public static Expression Parameterize(Type type, object value)
            // () => new LinqParameterContainer(constant).Property
            // instead of returning a constant expression node, wrap that constant in a class the way compiler
            // does a closure, so that EF can parameterize the constant (resulting in better performance due to expression translation caching).
            LinqParameterContainer containedValue = LinqParameterContainer.Create(type, value);

            return(Expression.Property(Expression.Constant(containedValue), "TypedProperty"));
        // Extract the constant that would have been encapsulated into LinqParameterContainer if this
        // expression represents it else return null.
        internal static object ExtractParameterizedConstant(Expression expression)
            if (expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess)
                MemberExpression memberAccess = expression as MemberExpression;
                Contract.Assert(memberAccess != null);
                if (memberAccess.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant)
                    ConstantExpression constant = memberAccess.Expression as ConstantExpression;
                    Contract.Assert(constant != null);
                    Contract.Assert(constant.Value != null);
                    LinqParameterContainer value = constant.Value as LinqParameterContainer;
                    Contract.Assert(value != null, "Constants are already embedded into LinqParameterContainer");

