public bool AdminUpdateProjectStatus(int project_id, string new_status)
            //Perform input validation
            if (new_status == null || new_status == "") { return false; }
            if( (new_status != ProjectStatus.ASSIGNED) &&
                (new_status != ProjectStatus.IN_PROGRESS) &&
                (new_status != ProjectStatus.INTERN) &&
                (new_status != ProjectStatus.PRODUCTION) &&
                (new_status != ProjectStatus.ARCHIVED) )
                return false;

            using (var context = new MainDBEntities())
                //Access object checks
                if (this.GetType() == typeof(AdminAccess))
                    ProjectAssignment current_project = new ProjectAssignment();

                    //Read in necessary object
                    current_project = context.ProjectAssignments.Find(project_id);

                    //Modify status
                    current_project.ProgressStatus = new_status;

                    //Indicate that that value has been modified
                    var entry = context.Entry(current_project);

                    //Indicate that IsArchived property has been modified (indicates to EF that property
                    //needs update
                    entry.Property(x => x.ProgressStatus).IsModified = true;

                    //Save update

                    //Indicate successful update
                    return true;
                    //Invalid access object
                    return false;
        public bool UpdateActiveStatusToProduction(int? active_project_id)
            //Input checks
            if (active_project_id == null) { return false; }
            if (active_project_id < 0) { return false; }

            using (var context = new MainDBEntities())
                //Access object checks
                if ((this.GetType() == typeof(AdminAccess)) ||
                     (this.GetType() == typeof(AmbassadorAccess)))
                    ProjectAssignment active_project = new ProjectAssignment();

                    //Read in necessary object
                    active_project = context.ProjectAssignments.Find(active_project_id);

                    //Modify status
                    active_project.ProgressStatus = ProjectStatus.PRODUCTION;

                    //Indicate that that value has been modified
                    var entry = context.Entry(active_project);

                    //Indicate that IsArchived property has been modified (indicates to EF that property
                    //needs update
                    entry.Property(x => x.ProgressStatus).IsModified = true;

                    //Save update

                    //Indicate successful archive
                    return true;
                    //Invalid access object
                    return false;
        //Func Desc:
        //    Input:
        //   Output:
        public bool AssignProjectToSchool(int? project_id, int? school_id)
            if (project_id == null) { return false; }
            if (school_id == null) { return false; }
            if (school_id < 0) { return false; }
            if (project_id < 0) { return false; }

            using (var context = new MainDBEntities())
                //Find project with id = project_id, store in temp_project
                Project temp_project = context.Projects.Find(project_id);

                //Verify that valid project was found
                if (temp_project == null) { return false; }

                //Create Project Assignment
                ProjectAssignment new_assignment = new ProjectAssignment();

                //Set starting assignment values
                new_assignment.ProgressStatus = ProjectStatus.ASSIGNED;
                new_assignment.ProjectID = (int)project_id;
                new_assignment.SchoolID = (int)school_id;
                new_assignment.DateAssigned = DateTime.Now;

                //Save changes to the database

                //Save update

                //Indicate successful assignment
                return true;
