//export and try to decimate the scene
        public static void ExportScene(bool includeTextures, bool staticGeometry, float minSize, int textureDivisor, string developerkey, string texturename)
            if (blenderProcess != null)
                Debug.LogError("Currently decimating a scene. Please wait until this is finished!");

            if (UploadSceneSettings != null)
                Debug.LogError("Currently uploading a scene. Please wait until this is finished!");

            string fullName = UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;

            //export scene from unity
            bool successfulExport = CognitiveVR_SceneExplorerExporter.ExportScene(fullName, includeTextures, staticGeometry, minSize, textureDivisor, texturename);

            string objPath = CognitiveVR_SceneExplorerExporter.GetDirectory(fullName);

            //write json settings file
            string jsonSettingsContents = "{ \"scale\":1,\"sceneName\":\"" + fullName + "\",\"sdkVersion\":\"" + Core.SDK_VERSION + "\"}";

            File.WriteAllText(objPath + "settings.json", jsonSettingsContents);

            if (!successfulExport)
                Debug.LogError("Scene export failed!");

            //begin scene decimation
            if (!EditorCore.IsBlenderPathValid)
                Debug.LogWarning("Blender not found during scene export. May result in large files uploaded to Scene Explorer");

            string filepath = "";

            if (!EditorCore.RecursiveDirectorySearch("", out filepath, "CognitiveVR" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Editor"))
                Debug.LogError("Could not find CognitiveVR/Editor/decimateall.py");

            string decimateScriptPath = filepath + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "decimateall.py";

            decimateScriptPath = decimateScriptPath.Replace(" ", "\" \"");
            objPath            = objPath.Replace(" ", "\" \"");
            fullName           = fullName.Replace(" ", "\" \"");


            ProcessStartInfo processInfo;

            processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(EditorCore.BlenderPath);
            processInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
            processInfo.Arguments       = "-P " + decimateScriptPath + " " + objPath + " " + EditorCore.ExportSettings.ExplorerMinimumFaceCount + " " + EditorCore.ExportSettings.ExplorerMaximumFaceCount + " " + fullName;
            processInfo                 = new ProcessStartInfo("open");
            processInfo.Arguments       = EditorCore.BlenderPath + " --args -P " + decimateScriptPath + " " + objPath + " " + EditorCore.ExportSettings.ExplorerMinimumFaceCount + " " + EditorCore.ExportSettings.ExplorerMaximumFaceCount + " " + fullName;
            processInfo.UseShellExecute = false;

            //changing scene while blender is decimating the level will break the file that will be automatically uploaded
            blenderProcess            = Process.Start(processInfo);
            BlenderRequest            = true;
            HasOpenedBlender          = false;
            EditorApplication.update += UpdateProcess;
            UploadSceneSettings       = CognitiveVR_Preferences.FindCurrentScene();

            blenderStartTime = (float)EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;