public AutocompleteMenu(FastColoredTextBox tb)
     // create a new popup and add the list view to it
     AutoClose        = false;
     AutoSize         = false;
     Margin           = Padding.Empty;
     Padding          = Padding.Empty;
     listView         = new AutocompleteListView(tb);
     host             = new ToolStripControlHost(listView);
     host.Margin      = new Padding(2, 2, 2, 2);
     host.Padding     = Padding.Empty;
     host.AutoSize    = false;
     host.AutoToolTip = false;
     listView.Parent   = this;
     SearchPattern     = @"[\w\.]";
     MinFragmentLength = 2;
 public AutocompleteMenu(FastColoredTextBox tb)
     // create a new popup and add the list view to it
     AutoClose = false;
     AutoSize = false;
     Margin = Padding.Empty;
     Padding = Padding.Empty;
     listView = new AutocompleteListView(tb);
     host = new ToolStripControlHost(listView);
     host.Margin = new Padding(2, 2, 2, 2);
     host.Padding = Padding.Empty;
     host.AutoSize = false;
     host.AutoToolTip = false;
     listView.Parent = this;
     SearchPattern = @"[\w\.]";
     MinFragmentLength = 2;