Beispiel #1
        private void UpdateSimulation(bool Rebuild)
            int id = Interlocked.Increment(ref update);

            new Task(() =>
                ComputerAlgebra.Expression h = (ComputerAlgebra.Expression) 1 / (stream.SampleRate * Oversample);
                Circuit.TransientSolution s  = Circuit.TransientSolution.Solve(circuit.Analyze(), h, Rebuild ? (ILog)Log : new NullLog());
                lock (sync)
                    if (id > clock)
                        if (Rebuild)
                            simulation = new Circuit.Simulation(s)
                                Log        = Log,
                                Input      = inputs.Keys,
                                Output     = probes.Select(i => i.V).Concat(OutputChannels.Select(i => i.Signal)),
                                Oversample = Oversample,
                                Iterations = Iterations,
                            simulation.Solution = s;
                            clock = id;
Beispiel #2
        private void RebuildSolution()
            lock (sync)
                simulation = null;
                ProgressDialog.RunAsync(this, "Building circuit solution...", () =>
                        ComputerAlgebra.Expression h       = (ComputerAlgebra.Expression) 1 / (stream.SampleRate * Oversample);
                        Circuit.TransientSolution solution = Circuit.TransientSolution.Solve(circuit.Analyze(), h, Log);

                        simulation = new Circuit.Simulation(solution)
                            Log        = Log,
                            Input      = inputs.Keys,
                            Output     = probes.Select(i => i.V).Concat(OutputChannels.Select(i => i.Signal)),
                            Oversample = Oversample,
                            Iterations = Iterations,
                    catch (Exception Ex)
        public static void TestSymbolism()
            // Create some constants.
            ComputerAlgebra.Expression A = 2;
            ComputerAlgebra.Constant   B = ComputerAlgebra.Constant.New(3);

            // Create some variables.
            ComputerAlgebra.Expression x = "x";
            Variable y = Variable.New("y");

            // Create basic expression with operator overloads.
            ComputerAlgebra.Expression f = A * x + B * y + 4;

            // This expression uses the implicit conversion from string to
            // Expression, which parses the string.
            ComputerAlgebra.Expression g = "5*x + C*y + 8";

            // Create a system of equations from the above expressions.
            var system = new List <Equal>()
                Equal.New(f, 0),
                Equal.New(g, 0),

            // We can now solve the system of equations for x and y. Since the
            // equations have a variable 'C', the solutions will not be
            // constants.
            List <Arrow> solutions = system.Solve(x, y);

            Debug.WriteLine("The solutions are:");
            foreach (Arrow i in solutions)
Beispiel #4
        private void BindSignal_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            OutputChannel ch = (OutputChannel)((FrameworkElement)sender).Tag;

            SchematicTool tool = Schematic.Tool;

            Schematic.Tool = new FindRelevantTool(Schematic)
                Relevant = (x) => x is Circuit.Symbol && ((Circuit.Symbol)x).Component is Circuit.TwoTerminal,
                Clicked  = (x) =>
                    if (x.Any())
                        ComputerAlgebra.Expression init = (Keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Control) != 0 ? ch.Signal : 0;
                        ch.Signal = x.OfType <Circuit.Symbol>()
                                    .Select(i => i.Component)
                                    .OfType <Circuit.TwoTerminal>()
                                    .Aggregate(init, (sum, c) => sum + c.V);
                    Schematic.Tool = tool;
Beispiel #5
        public LiveSimulation(Circuit.Schematic Simulate, Audio.Device Device, Audio.Channel[] Inputs, Audio.Channel[] Outputs)

                // Make a clone of the schematic so we can mess with it.
                Circuit.Schematic clone = Circuit.Schematic.Deserialize(Simulate.Serialize(), Log);
                clone.Elements.ItemAdded   += OnElementAdded;
                clone.Elements.ItemRemoved += OnElementRemoved;
                Schematic = new SimulationSchematic(clone);
                Schematic.SelectionChanged += OnProbeSelected;

                // Build the circuit from the schematic.
                circuit = Schematic.Schematic.Build(Log);

                // Create the input and output controls.
                IEnumerable <Circuit.Component> components = circuit.Components;

                // Create audio input channels.
                for (int i = 0; i < Inputs.Length; ++i)
                    InputChannels.Add(new InputChannel(i)
                        Name = Inputs[i].Name

                ComputerAlgebra.Expression speakers = 0;

                foreach (Circuit.Component i in components)
                    Circuit.Symbol S = i.Tag as Circuit.Symbol;
                    if (S == null)

                    SymbolControl tag = (SymbolControl)S.Tag;
                    if (tag == null)

                    // Create potentiometers.
                    Circuit.IPotControl c = i as Circuit.IPotControl;
                    if (c != null)
                        PotControl pot = new PotControl()
                            Width      = 80,
                            Height     = 80,
                            Opacity    = 0.5,
                            FontSize   = 15,
                            FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold,
                        Canvas.SetLeft(pot, Canvas.GetLeft(tag) - pot.Width / 2 + tag.Width / 2);
                        Canvas.SetTop(pot, Canvas.GetTop(tag) - pot.Height / 2 + tag.Height / 2);

                        pot.Value         = c.PotValue;
                        pot.ValueChanged += x => { c.PotValue = x; UpdateSimulation(false); };

                        pot.MouseEnter += (o, e) => pot.Opacity = 0.95;
                        pot.MouseLeave += (o, e) => pot.Opacity = 0.5;

                    // Create Buttons.
                    Circuit.IButtonControl b = i as Circuit.IButtonControl;
                    if (b != null)
                        Button button = new Button()
                            Width      = tag.Width,
                            Height     = tag.Height,
                            Opacity    = 0.5,
                            Background = Brushes.White,
                        Canvas.SetLeft(button, Canvas.GetLeft(tag));
                        Canvas.SetTop(button, Canvas.GetTop(tag));

                        button.Click += (o, e) =>
                            // Click all the buttons in the group.
                            foreach (Circuit.IButtonControl j in components.OfType <Circuit.IButtonControl>().Where(x => x.Group == b.Group))

                        button.MouseEnter += (o, e) => button.Opacity = 0.95;
                        button.MouseLeave += (o, e) => button.Opacity = 0.5;

                    Circuit.Speaker output = i as Circuit.Speaker;
                    if (output != null)
                        speakers += output.V;

                    // Create input controls.
                    Circuit.Input input = i as Circuit.Input;
                    if (input != null)
                        tag.ShowText = false;

                        ComboBox combo = new ComboBox()
                            Width             = 80,
                            Height            = 24,
                            Opacity           = 0.5,
                            IsEditable        = true,
                            SelectedValuePath = "Tag",

                        foreach (InputChannel j in InputChannels)
                            combo.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem()
                                Tag     = j,
                                Content = j.Name

                        Canvas.SetLeft(combo, Canvas.GetLeft(tag) - combo.Width / 2 + tag.Width / 2);
                        Canvas.SetTop(combo, Canvas.GetTop(tag) - combo.Height / 2 + tag.Height / 2);

                        ComputerAlgebra.Expression V = Circuit.Component.DependentVariable(input.Name, Circuit.Component.t);
                        inputs[V] = new SignalChannel(0);

                        combo.SelectionChanged += (o, e) =>
                            if (combo.SelectedItem != null)
                                ComboBoxItem it = (ComboBoxItem)combo.SelectedItem;
                                inputs[V] = new InputChannel(((InputChannel)it.Tag).Index);

                        combo.AddHandler(TextBox.KeyDownEvent, new KeyEventHandler((o, e) =>
                                inputs[V] = new SignalChannel(Circuit.Quantity.Parse(combo.Text, Circuit.Units.V));
                            catch (Exception)
                                // If there is an error in the expression, zero out the signal.
                                inputs[V] = new SignalChannel(0);

                        if (combo.Items.Count > 0)
                            combo.SelectedItem = combo.Items[0];
                            combo.Text = "0 V";

                        combo.MouseEnter += (o, e) => combo.Opacity = 0.95;
                        combo.MouseLeave += (o, e) => combo.Opacity = 0.5;

                // Create audio output channels.
                for (int i = 0; i < Outputs.Length; ++i)
                    OutputChannel c = new OutputChannel(i)
                        Name = Outputs[i].Name, Signal = speakers
                    c.PropertyChanged += (o, e) => { if (e.PropertyName == "Signal")

                // Begin audio processing.
                if (Inputs.Any() || Outputs.Any())
                    stream = Device.Open(ProcessSamples, Inputs, Outputs);
                    stream = new NullStream(ProcessSamples);

                ContentRendered += (o, e) => RebuildSolution();

                Closed += (s, e) => stream.Stop();
            catch (Exception Ex)
                MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Beispiel #6
 public SignalChannel(ComputerAlgebra.Expression Signal)
     signal = Signal.Compile <Func <double, double> >(Circuit.Component.t);
        public static void GetAllSheetFormulas()

            // this will return a line for each equation on the current worksheet where the cell reference is assumed to be a variable

            // iterate through used range

            Excel.Application app = (Excel.Application)ExcelDnaUtil.Application;

            Excel.Worksheet sht = (Excel.Worksheet)app.ActiveSheet;

            Excel.Range usedRange = sht.UsedRange;

            var exprs = new List <ComputerAlgebra.Expression>();

            var system = new List <Equal>();

            var constants = new List <Arrow>();

            foreach (Excel.Range rng in usedRange.Cells)

                if ((bool)rng.HasFormula)
                    // if the cell has a formula, obtain the math equation for it
                    Debug.WriteLine($"{rng.Address} has formula");

                    string formula = rng.Formula.ToString();

                    Debug.WriteLine($"formula: {formula}");

                    // remove the equal sign
                    formula = formula.Substring(1);
                    Debug.WriteLine($"formula: {formula}");

                    // take that thing and remove the leading = sign
                    // TODO: anything required for the $C$2 names?
                    // create an expression, and an equal equation
                    // add to the systme of equations

                    ComputerAlgebra.Expression thisCell = formula;

                    Debug.WriteLine($"parsed expr: {thisCell.ToPrettyString()}");


                    //system.Add(Equal.New(thisCell, 0));
                else if (rng.Value.ToString() != "")
                    // if the cell is not blank process it
                    Debug.WriteLine($"{rng.Address} is constant");

                    // create an arrow function for the constant
                    Arrow thisCell = Arrow.New(rng.Address.Replace("$", ""), rng.Value.ToString());
                    Debug.Print($"arrow func: {thisCell.ToPrettyString()}");


            // run through the exprs and sub in the arrows (constants)

            foreach (var expr in exprs)
                var evalExpr = expr.Evaluate(constants);

                Debug.WriteLine($"eval expr: {expr.ToPrettyString()} \t->\t {evalExpr.ToPrettyString()}");