Beispiel #1
 public SlurpItemEventArgs(SlurpItem item, bool willStart)
     : this(item)
     this.willStart = willStart;
Beispiel #2
        protected override void Process()
            //  Schedule();

            var baseTime = DateTime.Today.AddHours(DateTime.Now.Hour).AddMinutes(DateTime.Now.Minute / 15);

            Dictionary <int, double> averageExecutionTimes   = new Dictionary <int, double>();
            Dictionary <int, int>    itemsToProcessPerSource = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            int batchTime       = 5;  // minutes
            int maxDegree       = 1;  //per site
            int defaultItemTime = 10; //seconds
            var datetimeValue   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2);

            using (var unit = GetUnitOfWork())
                var slurpQueueList = (from l in unit.Scope.Repository <SlurpQueue>().GetAll()
                                      where l.IsCompleted && l.CompletionTime.Value >= datetimeValue
                                      select l).ToList();

                averageExecutionTimes = (from l in slurpQueueList
                                         group l by l.ProductCompareSourceID into grouped
                                         select new
                    ID = grouped.Key,
                    Duration = grouped.Average(x => (x.CompletionTime.Value - x.StartTime.Value).TotalMilliseconds / 1000.0)
                }).ToDictionary(x => x.ID, y => y.Duration);

                itemsToProcessPerSource = (from l in unit.Scope.Repository <SlurpQueue>().GetAll()
                                           where !l.IsCompleted
                                           group l by l.ProductCompareSourceID into grouped
                                           select new
                    ID = grouped.Key,
                    Count = grouped.Count()
                }).ToDictionary(x => x.ID, y => y.Count);

            var remainingHoursToday   = 24 - baseTime.Hour;
            var batchesRemainingToday = (remainingHoursToday * 60) / batchTime;

            //Random r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
            var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions {
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = maxDegree

            log.DebugFormat("Start Execution");

            using (var unit = GetUnitOfWork())
                //var options = new DataLoadOptions();

                //options.LoadWith<SlurpQueue>(x => x.Product);
                //options.LoadWith<SlurpQueue>(x => x.ProductCompareSource);
                //ctx.LoadOptions = options;

                var slurpQueueRepo = unit.Scope.Repository <SlurpQueue>().Include(c => c.Product, c => c.ProductCompareSource);
                var sources        = unit.Scope.Repository <ProductCompareSource>().GetAll(x => x.IsActive == true && x.ProductCompareSourceType != null).ToDictionary(x => x.ProductCompareSourceID, y => y);

                var recordsPerSource = (from q in slurpQueueRepo.GetAll(l => !l.IsCompleted && l.ProductCompareSource.IsActive == true && l.ProductCompareSource.ProductCompareSourceType != null)
                                        group q by q.ProductCompareSourceID into grouped
                                        select grouped).ToList();

                var siteHandles = new ManualResetEvent[recordsPerSource.Count()];

                for (int idx = 0; idx < recordsPerSource.Count; idx++)
                    var source        = recordsPerSource[idx];
                    var compareSource = sources[source.Key];

                    log.DebugFormat("Processing {0}", compareSource.Source);

                    siteHandles[idx] = new ManualResetEvent(false);

                    List <SlurpItem> sourceQueue = new List <SlurpItem>();

                    // calculate items to schedule
                    if (!averageExecutionTimes.ContainsKey(source.Key))
                        averageExecutionTimes[source.Key] = defaultItemTime;

                    var maxItemsToQueue = (int)Math.Floor((60.0 / averageExecutionTimes[source.Key]) * batchTime);

                    int itemsInQueue = source.Count();

                    var itemsToQueue = (int)(Math.Floor(Math.Max(itemsInQueue / (double)batchesRemainingToday, 0)) + 1);
                    itemsToQueue = Math.Min(itemsToQueue, maxItemsToQueue);

                    log.DebugFormat("Queueing {0} items of {2} in queue (Maximum : {1})", itemsToQueue, maxItemsToQueue, itemsInQueue);

                    var startTime = DateTime.Now;

                    var sleepTimes = GetSleepTimes(batchTime * 60, itemsToQueue, false);

                    //var delayIdeal = ((batchTime * 60.0) - (averageExecutionTimes[source.Key] * itemsToQueue)) / itemsToQueue;

                    int stIndex = -1;
                    foreach (var product in source.OrderBy(x => x.CreationTime).Take(itemsToQueue))
                        var sleepTime = sleepTimes[++stIndex];

                        SlurpItem item = new SlurpItem(Type.GetType(compareSource.ProductCompareSourceType), product.QueueID, sleepTime);

                    var    currentHandle = siteHandles[idx];
                    Action wrappedAction = () =>
                            Parallel.ForEach(sourceQueue, parallelOptions, x =>
                                SlurpResult result = x.Process();

                                lock (_locker)
                                    //var avg = (from l in slurpQueueRepo.GetAll(c => c.IsCompleted && c.StartTime >= startTime)
                                    //           select (l.CompletionTime.Value - l.StartTime.Value).TotalMilliseconds / 1000.0).ToList().Average();
                                    //log.InfoFormat("Average execution rate for {1} : {0:f2}s / product", avg, result.SiteName);
                        finally { currentHandle.Set(); }

                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(x => wrappedAction());

                if (siteHandles != null && siteHandles.Length > 0)

Beispiel #3
 public SlurpItemEventArgs(SlurpItem item)
     this.item = item;