Beispiel #1
 public Sector(
     string name,
     int minimumAltitude,
     int maximumAltitude,
     SectorOwnerHierarchy owners,
     List <SectorAlternateOwnerHierarchy> altOwners,
     List <SectorActive> active,
     List <SectorGuest> guests,
     List <SectorBorder> borders,
     List <SectorArrivalAirports> arrivalAirports,
     List <SectorDepartureAirports> departureAirports,
     Definition initialDefinition,
     Docblock initialDocblock,
     Comment initialInlineComment
     ) : base(initialDefinition, initialDocblock, initialInlineComment)
     Name              = name;
     MinimumAltitude   = minimumAltitude;
     MaximumAltitude   = maximumAltitude;
     Owners            = owners;
     AltOwners         = altOwners;
     Active            = active;
     Guests            = guests;
     Borders           = borders;
     ArrivalAirports   = arrivalAirports;
     DepartureAirports = departureAirports;
Beispiel #2
 public ControllerPosition(
     string callsign,
     string rtfCallsign,
     string frequency,
     string identifier,
     string middleLetter,
     string prefix,
     string suffix,
     string squawkRangeStart,
     string squawkRangeEnd,
     List <Coordinate> visCentres,
     PositionOrder positionOrder,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock docblock,
     Comment inlineComment
     ) : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
     Callsign         = callsign;
     RtfCallsign      = rtfCallsign;
     Frequency        = frequency;
     Identifier       = identifier;
     MiddleLetter     = middleLetter;
     Prefix           = prefix;
     Suffix           = suffix;
     SquawkRangeStart = squawkRangeStart;
     SquawkRangeEnd   = squawkRangeEnd;
     VisCentres       = visCentres;
     PositionOrder    = positionOrder;
 public SectorBorder(
     List <string> borderLines,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock docblock,
     Comment inlineComment
     ) : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
     BorderLines = borderLines;
Beispiel #4
 public SectorOwnerHierarchy(
     List <string> owners,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock docblock,
     Comment inlineComment
     ) : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
     Owners = owners;
 public SectorArrivalAirports(
     List <string> airports,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock docblock,
     Comment inlineComment
     : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
     this.Airports = airports;
 public Region(
     string name,
     List <RegionPoint> points,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock docblock,
     Comment inlineComment
     ) : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
     Name   = name;
     Points = points;
Beispiel #7
 public SectorAlternateOwnerHierarchy(
     string name,
     List <string> owners,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock docblock,
     Comment inlineComment
     ) : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
     Name   = name;
     Owners = owners;
Beispiel #8
 public Sectorline(
     string name,
     List <SectorlineDisplayRule> displayRules,
     List <SectorlineCoordinate> coordinates,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock docblock,
     Comment inlineComment
     ) : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
     Name         = name;
     DisplayRules = displayRules;
     Coordinates  = coordinates;
Beispiel #9
        public ActiveRunway(
            string identifier,
            string airfield,
            int mode,
            Definition definition,
            Docblock docblock,
            Comment inlineComment

            ) : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
            Identifier = identifier;
            Airfield   = airfield;
            Mode       = mode;
Beispiel #10
 public Airport(
     string name,
     string icao,
     Coordinate latLong,
     string frequency,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock docblock,
     Comment inlineComment
     ) : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
     this.Name      = name;
     this.Icao      = icao;
     this.LatLong   = latLong;
     this.Frequency = frequency;
 public CircleSectorline(
     string name,
     string centrePoint,
     double radius,
     List <SectorlineDisplayRule> displayRules,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock definitionLineDocblock,
     Comment definitionLineComment
     ) : base(definition, definitionLineDocblock, definitionLineComment)
     Name         = name;
     CentrePoint  = centrePoint;
     Radius       = radius;
     DisplayRules = displayRules;
 public RouteSegment(
     string segmentIdentifier,
     Point start,
     Point end,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock docblock,
     Comment inlineComment,
     string colour = null
     ) : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
     SegmentIdentifier = segmentIdentifier;
     Start             = start;
     End    = end;
     Colour = colour;
Beispiel #13
 public SidStarRoute(
     SidStarType type,
     string identifier,
     RouteSegment initialSegment,
     List <RouteSegment> segments,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock docblock,
     Comment inlineComment
     ) : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
     Type           = type;
     Identifier     = identifier;
     InitialSegment = initialSegment;
     Segments       = segments;
Beispiel #14
 public SidStar(
     string type,
     string airport,
     string runway,
     string identifier,
     List <string> route,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock docblock,
     Comment inlineComment
     ) : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
     this.Type       = type;
     this.Airport    = airport;
     this.Runway     = runway;
     this.Identifier = identifier;
     this.Route      = route;
Beispiel #15
  * Every line of a GEO segment contains the same data, except the first line
  * which also has a name.
 public Geo(
     string name,
     Point firstPoint,
     Point secondPoint,
     string colour,
     List <GeoSegment> additionalSegments,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock docblock,
     Comment inlineComment
     ) : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
     Name               = name;
     FirstPoint         = firstPoint;
     SecondPoint        = secondPoint;
     Colour             = colour;
     AdditionalSegments = additionalSegments;
Beispiel #16
 public GroundNetworkRunwayExit(
     string runway,
     string exitName,
     string direction,
     int maximumSpeed,
     List <GroundNetworkCoordinate> coordinates,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock docblock,
     Comment inlineComment
     ) : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
     Runway       = runway;
     ExitName     = exitName;
     Direction    = direction;
     Coordinates  = coordinates;
     MaximumSpeed = maximumSpeed;
Beispiel #17
 public GroundNetworkTaxiway(
     string name,
     int maximumSpeed,
     string gateName,
     List <GroundNetworkCoordinate> coordinates,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock docblock,
     Comment inlineComment
     ) : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
     Name         = name;
     Coordinates  = coordinates;
     MaximumSpeed = maximumSpeed;
     UsageFlag    = usageFlag;
     GateName     = gateName;
Beispiel #18
 public Runway(
     string airfieldIcao,
     string firstIdentifier,
     int firstHeading,
     Coordinate firstThreshold,
     string reverseIdentifier,
     int reverseHeading,
     Coordinate reverseThreshold,
     Definition definition,
     Docblock docblock,
     Comment inlineComment
     : base(definition, docblock, inlineComment)
     AirfieldIcao      = airfieldIcao;
     FirstIdentifier   = firstIdentifier;
     FirstHeading      = firstHeading;
     FirstThreshold    = firstThreshold;
     ReverseIdentifier = reverseIdentifier;
     ReverseHeading    = reverseHeading;
     ReverseThreshold  = reverseThreshold;
Beispiel #19
 protected AbstractCompilableElement(Definition definition, Docblock docblock, Comment inlineComment)
     this.definition = definition;
     Docblock        = docblock;
     InlineComment   = inlineComment;