Beispiel #1
        static string ScanTo(char previousChar,
                             RandomAccessIterator <char> iterator,
                             Func <char, char, char, bool> terminal)
            var  tokenNameBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            char c = iterator.Current;

            if (!terminal(previousChar, c, iterator.PeekNext()))
                previousChar = c;
                c            = iterator.GetNext();
                while (!terminal(previousChar, c, iterator.PeekNext()))
                    if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
                    previousChar = c;
                    c            = iterator.GetNext();

        public double EvaluateFunction(RandomAccessIterator <Token> tokens)
            var param = tokens.GetNext();

            if (param.Equals(")"))
                throw new SyntaxException(param.Position, "Expected argument not provided.");
            var symbolLookup = Services.SymbolManager.GetSymbol(param, false);

            if (symbolLookup == null)
                if (param.Type != TokenType.Operand || !char.IsLetter(param.Name[0]) || param.Name[0] != '_')
                    throw new SyntaxException(param.Position, "Function \"len\" expects a symbol.");
                if (Services.CurrentPass > 0)
                    throw new SymbolException(param, SymbolException.ExceptionReason.NotDefined);
                Services.PassNeeded = true;
            param = tokens.GetNext();
            if (!param.Name.Equals(")"))
                param = tokens.GetNext();
                int subscript = -1;
                if (param.Name.Equals("["))
                    subscript = (int)Services.Evaluator.Evaluate(tokens, 0, int.MaxValue);
                if (subscript < 0 || !tokens.PeekNext().Equals(")"))
                    throw new SyntaxException(param.Position, "Unexpected argument.");
                if (symbolLookup.StorageType != StorageType.Vector)
                    throw new SyntaxException(param.Position, "Type mismatch.");
                if (symbolLookup.DataType == DataType.String)
                    if (subscript >= symbolLookup.StringVector.Count)
                        throw new SyntaxException(param.Position, "Index out of range.");
                if (subscript >= symbolLookup.NumericVector.Count)
                    throw new SyntaxException(param.Position, "Index out of range.");
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the tokenized expression is a string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iterator">The iterator to the tokenized expression.</param>
        /// <param name="services">The shared assembly services.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool ExpressionIsAString(RandomAccessIterator <Token> iterator, AssemblyServices services)
            var token = iterator.Current;

            if (token.IsDoubleQuote())
                return(token.Name.Length > 2 && Token.IsEnd(iterator.PeekNext()));
            var ix     = iterator.Index;
            var result = false;

            if (token.Type == TokenType.Function &&
                (token.Name.Equals("format", services.StringComparison) || token.Name.Equals("char", services.StringComparison)))
                var parms = Token.GetGroup(iterator);
                var last  = iterator.Current;
                result = Token.IsEnd(last);
                if (token.Name.Equals("char", services.StringComparison))
                    result &= services.Evaluator.Evaluate(parms.GetIterator(), 0, 0x10FFFF).IsInteger();
            else if (token.Type == TokenType.Operand &&
                     (char.IsLetter(token.Name[0]) || token.Name[0] == '_') &&
                var sym = services.SymbolManager.GetSymbol(token, false);
                if (sym != null)
                    if (iterator.MoveNext() && iterator.Current.Name.Equals("["))
                        var subscript = (int)services.Evaluator.Evaluate(iterator);
                        result = Token.IsEnd(iterator.Current) &&
                                 subscript >= 0 && subscript < sym.StringVector.Count;
                        result = Token.IsEnd(iterator.Current) &&
                                 sym.StorageType == StorageType.Scalar &&
                                 sym.DataType == DataType.String;
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether the tokenized expression is a string literal.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="iterator">The iterator to the tokenized expression.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool IsStringLiteral(RandomAccessIterator <Token> iterator)
 => iterator.Current != null && iterator.Current.IsDoubleQuote() && iterator.Current.Name.Length > 2 && Token.IsEnd(iterator.PeekNext());
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the source string into a tokenized <see cref="SourceLine"/> collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">The source file's path/name.</param>
        /// <param name="source">The source string.</param>
        /// <returns>A collection of <see cref="SourceLine"/>s whose components are
        /// properly tokenized for further evaluation and assembly.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ExpressionException"/>
        public static IEnumerable <SourceLine> Parse(string fileName, string source)
            var   iterator = new RandomAccessIterator <char>(source.ToCharArray());
            Token rootParent, currentParent;
            Token token = null;


            Token currentOpen = null;
            int   currentLine = 1, lineNumber = currentLine;

            // lineIndex is the iterator index at the start of each line for purposes of calculating token
            // positions. sourceLindeIndex is the iterator index at the start of each new line
            // of source. Usually lineIndex and sourceLindeIndex are the same, but for those source lines
            // whose source code span multiple lines, they will be different.
            int lineIndex = -1, opens = 0, sourceLineIndex = lineIndex;

            var  lines        = new List <SourceLine>();
            char previousChar = iterator.Current;

            while (iterator.GetNext() != EOF)
                if (iterator.Current != NewLine && iterator.Current != ':' && iterator.Current != ';')
                        token = ParseToken(previousChar, token, iterator);
                        if (token != null)
                            previousChar   = iterator.Current;
                            token.Parent   = currentParent;
                            token.Position = iterator.Index - lineIndex - token.Name.Length + 1;
                            if (token.OperatorType == OperatorType.Open || token.OperatorType == OperatorType.Closed || token.OperatorType == OperatorType.Separator)
                                if (token.OperatorType == OperatorType.Open)
                                    currentOpen       =
                                        currentParent = token;
                                else if (token.OperatorType == OperatorType.Closed)
                                    if (currentOpen == null)
                                        throw new ExpressionException(token, $"Missing opening for closure \"{token.Name}\"");

                                    // check if matching ( to )
                                    if (!Groups[currentOpen.Name].Equals(token.Name))
                                        throw new ExpressionException(token, $"Mismatch between \"{currentOpen.Name}\" in column {currentOpen.Position} and \"{token.Name}\"");

                                    // go up the ladder
                                    currentOpen = currentParent = token.Parent = currentOpen.Parent;

                                    while (currentOpen != null && currentOpen.OperatorType != OperatorType.Open)
                                        currentOpen = currentOpen.Parent;
                                    currentParent = currentParent.Parent;
                                    currentParent = token;
                            else if (token.Type == TokenType.Instruction)
                                while (currentParent.Parent != rootParent)
                                    currentParent = currentParent.Parent;
                    catch (ExpressionException ex)
                        Assembler.Log.LogEntry(fileName, lineNumber, ex.Position, ex.Message);
                    if (iterator.PeekNext() == NewLine)
                if (iterator.Current == ';')
                    _ = iterator.Skip(c => c != NewLine && (c != ':' || Assembler.Options.IgnoreColons) && c != EOF);

                if (iterator.Current == NewLine || iterator.Current == ':' || iterator.Current == EOF)
                    previousChar = iterator.Current;

                    /* A new source line is when:
                     * 1. A line termination character (New Line, colon, EOF) is encountered
                     * 2. And either there are no more characters left or the most recent token created
                     * 3. Is not a binary operator nor it is a comma separator.
                    var newLine = iterator.Current == EOF ||
                                  (opens == 0 &&
                                   (token == null ||
                                    (token.OperatorType != OperatorType.Binary &&
                                     token.OperatorType != OperatorType.Open &&
                    if (iterator.Current == NewLine)
                    if (newLine)
                        var newSourceLine = new SourceLine(fileName, lineNumber, GetSourceLineSource(), rootParent.Children[0]);
                        if (Assembler.Options.WarnLeft && newSourceLine.Label != null && newSourceLine.Label.Position != 1)
                            Assembler.Log.LogEntry(newSourceLine, newSourceLine.Label, "Label is not at the beginning of the line.", false);
                        lineNumber = currentLine;
                        token = null;
                    lineIndex = iterator.Index;
                    if (newLine)
                        sourceLineIndex = iterator.Index;
            if (currentOpen != null && currentOpen.OperatorType == OperatorType.Open)
                Assembler.Log.LogEntry(fileName, 1, currentOpen.LastChild.Position, $"End of source reached without finding closing \"{Groups[currentOpen.Name]}\".");

            if (token != null)
                lines.Add(new SourceLine(fileName, lineNumber, GetSourceLineSource(), rootParent.Children[0]));


            void AddBlankSeparator()
                var sepToken = new Token()
                    Type         = TokenType.Operator,
                    OperatorType = OperatorType.Separator,
                    Name         = string.Empty,
                    Position     = token == null ? 1 : token.Position,
                    Children     = new List <Token>()

                currentParent = sepToken;

            string GetSourceLineSource()
                if (iterator.Index > sourceLineIndex + 1)
                    return(source.Substring(sourceLineIndex + 1, iterator.Index - sourceLineIndex - 1));

            void Reset()
                currentParent          =
                    rootParent         = new Token();
                currentParent.Children = new List <Token>();
                token = null;
Beispiel #6
        static Token ParseToken(char previousChar, Token previousToken, RandomAccessIterator <char> iterator, bool parsingAssembly = true)
            char c = iterator.Current;

            while (char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
                if (c == NewLine && parsingAssembly)
                    iterator.Rewind(iterator.Index - 1);
                c = iterator.GetNext();
            if ((c == ';' && parsingAssembly) || c == EOF)

            var token = new Token();

            //first case, simplest
            var nextChar = iterator.PeekNext();

            if (char.IsDigit(c) ||
                char.IsLetter(c) ||
                c == '_' ||
                c == '?' ||
                (c == '.' && char.IsLetterOrDigit(nextChar)) ||
                (c == '\\' && char.IsLetterOrDigit(nextChar)))
                token.Type = TokenType.Operand;
                if (char.IsDigit(c) || (c == '.' && char.IsDigit(nextChar)))
                    if (char.IsDigit(c) && previousChar == '$')
                        token.Name = ScanTo(previousChar, iterator, FirstNonHex);
                    else if (c == '0' && (nextChar == 'b' ||
                                          nextChar == 'B' ||
                                          nextChar == 'o' ||
                                          nextChar == 'O' ||
                                          nextChar == 'x' ||
                                          nextChar == 'X'))
                        token.Name = ScanTo(previousChar, iterator, FirstNonNonBase10);
                        token.Name = ScanTo(previousChar, iterator, FirstNonNumeric);
                else if (c == '\\')
                    token.Name = c + ScanTo(previousChar, iterator, FirstNonLetterOrDigit);
                else if (c == '?')
                    token.UnparsedName =
                        token.Name     = "?";
                    token.UnparsedName =
                        token.Name     = ScanTo(previousChar, iterator, FirstNonSymbol);
                    if (parsingAssembly && !Assembler.Options.CaseSensitive)
                        token.Name = token.Name.ToLower();

                    if (parsingAssembly && Assembler.InstructionLookupRules.Any(rule => rule(token.Name)))
                        token.Type = TokenType.Instruction;
                    else if (iterator.Current == '(' ||
                             (iterator.Current != NewLine && char.IsWhiteSpace(iterator.Current) &&
                              iterator.PeekNextSkipping(NonNewLineWhiteSpace) == '('))
                        token.Type         = TokenType.Operator;
                        token.OperatorType = OperatorType.Function;
                        token.Type = TokenType.Operand;
            else if (previousToken != null &&
                     previousToken.Name.Equals("%") &&
                     previousToken.OperatorType == OperatorType.Unary &&
                     (c == '.' || c == '#'))
                // alternative binary string parsing
                token.Type = TokenType.Operand;
                token.Name = ScanTo(previousChar, iterator, FirstNonAltBin).Replace('.', '0')
                             .Replace('#', '1');
            else if (c == '"' || c == SingleQuote)
                var open         = c;
                var quoteBuilder = new StringBuilder(c.ToString());
                var escaped      = false;
                while ((c = iterator.GetNext()) != open && c != char.MinValue)
                    if (c == '\\')
                        escaped = true;
                if (c == char.MinValue)
                    throw new ExpressionException(iterator.Index, $"Quote string not enclosed.");
                var unescaped = escaped ? Regex.Unescape(quoteBuilder.ToString()) : quoteBuilder.ToString();
                if (c == '\'' && unescaped.Length > 3)
                    throw new ExpressionException(iterator.Index, "Too many characters in character literal.");
                token.Name = unescaped;
                token.Type = TokenType.Operand;
                if (c == '+' || c == '-')
                     * Scenarios for parsing '+' or '-', since they can function as different things
                     * in an expression.
                     * 1. The binary operator:
                     *  a. OPERAND+3 / ...)+(... => single '+' sandwiched between two operands/groupings
                     *  b. OPERAND++3 / ...)++(... => the first '+' is a binary operator since it is to the
                     *     right of an operand/grouping. We need to split off the single '++' to two
                     *     separate '+' tokens. What kind of token is the second '+'? We worry about that later.
                     *  c. OPERAND+++3 / ...)+++(... => again, the first '+' is a binary operator. We need to split
                     *     it off from the rest of the string of '+' characters, and we worry about later.
                     * 2. The unary operator:
                     *  a. +3 / +(... => single '+' immediately preceding an operand/grouping.
                     *  b. ++3 / ++(... => parser doesn't accept C-style prefix (or postfix) operators, so one of these is an
                     *     anonymous label. Which one? Easy, the first. Split the '+' string.
                     * 3. A full expression mixing both:
                     *  a. OPERAND+++3 / ...)+++(... => From scenario 1.c, we know the first '+' is a binary operator,
                     *     which leaves us with => '++3' left, which from scenario 2.b. we know the first '+'
                     *     has to be an operand. So we split the string again, so that the next scan leaves us with
                     *     '+3', so the third and final plus is a unary operator.
                     * OPERAND => operand
                     * +       => binary operator
                     * +       => operand
                     * +       => unary operator
                     * 3/(     => operand/grouping
                     * 4. A line reference:
                     *   a. + => Simplest scenario.
                     *   b. ++, +++, ++++, etc. => Treat as one.
                    // Get the full string
                    token.Name = ScanTo(previousChar, iterator, FirstNonPlusMinus);
                    if (previousToken != null && (previousToken.Type == TokenType.Operand || previousToken.Name.Equals(")")))
                        // looking backward at the previous token, if it's an operand or grouping then we
                        // know this is a binary
                        token.Type         = TokenType.Operator;
                        token.OperatorType = OperatorType.Binary;
                        if (token.Name.Length > 1) // we need to split off the rest of the string so we have a single char '+'
                            token.Name = c.ToString();
                            iterator.Rewind(iterator.Index - token.Position - 1);
                    else if (!IsNotOperand(nextChar) || nextChar == '(')
                        // looking at the very next character in the input stream, if it's an operand or grouping
                        // then we know this is a unary
                        if (token.Name.Length > 1)
                            // If the string is greater than one character,
                            // then it's not a unary, it's an operand AND a unary. So we split off the
                            // rest of the string.
                            token.Name = c.ToString();
                            iterator.Rewind(iterator.Index - token.Position - 1);
                            token.Type = TokenType.Operand;
                            token.Type         = TokenType.Operator;
                            token.OperatorType = OperatorType.Unary;
                        token.Type = TokenType.Operand;
                else if (c == '*')
                    // Same as +/- scenario above, if the previous token is an operand or grouping,
                    // we need to treat the splat as a binary operator.
                    if (previousToken != null && (previousToken.Type == TokenType.Operand || previousToken.Name.Equals(")")))
                        token.Type         = TokenType.Operator;
                        token.OperatorType = OperatorType.Binary;
                        // but since there is no unary version of this we will treat as an operand, and let the evaluator
                        // deal with any problems like *OPERAND /*(
                        token.Type = TokenType.Operand;
                    token.Name = c.ToString();
                    // not a number, symbol, string, or special (+, -, *) character. So we just treat as an operator
                    token.Type = TokenType.Operator;
                    if (c.IsSeparator() || c.IsOpenOperator() || c.IsClosedOperator())
                        token.Name = c.ToString();
                        if (c.IsSeparator())
                            token.OperatorType = OperatorType.Separator;
                        else if (c.IsOpenOperator())
                            token.OperatorType = OperatorType.Open;
                            token.OperatorType = OperatorType.Closed;
                        token.Name         = ScanTo(previousChar, iterator, FirstNonMatchingOperator);
                        token.UnparsedName = token.Name;

                        /* The general strategy to determine whether an operator is unary or binary:
                         *  1. Is it actually one of the defined unary types?
                         *  2. Peek at the next character. Is it a group or operand, or not?
                         *  3. Look behind at the previous token. Is it also a group or operand, or not?
                         *  4. If the token does NOT follow an operand or group, AND it precedes a group character,
                         *     or operand character, then it is a unary.
                         *  5. All other cases, binary.
                        if (
                                    c.IsUnaryOperator() &&
                                        !IsNotOperand(nextChar) ||
                                        nextChar == '(' ||
                                        nextChar.IsRadixOperator() ||
                                ) ||
                                    c.IsRadixOperator() && char.IsLetterOrDigit(nextChar)
                                ) ||
                                    c == '%' && (nextChar == '.' || nextChar == '#')
                            ) &&
                            (previousToken == null ||
                             (previousToken.Type != TokenType.Operand &&
                            token.OperatorType = OperatorType.Unary;
                            token.OperatorType = OperatorType.Binary;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token.UnparsedName))
                token.UnparsedName = token.Name;
            if (iterator.Current != token.Name[^ 1])
                iterator.Rewind(iterator.Index - 1);