Beispiel #1
        public static double[] Dist_Ell(double glat1, double glon1, double glat2, double glon2, double[] ellipse)
            double a = ellipse[0];     //Equitorial Radius
            double f = 1 / ellipse[1]; //Flattening

            double r, tu1, tu2, cu1, su1, cu2, s1, b1, f1;
            double x = 0, sx = 0, cx = 0, sy = 0, cy = 0, y = 0, sa = 0, c2a = 0, cz = 0, e = 0, c = 0, d = 0;
            double EPS = 0.00000000005;
            double faz, baz, s;
            double iter    = 1;
            double MAXITER = 100;

            if ((glat1 + glat2 == 0.0) && (Math.Abs(glon1 - glon2) == Math.PI))
                Debug.WriteLine("Warning: Course and distance between antipodal points is undefined");
                glat1 = glat1 + 0.00001; // allow algorithm to complete
            if (glat1 == glat2 && (glon1 == glon2 || Math.Abs(Math.Abs(glon1 - glon2) - 2 * Math.PI) < EPS))
                Debug.WriteLine("Warning: Points 1 and 2 are identical- course undefined");
                return(new double[] { 0, 0, Math.PI });
            r   = 1 - f;
            tu1 = r * Math.Tan(glat1);
            tu2 = r * Math.Tan(glat2);
            cu1 = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(1.0 + tu1 * tu1);
            su1 = cu1 * tu1;
            cu2 = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(1.0 + tu2 * tu2);
            s1  = cu1 * cu2;
            b1  = s1 * tu2;
            f1  = b1 * tu1;
            x   = glon2 - glon1;
            d   = x + 1; // force one pass
            while ((Math.Abs(d - x) > EPS) && (iter < MAXITER))
                iter = iter + 1;
                sx   = Math.Sin(x);
                cx   = Math.Cos(x);
                tu1  = cu2 * sx;
                tu2  = b1 - su1 * cu2 * cx;
                sy   = Math.Sqrt(tu1 * tu1 + tu2 * tu2);
                cy   = s1 * cx + f1;
                y    = Math.Atan2(sy, cy);
                sa   = s1 * sx / sy;
                c2a  = 1 - sa * sa;
                cz   = f1 + f1;
                if (c2a > 0.0)
                    cz = cy - cz / c2a;
                e = cz * cz * 2.0 - 1.0;
                c = ((-3.0 * c2a + 4.0) * f + 4.0) * c2a * f / 16.0;
                d = x;
                x = ((e * cy * c + cz) * sy * c + y) * sa;
                x = (1.0 - c) * x * f + glon2 - glon1;
            faz = ModM.ModCrs(Math.Atan2(tu1, tu2));
            baz = ModM.ModCrs(Math.Atan2(cu1 * sx, b1 * cx - su1 * cu2) + Math.PI);
            x   = Math.Sqrt((1 / (r * r) - 1) * c2a + 1);
            x  += 1;
            x   = (x - 2.0) / x;
            c   = 1.0 - x;
            c   = (x * x / 4.0 + 1.0) / c;
            d   = (0.375 * x * x - 1.0) * x;
            x   = e * cy;
            s   = ((((sy * sy * 4.0 - 3.0) * (1.0 - e - e) * cz * d / 6.0 - x) * d / 4.0 + cz) * sy * d + y) * c * a * r;

            if (Math.Abs(iter - MAXITER) < EPS)
                Debug.WriteLine("Warning: Distance algorithm did not converge");

            return(new double[] { s, faz, baz });