// called when a user uploads images recieving the listing id
        public ActionResult Upload(int id)
            int listingId = id;
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();

            // for each of the requested files
            for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++)
                    // create a new [image] 
                    CoreysList.Entity.Image newImage = new CoreysList.Entity.Image();

                    // Uploaded file
                    HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[i];

                    // Get the size of the file
                    newImage.ImageSize = file.ContentLength;

                    // get the file name
                    newImage.FileName = file.FileName.Substring(file.FileName.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);

                    // get the type of file .jpg .gif .png etc..
                    newImage.ImageType = file.ContentType;

                    // create a new byte array to fit the content size
                    byte[] imageData = new byte[file.ContentLength];

                    // read in the file withe the byte array and content size
                    file.InputStream.Read(imageData, 0, (int)file.ContentLength);

                    // reposition the input stream to the beginning
                    file.InputStream.Position = 0;

                    // stream the file again into a System.Drawing.Image
                    System.Drawing.Image sysImg = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(file.InputStream);

                    // assign the sizes from system image to coreyslist image
                    newImage.ImageHeight = sysImg.Height;
                    newImage.ImageWidth = sysImg.Width;
                    newImage.ImageContent = imageData;

                    // create encoding object to send image type
                    ImageEncoding imgResizerEnc = new ImageEncoding();

                    // set the values for thumb images
                    int thumbHeight = 75;
                    int thumbWidth = 75;

                    // switch statement to get the content type 
                    switch (file.ContentType)
                        case "image/jpeg":
                            imgResizerEnc = ImageEncoding.Jpg90;
                        case "image/gif":
                            imgResizerEnc = ImageEncoding.Gif;
                        case "image/png":
                            imgResizerEnc = ImageEncoding.Png;

                    // create a resizer and send the image content
                    ImageResizer resizer = new ImageResizer(imageData);

                    // call the resizer method along with the desired height, width and img type
                    byte[] thumbData = resizer.Resize(thumbHeight, thumbWidth, imgResizerEnc);

                    // save the new thumb data for the coreyslist image entity
                    newImage.ThumbContent = thumbData;
                    newImage.ThumbSize = thumbData.Length;
                    newImage.ThumbWidth = thumbWidth;
                    newImage.ThumbHeight = thumbHeight;

                    // connect image to the correct listing through listing ID
                    newImage.ListingID = listingId;
                    newImage.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    newImage.CreatedBy = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"].ToString();

                    // To save file, use SaveAs method
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;

            // Return partial view 
            EditListingImagesViewModel editListingImagesViewModel = new EditListingImagesViewModel(listingId);
            return PartialView("~/views/Accounts/_EditListingImages.cshtml", editListingImagesViewModel);
        // called when user clicks delete linke in editImages partial
        public ActionResult Delete(int id)
            CoreysListEntities db = new CoreysListEntities();

            // get reference to image
            CoreysList.Entity.Image imgToDelete = db.Images.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ImageID == id);

            // get the listing associated with the image
            int listingId = imgToDelete.ListingID;

            // remove row from table and save

            // return partial 
            EditListingImagesViewModel editListingImagesViewModel = new EditListingImagesViewModel(listingId);
            return PartialView("~/views/Accounts/_EditListingImages.cshtml", editListingImagesViewModel);
 // called when the user clicks the images link for the listing
 public ActionResult EditImages(int listingId)
     // return the editlistingsImages partial view
     EditListingImagesViewModel model = new EditListingImagesViewModel(listingId);
     return View("_EditListingImages", model);