public void AnalyzeLibraries(InventoryHelper helper, MFSolution solution, List<LibraryCategory> unresolved, List<LibraryCategory> removed)
            Dictionary<string, MFComponent> reqLibList = new Dictionary<string, MFComponent>();
            Dictionary<string, MFComponent> unresolvedTypes = new Dictionary<string, MFComponent>();
            List<MFComponent> features = new List<MFComponent>();
            Dictionary<string, MFComponent> preferredLibrary = new Dictionary<string, MFComponent>();
            Processor proc = helper.FindProcessor(solution.Processor.Guid);


            /// First add all the features and there dependencies
            if (this.IsClrProject)
                foreach (MFComponent cmpFeat in featuresField)
                    RecurseFeatureDeps(cmpFeat, features, helper);

                /// get debug transport
                if (solution.TransportType != null)
                    string key = solution.TransportType.Guid.ToLower();

                    foreach (MFComponent transportFeat in solution.TransportType.FeatureAssociations)
                        if (!features.Contains(transportFeat))

            foreach (MFComponent cmpFeat in features)
                Feature feat = helper.FindFeature(cmpFeat.Guid);


                foreach (MFComponent cmp in feat.ComponentDependencies)
                    string key = cmp.Guid.ToLower();

                    if (cmp.ComponentType == MFComponentType.LibraryCategory)
                        if (!unresolvedTypes.ContainsKey(key))
                            unresolvedTypes[key] = cmp;
                    else if (cmp.ComponentType == MFComponentType.Library)
                        reqLibList[key] = cmp;
                        RecurseLibCatDeps(cmp, unresolvedTypes, helper, false);

            /// Add any required libraries before analyzing all project libraries
            foreach (Library lib in helper.GetRequiredLibraries())
                // Only add CLR libraries to CLR projects
                if (lib.Level == LibraryLevel.CLR && !this.IsClrProject)

                string key = lib.Guid.ToLower();

                if (!reqLibList.ContainsKey(key))
                    MFComponent cmpNew = new MFComponent(MFComponentType.Library, lib.Name, lib.Guid, lib.ProjectPath);

                    reqLibList[key] = cmpNew;

                    RecurseLibCatDeps(cmpNew, unresolvedTypes, helper, false);

            /// Now add all required library categories
            foreach (LibraryCategory lc in helper.GetRequiredLibraryCategories())
                if (lc.Level == LibraryLevel.CLR && !this.isClrProjectField) continue;

                string key = lc.Guid.ToLower();

                if (!unresolvedTypes.ContainsKey(key))
                    MFComponent cmp = new MFComponent(MFComponentType.LibraryCategory, lc.Name, lc.Guid, lc.ProjectPath);

                    unresolvedTypes[lc.Guid.ToLower()] = cmp;

            /// Add cloned solution's solution-dependent projects
            if (solution.m_cloneSolution != null && m_cloneProj != null)
                foreach (MFComponent lib in m_cloneProj.librariesField)
                    // If we have already added a library for the current solution, then just add a new component to the project
                    if (solution.m_clonedLibraryMap.ContainsKey(lib.Guid.ToUpper()))
                        Library newLib = solution.m_clonedLibraryMap[lib.Guid.ToUpper()];

                        librariesField.Add(new MFComponent(lib.ComponentType, newLib.Name, newLib.Guid, newLib.ProjectPath, lib.Conditional));
                    // otherwise, create a new library based on the cloned solution's library
                    else if (lib.ProjectPath.ToUpper().Contains("\\SOLUTIONS\\" + solution.m_cloneSolution.Name.ToUpper() + "\\"))
                        string name = CopyHelper.ReplaceText(lib.Name, solution.m_cloneSolution.Name, solution.Name);
                        string path = CopyHelper.ReplaceText(lib.ProjectPath, solution.m_cloneSolution.Name, solution.Name);
                        string guid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("B").ToUpper();

                        // find cloned solution's library in the intventory
                        Library l = helper.FindLibrary(lib);
                        if (l != null)
                            Library l2 = new Library();

                            // copy and rename 

                            CopyHelper.Rename(l2, solution.m_cloneSolution.Name, solution.Name);

                            l2.Name = name;
                            l2.Guid = guid;
                            l2.ProjectPath = path;

                            // add library to inventory
                            helper.AddLibraryToInventory(l2, false, helper.DefaultInventory);

                            // hash to used so that we don't add multiple libraries for each project
                            solution.m_clonedLibraryMap[lib.Guid.ToUpper()] = l2;
                            // Add the component to this projects library list
                            MFComponent newCmp = new MFComponent(lib.ComponentType, name, guid, path, lib.Conditional);

                            if (l.HasLibraryCategory)
                                preferredLibrary[l.LibraryCategory.Guid.ToLower()] = newCmp;

            /// HACK - fix this to make it data driven (add a field on library categories that allows them to be required by a solution)
            if (this.isClrProjectField)
                LibraryCategory lc = helper.FindLibraryCategoryByName("WearLeveling_HAL");

                if (lc != null)
                    string key = lc.Guid.ToLower();
                    if (unresolvedTypes.ContainsKey(key))
                        solution.m_solRequiredLibCats[key] = unresolvedTypes[key];
            else if(solution.m_solRequiredLibCats != null)
                foreach (MFComponent cmp in solution.m_solRequiredLibCats.Values)
                    string key = cmp.Guid.ToLower();

                    if (!unresolvedTypes.ContainsKey(key))
                        unresolvedTypes[key] = cmp;

            /// Use a copy of the libraries, because the libraryField may be updated inside the loop
            MFComponent[] __libs = new MFComponent[librariesField.Count];

            List<MFComponent> libs = new List<MFComponent>(__libs);
            Dictionary<string, MFComponent> resolvedTypes = new Dictionary<string, MFComponent>();
            List<string> duplicateLibList = new List<string>();

            while (true)
                List<MFComponent> remList = new List<MFComponent>();
                Dictionary<string, MFComponent> newUnresolvedTypes = new Dictionary<string, MFComponent>();

                foreach (MFComponent cmpLib in libs)
                    Library lib = helper.FindLibrary(cmpLib);

                    bool fKeepingLib = false;

                    if (duplicateLibList.Contains(cmpLib.Guid.ToLower()) || lib == null || !ValidateLibrary(lib, solution, proc, helper))

                    if (lib.HasLibraryCategory)
                        if (preferredLibrary.ContainsKey(lib.LibraryCategory.Guid.ToLower()) &&
                            string.Compare(cmpLib.Guid, preferredLibrary[lib.LibraryCategory.Guid.ToLower()].Guid, true) != 0)
                            fKeepingLib = true;
                        /// Make sure the library selection matches the feature selection
                        else if (this.isClrProjectField)
                            LibraryCategory lc = helper.FindLibraryCategory(lib.LibraryCategory.Guid);

                            if (lc != null)
                                if (lc.FeatureAssociations.Count > 0)
                                    bool fFeatureSelected = false;

                                    foreach (MFComponent feat in lc.FeatureAssociations)
                                        if (features.Contains(feat))
                                            fFeatureSelected = true;

                                    if (((!fFeatureSelected && !lib.IsStub) || (fFeatureSelected && lib.IsStub)) &&

                        if (!fKeepingLib)
                            string key = lib.LibraryCategory.Guid.ToLower();

                            if (unresolvedTypes.ContainsKey(key) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmpLib.Conditional) && resolvedTypes.ContainsKey(key)))
                                resolvedTypes[key] = lib.LibraryCategory;
                                fKeepingLib = true;
                                RecurseLibCatDeps(cmpLib, newUnresolvedTypes, helper, true);
                        fKeepingLib = true;

                    if (fKeepingLib)


                        foreach (MFComponent dep in lib.Dependencies)
                            if (dep.ComponentType == MFComponentType.Library)
                                if (duplicateLibList.Contains(dep.Guid.ToLower()) || librariesField.Contains(dep))

                                Library libDep = helper.FindLibrary(dep);

                                if (libDep != null && libDep.HasLibraryCategory)
                                    string key = libDep.LibraryCategory.Guid.ToLower();
                                    if(!unresolvedTypes.ContainsKey(key) && !resolvedTypes.ContainsKey(key) && !newUnresolvedTypes.ContainsKey(key))
                                        newUnresolvedTypes[key] = libDep.LibraryCategory;

                foreach (MFComponent cmp in remList)
                    if (libs.Contains(cmp))

                if (newUnresolvedTypes.Count == 0) break;

                foreach (string key in newUnresolvedTypes.Keys)
                    if (!unresolvedTypes.ContainsKey(key) && !resolvedTypes.ContainsKey(key))
                        unresolvedTypes[key] = newUnresolvedTypes[key];

            foreach (MFComponent cmp in resolvedTypes.Values)

            foreach (MFComponent cmp in libs)

            foreach (MFComponent cmp in reqLibList.Values)
                if (!librariesField.Contains(cmp))
                    Library lib = helper.FindLibrary(cmp);
                    if (lib != null && ValidateLibrary(lib, solution, proc, helper))

            foreach (MFComponent cmp in unresolvedTypes.Values)
                LibraryCategory lc = helper.FindLibraryCategory(cmp.Guid);

        private void RecurseLibCatDeps(
                    MFComponent cmp,
                    Dictionary<string, MFComponent> unresolvedCatList,
                    InventoryHelper helper,
                    bool fDependency)
            string key = cmp.Guid.ToLower();

            if (unresolvedCatList.ContainsKey(key)) return;

            if (cmp.ComponentType == MFComponentType.Library)
                Library lib = helper.FindLibrary(cmp);

                if (lib != null)
                    foreach (MFComponent dep in lib.Dependencies)
                        RecurseLibCatDeps(dep, unresolvedCatList, helper, true);
            else if (cmp.ComponentType == MFComponentType.LibraryCategory)
                if (!unresolvedCatList.ContainsKey(key))
                    unresolvedCatList[key] = cmp;