Beispiel #1
        public IEnumerable <T> GetItemsFromSerializationText <T>(string json, JsonSerializationSettings settings) where T : class, new()
            if (settings == null)
                settings = new JsonSerializationSettings();

            switch (settings.SerializationType)
            case SerializationType.Array:
                var setArray = JArray.Parse(json);

                foreach (var i in setArray.Children())
                    if (i.Type == JTokenType.Object)
                        yield return(CEF.Deserialize <T>(i.ToString()));


            case SerializationType.ObjectWithSchemaType1AndRows:
                // Read schema
                Dictionary <string, Type> schema = new Dictionary <string, Type>();

                var root = JObject.Parse(json);

                // Read schema
                foreach (var propInfo in root.GetValue(settings.SchemaName).ToArray())
                    if (propInfo is JObject jo)
                        if (jo.Count < 2 || jo.Count > 3)
                            throw new CEFInvalidOperationException("Invalid JSON format.");

                        JProperty pn = (from a in jo.Children() let b = a as JProperty where b != null && b.Name.Equals(settings.SchemaFieldNameName) select b).FirstOrDefault();
                        JProperty pt = (from a in jo.Children() let b = a as JProperty where b != null && b.Name.Equals(settings.SchemaFieldTypeName) select b).FirstOrDefault();
                        JProperty pr = (from a in jo.Children() let b = a as JProperty where b != null && b.Name.Equals(settings.SchemaFieldRequiredName) select b).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (pn == null || pt == null)
                            throw new CEFInvalidOperationException("Invalid JSON format.");

                        var t     = settings.GetDataType(pt.Value.ToString());
                        var torig = t;

                        // Assume that any property might be omitted/missing which means everything should be considered nullable
                        if (t.IsValueType && !(t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>)))
                            t = typeof(Nullable <>).MakeGenericType(t);

                        var name = pn.Value.ToString();
                        schema[name] = t;

                        // If is required, we add a validation for this
                        if (pr != null && bool.TryParse(pr.Value.ToString(), out bool prv) && prv)
                            ValidationService.RegisterRequired <T>(torig, name);

                // Read objects, using the schema as the "basis" where missing/omitted properties are still carried through
                foreach (var itemInfo in root.GetValue(settings.DataRootName).ToArray())
                    var obj = CEF.Deserialize <T>(itemInfo.ToString());
                    var iw  = obj.AsInfraWrapped();

                    // We need to apply property type settings after-the-fact
                    var allProp = iw.GetAllValues();

                    foreach (var propInfo in schema)
                        var existingInfo = (from a in allProp where a.Key == propInfo.Key select(propInfo.Value, a.Value));

                        if (existingInfo.Any())
                            iw.SetValue(propInfo.Key, existingInfo.First().Item2, existingInfo.First().Item1);
                            iw.SetValue(propInfo.Key, null, propInfo.Value);

                    yield return(obj);
