public void AddOwnerToList(int listId, Guid owner)
     using (var db = new TRIPS_UserEntities())
         var clo = new ContactList_Owner()
             DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow,
             ContactList_Id = listId,
             UserId = owner
 public int CreateContactList(ConModels.ContactList list)
     using (var db = new TRIPS_UserEntities())
         var cl = new ContactList()
             DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow,
             LastModified = DateTime.UtcNow,
             IsActive = true,
             IsPrivate = list.IsPrivate,
             Name = list.Name
         return cl.Id;
        public Guid CreateUser(ConModels.User profile)
            // the recovery email is required.
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.RecoveryEmail))
                throw new Exception("Recovery Email is required.");

            // unique user name is required. Hint: use RecoveryEmail.
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.UserName))
                throw new Exception("UserName is required.");

            // GUID must be, ummm, unique
            if (profile.Id.Equals(Guid.Empty))
                profile.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            // use providers to create a user
            var password = "******";
            MembershipCreateStatus membershipStatus;
            Membership.CreateUser(profile.UserName, password, profile.RecoveryEmail,
                null, null, true, profile.Id, out membershipStatus);
            if (membershipStatus != MembershipCreateStatus.Success)

                throw new Exception("Membership Creation failed: " + membershipStatus.ToString());

            if (!Membership.ValidateUser(profile.UserName, password))
                Logger.Warn("Cannot validate user " + profile.UserName);

            // save extra properties
            using (var db = new TRIPS_UserEntities())
                // get the aspnet_User that was just created
                var user = db.aspnet_Users.Single(u => u.UserName == profile.UserName);
                SavePropertyValues(db, user, profile);

            // give the new user roles
            string[] roles = { "Contact Manager", "Contact", "Viewer", "SponsorRoleManager" };
            Roles.AddUserToRoles(profile.UserName, roles);

            // return ID of new user
            return profile.Id;
 private void SavePropertyValues(TRIPS_UserEntities db, aspnet_Users user, ConModels.User profile)
     SavePropertyValue(db, user, "LastName", profile.LastName);
     SavePropertyValue(db, user, "FirstName", profile.FirstName);
     SavePropertyValue(db, user, "BusinessEmailAddress", profile.BusinessEmail);
     SavePropertyValue(db, user, "HomeEmailAddress", profile.HomeEmail);
     SavePropertyValue(db, user, "AlternateEmailAddress", profile.AlternateEmail);
     SavePropertyValue(db, user, "Comment", profile.Comment);
     SavePropertyValue(db, user, "PrimaryContact", profile.Phone);
     SavePropertyValue(db, user, "Organization", profile.Organization);
     SavePropertyValue(db, user, "Title", profile.Title);
 // TODO: put this into a class and cache the Property IDs before saving/fetching
 private void SavePropertyValue(TRIPS_UserEntities db, aspnet_Users user, string name, string value)
     var pp = db.ProfileProperties.Single(p => p.ProfilePropertyName == name);
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
         var ppv = user.ProfilePropertyValues.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProfilePropertyID == pp.ProfilePropertyID);
         if (ppv != null)
             // TODO: cannot just remove it. Why?
             ppv.ProfilePropertyValue1 = string.Empty;
             ppv.DateUpdated = DateTime.Now;
         var ppv = user.ProfilePropertyValues.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProfilePropertyID == pp.ProfilePropertyID);
         if (ppv != null)
             ppv.ProfilePropertyValue1 = value;
             ppv.DateUpdated = DateTime.Now;
             user.ProfilePropertyValues.Add(new ProfilePropertyValue()
                 ProfileProperty = pp,
                 ProfilePropertyValue1 = value,
                 DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                 DateUpdated = DateTime.Now
 private ConModels.User GetUserModel(TRIPS_UserEntities db, aspnet_Users au)
     string email = null;
     if (au.aspnet_Membership != null)
         email = au.aspnet_Membership.Email;
     var user = new ConModels.User()
         Id = au.UserId,
         UserName = au.UserName,
         RecoveryEmail = email
     GetPropertyValues(db, au, user);
     return user;
 private void GetPropertyValues(TRIPS_UserEntities db, aspnet_Users user, ConModels.User profile)
     profile.LastName = GetPropertyValue(db, user, "LastName");
     profile.FirstName = GetPropertyValue(db, user, "FirstName");
     profile.BusinessEmail = GetPropertyValue(db, user, "BusinessEmailAddress");
     profile.HomeEmail = GetPropertyValue(db, user, "HomeEmailAddress");
     profile.AlternateEmail = GetPropertyValue(db, user, "AlternateEmailAddress");
     profile.Comment = GetPropertyValue(db, user, "Comment");
     profile.Phone = GetPropertyValue(db, user, "PrimaryContact");
     profile.Organization = GetPropertyValue(db, user, "Organization");
     profile.Title = GetPropertyValue(db, user, "Title");
 private string GetPropertyValue(TRIPS_UserEntities db, aspnet_Users user, string name)
     var pp = db.ProfileProperties.Single(p => p.ProfilePropertyName == name);
     var ppv = user.ProfilePropertyValues.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProfilePropertyID == pp.ProfilePropertyID);
     if (ppv != null)
         return ppv.ProfilePropertyValue1.Trim();
     return null;
        public void UpdateUser(ConModels.User profile)
            using (var db = new TRIPS_UserEntities())
                var member = db.aspnet_Membership.Single(m => m.UserId == profile.Id);
                member.Email = profile.RecoveryEmail;
                member.LoweredEmail = profile.RecoveryEmail.ToLower();

                // get the aspnet_User by ID
                var user = db.aspnet_Users.Single(u => u.UserId == profile.Id);

                // nothing in the aspnet_User can be updated

                // save extended properties
                SavePropertyValues(db, user, profile);
        public List<ConModels.User> GetUsers()
            var users = new List<ConModels.User>();

            using (var db = new TRIPS_UserEntities())
                users.AddRange(db.GetUsers().Select(us => new ConModels.User()
                        Id = us.UserId.Value,
                        UserName = us.UserName,
                        Phone = us.PrimaryContact,
                        Organization = us.Organization,
                        RecoveryEmail = us.LoweredEmail,
                        Title = us.Title

            return users;
 public ConModels.User GetUserByName(string name)
     using (var db = new TRIPS_UserEntities())
         var au = db.aspnet_Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.UserName == name);
         if (au != null)
             return GetUserModel(db, au);
     return null;
 public ConModels.User GetUserById(Guid id)
     using (var db = new TRIPS_UserEntities())
         var au = db.aspnet_Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.UserId == id);
         if (au != null)
             return GetUserModel(db, au);
     return null;
 public List<ConModels.ContactList> GetPublicContactLists()
     var lists = new List<ConModels.ContactList>();
     using (var db = new TRIPS_UserEntities())
             .Where(o => o.IsPrivate == false)
             .Select(l => new ConModels.ContactList()
                 Id = l.Id,
                 Name = l.Name
     return lists;
 public List<ConModels.ContactList> GetContactListsOwnedBy(Guid owner)
     var lists = new List<ConModels.ContactList>();
     using (var db = new TRIPS_UserEntities())
             .Where(o => o.UserId == owner)
             .Select(l => new ConModels.ContactList()
                 Id = l.ContactList_Id,
                 Name = l.ContactList.Name
     return lists;
        public void DeleteUser(Guid id)
            using (var db = new TRIPS_UserEntities())
                // get the aspnet_User that was just created
                var user = db.aspnet_Users.Single(u => u.UserId == id);

                // remove the property values for this user
                foreach (var ppv in db.ProfilePropertyValues.Where(p => p.UserID == id))


                Membership.DeleteUser(user.UserName, true);