Beispiel #1
 private SizeF GetStringSize(Graphics graphics, LayoutSpec line, float fontEmSize)
     using (var font = new Font(line.FontFamily, fontEmSize, line.FontStyle))
         return(graphics.MeasureString(line.Text, font));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the background of the title card to this object's graphics context.
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawBackground()

            string fontFamilyName = FirstAvailableFont(BackgroundFont);
            var    family         = new FontFamily(fontFamilyName);
            var    style          = FontStyle.Regular;
            var    brush          = new SolidBrush(BackgroundSecondaryColor);
            var    spec           = new LayoutSpec()
                Text       = DecorativeInitial,
                FontFamily = family,
                FontStyle  = style,
                Color      = brush.Color
            var boundingBox = new SizeF(Width, Height);

            float fontSize   = 0;
            SizeF stringSize = new SizeF();

            GetMaxFontSize(Graphics, spec, boundingBox, out fontSize, out stringSize);

            using (var font = new Font(family, fontSize, style))
                var x = -0.6F * stringSize.Width;
                var y = 0.3F * stringSize.Height;
                Graphics.DrawString(DecorativeInitial, font, brush, x, y);
Beispiel #3
        private void GetMaxFontSize(Graphics graphics, LayoutSpec line, SizeF boundingBox, out float fontSize, out SizeF stringSize)
            float testedFontSize   = 5;
            SizeF testedStringSize = GetStringSize(graphics, line, testedFontSize);

                fontSize   = testedFontSize;
                stringSize = testedStringSize;

                testedFontSize  += 1;
                testedStringSize = GetStringSize(graphics, line, testedFontSize);
            }while (testedStringSize.Width < boundingBox.Width && testedStringSize.Height < boundingBox.Height);