Beispiel #1
        int IDebugEngine2.Attach(IDebugProgram2[] rgpPrograms, IDebugProgramNode2[] rgpProgramNodes, uint aCeltPrograms, IDebugEventCallback2 ad7Callback, enum_ATTACH_REASON dwReason)
            // Attach the debug engine to a program.
            // Attach can either be called to attach to a new process, or to complete an attach
            // to a launched process.
            // So could we simplify and move code from LaunchSuspended to here and maybe even
            // eliminate the debughost? Although I supposed DebugHost has some other uses as well.

            if (aCeltPrograms != 1)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Cosmos Debugger only supports one debug target at a time.");
                throw new ArgumentException();

            try {
                EngineUtils.RequireOk(rgpPrograms[0].GetProgramId(out mProgramID));

                mProgram = rgpPrograms[0];
                AD7ModuleLoadEvent.Send(this, mModule, true);

                // Dummy main thread
                // We dont support threads yet, but the debugger expects threads.
                // So we create a dummy object to represente our only "thread".
                mThread = new AD7Thread(this, mProcess);
                AD7LoadCompleteEvent.Send(this, mThread);
            } catch (Exception e) {
Beispiel #2
 int IDebugEngine2.ContinueFromSynchronousEvent(IDebugEvent2 aEvent)
     // Called by the SDM to indicate that a synchronous debug event, previously sent by the DE to the SDM,
     // was received and processed. The only event the  engine sends in this fashion is Program Destroy.
     // It responds to that event by shutting down the engine.
     // This is used in some cases - I set a BP here and it does get hit sometime during breakpoints
     // being triggered for example.
     try {
         if (aEvent is AD7ProgramDestroyEvent)
             mEngineCallback = null;
             mProgramID      = Guid.Empty;
             mThread         = null;
             mProgNode       = null;
             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Unknown synchronious event");
     } catch (Exception e) {
Beispiel #3
        public void OnLoadComplete(AD7Thread aThread)
            var xMsg = new AD7LoadCompleteEvent();

            Send(xMsg, AD7LoadCompleteEvent.IID, aThread);
            //AD7Thread ad7Thread = (AD7Thread)thread.Client;
            //AD7LoadCompleteEvent eventObject = new AD7LoadCompleteEvent();
            //Send(eventObject, AD7LoadCompleteEvent.IID, ad7Thread);
Beispiel #4
        public void OnAsyncBreakComplete(AD7Thread aThread)
            // This will get called when the engine receives the breakpoint event that is created when the user
            // hits the pause button in vs.
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Worker.CurrentThreadId == m_engine.DebuggedProcess.PollThreadId);

            var xEvent = new AD7AsyncBreakCompleteEvent();

            Send(xEvent, AD7AsyncBreakCompleteEvent.IID, aThread);
            //AD7Thread ad7Thread = (AD7Thread)thread.Client;
            //AD7AsyncBreakCompleteEvent eventObject = new AD7AsyncBreakCompleteEvent();
            //Send(eventObject, AD7AsyncBreakCompleteEvent.IID, ad7Thread);
Beispiel #5
        public void OnThreadStart(AD7Thread debuggedThread)
            // This will get called when the entrypoint breakpoint is fired because the engine sends a thread start event
            // for the main thread of the application.
            //if (m_engine.DebuggedProcess != null)
            //    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Worker.CurrentThreadId == m_engine.DebuggedProcess.PollThreadId);

            AD7ThreadCreateEvent eventObject = new AD7ThreadCreateEvent();

            Send(eventObject, AD7ThreadCreateEvent.IID, debuggedThread);
Beispiel #6
        public void OnBreakpoint(AD7Thread thread, IList <IDebugBoundBreakpoint2> clients)
            var boundBreakpoints = new IDebugBoundBreakpoint2[clients.Count];
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var objCurrentBreakpoint in clients)
                boundBreakpoints[i] = objCurrentBreakpoint;

            // An engine that supports more advanced breakpoint features such as hit counts, conditions and filters
            // should notify each bound breakpoint that it has been hit and evaluate conditions here.
            // The sample engine does not support these features.
            var boundBreakpointsEnum = new AD7BoundBreakpointsEnum(boundBreakpoints);
            var eventObject          = new AD7BreakpointEvent(boundBreakpointsEnum);
            var ad7Thread            = (AD7Thread)thread;

            Send(eventObject, AD7BreakpointEvent.IID, ad7Thread);
Beispiel #7
        internal AD7Process(NameValueCollection aDebugInfo, EngineCallback aCallback, AD7Engine aEngine, IDebugPort2 aPort)
            mCallback = aCallback;
            mDebugInfo = aDebugInfo;

            mLaunch = (LaunchType)Enum.Parse(typeof(LaunchType), aDebugInfo[BuildPropertyNames.LaunchString]);

            if (mDebugDownPipe == null)
                mDebugDownPipe = new Cosmos.Debug.Common.PipeClient(Pipes.DownName);

                mDebugUpPipe = new Cosmos.Debug.Common.PipeServer(Pipes.UpName);
                mDebugUpPipe.DataPacketReceived += mDebugUpPipe_DataPacketReceived;
                mDebugUpPipe.DataPacketReceived += mDebugUpPipe_DataPacketReceived;

            // Must be after mDebugDownPipe is initialized
            OutputText("Debugger process initialized.");

            mISO = mDebugInfo["ISOFile"];
            OutputText("Using ISO file " + mISO + ".");
            mProjectFile = mDebugInfo["ProjectFile"];
            bool xUseGDB = string.Equals(mDebugInfo[BuildPropertyNames.EnableGDBString], "true", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
            OutputText("GDB " + (xUseGDB ? "Enabled" : "Disabled") + ".");
            var xGDBClient = false;
            Boolean.TryParse(mDebugInfo[BuildPropertyNames.StartCosmosGDBString], out xGDBClient);

            switch (mLaunch)
                case LaunchType.VMware:
                    mHost = new Host.VMware(mDebugInfo, xUseGDB);
                case LaunchType.Slave:
                    mHost = new Host.Slave(mDebugInfo, xUseGDB);
                case LaunchType.Bochs:
                    // The project has been created on another machine or Bochs has been uninstalled since the project has
                    // been created.
                    if (!BochsSupport.BochsEnabled) { throw new Exception(ResourceStrings.BochsIsNotInstalled); }
                    string bochsConfigurationFileName = mDebugInfo[BuildProperties.BochsEmulatorConfigurationFileString];
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bochsConfigurationFileName))
                        bochsConfigurationFileName = BuildProperties.BochsDefaultConfigurationFileName;
                    if (!Path.IsPathRooted(bochsConfigurationFileName))
                        // Assume the configuration file name is relative to project output path.
                        bochsConfigurationFileName = Path.Combine(new FileInfo(mDebugInfo["ProjectFile"]).Directory.FullName,
                          mDebugInfo["OutputPath"], bochsConfigurationFileName);
                    FileInfo bochsConfigurationFile = new FileInfo(bochsConfigurationFileName);
                    // TODO : What if the configuration file doesn't exist ? This will throw a FileNotFoundException in
                    // the Bochs class constructor. Is this appropriate behavior ?
                    mHost = new Host.Bochs(mDebugInfo, xUseGDB, bochsConfigurationFile);

                    //((Host.Bochs)mHost).FixBochsConfiguration(new KeyValuePair<string, string>[] { new KeyValuePair<string, string>("IsoFileName", mISO) });
                case LaunchType.IntelEdison:
                    mHost = new Host.IntelEdison(mDebugInfo, false);
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Launch value: '" + mLaunch + "'.");
            mHost.OnShutDown += HostShutdown;

            string xDbPath = Path.ChangeExtension(mISO, "cdb");
            if (!File.Exists(xDbPath))
                throw new Exception("Debug data file " + xDbPath + " not found. Could be a omitted build process of Cosmos project so that not created.");

            mDebugInfoDb = new DebugInfo(xDbPath);


            mEngine = aEngine;
            mThread = new AD7Thread(aEngine, this);
            mPort = aPort;

            if (xUseGDB && xGDBClient)
Beispiel #8
        internal AD7Process(NameValueCollection aDebugInfo, EngineCallback aCallback, AD7Engine aEngine, IDebugPort2 aPort)
            mCallback  = aCallback;
            mDebugInfo = aDebugInfo;

            mLaunch = (LaunchType)Enum.Parse(typeof(LaunchType), aDebugInfo[BuildPropertyNames.LaunchString]);

            if (mDebugDownPipe == null)
                mDebugDownPipe = new Cosmos.Debug.Common.PipeClient(Pipes.DownName);

                mDebugUpPipe = new Cosmos.Debug.Common.PipeServer(Pipes.UpName);
                mDebugUpPipe.DataPacketReceived += mDebugUpPipe_DataPacketReceived;
                mDebugUpPipe.DataPacketReceived += mDebugUpPipe_DataPacketReceived;

            // Must be after mDebugDownPipe is initialized
            OutputText("Debugger process initialized.");

            mISO = mDebugInfo["ISOFile"];
            OutputText("Using ISO file " + mISO + ".");
            mProjectFile = mDebugInfo["ProjectFile"];
            bool xUseGDB = string.Equals(mDebugInfo[BuildPropertyNames.EnableGDBString], "true", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            OutputText("GDB " + (xUseGDB ? "Enabled" : "Disabled") + ".");
            var xGDBClient = false;

            Boolean.TryParse(mDebugInfo[BuildPropertyNames.StartCosmosGDBString], out xGDBClient);

            switch (mLaunch)
            case LaunchType.VMware:
                mHost = new Host.VMware(mDebugInfo, xUseGDB);

            case LaunchType.Slave:
                mHost = new Host.Slave(mDebugInfo, xUseGDB);

            case LaunchType.Bochs:
                // The project has been created on another machine or Bochs has been uninstalled since the project has
                // been created.
                if (!BochsSupport.BochsEnabled)
                    throw new Exception(ResourceStrings.BochsIsNotInstalled);
                string bochsConfigurationFileName = mDebugInfo[BuildProperties.BochsEmulatorConfigurationFileString];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bochsConfigurationFileName))
                    bochsConfigurationFileName = BuildProperties.BochsDefaultConfigurationFileName;
                if (!Path.IsPathRooted(bochsConfigurationFileName))
                    // Assume the configuration file name is relative to project output path.
                    bochsConfigurationFileName = Path.Combine(new FileInfo(mDebugInfo["ProjectFile"]).Directory.FullName,
                                                              mDebugInfo["OutputPath"], bochsConfigurationFileName);
                FileInfo bochsConfigurationFile = new FileInfo(bochsConfigurationFileName);
                // TODO : What if the configuration file doesn't exist ? This will throw a FileNotFoundException in
                // the Bochs class constructor. Is this appropriate behavior ?
                mHost = new Host.Bochs(mDebugInfo, xUseGDB, bochsConfigurationFile);

                //((Host.Bochs)mHost).FixBochsConfiguration(new KeyValuePair<string, string>[] { new KeyValuePair<string, string>("IsoFileName", mISO) });

            case LaunchType.IntelEdison:
                mHost = new Host.IntelEdison(mDebugInfo, false);

                throw new Exception("Invalid Launch value: '" + mLaunch + "'.");
            mHost.OnShutDown += HostShutdown;

            string xDbPath = Path.ChangeExtension(mISO, "cdb");

            if (!File.Exists(xDbPath))
                throw new Exception("Debug data file " + xDbPath + " not found. Could be a omitted build process of Cosmos project so that not created.");

            mDebugInfoDb = new DebugInfo(xDbPath);


            mEngine = aEngine;
            mThread = new AD7Thread(aEngine, this);
            mPort = aPort;

            if (xUseGDB && xGDBClient)
Beispiel #9
    public AD7StackFrame(AD7Engine aEngine, AD7Thread aThread, AD7Process aProcess)
        mEngine = aEngine;
        mThread = aThread;
        mProcess = aProcess;
        var xProcess = mEngine.mProcess;
        if (mHasSource = xProcess.mCurrentAddress.HasValue)
            UInt32 xAddress = xProcess.mCurrentAddress.Value;
            var xSourceInfos = xProcess.mDebugInfoDb.GetSourceInfos(xAddress);
            if (!xSourceInfos.ContainsKey(xAddress))
                //Attempt to find the ASM address of the first ASM line of the C# line that contains
                //the current ASM address line

                // Because of Asm breakpoints the address we have might be in the middle of a C# line.
                // So we find the closest address to ours that is less or equal to ours.
                var xQry = from x in xSourceInfos
                           where x.Key <= xAddress
                           orderby x.Key descending
                           select x.Key;
                if(xQry.Count() > 0)
                    xAddress = xQry.First();
            if (mHasSource = xSourceInfos.ContainsKey(xAddress))
                var xSourceInfo = xSourceInfos[xAddress];
                mDocName = xSourceInfo.SourceFile;
                mFunctionName = xSourceInfo.MethodName;
                mLineNum = (uint)xSourceInfo.Line;

                // Multiple labels that point to a single address can happen because of exception handling exits etc.
                // Because of this given an address, we might find more than one label that matches the address.
                // Currently, the label we are looking for will always be the first one so we choose that one.
                // In the future this might "break", so be careful about this. In the future we may need to classify
                // labels in the output and mark them somehow.
                var xLabelsForAddr = xProcess.mDebugInfoDb.GetLabels(xAddress);
                if (xLabelsForAddr.Length > 0)
                    MethodIlOp xSymbolInfo;
                    string xLabel = xLabelsForAddr[0]; // Necessary for LINQ
                    xSymbolInfo = aProcess.mDebugInfoDb.Connection.Query<MethodIlOp>(new SQLinq<MethodIlOp>().Where(q => q.LabelName == xLabel)).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (xSymbolInfo != null)
                        var xMethod = mProcess.mDebugInfoDb.Connection.Get<Method>(xSymbolInfo.MethodID);
                        var xAllInfos = aProcess.mDebugInfoDb.Connection.Query<LOCAL_ARGUMENT_INFO>(new SQLinq<LOCAL_ARGUMENT_INFO>().Where(q => q.METHODLABELNAME == xMethod.LabelCall));
                        mLocalInfos = xAllInfos.Where(q => !q.IsArgument).ToArray();
                        mArgumentInfos = xAllInfos.Where(q => q.IsArgument).ToArray();
                        if (mArgumentInfos.Length > 0)
                            mParams = new DebugLocalInfo[mArgumentInfos.Length];
                            for (int i = 0; i < mArgumentInfos.Length; i++)
                                mParams[i] = new DebugLocalInfo
                                    Name = mArgumentInfos[i].NAME,
                                    Index = i,
                                    IsLocal = false
                            mParams = mParams.OrderBy(i => i.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToArray();

                        if (mLocalInfos.Length > 0)
                            mLocals = new DebugLocalInfo[mLocalInfos.Length];
                            for (int i = 0; i < mLocalInfos.Length; i++)
                                mLocals[i] = new DebugLocalInfo
                                    Name = mLocalInfos[i].NAME,
                                    Index = i,
                                    IsLocal = true
                            mLocals = mLocals.OrderBy(i => i.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToArray();
                    MessageBox.Show("No Symbol found for address 0x" + xAddress.ToString("X8").ToUpper());
                xProcess.DebugMsg(String.Format("StackFrame: Returning: {0}#{1}[{2}]", mDocName, mFunctionName, mLineNum));
        if (!mHasSource)
            xProcess.DebugMsg("StackFrame: No Source available");

        // If source information is available, create the collections of locals and parameters and populate them with
        // values from the debuggee.
        //if (m_hasSource) {
        //if (mArgumentInfos.Length > 0) {
        //m_parameters = new VariableInformation[m_numParameters];
        //m_engine.DebuggedProcess.GetFunctionArgumentsByIP(m_threadContext.eip, m_threadContext.ebp, m_parameters);

        //if (mLocalInfos.Length > 0) {
        //m_locals = new VariableInformation[m_numLocals];
        //m_engine.DebuggedProcess.GetFunctionLocalsByIP(m_threadContext.eip, m_threadContext.ebp, m_locals);
Beispiel #10
        public AD7StackFrame(AD7Engine aEngine, AD7Thread aThread, AD7Process aProcess)
            mEngine  = aEngine;
            mThread  = aThread;
            mProcess = aProcess;
            var xProcess = mEngine.mProcess;

            if (mHasSource = xProcess.mCurrentAddress.HasValue)
                UInt32 xAddress     = xProcess.mCurrentAddress.Value;
                var    xSourceInfos = xProcess.mDebugInfoDb.GetSourceInfos(xAddress);
                if (!xSourceInfos.ContainsKey(xAddress))
                    //Attempt to find the ASM address of the first ASM line of the C# line that contains
                    //the current ASM address line

                    // Because of Asm breakpoints the address we have might be in the middle of a C# line.
                    // So we find the closest address to ours that is less or equal to ours.
                    var xQry = from x in xSourceInfos
                               where x.Key <= xAddress
                               orderby x.Key descending
                               select x.Key;
                    if (xQry.Count() > 0)
                        xAddress = xQry.First();
                if (mHasSource = xSourceInfos.ContainsKey(xAddress))
                    var xSourceInfo = xSourceInfos[xAddress];
                    mDocName      = xSourceInfo.SourceFile;
                    mFunctionName = xSourceInfo.MethodName;
                    mLineNum      = (uint)xSourceInfo.Line;

                    // Multiple labels that point to a single address can happen because of exception handling exits etc.
                    // Because of this given an address, we might find more than one label that matches the address.
                    // Currently, the label we are looking for will always be the first one so we choose that one.
                    // In the future this might "break", so be careful about this. In the future we may need to classify
                    // labels in the output and mark them somehow.
                    var xLabelsForAddr = xProcess.mDebugInfoDb.GetLabels(xAddress);
                    if (xLabelsForAddr.Length > 0)
                        MethodIlOp xSymbolInfo;
                        string     xLabel = xLabelsForAddr[0]; // Necessary for LINQ
                        xSymbolInfo = aProcess.mDebugInfoDb.Connection.Query <MethodIlOp>(new SQLinq <MethodIlOp>().Where(q => q.LabelName == xLabel)).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (xSymbolInfo != null)
                            var xMethod   = mProcess.mDebugInfoDb.Connection.Get <Method>(xSymbolInfo.MethodID);
                            var xAllInfos = aProcess.mDebugInfoDb.Connection.Query <LOCAL_ARGUMENT_INFO>(new SQLinq <LOCAL_ARGUMENT_INFO>().Where(q => q.METHODLABELNAME == xMethod.LabelCall));
                            mLocalInfos    = xAllInfos.Where(q => !q.IsArgument).ToArray();
                            mArgumentInfos = xAllInfos.Where(q => q.IsArgument).ToArray();
                            if (mArgumentInfos.Length > 0)
                                mParams = new DebugLocalInfo[mArgumentInfos.Length];
                                for (int i = 0; i < mArgumentInfos.Length; i++)
                                    mParams[i] = new DebugLocalInfo
                                        Name    = mArgumentInfos[i].NAME,
                                        Index   = i,
                                        IsLocal = false
                                mParams = mParams.OrderBy(i => i.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToArray();

                            if (mLocalInfos.Length > 0)
                                mLocals = new DebugLocalInfo[mLocalInfos.Length];
                                for (int i = 0; i < mLocalInfos.Length; i++)
                                    mLocals[i] = new DebugLocalInfo
                                        Name    = mLocalInfos[i].NAME,
                                        Index   = i,
                                        IsLocal = true
                                mLocals = mLocals.OrderBy(i => i.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToArray();
                        MessageBox.Show("No Symbol found for address 0x" + xAddress.ToString("X8").ToUpper());
                    xProcess.DebugMsg(String.Format("StackFrame: Returning: {0}#{1}[{2}]", mDocName, mFunctionName, mLineNum));
            if (!mHasSource)
                xProcess.DebugMsg("StackFrame: No Source available");

            // If source information is available, create the collections of locals and parameters and populate them with
            // values from the debuggee.
            //if (m_hasSource) {
            //if (mArgumentInfos.Length > 0) {
            //m_parameters = new VariableInformation[m_numParameters];
            //m_engine.DebuggedProcess.GetFunctionArgumentsByIP(m_threadContext.eip, m_threadContext.ebp, m_parameters);

            //if (mLocalInfos.Length > 0) {
            //m_locals = new VariableInformation[m_numLocals];
            //m_engine.DebuggedProcess.GetFunctionLocalsByIP(m_threadContext.eip, m_threadContext.ebp, m_locals);
Beispiel #11
 internal static void Send(AD7Engine aEngine, AD7Thread aThread)
     var xMessage = new AD7LoadCompleteEvent();
     aEngine.Callback.Send(xMessage, IID, aThread);
Beispiel #12
        public void OnBreak(AD7Thread aThread)
            var mBreak = new AD7BreakEvent();

            Send(mBreak, AD7BreakEvent.IID, aThread);
Beispiel #13
 public void OnLoadComplete(AD7Thread aThread) {
   var xMsg = new AD7LoadCompleteEvent();
   Send(xMsg, AD7LoadCompleteEvent.IID, aThread);
   //AD7Thread ad7Thread = (AD7Thread)thread.Client;
   //AD7LoadCompleteEvent eventObject = new AD7LoadCompleteEvent();
   //Send(eventObject, AD7LoadCompleteEvent.IID, ad7Thread);
Beispiel #14
    public void OnAsyncBreakComplete(AD7Thread aThread) {
      // This will get called when the engine receives the breakpoint event that is created when the user
      // hits the pause button in vs.
      //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Worker.CurrentThreadId == m_engine.DebuggedProcess.PollThreadId);

      var xEvent = new AD7AsyncBreakCompleteEvent();
      Send(xEvent, AD7AsyncBreakCompleteEvent.IID, aThread);
      //AD7Thread ad7Thread = (AD7Thread)thread.Client;
      //AD7AsyncBreakCompleteEvent eventObject = new AD7AsyncBreakCompleteEvent();
      //Send(eventObject, AD7AsyncBreakCompleteEvent.IID, ad7Thread);
Beispiel #15
    public void OnBreakpoint(AD7Thread thread, IList<IDebugBoundBreakpoint2> clients) {
      var boundBreakpoints = new IDebugBoundBreakpoint2[clients.Count];
      int i = 0;
      foreach (var objCurrentBreakpoint in clients) {
        boundBreakpoints[i] = objCurrentBreakpoint;

      // An engine that supports more advanced breakpoint features such as hit counts, conditions and filters
      // should notify each bound breakpoint that it has been hit and evaluate conditions here.
      // The sample engine does not support these features.
      var boundBreakpointsEnum = new AD7BoundBreakpointsEnum(boundBreakpoints);
      var eventObject = new AD7BreakpointEvent(boundBreakpointsEnum);
      var ad7Thread = (AD7Thread)thread;
      Send(eventObject, AD7BreakpointEvent.IID, ad7Thread);
Beispiel #16
 public void OnBreak(AD7Thread aThread) {
   var mBreak = new AD7BreakEvent();
   Send(mBreak, AD7BreakEvent.IID, aThread);
Beispiel #17
        internal static void Send(AD7Engine aEngine, AD7Thread aThread)
            var xMessage = new AD7LoadCompleteEvent();

            aEngine.Callback.Send(xMessage, IID, aThread);
Beispiel #18
    public void OnThreadStart(AD7Thread debuggedThread) {
      // This will get called when the entrypoint breakpoint is fired because the engine sends a thread start event
      // for the main thread of the application.
      //if (m_engine.DebuggedProcess != null)
      //    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Worker.CurrentThreadId == m_engine.DebuggedProcess.PollThreadId);

      AD7ThreadCreateEvent eventObject = new AD7ThreadCreateEvent();
      Send(eventObject, AD7ThreadCreateEvent.IID, debuggedThread);