Beispiel #1
        internal async static Task CopyNecessaryFilesFromCurrentPackage(StorageFile diffManifestFile, StorageFolder currentPackageFolder, StorageFolder newPackageFolder)
            await FileUtils.MergeFolders(currentPackageFolder, newPackageFolder);

            JObject diffManifest = await CodePushUtils.GetJObjectFromFile(diffManifestFile);

            var deletedFiles = (JArray)diffManifest["deletedFiles"];

            foreach (string fileNameToDelete in deletedFiles)
                StorageFile fileToDelete = await newPackageFolder.GetFileAsync(fileNameToDelete);

                await fileToDelete.DeleteAsync();
        internal async Task DownloadPackage(JObject updatePackage, string expectedBundleFileName, Progress <HttpProgress> downloadProgress)
            // Using its hash, get the folder where the new update will be saved
            StorageFolder codePushFolder = await GetCodePushFolder();

            var           newUpdateHash   = (string)updatePackage[CodePushConstants.PackageHashKey];
            StorageFolder newUpdateFolder = await GetPackageFolder(newUpdateHash, false);

            if (newUpdateFolder != null)
                // This removes any stale data in newPackageFolderPath that could have been left
                // uncleared due to a crash or error during the download or install process.
                await newUpdateFolder.DeleteAsync();

            newUpdateFolder = await GetPackageFolder(newUpdateHash, true);

            StorageFile newUpdateMetadataFile = await newUpdateFolder.CreateFileAsync(CodePushConstants.PackageFileName);

            var         downloadUrlString = (string)updatePackage[CodePushConstants.DownloadUrlKey];
            StorageFile downloadFile      = await GetDownloadFile();

            var downloadUri = new Uri(downloadUrlString);

            // Download the file and send progress event asynchronously
            var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, downloadUri);
            var client  = new HttpClient();
            var cancellationTokenSource  = new CancellationTokenSource();
            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendRequestAsync(request).AsTask(cancellationTokenSource.Token, downloadProgress);

            IInputStream inputStream = await response.Content.ReadAsInputStreamAsync();

            Stream downloadFileStream = await downloadFile.OpenStreamForWriteAsync();

            await RandomAccessStream.CopyAndCloseAsync(inputStream, downloadFileStream.AsOutputStream());

                // Unzip the downloaded file and then delete the zip
                StorageFolder unzippedFolder = await GetUnzippedFolder();

                ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(downloadFile.Path, unzippedFolder.Path);
                await downloadFile.DeleteAsync();

                // Merge contents with current update based on the manifest
                StorageFile diffManifestFile = (StorageFile)await unzippedFolder.TryGetItemAsync(CodePushConstants.DiffManifestFileName);

                if (diffManifestFile != null)
                    StorageFolder currentPackageFolder = await GetCurrentPackageFolder();

                    if (currentPackageFolder == null)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Received a diff update, but there is no current version to diff against.");

                    await UpdateUtils.CopyNecessaryFilesFromCurrentPackage(diffManifestFile, currentPackageFolder, newUpdateFolder);

                    await diffManifestFile.DeleteAsync();

                await FileUtils.MergeFolders(unzippedFolder, newUpdateFolder);

                await unzippedFolder.DeleteAsync();

                // For zip updates, we need to find the relative path to the jsBundle and save it in the
                // metadata so that we can find and run it easily the next time.
                string relativeBundlePath = await UpdateUtils.FindJSBundleInUpdateContents(newUpdateFolder, expectedBundleFileName);

                if (relativeBundlePath == null)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Update is invalid - A JS bundle file named \"" + expectedBundleFileName + "\" could not be found within the downloaded contents. Please check that you are releasing your CodePush updates using the exact same JS bundle file name that was shipped with your app's binary.");
                    if (diffManifestFile != null)
                        // TODO verify hash for diff update
                        // CodePushUpdateUtils.verifyHashForDiffUpdate(newUpdateFolderPath, newUpdateHash);

                    updatePackage[CodePushConstants.RelativeBundlePathKey] = relativeBundlePath;
            catch (InvalidDataException)
                // Downloaded file is not a zip, assume it is a jsbundle
                await downloadFile.RenameAsync(expectedBundleFileName);

                await downloadFile.MoveAsync(newUpdateFolder);

            // Save metadata to the folder
            await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(newUpdateMetadataFile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(updatePackage));