Beispiel #1
 public Paths(Vertex source, HashMap <Vertex, Edge <Vertex> > edgeTo)
     Source      = source;
     this.edgeTo = edgeTo;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the single-source shortest path problem in O(E*V) time for a graph without any negative cycles, or in O(V+E) time if it is a DAG.
        /// </summary>
        public static Paths <V> BellmanFord <V>(DiGraph <V> graph, V source)
            if (graph == null || source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            if (!graph.Contains(source))
                throw new ArgumentException();

            var distTo = new HashMap <V, Double>();
            var edgeTo = new HashMap <V, Edge <V> >();

            bool Relax(Edge <V> e)
                var(v, w) = (e.from,;
                var weight = new Double(e.weight);

                if (distTo[v] > distTo[w] + weight)
                    distTo[w] = distTo[v] + weight;
                    edgeTo[w] = e;

            foreach (var v in graph.Vertices())
                distTo[v] = Double.MaxValue;
            distTo[source] = new Double(0);

            // The Bellman Ford procedure involves relaxing every edge V times.
            // However, for a DAG we can delegate to a simpler algorithm that runs in linear time

                var vertices = TopologicalSort(graph);
                foreach (var v in vertices)
                    foreach (var e in graph.Edges(v))
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
                // Graph is not a DAG
                var N = graph.Size();
                foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(1, N))
                    foreach (var e in graph.Edges())
                        var relaxed = Relax(e);
                        if (i == N && relaxed)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Negative cycle detected");

            return(new Paths <V>(source, edgeTo));