Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 关闭订单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputObj">提交给关闭订单API的参数</param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">接口超时时间</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static WxPayData CloseOrder(WxPayData inputObj, PayCenterSetting setting, int timeOut = 20)
            string url = "";

            if (!inputObj.IsSet("out_trade_no"))
                throw new WxPayException("关闭订单接口中,out_trade_no必填!");
            string appid  = WxPayConfig.APPID;
            string mch_id = WxPayConfig.MCHID;
            string key    = string.Empty;

            if (setting != null && setting.Id > 0)
                appid  = setting.Appid;
                mch_id = setting.Mch_id;
                key    = setting.Key;
            inputObj.SetValue("appid", appid);                  //公众账号ID
            inputObj.SetValue("mch_id", mch_id);                //商户号
            inputObj.SetValue("nonce_str", GenerateNonceStr()); //随机字符串
            inputObj.SetValue("sign", inputObj.MakeSign(key));  //签名
            string xml = inputObj.ToXml();

            string response = WxHelper.Post(xml, url, false, setting, timeOut);

            WxPayData result = new WxPayData();


Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 转换短链接,该接口主要用于扫码原生支付模式一中的二维码链接转成短链接(weixin://wxpay/s/XXXXXX),减小二维码数据量,提升扫描速度和精确度。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputObj">提交给转换短连接API的参数</param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">接口超时时间</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static WxPayData ShortUrl(WxPayData inputObj, PayCenterSetting setting, int timeOut = 20)
            string url = "";

            if (!inputObj.IsSet("long_url"))
                throw new WxPayException("需要转换的URL,签名用原串,传输需URL encode!");
            string appid  = WxPayConfig.APPID;
            string mch_id = WxPayConfig.MCHID;
            string key    = string.Empty;

            if (setting != null && setting.Id > 0)
                appid  = setting.Appid;
                mch_id = setting.Mch_id;
                key    = setting.Key;
            inputObj.SetValue("appid", appid);                  //公众账号ID
            inputObj.SetValue("mch_id", mch_id);                //商户号
            inputObj.SetValue("nonce_str", GenerateNonceStr()); //随机字符串
            inputObj.SetValue("sign", inputObj.MakeSign(key));  //签名
            string xml = inputObj.ToXml();

            string    response = WxHelper.Post(xml, url, false, setting, timeOut);
            WxPayData result   = new WxPayData();


Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 提交被扫支付API,收银员使用扫码设备读取微信用户刷卡授权码以后,二维码或条码信息传送至商户收银台,由商户收银台或者商户后台调用该接口发起支付。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputObj">提交给被扫支付API的参数</param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">超时时间</param>
        /// <returns>成功时返回调用结果</returns>
        //public static WxPayData Micropay(WxPayData inputObj, PayCenterSetting setting = null, int timeOut = 20)
        //    string url = "";
        //    //检测必填参数
        //    if (!inputObj.IsSet("body"))
        //    {
        //        throw new WxPayException("提交被扫支付API接口中,缺少必填参数body!");
        //    }
        //    else if (!inputObj.IsSet("out_trade_no"))
        //    {
        //        throw new WxPayException("提交被扫支付API接口中,缺少必填参数out_trade_no!");
        //    }
        //    else if (!inputObj.IsSet("total_fee"))
        //    {
        //        throw new WxPayException("提交被扫支付API接口中,缺少必填参数total_fee!");
        //    }
        //    else if (!inputObj.IsSet("auth_code"))
        //    {
        //        throw new WxPayException("提交被扫支付API接口中,缺少必填参数auth_code!");
        //    }
        //    string appid = WxPayConfig.APPID;
        //    string mch_id = WxPayConfig.MCHID;
        //    string key = string.Empty;
        //    if (setting != null && setting.Id > 0)
        //    {
        //        appid = setting.Appid;
        //        mch_id = setting.Mch_id;
        //        key = setting.Key;
        //    }
        //    inputObj.SetValue("spbill_create_ip", WxPayConfig.IP);//终端ip
        //    inputObj.SetValue("appid", appid);//公众账号ID
        //    inputObj.SetValue("mch_id", mch_id);//商户号
        //    inputObj.SetValue("nonce_str", Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""));//随机字符串
        //    inputObj.SetValue("sign", inputObj.MakeSign(key));//签名
        //    string xml = inputObj.ToXml();

        //    //var start = DateTime.Now;//请求开始时间
        //    string response = WxHelper.Post(xml, url, false, setting, timeOut);//调用HTTP通信接口以提交数据到API
        //    // var end = DateTime.Now;
        //    //int timeCost = (int)((end - start).TotalMilliseconds);//获得接口耗时
        //    //将xml格式的结果转换为对象以返回
        //    WxPayData result = new WxPayData();
        //    result.FromXml(response);
        //    //ReportCostTime(url, timeCost, result);//关掉测速上报,
        //    return result;

        /// <summary>
        ///  查询订单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputObj">提交给查询订单API的参数</param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">超时时间</param>
        /// <returns>成功时返回订单查询结果</returns>
        public static WxPayData OrderQuery(WxPayData inputObj, PayCenterSetting setting, int timeOut = 60)
            WxPayData result = new WxPayData();
            string    url    = "";

            if (!inputObj.IsSet("out_trade_no") && !inputObj.IsSet("transaction_id"))
                throw new WxPayException("订单查询接口中,out_trade_no、transaction_id至少填一个!");
            string appid  = WxPayConfig.APPID;
            string mch_id = WxPayConfig.MCHID;
            string key    = string.Empty;

            if (setting != null && setting.Id > 0)
                appid  = setting.Appid;
                mch_id = setting.Mch_id;
                key    = setting.Key;
            inputObj.SetValue("appid", appid);                           //公众账号ID
            inputObj.SetValue("mch_id", mch_id);                         //商户号
            inputObj.SetValue("nonce_str", WxPayApi.GenerateNonceStr()); //随机字符串
            inputObj.SetValue("sign", inputObj.MakeSign(key));           //签名

            string xml = inputObj.ToXml();

            DateTime start    = DateTime.Now;
            string   response = string.Empty;

                response = WxHelper.Post(xml, url, false, setting, timeOut);//调用HTTP通信接口提交数据
            catch (WxPayException)
                PayTimeOutOrder addModel = new PayTimeOutOrder();
                addModel.transaction_id = inputObj.GetValue("transaction_id") == null ? "" : inputObj.GetValue("transaction_id").ToString();
                //new PayTimeOutOrderBLL().Add(addModel);
                result.SetValue("return_code", "FAILE");
            // var end = DateTime.Now;
            //int timeCost = (int)((end - start).TotalMilliseconds);//获得接口耗时



            //ReportCostTime(url, timeCost, result);//测速上报

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 测速上报接口实现
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputObj">提交给测速上报接口的参数</param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">测速上报接口超时时间</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static WxPayData Report(WxPayData inputObj, PayCenterSetting setting, int timeOut = 20)
            string url = "";

            if (!inputObj.IsSet("interface_url"))
                throw new WxPayException("接口URL,缺少必填参数interface_url!");
            if (!inputObj.IsSet("return_code"))
                throw new WxPayException("返回状态码,缺少必填参数return_code!");
            if (!inputObj.IsSet("result_code"))
                throw new WxPayException("业务结果,缺少必填参数result_code!");
            if (!inputObj.IsSet("user_ip"))
                throw new WxPayException("访问接口IP,缺少必填参数user_ip!");
            if (!inputObj.IsSet("execute_time_"))
                throw new WxPayException("接口耗时,缺少必填参数execute_time_!");
            string appid  = WxPayConfig.APPID;
            string mch_id = WxPayConfig.MCHID;
            string key    = string.Empty;

            if (setting != null && setting.Id > 0)
                appid  = setting.Appid;
                mch_id = setting.Mch_id;
                key    = setting.Key;
            inputObj.SetValue("appid", appid);                                  //公众账号ID
            inputObj.SetValue("mch_id", mch_id);                                //商户号
            inputObj.SetValue("user_ip", WxPayConfig.IP);                       //终端ip
            inputObj.SetValue("time", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")); //商户上报时间
            inputObj.SetValue("nonce_str", GenerateNonceStr());                 //随机字符串
            inputObj.SetValue("sign", inputObj.MakeSign(key));                  //签名
            string xml = inputObj.ToXml();

            string response = WxHelper.Post(xml, url, false, setting, timeOut);

            WxPayData result = new WxPayData();

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 申请退款
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputObj">提交给申请退款API的参数</param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">超时时间</param>
        /// <returns>成功时返回接口调用结果</returns>
        public static WxPayData Refund(WxPayData inputObj, PayCenterSetting setting, int timeOut = 20)
            string url = "";

            if (!inputObj.IsSet("out_trade_no") && !inputObj.IsSet("transaction_id"))
                throw new WxPayException("退款申请接口中,out_trade_no、transaction_id至少填一个!");
            else if (!inputObj.IsSet("out_refund_no"))
                throw new WxPayException("退款申请接口中,缺少必填参数out_refund_no!");
            else if (!inputObj.IsSet("total_fee"))
                throw new WxPayException("退款申请接口中,缺少必填参数total_fee!");
            else if (!inputObj.IsSet("refund_fee"))
                throw new WxPayException("退款申请接口中,缺少必填参数refund_fee!");
            else if (!inputObj.IsSet("op_user_id"))
                throw new WxPayException("退款申请接口中,缺少必填参数op_user_id!");
            string appid  = WxPayConfig.APPID;
            string mch_id = WxPayConfig.MCHID;
            string key    = string.Empty;

            if (setting != null && setting.Id > 0)
                appid  = setting.Appid;
                mch_id = setting.Mch_id;
                key    = setting.Key;
            inputObj.SetValue("appid", appid);                                          //公众账号ID
            inputObj.SetValue("mch_id", mch_id);                                        //商户号
            inputObj.SetValue("nonce_str", Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "")); //随机字符串
            inputObj.SetValue("sign", inputObj.MakeSign(key));                          //签名
            string xml = inputObj.ToXml();
            string response = WxHelper.Post(xml, url, true, setting, timeOut);
            WxPayData result = new WxPayData();

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 通过调用该接口查询卡券开放的类目ID,类目会随业务发展变更,请每次用接口去查询获取实时卡券类目。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ak"></param>
        /// <param name="AppID">点赞小程序后台对应的Appid也就是权限Id</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CategoryResult GetMiniAppCategory(string ak, int AppID)
            string         key             = "MiniAppCategory" + AppID;
            CategoryResult _CategoryResult = RedisUtil.Get <CategoryResult>(key);

            if (_CategoryResult == null)
                string jsonStr = WxHelper.HttpGet($"{ak}");
                _CategoryResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CategoryResult>(jsonStr);
                if (_CategoryResult.errcode == 0 && _CategoryResult.errmsg == "ok")
                    RedisUtil.Set(key, _CategoryResult, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        ///  查询订单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputObj">提交给查询订单API的参数</param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">超时时间</param>
        /// <returns>成功时返回订单查询结果</returns>
        //public static string CompanyPayQuery(WxPayData inputObj, PayCenterSetting setting, int timeOut = 60)
        //    string url = "";
        //    //检测必填参数
        //    if (!inputObj.IsSet("partner_trade_no"))
        //    {
        //        throw new WxPayException("订单查询接口中,partner_trade_no!");
        //    }
        //    string appid = WxPayConfig.APPID;
        //    string mch_id = WxPayConfig.MCHID;
        //    string key = string.Empty;
        //    if (setting != null && setting.Id > 0)
        //    {
        //        appid = setting.Appid;
        //        mch_id = setting.Mch_id;
        //        key = setting.Key;
        //    }
        //    inputObj.SetValue("appid", appid);//公众账号ID
        //    inputObj.SetValue("mch_id", mch_id);//商户号
        //    inputObj.SetValue("nonce_str", WxPayApi.GenerateNonceStr());//随机字符串
        //    inputObj.SetValue("sign", inputObj.MakeSign(key));//签名

        //    string xml = inputObj.ToXml();
        //    //log4net.LogHelper.WriteError(typeof(CompanyPay), new Exception(xml));
        //    //var start = DateTime.Now;

        //    string response = WxHelper.Post(xml, url, true, setting, timeOut);//调用HTTP通信接口提交数据

        //    //log4net.LogHelper.WriteError(typeof(CompanyPay), new Exception(response));
        //    //var end = DateTime.Now;
        //    //int timeCost = (int)((end - start).TotalMilliseconds);//获得接口耗时

        //    //将xml格式的数据转化为对象以返回
        //    // WxPayData result = new WxPayData();
        //    //result.FromXml(response);

        //    //ReportCostTime(url, timeCost, result);//测速上报

        //    //return result;
        //    return response;
        /// <summary>
        ///  查询订单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputObj">提交给查询订单API的参数</param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">超时时间</param>
        /// <returns>成功时返回订单查询结果</returns>
        //public static WxPayData CompanyPayQueryData(WxPayData inputObj, PayCenterSetting setting, int timeOut = 60)
        //    string url = "";
        //    //检测必填参数
        //    if (!inputObj.IsSet("partner_trade_no"))
        //    {
        //        throw new WxPayException("订单查询接口中,partner_trade_no!");
        //    }
        //    string appid = WxPayConfig.APPID;
        //    string mch_id = WxPayConfig.MCHID;
        //    string key = string.Empty;
        //    if (setting != null && setting.Id > 0)
        //    {
        //        appid = setting.Appid;
        //        mch_id = setting.Mch_id;
        //        key = setting.Key;
        //    }
        //    inputObj.SetValue("appid", appid);//公众账号ID
        //    inputObj.SetValue("mch_id", mch_id);//商户号
        //    inputObj.SetValue("nonce_str", WxPayApi.GenerateNonceStr());//随机字符串
        //    inputObj.SetValue("sign", inputObj.MakeSign(key));//签名

        //    string xml = inputObj.ToXml();
        //    //log4net.LogHelper.WriteError(typeof(CompanyPay), new Exception(xml))
        //    //log4net.LogHelper.WriteError(typeof(CompanyPay), new Exception(xml));
        //    //var start = DateTime.Now;

        //    string response = WxHelper.Post(xml, url, true, setting, timeOut);//调用HTTP通信接口提交数据

        //    //log4net.LogHelper.WriteError(typeof(CompanyPay), new Exception(response));
        //    //var end = DateTime.Now;
        //    //int timeCost = (int)((end - start).TotalMilliseconds);//获得接口耗时

        //    //将xml格式的数据转化为对象以返回
        //    WxPayData result = new WxPayData();
        //    result.FromXml(response, false);

        //    //ReportCostTime(url, timeCost, result);//测速上报

        //    return result;

        /// <summary>
        /// 撤销订单API接口
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputObj">提交给撤销订单API接口的参数,out_trade_no和transaction_id必填一个</param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">接口超时时间</param>
        /// <returns>成功时返回API调用结果</returns>
        public static WxPayData Reverse(WxPayData inputObj, PayCenterSetting setting, int timeOut = 60)
            string url = "";

            if (!inputObj.IsSet("out_trade_no") && !inputObj.IsSet("transaction_id"))
                throw new WxPayException("撤销订单API接口中,参数out_trade_no和transaction_id必须填写一个!");
            string appid  = WxPayConfig.APPID;
            string mch_id = WxPayConfig.MCHID;
            string key    = string.Empty;

            if (setting != null && setting.Id > 0)
                appid  = setting.Appid;
                mch_id = setting.Mch_id;
                key    = setting.Key;

            inputObj.SetValue("appid", appid);                  //公众账号ID
            inputObj.SetValue("mch_id", mch_id);                //商户号
            inputObj.SetValue("nonce_str", GenerateNonceStr()); //随机字符串
            inputObj.SetValue("sign", inputObj.MakeSign(key));  //签名

            string xml = inputObj.ToXml();

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;//请求开始时间

            string response = WxHelper.Post(xml, url, true, setting, timeOut);

            DateTime end      = DateTime.Now;
            int      timeCost = (int)((end - start).TotalMilliseconds);

            WxPayData result = new WxPayData();


            ReportCostTime(url, timeCost, result, setting);//测速上报

Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 下载对账单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputObj">提交给下载对账单API的参数</param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">接口超时时间</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static WxPayData DownloadBill(WxPayData inputObj, PayCenterSetting setting, int timeOut = 20)
            string url = "";

            if (!inputObj.IsSet("bill_date"))
                throw new WxPayException("对账单接口中,缺少必填参数bill_date!");
            string appid  = WxPayConfig.APPID;
            string mch_id = WxPayConfig.MCHID;
            string key    = string.Empty;

            if (setting != null && setting.Id > 0)
                appid  = setting.Appid;
                mch_id = setting.Mch_id;
                key    = setting.Key;
            inputObj.SetValue("appid", appid);                  //公众账号ID
            inputObj.SetValue("mch_id", mch_id);                //商户号
            inputObj.SetValue("nonce_str", GenerateNonceStr()); //随机字符串
            inputObj.SetValue("sign", inputObj.MakeSign(key));  //签名

            string xml = inputObj.ToXml();

            string response = WxHelper.Post(xml, url, false, setting, timeOut);//调用HTTP通信接口以提交数据到API

            WxPayData result = new WxPayData();

            if (response.Substring(0, 5) == "<xml>")
                result.SetValue("result", response);

Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// 添加新用户到基础表
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xml"></param>
 public void RegisterOAuthUser(RequestXML xml)
         if (xml == null)
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml.FromUserName))
         UserBaseInfoBLL ubll = new UserBaseInfoBLL();
         //log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(this.GetType(), $"扫码事件推送:{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(xml)}");
         UserBaseInfo umodel = ubll.GetModelByOpenId(xml.FromUserName, xml.ToUserName);
         if (umodel == null)
             WeiXinUser wx = WxHelper.GetWxUserInfo(WxHelper.GetToken(), xml.FromUserName);
             if (wx != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(wx.openid))
                 umodel            = new UserBaseInfo();
                 umodel.headimgurl = wx.headimgurl;
                 umodel.nickname   = wx.nickname;
                 umodel.openid     = wx.openid;
                 umodel.unionid    = wx.unionid;
                 umodel.province   = wx.province;
                 umodel.serverid   = xml.ToUserName;
     catch (Exception ex)
         log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(this.GetType(), $"报错扫码事件推送:{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ex)}");
         log4net.LogHelper.WriteError(this.GetType(), ex);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 扫码登录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestXML"></param>
        private void IsAccountLogin(RequestXML requestXML)
            if (requestXML == null)
            string qrscene = requestXML.EventKey;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(qrscene))
                log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(this.GetType(), "微信扫码:qrscene为空");
            qrscene = qrscene.Replace("qrscene_", "");
            Entity.MiniApp.LoginQrCode lcode = RedisUtil.Get <Entity.MiniApp.LoginQrCode>("SessionID:" + qrscene);
            if (lcode == null)
                log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(this.GetType(), "微信扫码:lcode is null");
            lcode.OpenId = requestXML.FromUserName;

            if (requestXML.ToUserName == "gh_6014346f8435")
                //log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(this.GetType(), "微信扫码5:" + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestXML));
                lcode.WxUser = WxHelper.GetWxUserInfo("gh_6014346f8435", requestXML.FromUserName);
                //log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(this.GetType(), $"微信扫码4:" + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestXML));
                lcode.WxUser = WxHelper.GetWxUserInfo(WxHelper.GetToken(), requestXML.FromUserName);
            lcode.IsLogin = true;
            RedisUtil.Set <Entity.MiniApp.LoginQrCode>("SessionID:" + qrscene, lcode, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询退款,提交退款申请后,通过该接口查询退款状态。退款有一定延时,用零钱支付的退款20分钟内到账,银行卡支付的退款3个工作日后重新查询退款状态。out_refund_no、out_trade_no、transaction_id、refund_id四个参数必填一个
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputObj">提交给查询退款API的参数</param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">接口超时时间</param>
        /// <returns>成功时返回</returns>
        public static WxPayData RefundQuery(WxPayData inputObj, PayCenterSetting setting, int timeOut = 20)
            string url = "";

            if (!inputObj.IsSet("out_refund_no") && !inputObj.IsSet("out_trade_no") &&
                !inputObj.IsSet("transaction_id") && !inputObj.IsSet("refund_id"))
                throw new WxPayException("退款查询接口中,out_refund_no、out_trade_no、transaction_id、refund_id四个参数必填一个!");
            string appid  = WxPayConfig.APPID;
            string mch_id = WxPayConfig.MCHID;
            string key    = string.Empty;

            if (setting != null && setting.Id > 0)
                appid  = setting.Appid;
                mch_id = setting.Mch_id;
                key    = setting.Key;
            inputObj.SetValue("appid", appid);                  //公众账号ID
            inputObj.SetValue("mch_id", mch_id);                //商户号
            inputObj.SetValue("nonce_str", GenerateNonceStr()); //随机字符串
            inputObj.SetValue("sign", inputObj.MakeSign(key));  //签名

            string xml = inputObj.ToXml();

            string response = WxHelper.Post(xml, url, false, setting, timeOut);//调用HTTP通信接口以提交数据到API

            WxPayData result = new WxPayData();


Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 统一下单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputObj">提交给统一下单API的参数</param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">超时时间</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static WxPayData UnifiedOrder(WxPayData inputObj, PayCenterSetting setting, int timeOut = 60, bool livePay = false)
            string url = "";

            if (!inputObj.IsSet("out_trade_no"))
                throw new WxPayException("缺少统一支付接口必填参数out_trade_no!");
            else if (!inputObj.IsSet("body"))
                throw new WxPayException("缺少统一支付接口必填参数body!");
            else if (!inputObj.IsSet("total_fee"))
                throw new WxPayException("缺少统一支付接口必填参数total_fee!");
            else if (!inputObj.IsSet("trade_type"))
                throw new WxPayException("缺少统一支付接口必填参数trade_type!");

            if (inputObj.GetValue("trade_type").ToString() == "JSAPI" && !inputObj.IsSet("openid"))
                throw new WxPayException("统一支付接口中,缺少必填参数openid!trade_type为JSAPI时,openid为必填参数!");
            if (inputObj.GetValue("trade_type").ToString() == "NATIVE" && !inputObj.IsSet("product_id"))
                throw new WxPayException("统一支付接口中,缺少必填参数product_id!trade_type为JSAPI时,product_id为必填参数!");
            if (!inputObj.IsSet("notify_url") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputObj.GetValue("notify_url").ToString()))
                inputObj.SetValue("notify_url", WxPayConfig.NOTIFY_URL);//异步通知url
            if (livePay)
                inputObj.SetValue("notify_url", inputObj.GetValue("notify_url").ToString().Replace("/pay/", "/live/"));//异步通知url,直播要跳到直播回调
            string appid  = WxPayConfig.APPID;
            string mch_id = WxPayConfig.MCHID;
            string key    = string.Empty;

            if (setting != null && setting.Id > 0)
                appid  = setting.Appid;
                mch_id = setting.Mch_id;
                key    = setting.Key;
            inputObj.SetValue("appid", appid);                     //公众账号ID
            inputObj.SetValue("mch_id", mch_id);                   //商户号
            inputObj.SetValue("spbill_create_ip", WxPayConfig.IP); //终端ip
            inputObj.SetValue("nonce_str", GenerateNonceStr());    //随机字符串

            inputObj.SetValue("sign", inputObj.MakeSign(key));
            string xml      = inputObj.ToXml();
            string response = WxHelper.Post(xml, url, false, setting, timeOut);
            //log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(typeof(WxPayApi), "UnifiedOrder().response=" + response);

            WxPayData result = new WxPayData();

            log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(typeof(WxPayApi), "UnifiedOrder().response=" + response);
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 处理文本消息
        /// </summary>
        private void GetWXContent(RequestXML requestXML, int id)
                if (requestXML == null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestXML.Content) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestXML.ToUserName))

                string strXml = string.Empty;
                string where = string.Format("Types='WxAmAway' and ServerId='{0}' and Keywords='{1}'", requestXML.ToUserName, requestXML.Content);
                WxAmAway      wxaway = new WxAmAwayBLL().GetModel(where);
                List <WxNews> ls     = null;
                if (wxaway == null)
                    wxaway = new WxAmAway();
                ls = new WxNewsBLL().GetList("IsShow=1 and groupid='" + wxaway.GroupId + "'");
                List <WXMesage> msgList = new List <WXMesage>();
                if (ls == null || ls.Count == 0)
                    string config             = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["wxsearchapi"];
                    string api                = string.Format(config, id, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(requestXML.Content));
                    string json               = WxHelper.HttpGet(api);
                    JavaScriptSerializer jss  = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    List <Message>       list = jss.Deserialize <List <Message> >(json);
                    if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                        foreach (Message model in list)
                            WXMesage msg = new WXMesage();
                            msg.Title       = FilterHandler.FilterHtml(model.bestFragment); //图文标题
                            msg.Description = FilterHandler.FilterHtml(model.bestFragment); //图文简介
                            msg.Url         = model.wapUrl;                                 //图文推送连接
                            msg.PicUrl      = MessageBLL.GetPicUrl(model);                  //图文背景
                            msg.Title       = msg.Title.Length >= 36 ? msg.Title.Substring(0, 36) : msg.Title;
                            msg.Description = msg.Description.Length >= 36 ? msg.Description.Substring(0, 36) : msg.Description;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.PicUrl))
                                msg.PicUrl = model.headImgUrl;
                            msg.MsgType = "news";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.Title))
                        if (msgList.Count > 0)
                            msgList = msgList.OrderByDescending(p => p.PicUrl).Take(7).ToList();
                            msgList.Add(new WXMesage()
                                Title = "查看更多", Url = WebSiteConfig.WsqUrl + "/f/s-" + id
                        log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(this.GetType(), "json转换失败" + msgList.Count);
                foreach (WxNews model in ls)
                    WXMesage msg     = new WXMesage();
                    string   imgpath = string.Empty;
                    if (model.PathFile != null && model.PathFile.IndexOf("http://") > -1)
                        imgpath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PathFile) ? "" : model.PathFile;
                        imgpath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PathFile) ? "" : WebSiteConfig.SourceContent + model.PathFile;
                    msg.Content     = model.Content;
                    msg.MsgType     = model.MsgType;
                    msg.Title       = model.Title; //图文标题
                    msg.Url         = model.Urls;  //图文推送连接
                    msg.PicUrl      = imgpath;     //图文背景
                    msg.Title       = msg.Title.Length >= 36 ? msg.Title.Substring(0, 36) : msg.Title;
                    msg.Description = model.Description.Length >= 36 ? model.Description.Substring(0, 36) : model.Description;
                    msg.MediaId     = model.mediaUrl;
                //log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(this.GetType(), "msgList.Count=>" + msgList.Count);
                if (msgList.Where(p => p.MsgType == "news").Count() > 0)//图文
                    strXml = AmAwayApi.GetNewsXml(requestXML.FromUserName, requestXML.ToUserName, msgList.Take(10).ToList());
                if (msgList.Where(p => p.MsgType == "text").Count() > 0)//文本
                    strXml = AmAwayApi.GetTextXml(requestXML.FromUserName, requestXML.ToUserName, msgList[0].Content);
                if (msgList.Where(p => p.MsgType == "image").Count() > 0)//图片
                    strXml = AmAwayApi.GetImageXml(requestXML.FromUserName, requestXML.ToUserName, msgList[0].MediaId);
                if (msgList.Where(p => p.MsgType == "audio").Count() > 0)//语音
                    strXml = AmAwayApi.GetVoiceXml(requestXML.FromUserName, requestXML.ToUserName, msgList[0].MediaId);
                if (msgList.Where(p => p.MsgType == "video").Count() > 0)//视频
                    strXml = AmAwayApi.GetVideoXml(requestXML.FromUserName, requestXML.ToUserName, msgList[0].MediaId, msgList[0].Title, msgList[0].Description);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strXml))
            catch (Exception ex)
                log4net.LogHelper.WriteError(this.GetType(), ex);