Beispiel #1
        private void HandleExecuteVerb(ExecuteVerbEvent args, EntitySessionEventArgs eventArgs)
            var user = eventArgs.SenderSession.AttachedEntity;

            if (user == null)

            // It is possible that client-side prediction can cause this event to be raised after the target entity has
            // been deleted. So we need to check that the entity still exists.
            if (Deleted(args.Target) || Deleted(user))

            // Get the list of verbs. This effectively also checks that the requested verb is in fact a valid verb that
            // the user can perform.
            var verbs = GetLocalVerbs(args.Target, user.Value, args.RequestedVerb.GetType());

            // Note that GetLocalVerbs might waste time checking & preparing unrelated verbs even though we know
            // precisely which one we want to run. However, MOST entities will only have 1 or 2 verbs of a given type.
            // The one exception here is the "other" verb type, which has 3-4 verbs + all the debug verbs.

            // Find the requested verb.
            if (verbs.TryGetValue(args.RequestedVerb, out var verb))
                ExecuteVerb(verb, user.Value, args.Target);
        private void HandleExecuteVerb(ExecuteVerbEvent args, EntitySessionEventArgs eventArgs)
            var user = eventArgs.SenderSession.AttachedEntity;

            if (user == null)

            // Get the list of verbs. This effectively also checks that the requested verb is in fact a valid verb that
            // the user can perform.
            var verbs = GetLocalVerbs(args.Target, user.Value, args.Type)[args.Type];

            // Note that GetLocalVerbs might waste time checking & preparing unrelated verbs even though we know
            // precisely which one we want to run. However, MOST entities will only have 1 or 2 verbs of a given type.
            // The one exception here is the "other" verb type, which has 3-4 verbs + all the debug verbs.

            // Find the requested verb.
            if (verbs.TryGetValue(args.RequestedVerb, out var verb))
                ExecuteVerb(verb, user.Value, args.Target);