Beispiel #1
 private void CreateBehavior()
     foreach (var actor in Actors)
         if (MaxActions != null)
             actor.ApplyActions(MarsLanderActor.GetRandomActions((int)MaxActions, _randomNessProvider));
Beispiel #2
        private void Evolve()
            var actorAndScoreList = Actors.Select(actor => ScoreActor(actor, _environment))
                                    .OrderBy(actor => actor.Score).ToList();

            Generations.Add(new Generation
                Actors           = actorAndScoreList,
                GenerationNumber = Generations.Count + 1

            var betterBias      = _aiWeight.BetterBias;   // How likely it is that a better actor is used than a worse one.
            var betterCutoff    = _aiWeight.BetterCutoff; // Percentage of what are considered good actors vs bad ones.
            var betterBiasCount = (int)Math.Round(Actors.Count * betterCutoff);
            var elitism         = _aiWeight.ElitismBias;  // The percentage that gets copied directly to the new generation.
            var mutationChance  = _aiWeight.MutationChance;
            var elitismCount    = (int)Math.Round(Actors.Count * elitism);

            for (var eliteIndex = 0; eliteIndex < elitismCount; eliteIndex++)
                if (MaxActions != null && MaxActions > 0)
                    UpdateActor(eliteIndex, actorAndScoreList[eliteIndex].Lander.Actions.Take((int)MaxActions));
                    UpdateActor(eliteIndex, actorAndScoreList[eliteIndex].Lander.Actions);

            for (var actorIndex = 0 + elitismCount; actorIndex < Actors.Count; actorIndex += 2)
                var firstParent           = GetBiasedActor(betterBias, betterBiasCount, actorAndScoreList);
                var secondParent          = GetBiasedActor(betterBias, betterBiasCount, actorAndScoreList);
                var randomModifier        = Randomizer.GetValueBetween(0.0, 1.0, 2);
                var moreParentActionCount = firstParent.Lander.Actions.Count > secondParent.Lander.Actions.Count
                    ? firstParent.Lander.Actions.Count
                    : secondParent.Lander.Actions.Count;
                for (var childIndex = 0; childIndex < 2; childIndex++)
                    var childPuppet  = Actors.First().Original.Clone();
                    var childActions = new List <string>();
                    for (var actionIndex = 0;
                         actionIndex < moreParentActionCount && actionIndex < (MaxActions ?? int.MaxValue);
                        var    firstParentAction  = firstParent.Lander.Actions.ElementAtOrDefault(actionIndex);
                        var    secondParentAction = secondParent.Lander.Actions.ElementAtOrDefault(actionIndex);
                        string childAction;
                        if (firstParentAction == null && secondParentAction == null ||
                            childAction = MarsLanderActor.GetRandomActions(1, _randomNessProvider).First();
                            // If a parent's action index is null, take both from the other parent. The below algorithm is then not needed
                            // --> Because taking both values from the same parent simply results into the same action
                            // Also, depending on the child index, we apply one of two possible algorithms:
                            // ChildIndex = 0: NewAction = randomModifier * firstParentAction + (1 - randomModifier) * secondParentAction
                            // ChildIndex = 1: NewAction = (1 - randomModifier) * firstParentAction + randomModifier * secondParentAction
                            if (firstParentAction == null)
                                childAction = secondParentAction;

                            else if (secondParentAction == null)
                                childAction = firstParentAction;
                                var firstParentActionArray  = firstParentAction !.Split(" ");
                                var firstParentAngle        = int.Parse(firstParentActionArray[0]);
                                var firstParentPower        = int.Parse(firstParentActionArray[1]);
                                var secondParentActionArray = secondParentAction !.Split(" ");
                                var secondParentAngle       = int.Parse(secondParentActionArray[0]);
                                var secondParentPower       = int.Parse(secondParentActionArray[1]);
                                if (childIndex == 0)
                                    var newAngle = Math.Round(randomModifier * firstParentAngle +
                                                              (1 - randomModifier) * secondParentAngle);
                                    var newPower = Math.Round(randomModifier * firstParentPower +
                                                              (1 - randomModifier) * secondParentPower);
                                    childAction = $"{newAngle} {newPower}";
                                    var newAngle = Math.Round((1 - randomModifier) * firstParentAngle +
                                                              randomModifier * secondParentAngle);
                                    var newPower = Math.Round((1 - randomModifier) * firstParentPower +
                                                              randomModifier * secondParentPower);
                                    childAction = $"{newAngle} {newPower}";

                        childPuppet.Apply(childAction, _environment);
                        if (!childPuppet.WillHitLandingZone(_environment, 1) || MaxActions != null)
                        var applicableAction = childPuppet.GetApplicableAction("0 4");
                        childPuppet.Apply(applicableAction, _environment);

                    UpdateActor(actorIndex + childIndex, childActions);