);
                                for (int i = 0; i < startingDecision.Dimension; ++i)
                                    if (GenRandNumbers.GenUniformDbl() < ip.EXCLUDE)
                                        startingDecision[i] = 0.0;

                            /* Examine error in cost from implementing this decision.
                             * Assume the firm implements the decision startingDecision. Upon
                             * doing so, it will observe total resource consumption. It will then
                             * allocate resources to cost pools, as per the B parameter of the cost
                             * system, choose drivers as per the D parameter of the cost system,
                             * and then allocate resources to cost objects and compute reported costs.
                             * The reported costs are returned as PC_R. The difference
                             * between these and the true benchmark costs (PC_B) is used to compute
                             * the mean percent error in costs.
                            RowVector PC_R = costsys.CalcReportedCosts(ip, startingDecision);
                            RowVector PC_B = f.CalcTrueProductCosts();
                            double    MPE  = PC_B.Zip(PC_R, (pc_b, pc_r) => Math.Abs(pc_b - pc_r) / pc_b).Sum() / PC_B.Dimension;
                            Output.LogCostSysError(costsys, firmID, costSysID, startingDecision, PC_B, PC_R, MPE);

                            /* Assume the firm implements the decision startingDecision. Upon
                             * doing so, it will observe total resource consumption. It will then
                             * allocate resources to cost pools, as per the B parameter of the cost
                             * system, choose drivers as per the D parameter of the cost system,
                             * and then allocate resources to cost objects and compute reported costs.
                             * The reported costs are returned as PC_R. Upon observing the
                             * reported costs, the firm may wish to update its original decision. When
                             * it implements the updated decision, costs will change again. The outcome
                             * of this process will either be an equilibrium decision (fixed point), or
                             * a cycle of decisions.
                            (CostSystemOutcomes stopCode, RowVector endingDecision) = costsys.EquilibriumCheck(ip, startingDecision);
                            Output.LogCostSysLoop(costsys, firmID, costSysID, startingDecision, endingDecision, stopCode);


            Console.WriteLine("Writing output files...");
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a cost system. Assigns resources to pools and selects
        /// drivers for each pool.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ip">An input parameters object.</param>
        /// <param name="firm">The firm upon which this cost system is based.</param>
        /// <param name="a">The number of activity cost pools to form.</param>
        /// <param name="p">A flag indicating method for assigning resources to cost pools.
        /// See input file cheat sheet for details.</param>
        /// <param name="r">A flag indicating which resources in the pools
        /// will be used to form drivers. See input file cheat sheet for details.</param>
        public CostSys(
            InputParameters ip,
            Firm firm,
            int a,
            int p,
            int r)
            this.firm = firm;
            RowVector RCC = firm.Initial_RCC;

            int[]           RANK = firm.Initial_RANK;
            SymmetricMatrix CORR = firm.PEARSONCORR;

            this.a = a;
            this.p = p;
            this.r = r;

            if (a != 1)
                #region Code shared in flowchart 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3

                // Segregate resources into big ones that will each
                // seed a pool, and miscellaneous resources.
                // The first (a-1) resources get their own pools.
                List <int> bigResources  = RANK.Take(a - 1).ToList();
                List <int> miscResources = RANK.Skip(a - 1).ToList();

                // Create the set B and initialize the first
                // elements with the big pool resources.

                // Seeding big resources
                // Take each resource from bigPools, ane make it into a list
                // of length 1. Convert to an array of lists, and assign to B.
                B = bigResources.Select(elem => new List <int> {

                // Increase the length by 1, to make room for the miscellaneous
                // pool.
                Array.Resize(ref B, B.Length + 1);
                B[B.Length - 1] = new List <int>();


                // p == 0:
                // Seed (a-1) pools with the largest (a-1) resources.
                // All remaining resources assigned to miscellaneous pool
                if (p == 0)
                    #region Flowchart 6.1

                    B[a - 1] = new List <int>(miscResources);

                // p == 1:
                // Seed acp-1 pools based on size. Check to see
                // the highest correlation for the remaining resources. Assign the
                // unassigned resource with the highest correlation to
                // the relevant ACP. Check to see if the value of remaining
                // ACP > MISCPOOLSIZE. If so, continue to find the next highest
                // correlation, assign and check. When remaining value < 20%,
                // then pool everything into misc.
                else if (p == 1)
                    #region Flowchart 6.2

                    // This query iterates over miscResources. For each one, it
                    // computes the correlation with every bigResource, and forms
                    // a record {smallResourceIndex, index of big pool (in B), correlation }.
                    // Order this list of records in descending order and keep the first one.
                    // This first one is the pool to which the small resources will be allocated
                    // if the correlation is sufficiently high.
                    var query =
                        miscResources.Select(smallRes => bigResources.Select((bigRes, i) => new { smallRes, BigPoolNum = i, correl = CORR[bigRes, smallRes] }).OrderByDescending(x => x.correl).First());
                    // Order the small resources by correlation with big resources. Thus,
                    // if resource 7 is most correlated with big pool resource 0 (92%),
                    // and resource 12 is most correlated with big pool resource 1 (83%),
                    // 7 will be ahead of 12 in myArray.
                    var myArray = query.OrderByDescending(x => x.correl).ToArray();

                    // The following block makes sure that at least one nonzero
                    // resource is allocated to the last pool. The only time this
                    // fails is if all miscellaneous resources are zero.
                    int lastResourceToAllocate;
                        // Convert each record in myArray to the value of the resource
                        // cost pool represented by that resource
                        var moo = myArray.Select(x => RCC[x.smallRes]);
                        // Convert each element of moo to the value of the remaining
                        // resources in the array at this point.
                        var moo2 = moo.Select((_, i) => moo.Skip(i).Sum());

                        List <double> ld = moo2.ToList();
                        // If the list contains a 0, that means there are one or
                        // more zero resources. Find the index of the first one,
                        // or if there isn't one, use the end of the array.
                        if (ld.Contains(0.0))
                            lastResourceToAllocate = ld.IndexOf(0.0) - 1;
                            lastResourceToAllocate = myArray.Length;

                    double TR = RCC.Sum();
                    double notYetAllocated = miscResources.Aggregate(0.0, (acc, indx) => acc + RCC[indx]);
                    bool   cutoffReached   = (notYetAllocated / TR) < ip.MISCPOOLSIZE;

                    for (int k = 0; (k < lastResourceToAllocate) && !cutoffReached; ++k)
                        var q = myArray[k];

                        if (q.correl >= ip.CC)

                        notYetAllocated = miscResources.Aggregate(0.0, (acc, indx) => acc + RCC[indx]);
                        cutoffReached   = (notYetAllocated / TR) < ip.MISCPOOLSIZE;

                    // Check if there is anything left in miscResources
                    // If yes, throw it in the miscellaneous pool (B.Last()).
                    if (miscResources.Count > 0)
                    // If not, remove the last allocated resource (myArray.Last())
                    // from the pool to which it was allocated, and place it in the
                    // miscellaneous pool.
                        var q = myArray.Last();

                // p == 2:
                // Seed each of the (a-1) cost pools with the largest resources.
                // Allocate the remaining resources to the (a-1) pools at random.
                // However, ensure that enough resources are in the last pool.
                // The fraction of resources in the last pool is MISCPOOLSIZE.
                else if (p == 2)
                    #region Flowchart 6.3

                    double TR = RCC.Sum();
                    // Magnitude of resources not yet allocated
                    double notYetAllocated = miscResources.Aggregate(0.0, (acc, indx) => acc + RCC[indx]);
                    // Fraction of resources not yet allocated
                    double miscPoolPrct = notYetAllocated / TR;

                    // Logic: Check if the fraction of resources in
                    // miscResources is greater than the cap (ip.MISCPOOLSIZE).
                    // If yes, take the first resource from miscResources
                    // and put it in one of the big pools, chosen at random.
                    // If the fraction of resources in miscResources is still
                    // greater than the cap, repeat the loop. Otherwise,
                    // stop and put the remaining resources in the last pool.
                    // Also stop under the following condition. Assume the head
                    // of the miscResources list is allocated. Is the value of the
                    // remaining resources in miscResources (the tail) greater than
                    // zero? If not, stop. There has to be at least one non-zero
                    // resource in the last pool.
                    while (
                        (miscPoolPrct > ip.MISCPOOLSIZE) &&
                        (miscResources.Skip(1).Aggregate(0.0, (acc, indx) => acc + RCC[indx]) > 0.0)
                        // Pick a pool at random to get the next resource
                        int poolIndx = (int)GenRandNumbers.GenUniformInt(0, a - 2);

                        notYetAllocated = miscResources.Aggregate(0.0, (acc, indx) => acc + RCC[indx]);
                        miscPoolPrct    = notYetAllocated / TR;


                // p == 3:
                // Seed the first pool with the largest resource.
                // Iterate over the other pools. For each pool, select a seed resource:
                // This is the largest of the remaining, unassigned resources, and
                // assign it to the pool.
                // Form a correlation vector (a list), which is the correlation
                // of each resource in remainingResources with the seed resource.
                // If the highest correlation is greater than ip.CC, there are
                // enough remaining resources to fill the remaining pools, and
                // satisfy the constraint about the miscellaneous pool size,
                //assign resource with the highest correlation to the current pool.
                // Once there are just as many resources remaining as there are pools,
                // assign one resource to each remaining pool.
                else if (p == 3)
                    #region Flowchart 6.4

                    // Initialize B
                    for (int i = 0; i < B.Length; ++i)
                        B[i] = new List <int>();

                    // Seed the first pool with the largest resource
                    List <int> remainingResources = RANK.Skip(1).ToList();

                    // Assign all zero resources to the last (miscellaneous) pool.
                    // That way, each of the remaining pools is guaranteed to have
                    // a nonzero resource.
                    // This only works if there are at least as many nonzero resources
                    // as there are pools. If not, then skip this step so that each
                    // pool has at least one resource.
                    int numZeroResources = remainingResources.Count(res => RCC[res] == 0.0);
                    if (RCC.Dimension - numZeroResources >= B.Length)
                        while (RCC[remainingResources.Last()] == 0.0)
                            remainingResources.RemoveAt(remainingResources.Count - 1);

                    // Iterate over the pools. For each pool, select a seed resource,
                    // which is the first resource assigned to the pool.
                    // Form a correlation vector (a list), which is the correlation
                    // of each resource in remainingResources with the seed resource.
                    // While max of the list is greater than ip.CC, and while
                    // the other conditions are satisfied, assign resource with the
                    // maximum correlation to the current pool.
                    // Once condition 2 is no longer true, there are just as many
                    // resources remaining as there are pools. The loop then assigns
                    // one resource to each remaining pool.
                    // Once condition 3 is no longer true, it assigns one resource
                    // to each pool, and all the remaining resources to the last pool.
                    for (int currentPool = 0; currentPool < B.Length - 1; ++currentPool)
                        int seedResource    = B[currentPool].First();
                        int poolsToBeFilled = B.Length - (currentPool + 1);

                        List <double> correlations = remainingResources.Select(res => CORR[res, seedResource]).ToList();
                        bool          cond1        = correlations.Max() > ip.CC;
                        bool          cond2        = remainingResources.Count > poolsToBeFilled;

                        // Magnitude of resources not yet allocated
                        double notYetAllocated = remainingResources.Aggregate(0.0, (acc, indx) => acc + RCC[indx]);
                        // Fraction of resources not yet allocated
                        double TR           = RCC.Sum();
                        double miscPoolPrct = notYetAllocated / TR;
                        bool   cond3        = miscPoolPrct > ip.MISCPOOLSIZE;

                        while (cond1 && cond2 && cond3)
                            // Find the index of the resource with the maximum correlation
                            // with the seed resource
                            double maxCorr     = correlations.Max();
                            int    maxCorrIndx = remainingResources[correlations.IndexOf(maxCorr)];

                            // Add it to the current pool

                            // Remove it from the remainingResources list

                            // Recompute loop termination conditions
                            cond1           = correlations.Max() > ip.CC;
                            cond2           = remainingResources.Count > poolsToBeFilled;
                            notYetAllocated = remainingResources.Aggregate(0.0, (acc, indx) => acc + RCC[indx]);
                            miscPoolPrct    = notYetAllocated / TR;
                            cond3           = miscPoolPrct > ip.MISCPOOLSIZE;

                        B[currentPool + 1].Add(remainingResources[0]);


                    throw new ApplicationException("Invalid value of p.");
                #region Flowchart 6.5

                B = new List <int>[] { new List <int>(RANK) };


            // The fraction of RCC that is in the miscellaneous (last)
            // activity cost pool.
            double miscPoolSize = B.Last().Aggregate(0.0, (acc, i) => acc + RCC[i]) / RCC.Sum();

            #region Flowchart 6.5 -- Choosing drivers

            // For each element of B, which is a list of resource indexes,
            // sort it in descending order by pool size (RCC[element]).
            // Technically, this is unnecessary, since elements should have
            // been added to the lists in B in descending order. But instead
            // of assuming that, since that could change in the future,
            // I am going to re-sort. Heck, it's only one line of code,
            // plus this essay of a comment that I just wrote.
                var query = B.Select(list => list.OrderByDescending(indx => RCC[indx]));

                int numToTake;
                if (r == 0)
                    numToTake = 1;
                else if (r == 1)
                    numToTake = ip.NUM;
                    throw new ApplicationException("Invalid value of r in FalseSys.cs.");

                // This iterates over every list in query, and replaces that list
                // with a list containing only the first numToTake elements.
                var drivers = query.Select(list => list.Take(numToTake).ToList());
                D = drivers.ToArray();
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes summary information about a firm. Writes RCC and RCU vectors for
        /// the firm in the RESCON file. Writes info about the firm's
        /// products (margins, capacities, selling prices).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ip">An InputParameters object.</param>
        /// <param name="firm">The firm object whose data will be logged.</param>
        /// <param name="firmID">A unique identifier for this firm</param>
        /// <param name="MAR">Vector of product margins. Products with
        /// margins >= 1 are produced.</param>
        /// <param name="DECT0">Vector of 0 and 1's indicating which products
        /// are produced.</param>
        /// <param name="revenue">Revenue realized when producing the benchmark product mix</param>
        /// <param name="totalCost">Total cost incurred when producing the benchmark product mix</param>
        /// <param name="benchProfit">Profit realized when producing the benchmark product mix</param>
        /// <param name="RCC">Vector of resource costs</param>
        public static void LogFirm(
            InputParameters ip, Firm firm,
            int firmID,
            RowVector MAR, RowVector DECT0,
            double revenue, double totalCost, double benchProfit,
            RowVector RCC)
            #region Log summary information for the firm

            int numProdInMix = DECT0.Count(x => x == 1.0);

                firmID, firm.G, firm.D,
                ip.RCP, ip.CO,
                revenue, totalCost, benchProfit,


            #region Log resource consumption information for the firm

                firmID, firm.G, firm.D,


            #region Log product information for the firm

            #region Create rank vectors
            // Rank the products by value (by total profit)
            RowVector RANK_BY_VAL;
                // Some algebra: the profit of a product is
                // (SP - PC_B) x QT
                // = (SP - SP/MAR) x (MXQ x DECT0)
                // = SP (1 - 1/MAR) x (MXQ x DECT0)
                // where all operations are element-wise
                var      unitProfit    = firm.SP.Zip(MAR, (sp, mar) => sp * (1.0 - (1.0 / mar)));
                var      productionQty = firm.MXQ.Zip(DECT0, (mxq, dect0) => mxq * dect0);
                var      totProfit     = unitProfit.Zip(productionQty, (pi, q) => pi * q);
                double[] PROFIT        = totProfit.ToArray();

                var rank = Enumerable.Range(0, ip.CO).Select(x => (double)x);
                // If the product is not produced, set its rank value
                // to ip.CO
                var rank2 = rank.Zip(DECT0, (r, dect0) => (dect0 == 1.0) ? r : (double)ip.CO);

                double[] rank_by_val = rank2.ToArray();
                Array.Sort(PROFIT, rank_by_val);
                RANK_BY_VAL = new RowVector(rank_by_val);

            // Rank the products by margin
            RowVector RANK_BY_MAR;
                double[] rank_by_mar =
                    Enumerable.Range(0, ip.CO).Select(x => (double)x).ToArray();
                double[] mar = MAR.ToArray();
                Array.Sort(mar, rank_by_mar);
                RANK_BY_MAR = new RowVector(rank_by_mar);

                firmID, firm.G, firm.D,
