Beispiel #1
    public static void Read32Bit(BinaryFile wavfile, double[][] sound, int samplecount, int channels)
        int i = 0;
        int ic = 0;

        #if DEBUG

        for (i = 0;i<samplecount;i++) {
            for (ic = 0;ic<channels;ic++)
                double d = (double) wavfile.ReadInt32();
                d = d / 2147483648.0;
                sound[ic][i] = d;
Beispiel #2
        public static void Read32Bit(BinaryFile wavfile, float[][] sound, int samplecount, int channels)
            var i  = new int();
            var ic = new int();

                        #if DEBUG

            for (i = 0; i < samplecount; i++)
                for (ic = 0; ic < channels; ic++)
                    float f = (float)wavfile.ReadInt32();
                    f            = f / 2147483648.0f;
                    sound[ic][i] = f;
		public bool ReadFXP(FXP fxp, string filePath="")
			var bFile = new BinaryFile(fxp.ChunkDataByteArray, BinaryFile.ByteOrder.LittleEndian);

			// Read UAD Preset Header information
			PresetHeaderVar1 = bFile.ReadInt32();
			PresetHeaderVar2 = bFile.ReadInt32();
			PresetName = bFile.ReadString(32).Trim('\0');
			// Read Parameters
			Input = bFile.ReadSingle();
			Phase = bFile.ReadSingle();
			HPFreq = bFile.ReadSingle();
			LPFreq = bFile.ReadSingle();
			HP_LPDynSC = bFile.ReadSingle();
			CMPRatio = bFile.ReadSingle();
			CMPThresh = bFile.ReadSingle();
			CMPRelease = bFile.ReadSingle();
			CMPAttack = bFile.ReadSingle();
			StereoLink = bFile.ReadSingle();
			Select = bFile.ReadSingle();
			EXPThresh = bFile.ReadSingle();
			EXPRange = bFile.ReadSingle();
			EXPRelease = bFile.ReadSingle();
			EXPAttack = bFile.ReadSingle();
			DYNIn = bFile.ReadSingle();
			CompIn = bFile.ReadSingle();
			ExpIn = bFile.ReadSingle();
			LFGain = bFile.ReadSingle();
			LFFreq = bFile.ReadSingle();
			LFBell = bFile.ReadSingle();
			LMFGain = bFile.ReadSingle();
			LMFFreq = bFile.ReadSingle();
			LMFQ = bFile.ReadSingle();
			HMFQ = bFile.ReadSingle();
			HMFGain = bFile.ReadSingle();
			HMFFreq = bFile.ReadSingle();
			HFGain = bFile.ReadSingle();
			HFFreq = bFile.ReadSingle();
			HFBell = bFile.ReadSingle();
			EQIn = bFile.ReadSingle();
			EQDynSC = bFile.ReadSingle();
			PreDyn = bFile.ReadSingle();
			Output = bFile.ReadSingle();
			EQType = bFile.ReadSingle();
			Power = bFile.ReadSingle();
			return false;
Beispiel #4
        public void ReadFXP(BinaryFile bf)
            ChunkMagic = bf.ReadString(4);
            if (ChunkMagic != "CcnK")
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Error reading file. Missing preset header information.");

            ByteSize = bf.ReadInt32();
            FxMagic = bf.ReadString(4);

            if (FxMagic == "FBCh")
                // Bank with Chunk Data
                Version = bf.ReadInt32();
                FxID = bf.ReadString(4);
                FxVersion = bf.ReadInt32();
                ProgramCount = bf.ReadInt32();
                Future = bf.ReadString(128);
                ChunkSize = bf.ReadInt32();

                // Even though the main FXP is BigEndian format the preset chunk is saved in LittleEndian format
                chunkDataByteArray = new byte[ChunkSize];
                chunkDataByteArray = bf.ReadBytes(0, ChunkSize, BinaryFile.ByteOrder.LittleEndian);
                chunkData = BinaryFile.ByteArrayToString(chunkDataByteArray);
            else if (FxMagic == "FPCh")
                // Preset with Chunk Data
                Version = bf.ReadInt32();
                FxID = bf.ReadString(4);
                FxVersion = bf.ReadInt32();
                ProgramCount = bf.ReadInt32();
                Name = bf.ReadString(28);
                ChunkSize = bf.ReadInt32();

                // Even though the main FXP is BigEndian format the preset chunk is saved in LittleEndian format
                chunkDataByteArray = new byte[ChunkSize];
                chunkDataByteArray = bf.ReadBytes(0, ChunkSize, BinaryFile.ByteOrder.LittleEndian);
                chunkData = BinaryFile.ByteArrayToString(chunkDataByteArray);
            else if (FxMagic == "FxCk")
                // For Preset (Program) (.fxp) without chunk (magic = 'FxCk')
                Version = bf.ReadInt32();
                FxID = bf.ReadString(4);
                FxVersion = bf.ReadInt32();
                ParameterCount = bf.ReadInt32();
                Name = bf.ReadString(28);

                // variable no. of parameters
                Parameters = new float[ParameterCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < ParameterCount; i++) {
                    Parameters[i] = bf.ReadSingle();


            // read the xml chunk into memory
            XmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
            try {
                if (chunkData != null) XmlDocument.LoadXml(chunkData);
            } catch (XmlException) {
                //Console.Out.WriteLine("No XML found");
Beispiel #5
        public bool Process()
            int  bytespersec = 0;
            int  byteread    = 0;
            bool isPCM       = false;

            var listinfo = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < infotype.Length; i++)
                listinfo.Add(infotype[i], infodesc[i]);

            var bf = new BinaryFile(selectedFile);

            try {
                var fileInfo = new FileInfo(selectedFile);
                fileLength = fileInfo.Length;

                int    chunkSize = 0, infochunksize = 0, bytecount = 0, listbytecount = 0;
                string sfield = "", infofield = "", infodescription = "", infodata = "";

                /*  --------  Get RIFF chunk header --------- */
                sfield = bf.ReadString(4);
                                #if DEBUG
                Console.WriteLine("RIFF Header: {0}", sfield);
                if (sfield != "RIFF")
                    Console.WriteLine(" ****  Not a valid RIFF file  ****");

                // read RIFF data size
                chunkSize = bf.ReadInt32();
                                #if DEBUG
                Console.WriteLine("RIFF data size: {0}", chunkSize);

                // read form-type (WAVE etc)
                sfield = bf.ReadString(4);
                                #if DEBUG
                Console.WriteLine("Form-type: {0}", sfield);

                riffDataSize = chunkSize;

                bytecount = 4;                   // initialize bytecount to include RIFF form-type bytes.
                while (bytecount < riffDataSize) // check for chunks inside RIFF data area.
                    sfield = "";
                    int firstbyte = bf.ReadByte();
                    if (firstbyte == 0)                        // if previous data had odd bytecount, was padded by null so skip

                    sfield += (char)firstbyte;                      // if we have a new chunk
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
                        sfield += (char)bf.ReadByte();

                    chunkSize  = 0;
                    chunkSize  = bf.ReadInt32();
                    bytecount += (8 + chunkSize);
                                        #if DEBUG
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} ----- data size: {1} bytes", sfield, chunkSize);

                    if (sfield == "data")
                        //get data size to compute duration later.
                        dataSize = chunkSize;

                    if (sfield == "fmt ")
                         * Offset   Size  Description                  Value
                         * 0x00     4     Chunk ID                     "fmt " (0x666D7420)
                         * 0x04     4     Chunk Data Size              16 + extra format bytes
                         * 0x08     2     Compression code             1 - 65,535
                         * 0x0a     2     Number of channels           1 - 65,535
                         * 0x0c     4     Sample rate                  1 - 0xFFFFFFFF
                         * 0x10     4     Average bytes per second     1 - 0xFFFFFFFF
                         * 0x14     2     Block align                  1 - 65,535
                         * 0x16     2     Significant bits per sample  2 - 65,535
                         * 0x18     2     Extra format bytes           0 - 65,535
                         * 0x1a
                         * Extra format bytes *

                        // extract info from "format" chunk.
                        if (chunkSize < 16)
                            Console.WriteLine(" ****  Not a valid fmt chunk  ****");

                        // Read compression code, 2 bytes
                        wFormatTag = bf.ReadInt16();
                        switch (wFormatTag)
                        case WAVE_FORMAT_PCM:
                        case WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE:
                        case WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT:
                            isPCM = true;
                        switch (wFormatTag)
                        case WAVE_FORMAT_PCM:
                            Console.WriteLine("\twFormatTag:  WAVE_FORMAT_PCM");

                        case WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE:
                            Console.WriteLine("\twFormatTag:  WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE");

                        case WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT:
                            Console.WriteLine("\twFormatTag:  WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT");

                        case WAVE_FORMAT_MPEGLAYER3:
                            Console.WriteLine("\twFormatTag:  WAVE_FORMAT_MPEGLAYER3");

                            Console.WriteLine("\twFormatTag:  non-PCM format {0}", wFormatTag);

                        // Read number of channels, 2 bytes
                        nChannels = bf.ReadInt16();
                                                #if DEBUG
                        Console.WriteLine("\tnChannels: {0}", nChannels);

                        // Read sample rate, 4 bytes
                        nSamplesPerSec = bf.ReadInt32();
                                                #if DEBUG
                        Console.WriteLine("\tnSamplesPerSec: {0}", nSamplesPerSec);

                        // Read average bytes per second, 4 bytes
                        nAvgBytesPerSec = bf.ReadInt32();
                        bytespersec     = nAvgBytesPerSec;
                                                #if DEBUG
                        Console.WriteLine("\tnAvgBytesPerSec: {0}", nAvgBytesPerSec);

                        // Read block align, 2 bytes
                        nBlockAlign = bf.ReadInt16();
                                                #if DEBUG
                        Console.WriteLine("\tnBlockAlign: {0}", nBlockAlign);

                        // Read significant bits per sample, 2 bytes
                        if (isPCM)                               // if PCM or EXTENSIBLE format
                            wBitsPerSample = bf.ReadInt16();
                                                        #if DEBUG
                            Console.WriteLine("\twBitsPerSample: {0}", wBitsPerSample);
                            wBitsPerSample = 0;

                        //skip over any extra bytes in format specific field.
                        bf.ReadBytes(chunkSize - 16);
                    else if (sfield == "LIST")
                        String listtype = bf.ReadString(4);

                        // skip over LIST chunks which don't contain INFO subchunks
                        if (listtype != "INFO")
                            bf.ReadBytes(chunkSize - 4);

                        try {
                            listbytecount = 4;
                                                        #if DEBUG
                            Console.WriteLine("------- INFO chunks: {0} bytes -------", chunkSize);
                            // iterate over all entries in LIST chunk
                            while (listbytecount < chunkSize)
                                infofield       = "";
                                infodescription = "";
                                infodata        = "";

                                firstbyte = bf.ReadByte();
                                // if previous data had odd bytecount, was padded by null so skip
                                if (firstbyte == 0)

                                // if firstbyte is not an alpha char, read one more byte
                                if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit((char)firstbyte))
                                    firstbyte = bf.ReadByte();

                                // if we have a new chunk
                                infofield += (char)firstbyte;
                                for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)                                //get the remaining part of info chunk name ID
                                    infofield += (char)bf.ReadByte();

                                // get the info chunk data byte size
                                infochunksize  = bf.ReadInt32();
                                listbytecount += (8 + infochunksize);
                                //Console.WriteLine("infofield: {0}, listbytecount: {1}, infochunksize: {2}", infofield, listbytecount, infochunksize);

                                if (listbytecount > chunkSize)
                                    bf.SetPosition(bf.GetPosition() - 8);

                                // get the info chunk data
                                for (int i = 0; i < infochunksize; i++)
                                    byteread = bf.ReadByte();
                                    if (byteread == 0)                                       // if null byte in string, ignore it
                                    infodata += (char)byteread;

                                int unknownCount = 1;
                                try {
                                    infodescription = (string)listinfo[infofield];
                                } catch (KeyNotFoundException) {}
                                if (infodescription != null)
                                                                        #if DEBUG
                                    Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) = {2}", infofield, infodescription, infodata);
                                    InfoChunks.Add(infodescription, infodata);
                                                                        #if DEBUG
                                    Console.WriteLine("unknown: {0} = {1}", infofield, infodata);
                                    InfoChunks.Add(String.Format("unknown{0}", unknownCount), infodata);
                            }                //------- end iteration over LIST chunk ------------
                        } catch (Exception) {;
                                             // don't care about these?
                                             //Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e.ToString());

                                                #if DEBUG
                        Console.WriteLine("------- end INFO chunks -------");
                        if (sfield.Equals("data"))
                            sampleCount = (int)dataSize / (wBitsPerSample / 8) / nChannels;

                            soundData = new float[nChannels][];
                            for (int ic = 0; ic < nChannels; ic++)
                                soundData[ic] = new float[sampleCount];

                            //********Data loading********
                            if (BitsPerSample == 8)
                                Read8Bit(bf, soundData, sampleCount, nChannels);
                            if (BitsPerSample == 16)
                                Read16Bit(bf, soundData, sampleCount, nChannels);
                            if (BitsPerSample == 32)
                                if (wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM)
                                    Read32Bit(bf, soundData, sampleCount, nChannels);
                                else if (wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT)
                                    Read32BitFloat(bf, soundData, sampleCount, nChannels);
                            // if NOT the fmt or LIST chunks skip data
                }                  // end while.

                //-----------  End of chunk iteration -------------
                if (isPCM && dataSize > 0)                                // compute duration of PCM wave file
                    long   waveduration = 1000L * dataSize / bytespersec; // in msec units
                    long   mins         = waveduration / 60000;           // integer minutes
                    double secs         = 0.001 * (waveduration % 60000); //double secs.
                                        #if DEBUG
                    Console.WriteLine("wav duration:  {0} mins  {1} sec", mins, secs);

                                #if DEBUG
                Console.WriteLine("Final RIFF data bytecount: {0}", bytecount);
                if ((8 + bytecount) != (int)fileLength)
                    Console.WriteLine("!!!!!!! Problem with file structure  !!!!!!!!!");
                                        #if DEBUG
                    Console.WriteLine("File chunk structure consistent with valid RIFF");

            } catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e.ToString());
            } finally {
                // close all streams.
Beispiel #6
        private static FXP ReadFXP(BinaryFile bf)
            string ChunkMagic = bf.ReadString(4);

            if (ChunkMagic != "CcnK")
                throw new FormatException(string.Format("Error reading file. Missing preset header information {0}", ChunkMagic));

            var    fxp      = new FXP();
            int    ByteSize = bf.ReadInt32();
            string FxMagic  = bf.ReadString(4);

            if (FxMagic == "FBCh")
                // Bank (.fxb) with chunk (magic = 'FBCh')
                var chunkSet = new FxChunkSet();
                chunkSet.ChunkMagic = ChunkMagic;
                chunkSet.ByteSize   = ByteSize;
                chunkSet.FxMagic    = FxMagic;

                chunkSet.Version   = bf.ReadInt32();
                chunkSet.FxID      = bf.ReadString(4);
                chunkSet.FxVersion = bf.ReadInt32();

                chunkSet.NumPrograms = bf.ReadInt32();
                chunkSet.Future      = bf.ReadString(128).TrimEnd('\0');
                chunkSet.ChunkSize   = bf.ReadInt32();

                // Even though the main FXP is BigEndian format the preset chunk is saved in LittleEndian format
                chunkSet.ChunkData = bf.ReadBytes(0, chunkSet.ChunkSize, BinaryFile.ByteOrder.LittleEndian);

                // read the xml chunk into memory
                    if (chunkSet.ChunkData != null)
                        var xmlDocument   = new XmlDocument();
                        var chunkAsString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(chunkSet.ChunkData);
                        fxp.XmlDocument = xmlDocument;
                catch (XmlException)

                fxp.Content = chunkSet;
            else if (FxMagic == "FPCh")
                // Preset (Program) (.fxp) with chunk (magic = 'FPCh')
                var programSet = new FxProgramSet();
                programSet.ChunkMagic = ChunkMagic;
                programSet.ByteSize   = ByteSize;
                programSet.FxMagic    = FxMagic;

                programSet.Version   = bf.ReadInt32();
                programSet.FxID      = bf.ReadString(4);
                programSet.FxVersion = bf.ReadInt32();

                programSet.NumPrograms = bf.ReadInt32();
                programSet.Name        = bf.ReadString(28).TrimEnd('\0');
                programSet.ChunkSize   = bf.ReadInt32();

                // Even though the main FXP is BigEndian format the preset chunk is saved in LittleEndian format
                programSet.ChunkData = bf.ReadBytes(0, programSet.ChunkSize, BinaryFile.ByteOrder.LittleEndian);

                // read the xml chunk into memory
                    if (programSet.ChunkData != null)
                        var xmlDocument   = new XmlDocument();
                        var chunkAsString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(programSet.ChunkData);
                        fxp.XmlDocument = xmlDocument;
                catch (XmlException)

                fxp.Content = programSet;
            else if (FxMagic == "FxCk")
                // For Preset (Program) (.fxp) without chunk (magic = 'FxCk')
                var program = new FxProgram();
                program.ChunkMagic = ChunkMagic;
                program.ByteSize   = ByteSize;
                program.FxMagic    = FxMagic;

                program.Version   = bf.ReadInt32();
                program.FxID      = bf.ReadString(4);
                program.FxVersion = bf.ReadInt32();

                program.NumParameters = bf.ReadInt32();
                program.ProgramName   = bf.ReadString(28).TrimEnd('\0');

                // variable no. of parameters
                program.Parameters = new float[program.NumParameters];
                for (int i = 0; i < program.NumParameters; i++)
                    program.Parameters[i] = bf.ReadSingle();

                fxp.Content = program;
            else if (FxMagic == "FxBk")
                // For bank (.fxb) without chunk (magic = 'FxBk')
                var set = new FxSet();
                set.ChunkMagic = ChunkMagic;
                set.ByteSize   = ByteSize;
                set.FxMagic    = FxMagic;

                set.Version   = bf.ReadInt32();
                set.FxID      = bf.ReadString(4);
                set.FxVersion = bf.ReadInt32();

                set.NumPrograms = bf.ReadInt32();
                set.Future      = bf.ReadString(128).TrimEnd('\0');

                // variable no. of programs
                set.Programs = new FxProgram[set.NumPrograms];
                for (int p = 0; p < set.NumPrograms; p++)
                    var content = ReadFXP(bf).Content;
                    if (content is FxProgram)
                        set.Programs[p] = (FxProgram)content;

                fxp.Content = set;

Beispiel #7
        public bool Read(string filePath)
            if (File.Exists(filePath)) {
                string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
                PresetName = fileName;

                BinaryFile bFile = new BinaryFile(filePath, BinaryFile.ByteOrder.BigEndian);

                string firstChunkID = bFile.ReadString(4); // chunk ID	= "FORM"
                int ckSize = bFile.ReadInt32();
                string formType = bFile.ReadString(4);

                // read first data chunk
                string chunkID = bFile.ReadString(4);

                // if chunkID == "COMT" then CommentsChunk
                if (chunkID.Equals("COMT")) {
                    long curposTmpComt = bFile.GetPosition();

                    // CommentsChunk
                    string chunkIDComt = bFile.ReadString(4); // chunk ID	= "COMT"
                    int chunkSizeComt = bFile.ReadInt32();
                    int numComments = bFile.ReadUInt16();
                    long curposTmpComt2 = bFile.GetPosition();

                    //comments = bFile.ReadString(chunkSizeComt-2);
                    for (int i = 0; i < numComments; i++) {
                        int commentTimestamp = (int) bFile.ReadUInt32();
                        string marker = bFile.ReadString(4);
                        int count = (int) bFile.ReadByte();


                string chunkID2 = bFile.ReadString(4);

                // if chunkID2 == "COMM" then CommonChunk
                if (chunkID2.Equals("COMM")) {
                    long curposTmpComm = bFile.GetPosition();

                    // CommonChunk
                    string chunkIDComm = bFile.ReadString(4); // chunk ID = "COMM"
                    int chunkSizeComm = bFile.ReadInt32();

                    channels = bFile.ReadInt16();
                    numSampleFrames = (int) bFile.ReadUInt32();
                    bitsPerSample = bFile.ReadInt16();

                    // read IEEE 80-bit extended double precision
                    byte[] sampleRateBytes = bFile.ReadBytes(0, 10, BinaryFile.ByteOrder.LittleEndian);
                    double sampleRateDouble = NAudio.Utils.IEEE.ConvertFromIeeeExtended(sampleRateBytes);
                    sampleRate = (int) sampleRateDouble;

                string chunkID3 = bFile.ReadString(4);

                // if chunkID3 == "SSND" then SoundDataChunk
                if (chunkID3.Equals("SSND")) {
                    long curposTmpSsnd = bFile.GetPosition();

                    // SoundDataChunk
                    string chunkIDSsnd = bFile.ReadString(4); // chunk ID = "SSND"
                    int chunkSizeSsnd = bFile.ReadInt32();

                    int offset = (int) bFile.ReadUInt32();
                    int blocksize = (int) bFile.ReadUInt32();
                    byte[] data = bFile.ReadBytes(offset, chunkSizeSsnd-8, BinaryFile.ByteOrder.LittleEndian);

                    // swap waveform data
                    WaveformData = SwapAiffEndian(data);

                return true;

            } else {
                return false;
Beispiel #8
        public bool Process()
            int bytespersec = 0;
            int byteread = 0;
            bool isPCM = false;

            Dictionary <string,string>listinfo = new Dictionary<string,string>();
            for (int i=0; i<infotype.Length; i++) {
                listinfo.Add(infotype[i], infodesc[i]);

            BinaryFile bf = new BinaryFile(selectedFile);
            try {
                FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(selectedFile);
                fileLength = fileInfo.Length;

                int chunkSize=0, infochunksize=0, bytecount=0, listbytecount=0;
                string sfield="", infofield="", infodescription="", infodata="";

                /*  --------  Get RIFF chunk header --------- */
                sfield = bf.ReadString(4);
                #if DEBUG
                Console.WriteLine("RIFF Header: {0}", sfield);
                if (sfield != "RIFF") {
                    Console.WriteLine(" ****  Not a valid RIFF file  ****");
                    return false;

                // read RIFF data size
                chunkSize  = bf.ReadInt32();
                #if DEBUG
                Console.WriteLine("RIFF data size: {0}", chunkSize);

                // read form-type (WAVE etc)
                sfield = bf.ReadString(4);
                #if DEBUG
                Console.WriteLine("Form-type: {0}", sfield);

                riffDataSize = chunkSize;

                bytecount = 4;  // initialize bytecount to include RIFF form-type bytes.
                while (bytecount < riffDataSize )  {    // check for chunks inside RIFF data area.
                    int firstbyte = bf.ReadByte() ;
                    if (firstbyte == 0) {  // if previous data had odd bytecount, was padded by null so skip

                    sfield+= (char) firstbyte;  // if we have a new chunk
                    for (int i=1; i<=3; i++)  {
                        sfield += (char) bf.ReadByte() ;

                    chunkSize = 0;
                    chunkSize = bf.ReadInt32();
                    bytecount += ( 8 + chunkSize );
                    #if DEBUG
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} ----- data size: {1} bytes", sfield, chunkSize);

                    if (sfield == "data") {
                        //get data size to compute duration later.
                        dataSize = chunkSize;

                    if (sfield == "fmt ") {
                    Offset   Size  Description                  Value
                    0x00     4     Chunk ID                     "fmt " (0x666D7420)
                    0x04     4     Chunk Data Size              16 + extra format bytes
                    0x08     2     Compression code             1 - 65,535
                    0x0a     2     Number of channels           1 - 65,535
                    0x0c     4     Sample rate                  1 - 0xFFFFFFFF
                    0x10     4     Average bytes per second     1 - 0xFFFFFFFF
                    0x14     2     Block align                  1 - 65,535
                    0x16     2     Significant bits per sample  2 - 65,535
                    0x18     2     Extra format bytes           0 - 65,535
                    Extra format bytes *

                        // extract info from "format" chunk.
                        if (chunkSize < 16) {
                            Console.WriteLine(" ****  Not a valid fmt chunk  ****");
                            return false;

                        // Read compression code, 2 bytes
                        wFormatTag = bf.ReadInt16();
                        if (wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM || wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE || wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT) {
                            isPCM = true;
                        if (wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) {
                            #if DEBUG
                            Console.WriteLine("\twFormatTag:  WAVE_FORMAT_PCM") ;
                        } else if (wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE) {
                            #if DEBUG
                            Console.WriteLine("\twFormatTag:  WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE") ;
                        } else if (wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT) {
                            #if DEBUG
                            Console.WriteLine("\twFormatTag:  WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT") ;
                        } else if (wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_MPEGLAYER3) {
                            #if DEBUG
                            Console.WriteLine("\twFormatTag:  WAVE_FORMAT_MPEGLAYER3") ;
                        } else {
                            #if DEBUG
                            Console.WriteLine("\twFormatTag:  non-PCM format {0}", wFormatTag) ;

                        // Read number of channels, 2 bytes
                        nChannels = bf.ReadInt16();
                        #if DEBUG
                        Console.WriteLine("\tnChannels: {0}", nChannels);

                        // Read sample rate, 4 bytes
                        nSamplesPerSec = bf.ReadInt32();
                        #if DEBUG
                        Console.WriteLine("\tnSamplesPerSec: {0}", nSamplesPerSec);

                        // Read average bytes per second, 4 bytes
                        nAvgBytesPerSec = bf.ReadInt32();
                        bytespersec = nAvgBytesPerSec;
                        #if DEBUG
                        Console.WriteLine("\tnAvgBytesPerSec: {0}", nAvgBytesPerSec);

                        // Read block align, 2 bytes
                        nBlockAlign = bf.ReadInt16();
                        #if DEBUG
                        Console.WriteLine("\tnBlockAlign: {0}", nBlockAlign);

                        // Read significant bits per sample, 2 bytes
                        if (isPCM) {     // if PCM or EXTENSIBLE format
                            wBitsPerSample = bf.ReadInt16();
                            #if DEBUG
                            Console.WriteLine("\twBitsPerSample: {0}", wBitsPerSample);
                        } else {
                            wBitsPerSample = 0;

                        //skip over any extra bytes in format specific field.
                        bf.ReadBytes(chunkSize - 16);

                    } else if (sfield == "LIST") {
                        String listtype = bf.ReadString(4);

                        // skip over LIST chunks which don't contain INFO subchunks
                        if (listtype != "INFO") {
                            bf.ReadBytes(chunkSize - 4);

                        try {
                            listbytecount = 4;
                            #if DEBUG
                            Console.WriteLine("------- INFO chunks: {0} bytes -------", chunkSize);
                            // iterate over all entries in LIST chunk
                            while (listbytecount < chunkSize) {
                                infofield = "";
                                infodescription = "";
                                infodata = "";

                                firstbyte = bf.ReadByte();
                                // if previous data had odd bytecount, was padded by null so skip
                                if (firstbyte == 0) {

                                // if firstbyte is not an alpha char, read one more byte
                                if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit( (char) firstbyte )) {
                                    firstbyte = bf.ReadByte();

                                // if we have a new chunk
                                infofield += (char) firstbyte;
                                for (int i=1; i<=3; i++)  { //get the remaining part of info chunk name ID
                                    infofield += (char) bf.ReadByte() ;

                                // get the info chunk data byte size
                                infochunksize = bf.ReadInt32();
                                listbytecount += ( 8 + infochunksize );
                                //Console.WriteLine("infofield: {0}, listbytecount: {1}, infochunksize: {2}", infofield, listbytecount, infochunksize);

                                if (listbytecount > chunkSize) {
                                    bf.SetPosition(bf.GetPosition() - 8);

                                // get the info chunk data
                                for (int i=0; i < infochunksize; i++) {
                                    byteread = bf.ReadByte();
                                    if (byteread == 0) { // if null byte in string, ignore it
                                    infodata += (char) byteread;

                                int unknownCount = 1;
                                try {
                                    infodescription = (string) listinfo[infofield];
                                } catch (KeyNotFoundException) {}
                                if (infodescription != null) {
                                    #if DEBUG
                                    Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) = {2}", infofield, infodescription, infodata);
                                    InfoChunks.Add(infodescription, infodata);
                                } else {
                                    #if DEBUG
                                    Console.WriteLine("unknown: {0} = {1}", infofield, infodata);
                                    InfoChunks.Add(String.Format("unknown{0}", unknownCount), infodata);
                            } //------- end iteration over LIST chunk ------------

                        } catch (Exception) {;
                            // don't care about these?
                            //Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e.ToString());

                        #if DEBUG
                        Console.WriteLine("------- end INFO chunks -------");

                    } else {
                        if (sfield.Equals("data")) {
                            sampleCount = (int) dataSize / (wBitsPerSample / 8) / nChannels;

                            soundData = new float[nChannels][];
                            for (int ic = 0; ic < nChannels; ic++) {
                                soundData[ic] = new float[sampleCount];

                            //********Data loading********
                            if (BitsPerSample == 8) {
                                Read8Bit(bf, soundData, sampleCount, nChannels);
                            if (BitsPerSample == 16) {
                                Read16Bit(bf, soundData, sampleCount, nChannels);
                            if (BitsPerSample == 32) {
                                if (wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) {
                                    Read32Bit(bf, soundData, sampleCount, nChannels);
                                } else if (wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT) {
                                    Read32BitFloat(bf, soundData, sampleCount, nChannels);
                        } else {
                            // if NOT the fmt or LIST chunks skip data
                }  // end while.

                //-----------  End of chunk iteration -------------
                if(isPCM && dataSize > 0) {   // compute duration of PCM wave file
                    long waveduration = 1000L * dataSize / bytespersec; // in msec units
                    long mins = waveduration / 60000;    // integer minutes
                    double secs = 0.001 * (waveduration % 60000);    //double secs.
                    #if DEBUG
                    Console.WriteLine("wav duration:  {0} mins  {1} sec", mins, secs);

                #if DEBUG
                Console.WriteLine("Final RIFF data bytecount: {0}", bytecount);
                if ( ( 8 + bytecount) != (int) fileLength)  {
                    Console.WriteLine("!!!!!!! Problem with file structure  !!!!!!!!!");
                    return false;
                } else {
                    #if DEBUG
                    Console.WriteLine("File chunk structure consistent with valid RIFF") ;

                return true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e.ToString()) ;
                return false;
            } finally {
                // close all streams.
Beispiel #9
        public static void Read32Bit(BinaryFile wavfile, float[][] sound, Int32 samplecount, Int32 channels)
            Int32 i = new Int32();
            Int32 ic = new Int32();

            #if DEBUG

            for (i = 0;i<samplecount;i++) {
                for (ic = 0;ic<channels;ic++)
                    float f = (float) wavfile.ReadInt32();
                    f = f / 2147483648.0f;
                    sound[ic][i] = f;
Beispiel #10
        public void ReadFXP(BinaryFile bf)
            ChunkMagic = bf.ReadString(4);
            if (ChunkMagic != "CcnK")
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Error reading file. Missing preset header information.");

            ByteSize = bf.ReadInt32();
            FxMagic  = bf.ReadString(4);

            if (FxMagic == "FBCh")
                // Bank with Chunk Data
                Version      = bf.ReadInt32();
                FxID         = bf.ReadString(4);
                FxVersion    = bf.ReadInt32();
                ProgramCount = bf.ReadInt32();
                Future       = bf.ReadString(128);
                ChunkSize    = bf.ReadInt32();

                // Even though the main FXP is BigEndian format the preset chunk is saved in LittleEndian format
                chunkDataByteArray = new byte[ChunkSize];
                chunkDataByteArray = bf.ReadBytes(0, ChunkSize, BinaryFile.ByteOrder.LittleEndian);
                chunkData          = BinaryFile.ByteArrayToString(chunkDataByteArray);
            else if (FxMagic == "FPCh")
                // Preset with Chunk Data
                Version      = bf.ReadInt32();
                FxID         = bf.ReadString(4);
                FxVersion    = bf.ReadInt32();
                ProgramCount = bf.ReadInt32();
                Name         = bf.ReadString(28);
                ChunkSize    = bf.ReadInt32();

                // Even though the main FXP is BigEndian format the preset chunk is saved in LittleEndian format
                chunkDataByteArray = new byte[ChunkSize];
                chunkDataByteArray = bf.ReadBytes(0, ChunkSize, BinaryFile.ByteOrder.LittleEndian);
                chunkData          = BinaryFile.ByteArrayToString(chunkDataByteArray);
            else if (FxMagic == "FxCk")
                // For Preset (Program) (.fxp) without chunk (magic = 'FxCk')
                Version        = bf.ReadInt32();
                FxID           = bf.ReadString(4);
                FxVersion      = bf.ReadInt32();
                ParameterCount = bf.ReadInt32();
                Name           = bf.ReadString(28);

                // variable no. of parameters
                Parameters = new float[ParameterCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < ParameterCount; i++)
                    Parameters[i] = bf.ReadSingle();


            // read the xml chunk into memory
            XmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
            try {
                if (chunkData != null)
            } catch (XmlException) {
                //Console.Out.WriteLine("No XML found");