Beispiel #1
        public byte[] CompressQso(Qso q)
            if (q == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("q", "QSO to compress is null");

            // 0: start byte
            // 1-2: date time offset
            // 3: band and operator
            // 4: mode and callsign length
            // 5-(n-1): callsign (ASCII)
            int callsignLength = Encoding.ASCII.GetByteCount(q.Callsign);
            int compressedLength = callsignLength + c_HeaderLength;
            byte[] compressedBytes = new byte[compressedLength];

            // Byte 0: start byte, always 0xFF
            compressedBytes[0] = 0xFF;

            // Bytes 1-2: number of minutes since epoch
            TimeSpan timeOffset = q.QsoTime.Subtract(s_DateTimeEpoch);
            byte[] dateTimeBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)timeOffset.TotalMinutes);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(dateTimeBytes, 0, compressedBytes, 1, 2);

            // Byte 3: band and operator, 4 bits each
            compressedBytes[3] = (byte)((GetBandByte(q.Band) & 0x0F) | (GetOperatorByte(q.Operator) << 4 & 0xF0));

            // Byte 4: mode (bits 6-7) and callsign length (bits 0-5)
            compressedBytes[4] = (byte)((GetModeByte(q.Mode) << 6 & 0xC0) | callsignLength & 0x3F);

            // Bytes 5 onwards: callsign
            byte[] callsignBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(q.Callsign);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(callsignBytes, 0, compressedBytes, 5, callsignBytes.Length);

            return compressedBytes;
        public void TwoQsoCompression()
            Qso source1 = new Qso
                Callsign = "JW1ABC",
                QsoTime = new DateTime(2015, 07, 13, 15, 17, 0),
                Band = Band.B40m,
                Mode = Mode.CW,
                Operator = "M0VFC",
            byte[] compressedQso1 = new QsoCompressor().CompressQso(source1);
            Qso source2 = new Qso
                Callsign = "K3LR",
                QsoTime = new DateTime(2015, 07, 18, 3, 1, 0),
                Band = Band.B12m,
                Mode = Mode.Phone,
                Operator = "G3ZAY",
            byte[] compressedQso2 = new QsoCompressor().CompressQso(source2);

            byte[] bothQsos = new byte[compressedQso1.Length + compressedQso2.Length];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(compressedQso1, 0, bothQsos, 0, compressedQso1.Length);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(compressedQso2, 0, bothQsos, compressedQso1.Length, compressedQso2.Length);

            int decompressPosition = 0;
            Qso output1 = new QsoCompressor().UncompressQso(bothQsos, ref decompressPosition);
            Qso output2 = new QsoCompressor().UncompressQso(bothQsos, ref decompressPosition);

            AssertQsosEqual(source1, output1);
            AssertQsosEqual(source2, output2);
Beispiel #3
 private static void ExportContact(Qso contact, StringBuilder writer)
     WriteField("call", contact.Callsign, writer);
     WriteField("qso_date", contact.QsoTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), writer);
     WriteField("time_on", contact.QsoTime.ToString("HHmm"), writer);
     WriteField("mode", ModeText(contact.Mode), writer);
     WriteField("band", BandText(contact.Band), writer);
     WriteField("rst_sent", RstFromMode(contact.Mode), writer);
     WriteField("rst_rcvd", RstFromMode(contact.Mode), writer);
Beispiel #4
 public void DeleteQso(Qso q)
     using (SQLiteConnection conn = GetConnection())
         using (SQLiteCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
             cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM qsos WHERE band=@band AND callsign=@callsign AND mode=@mode AND operator=@operator AND qsotime=@qsotime;";
             AddStandardParameters(q, cmd);
Beispiel #5
 public void MarkQsoProcessed(Qso q)
     using (SQLiteConnection conn = GetConnection())
         using (SQLiteCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
             cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE qsos SET processed=1 WHERE band=@band AND callsign=@callsign AND mode=@mode AND operator=@operator AND qsotime=@qsotime;";
             AddStandardParameters(q, cmd);
Beispiel #6
 public void AddQso(Qso q)
     using (SQLiteConnection conn = GetConnection())
         using (SQLiteCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
             cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO qsos (band, callsign, mode, operator, qsotime, processed) VALUES (@band, @callsign, @mode, @operator, @qsotime, @processed);";
             AddStandardParameters(q, cmd);
             cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@processed", false);
        public void BasicExportToAdif()
            Qso source = new Qso
                Callsign = "JW1ABC",
                QsoTime = new DateTime(2015, 07, 13, 15, 17, 0),
                Band = Band.B40m,
                Mode = Mode.CW,
                Operator = "M0VFC",

            string adif = AdifHandler.ExportContacts(new List<Qso> { source });
Beispiel #8
        public void AddQso()
            Qso source = new Qso
                Callsign = "JW1ABC",
                QsoTime = new DateTime (2015, 07, 13, 15, 17, 0),
                Band = Band.B40m,
                Mode = Mode.CW,
                Operator = "M0VFC",

            var store = new QsoStore();
        public void BasicQsoCompression()
            Qso source = new Qso
                Callsign = "JW1ABC",
                QsoTime = new DateTime (2015, 07, 13, 15, 17, 0),
                Band = Band.B40m,
                Mode = Mode.CW,
                Operator = "M0VFC",
            byte[] compressedQso = new QsoCompressor().CompressQso(source);
            Qso output = new QsoCompressor().UncompressQso(compressedQso, 0);

            AssertQsosEqual(source, output);
Beispiel #10
 public bool QsoExists(Qso q)
     using (SQLiteConnection conn = GetConnection())
         using (SQLiteCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
             cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM qsos WHERE band=@band AND callsign=@callsign AND mode=@mode AND operator=@operator AND qsotime=@qsotime;";
             AddStandardParameters(q, cmd);
             using (SQLiteDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                 return reader.Read();
Beispiel #11
        public static Qso GetContact(AdifFileReader.Record record)
            Qso c = new Qso();
            c.Callsign = record["call"];

            // This parsing is horrid. TODO: Figure out how to use IFormatProvider properly.
            string dateStr = record["qso_date"];
            string timeOnStr = record["time_on"];
            DateTime? date = AdifFileReader.ParseAdifDate(dateStr, timeOnStr);
            c.QsoTime = date.Value;

            c.Band = ParseBand(record["band"]);
            c.Operator = record["operator"];
            c.Mode = ParseMode(record["mode"]);
            return c;
        public void BasicRoundtripAdif()
            Qso source = new Qso
                Callsign = "JW1ABC",
                QsoTime = new DateTime(2015, 07, 13, 15, 17, 0),
                Band = Band.B40m,
                Mode = Mode.CW,
                Operator = "M0VFC",

            string adif = AdifHandler.ExportContacts(new List<Qso> { source });

            List<Qso> qsos = AdifHandler.ImportAdif(adif);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, qsos.Count);
        public void WebServiceSubmission()
            Qso source1 = new Qso
                Callsign = "JW1ABC",
                QsoTime = new DateTime(2015, 07, 13, 15, 17, 0),
                Band = Band.B40m,
                Mode = Mode.CW,
                Operator = "M0VFC",
            byte[] compressedQso1 = new QsoCompressor().CompressQso(source1);

            HttpWebRequest req = HttpWebRequest.CreateHttp("http://localhost:55950/logs/submit?qsoCount=1&hash=something");
            req.Method = "POST";
            using (Stream reqStream = req.GetRequestStream())
                reqStream.Write(compressedQso1, 0, compressedQso1.Length);
Beispiel #14
        public Qso UncompressQso(byte[] buff, ref int start)
            if (buff == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("buff", "Compressed data buffer null");
            if (start >= buff.Length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("start", "Start position beyond end of compressed data buffer");
            if (start >= (buff.Length - c_HeaderLength))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("start", "Start position does not leave enough data for QSO header in buffer");

            // Byte 0: start byte, always 0xFF
            if (buff[start] != 0xFF)
                throw new ArgumentException("buff", "Compressed data does not begin with expected start byte");

            Qso q = new Qso();

            // Byte 1-2: minutes since epoch
            UInt16 minutesSinceEpoch = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buff, start + 1);
            q.QsoTime = s_DateTimeEpoch.AddMinutes(minutesSinceEpoch);

            // Byte 3: band and operator, 4 bits each
            byte band = (byte)(buff[start + 3] & 0x0F);
            q.Band = GetBand(band);
            byte op = (byte)((buff[start + 3] & 0xF0) >> 4);
            q.Operator = GetOperator(op);

            // Byte 4: mode (bits 6-7) and callsign length (bits 0-5)
            byte modeByte = (byte)((buff[start + 4] & 0xC0) >> 6);
            q.Mode = GetMode(modeByte);
            int callsignLength = buff[start + 4] & 0x3F;

            if (buff.Length < (start + c_HeaderLength + callsignLength))
                throw new ArgumentException("buff", "Callsign length runs beyond end of compressed data");

            // Byte 5+: callsign, ASCII
            q.Callsign = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buff, start + 5, callsignLength);

            start += c_HeaderLength + callsignLength;

            return q;
Beispiel #15
        public void ProcessedTest()
            Qso source = new Qso
                Callsign = "JW1ABC",
                QsoTime = new DateTime(2015, 07, 13, 15, 17, 0),
                Band = Band.B40m,
                Mode = Mode.CW,
                Operator = "M0VFC",

            var store = new QsoStore();
            if (store.QsoExists(source))

            int unprocessedCount = store.GetUnprocessedQsos().Count;
            int unprocessedCountAfterProcessing = store.GetUnprocessedQsos().Count;
            Assert.AreEqual(unprocessedCount - 1, unprocessedCountAfterProcessing, "Expected unprocessed count to go down after processing");
 private void AssertQsosEqual(Qso source, Qso target)
     Assert.AreEqual(source.Band, target.Band);
     Assert.AreEqual(source.Callsign, target.Callsign);
     Assert.AreEqual(source.Mode, target.Mode);
     Assert.AreEqual(source.Operator, target.Operator);
     Assert.AreEqual(source.QsoTime, target.QsoTime);
Beispiel #17
 private void AddStandardParameters(Qso q, SQLiteCommand cmd)
     cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@band", q.Band.ToString());
     cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@callsign", q.Callsign);
     cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mode", q.Mode.ToString());
     cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@operator", q.Operator);
     cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@qsotime", q.QsoTime);
Beispiel #18
 private Qso LoadFromDataReader(SQLiteDataReader dr)
     Qso q = new Qso();
     q.Band = (Band)Enum.Parse(typeof(Band), dr.GetString(dr.GetOrdinal("band")));
     q.Callsign = dr.GetString(dr.GetOrdinal("callsign"));
     q.Mode = (Mode)Enum.Parse(typeof(Mode), dr.GetString(dr.GetOrdinal("mode")));
     q.Operator = dr.GetString(dr.GetOrdinal("operator"));
     q.QsoTime = dr.GetDateTime(dr.GetOrdinal("qsotime"));
     return q;