Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiate the exit of the validator with index ``index``.
        /// </summary>
        public void InitiateValidatorExit(BeaconState state, ValidatorIndex index)
            // Return if validator already initiated exit
            var validator = state.Validators[(int)(ulong)index];

            if (validator.ExitEpoch != _chainConstants.FarFutureEpoch)

            // Compute exit queue epoch
            var exitEpochs = state.Validators
                             .Where(x => x.ExitEpoch != _chainConstants.FarFutureEpoch)
                             .Select(x => x.ExitEpoch);
            var maxExitEpoch        = exitEpochs.DefaultIfEmpty().Max();
            var currentEpoch        = _beaconStateAccessor.GetCurrentEpoch(state);
            var activationExitEpoch = _beaconChainUtility.ComputeActivationExitEpoch(currentEpoch);
            var exitQueueEpoch      = Epoch.Max(maxExitEpoch, activationExitEpoch);
            var exitQueueChurn      = state.Validators.Where(x => x.ExitEpoch == exitQueueEpoch).Count();
            var validatorChurnLimit = _beaconStateAccessor.GetValidatorChurnLimit(state);

            if ((ulong)exitQueueChurn >= validatorChurnLimit)
                exitQueueEpoch += new Epoch(1);

            // Set validator exit epoch and withdrawable epoch
            var withdrawableEpoch = validator.ExitEpoch + _timeParameterOptions.CurrentValue.MinimumValidatorWithdrawabilityDelay;

Beispiel #2
        public Gwei GetLatestAttestingBalance(IStore store, Hash32 root)
            if (!store.TryGetCheckpointState(store.JustifiedCheckpoint, out var state))
                throw new Exception();
            var currentEpoch  = _beaconStateAccessor.GetCurrentEpoch(state);
            var activeIndexes = _beaconStateAccessor.GetActiveValidatorIndices(state, currentEpoch);

            if (!store.TryGetBlock(root, out var rootBlock))
                throw new Exception();
            var rootSlot = rootBlock.Slot;
            var balance  = new Gwei(0);

            foreach (var index in activeIndexes)
                if (store.TryGetLatestMessage(index, out var latestMessage))
                    var ancestor = GetAncestor(store, latestMessage.Root, rootSlot);
                    if (ancestor == root)
                        var validator = state.Validators[(int)(ulong)index];
                        balance += validator.EffectiveBalance;
        public IEnumerable <PendingAttestation> GetMatchingSourceAttestations(BeaconState state, Epoch epoch)
            var currentEpoch  = _beaconStateAccessor.GetCurrentEpoch(state);
            var previousEpoch = _beaconStateAccessor.GetPreviousEpoch(state);

            if (epoch != currentEpoch && epoch != previousEpoch)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(epoch), epoch, $"The epoch for attestions must be either the current epoch {currentEpoch} or previous epoch {previousEpoch}.");

            if (epoch == currentEpoch)