Beispiel #1
        private void GetLongestSourceMatch(CompareState curItem, int destIndex, int destEnd, int sourceStart,
                                           int sourceEnd)
            int maxDestLength = (destEnd - destIndex) + 1;

            int curBestLength = 0;
            int curBestIndex  = -1;

            for (int sourceIndex = sourceStart; sourceIndex <= sourceEnd; sourceIndex++)
                int maxLength = Math.Min(maxDestLength, (sourceEnd - sourceIndex) + 1);
                if (maxLength <= curBestLength)
                    //No chance to find a longer one any more
                int curLength = GetSourceMatchLength(destIndex, sourceIndex, maxLength);
                if (curLength > curBestLength)
                    //This is the best match so far
                    curBestIndex  = sourceIndex;
                    curBestLength = curLength;
                //jump over the match
                sourceIndex += curBestLength;
            //DiffState cur = _stateList.GetByIndex(destIndex);
            if (curBestIndex == -1)
                curItem.SetMatch(curBestIndex, curBestLength);
Beispiel #2
        //This is the actual recursive search that looks for longes common-subsequence
        private void RecursiveComparer(int destinationStart, int destinationEnd, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd)
            int          curBestIndex  = -1;
            int          curBestLength = -1;
            CompareState currentItem;
            CompareState bestItem = null;

            for (int count = destinationStart; count <= destinationEnd; count++)
                int maxPossibleDestLength = (destinationEnd - count) + 1;

                if (maxPossibleDestLength <= curBestLength)
                    //not enough text remaining to be larger then the current best

                currentItem = compareStateList.GetByIndex(count);

                if (!currentItem.HasValidLength(sourceStart, sourceEnd, maxPossibleDestLength))
                    //recalc new best length since it isn't valid or has never been done.
                    GetLongestSourceMatch(currentItem, count, destinationEnd, sourceStart, sourceEnd);
                if (currentItem.Status == CompareStatus.Matched)
                    if (currentItem.Length > curBestLength)
                        //this is longest match so far
                        curBestIndex  = count;
                        curBestLength = currentItem.Length;
                        bestItem      = currentItem;
            if (curBestIndex < 0)
                //we are done - there are no matches in this span
                int sourceIndex = 0;

                if (bestItem != null)
                    sourceIndex = bestItem.StartIndex;

                matchList.Add(CompareResultSpan.CreateNoChange(curBestIndex, sourceIndex, curBestLength));
                if (destinationStart < curBestIndex)
                    //Still have more lower destination data
                    if (sourceStart < sourceIndex)
                        //Still have more lower source data
                        // Recursive call to process lower indexes
                        RecursiveComparer(destinationStart, curBestIndex - 1, sourceStart, sourceIndex - 1);
                int upperDestStart   = curBestIndex + curBestLength;
                int upperSourceStart = sourceIndex + curBestLength;
                if (destinationEnd > upperDestStart)
                    //we still have more upper dest data
                    if (sourceEnd > upperSourceStart)
                        //set still have more upper source data
                        // Recursive call to process upper indexes
                        RecursiveComparer(upperDestStart, destinationEnd, upperSourceStart, sourceEnd);