Beispiel #1
        public CCPhysicsBody(float mass, float moment, CCPoint offset)
            var offsetcp = new cpVect(offset.X, offset.Y);;

            _positionOffset     = offsetcp != null ? offsetcp : cpVect.Zero;
            _node               = null;
            _world              = null;
            _info               = null;
            _dynamic            = true;
            _enabled            = true;
            _rotationEnabled    = true;
            _gravityEnabled     = true;
            _massDefault        = mass == MASS_DEFAULT;
            _momentDefault      = moment == MOMENT_DEFAULT;
            _mass               = mass;
            _area               = 0.0f;
            _density            = 0.0f;
            _moment             = moment;
            _isDamping          = false;
            _linearDamping      = 0.0f;
            _angularDamping     = 0.0f;
            _tag                = 0;
            _categoryBitmask    = int.MaxValue;         //(UINT_MAX)
            _collisionBitmask   = 0;
            _contactTestBitmask = int.MaxValue;
            _group              = 0;
            _positionResetTag   = false;
            _rotationResetTag   = false;
            _rotationOffset     = 0;

            _info      = new CCPhysicsBodyInfo();
            _info.Body = new cpBody(_mass, _moment);
Beispiel #2
 public CCRayCastCallbackInfo(CCPhysicsWorld world, Func <CCPhysicsWorld, CCPhysicsRayCastInfo, object, bool> func, CCPoint p1, CCPoint p2, object data)
 { = world;
     this.func  = func;
     this.p1    = p1;
     this.p2    = p2;  = data;
Beispiel #3
 public CCRayCastCallbackInfo(CCPhysicsWorld world, Func <CCPhysicsWorld, CCPhysicsRayCastInfo, object, bool> func, CCPoint p1, CCPoint p2, object data)
     : this()
     this.World    = world;
     this.Function = func;
     this.Pont1    = p1;
     this.Point2   = p2;
     this.Data     = data;
Beispiel #4
		public CCRayCastCallbackInfo(CCPhysicsWorld world, Func<CCPhysicsWorld, CCPhysicsRayCastInfo, object, bool> func, CCPoint p1, CCPoint p2, object data)
		{ = world;
			this.func = func;
			this.p1 = p1;
			this.p2 = p2; = data;

Beispiel #5
		public CCRayCastCallbackInfo(CCPhysicsWorld world, Func<CCPhysicsWorld, CCPhysicsRayCastInfo, object, bool> func, CCPoint p1, CCPoint p2, object data)
            : this()
			this.World = world;
			this.Function = func;
			this.Pont1 = p1;
			this.Point2 = p2;
			this.Data = data;

Beispiel #6
 public CCPhysicsJoint()
     _bodyA           = null;
     _bodyB           = null;
     _world           = null;
     _info            = null;
     _enable          = false;
     _collisionEnable = true;
     _destoryMark     = false;
     _tag             = 0;
Beispiel #7
		public CCPhysicsJoint()
			_bodyA = null;
			_bodyB = null;
			_world = null;
			_info = null;
			_enable = false;
			_collisionEnable = true;
			_destoryMark = false;
			_tag = 0;
Beispiel #8
 public CCPhysicsContact()
     _world              = null;
     _shapeA             = null;
     _shapeB             = null;
     _eventCode          = EventCode.NONE;
     _info               = null;
     _notificationEnable = true;
     _result             = true;
     _data               = null;
     _contactInfo        = null;
     _contactData        = null;
     _preContactData     = null;
Beispiel #9
		public CCPhysicsContact()
			_world = null;
			_shapeA = null;
			_shapeB = null;
			_eventCode = EventCode.NONE;
			_info = null;
			_notificationEnable = true;
			_result = true;
			_data = null;
			_contactInfo = null;
			_contactData = null;
			_preContactData = null;
Beispiel #10
        public CCScene(CCWindow window, CCViewport viewport, CCDirector director = null)
            IgnoreAnchorPointForPosition = true;
            AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f);
            Viewport    = viewport;
            Window      = window;
            Director    = (director == null) ? window.DefaultDirector : director;

            if (window != null && director != null)

            _physicsWorld = physics ? new CCPhysicsWorld(this) : null;

            SceneResolutionPolicy = window.DesignResolutionPolicy;
Beispiel #11
        public static bool CollisionBeginCallbackFunc(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, CCPhysicsWorld world)
            cpShape a, b;

            arb.GetShapes(out a, out b);

            CCPhysicsShapeInfo ita = null, itb = null;

            cp.AssertWarn(CCPhysicsShapeInfo.Map.TryGetValue(a, out ita) && CCPhysicsShapeInfo.Map.TryGetValue(b, out itb));
            if (a != null || b != null)

            CCPhysicsContact contact = new CCPhysicsContact(ita.getShape(), itb.getShape());

               = contact;
            contact._contactInfo = arb;

Beispiel #12
		public CCPointQueryCallbackInfo(CCPhysicsWorld w, Func<CCPhysicsWorld, CCPhysicsShape, object, bool> f, object d)
			world = w; func = f; data = d;
Beispiel #13
		public static void CollisionSeparateCallbackFunc(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, CCPhysicsWorld world)

			CCPhysicsContact contact = (CCPhysicsContact)(;
			if (contact != null)
			//delete contact;
Beispiel #14
		public CCScene(CCWindow window, CCViewport viewport, CCDirector director = null)
			IgnoreAnchorPointForPosition = true;
			AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f);
			Viewport = viewport;
			Window = window;
			Director = (director == null) ? window.DefaultDirector : director;

			if (window != null && director != null)

			_physicsWorld = physics ? new CCPhysicsWorld(this) : null;

			SceneResolutionPolicy = window.DesignResolutionPolicy;
Beispiel #15
		public static bool CollisionPreSolveCallbackFunc(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, CCPhysicsWorld world)
			return world.CollisionPreSolveCallback((CCPhysicsContact)(;
Beispiel #16
		public static void CollisionPostSolveCallbackFunc(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, CCPhysicsWorld world)
Beispiel #17
 public static void CollisionPostSolveCallbackFunc(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, CCPhysicsWorld world)
Beispiel #18
		public static bool CollisionBeginCallbackFunc(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, CCPhysicsWorld world)

			cpShape a, b;
			arb.GetShapes(out a, out b);

			CCPhysicsShapeInfo ita = null, itb = null;
			cp.AssertWarn(CCPhysicsShapeInfo.Map.TryGetValue(a, out ita) && CCPhysicsShapeInfo.Map.TryGetValue(b, out itb));
			if (a != null || b != null)
				return false;

			CCPhysicsContact contact = new CCPhysicsContact(ita.getShape(), itb.getShape()); = contact;
			contact._contactInfo = arb;

			return world.CollisionBeginCallback(contact);
Beispiel #19
        /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        public bool WriteToFile(CCPhysicsWorld world, String filename, int indentFactor, StringBuilder errorMsg)
            if (null == world || null == filename)
                return false;

            using (System.IO.TextWriter writeFile = new StreamWriter(filename))
                catch (Exception e)
                    errorMsg.Append("Error writing JSON to file: " + filename + "  " + e.Message);
                    return false;

            return true;
Beispiel #20
        // SIN REVISAR
        CCPhysicsJoint j2CCPhysicsJoint(CCPhysicsWorld space, JObject jointValue)
            CCPhysicsJoint joint = null;

            int bodyIndexA = (int)jointValue["bodyA"];
            int bodyIndexB = (int)jointValue["bodyB"];
            if (bodyIndexA >= m_bodies.Count || bodyIndexB >= m_bodies.Count)
                return null;

            // set features common to all joints
            //var bodyA = m_bodies[bodyIndexA];
            //var bodyB = m_bodies[bodyIndexB];
            //var collideConnected = jointValue["collideConnected"] == null ? false : (bool)jointValue["collideConnected"];

            // keep these in scope after the if/else below
            //b2RevoluteJointDef revoluteDef;
            //b2PrismaticJointDef prismaticDef;
            //b2DistanceJointDef distanceDef;
            //b2PulleyJointDef pulleyDef;
            //b2MouseJointDef mouseDef;
            //b2GearJointDef gearDef;
            //b2WheelJoint wheelDef;
            //b2WeldJointDef weldDef;
            //b2FrictionJointDef frictionDef;
            //b2RopeJointDef ropeDef;
            //MotorJoint motorDef;

            cpVect mouseJointTarget = new cpVect(0, 0);

            string type = jointValue["type"].ToString() == null ? "" : jointValue["type"].ToString();

            if (type == "revolute")

                CCPoint localAnchorA = jsonToPoint("anchorA", jointValue);
                CCPoint localAnchorB = jsonToPoint("anchorB", jointValue);

            //				joint = new cpPivotJoint(m_bodies[bodyIndexA], m_bodies[bodyIndexB], localAnchorA, localAnchorB);

                joint = CCPhysicsJointPin.Construct(m_bodies[bodyIndexA],m_bodies[bodyIndexB],localAnchorA);

                //jointDef = revoluteDef = new b2RevoluteJointDef(); // JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(world, bodyA, bodyB, jsonToVec("anchorB", jointValue));
                //revoluteDef.localAnchorA = jsonToVec("anchorA", jointValue);
                //revoluteDef.localAnchorB = jsonToVec("anchorB", jointValue);
                //revoluteDef.referenceAngle = jsonToFloat("refAngle", jointValue);
                //revoluteDef.enableLimit = jointValue["enableLimit"] == null ? false : (bool)jointValue["enableLimit"];
                //revoluteDef.lowerAngle = jsonToFloat("lowerLimit", jointValue);
                //revoluteDef.upperAngle = jsonToFloat("upperLimit", jointValue);
                //revoluteDef.enableMotor = jointValue["enableMotor"] == null ? false : (bool)jointValue["enableMotor"];
                //revoluteDef.motorSpeed = jsonToFloat("motorSpeed", jointValue);
                //revoluteDef.maxMotorTorque = jsonToFloat("maxMotorTorque", jointValue);
            //else if (type == "prismatic")
                //jointDef = prismaticDef = new b2PrismaticJointDef(); //JointFactory.CreatePrismaticJoint(world, bodyA, bodyB, localAnchorB, localAxis);

                //prismaticDef.localAnchorA = jsonToVec("anchorA", jointValue);
                //prismaticDef.localAnchorB = jsonToVec("anchorB", jointValue);

                //if (jointValue["localAxisA"] != null)
                //	prismaticDef.localAxisA = jsonToVec("localAxisA", jointValue);
                //	prismaticDef.localAxisA = jsonToVec("localAxis1", jointValue);

                //prismaticDef.referenceAngle = jsonToFloat("refAngle", jointValue);

                //prismaticDef.enableLimit = jointValue["enableLimit"] == null ? false : (bool)jointValue["enableLimit"];

                //prismaticDef.lowerTranslation = jsonToFloat("lowerLimit", jointValue);
                //prismaticDef.upperTranslation = jsonToFloat("upperLimit", jointValue);

                //prismaticDef.enableMotor = jointValue["enableMotor"] == null ? false : (bool)jointValue["enableMotor"];

                //prismaticDef.motorSpeed = jsonToFloat("motorSpeed", jointValue);
                //prismaticDef.maxMotorForce = jsonToFloat("maxMotorForce", jointValue);

            else if (type == "distance")

                CCPoint localAnchorA = jsonToPoint("anchorA", jointValue);
                CCPoint localAnchorB = jsonToPoint("anchorB", jointValue);
                float length = jsonToFloat("length", jointValue);
                float stiffness = jsonToFloat("frequency", jointValue);
                float damping = jsonToFloat("dampingRatio", jointValue);

                joint = CCPhysicsJointSpring.Construct(m_bodies[bodyIndexA], m_bodies[bodyIndexB], localAnchorA, localAnchorB, stiffness, damping);

            //	joint =new cpDampedSpring(m_bodies[bodyIndexA], m_bodies[bodyIndexB], localAnchorA, localAnchorB, length, stiffness, damping);

                //jointDef = distanceDef = new b2DistanceJointDef();
                //distanceDef.localAnchorA = jsonToVec("anchorA", jointValue);
                //distanceDef.localAnchorB = jsonToVec("anchorB", jointValue);
                //distanceDef.length = jsonToFloat("length", jointValue);
                //distanceDef.frequencyHz = jsonToFloat("frequency", jointValue);
                //distanceDef.dampingRatio = jsonToFloat("dampingRatio", jointValue);

            //else if (type == "pulley")

            //	jointDef = pulleyDef = new b2PulleyJointDef();
            //	pulleyDef.groundAnchorA = jsonToVec("groundAnchorA", jointValue);
            //	pulleyDef.groundAnchorB = jsonToVec("groundAnchorB", jointValue);
            //	pulleyDef.localAnchorA = jsonToVec("anchorA", jointValue);
            //	pulleyDef.localAnchorB = jsonToVec("anchorB", jointValue);
            //	pulleyDef.lengthA = jsonToFloat("lengthA", jointValue);
            //	pulleyDef.lengthB = jsonToFloat("lengthB", jointValue);
            //	pulleyDef.ratio = jsonToFloat("ratio", jointValue);

            //else if (type == "mouse")
            //	jointDef = mouseDef = new b2MouseJointDef();
            //	mouseJointTarget = jsonToVec("target", jointValue);
            // = jsonToVec("anchorB", jointValue);// alter after creating joint
            //	mouseDef.maxForce = jsonToFloat("maxForce", jointValue);
            //	mouseDef.frequencyHz = jsonToFloat("frequency", jointValue);
            //	mouseDef.dampingRatio = jsonToFloat("dampingRatio", jointValue);
            // Gear joints are apparently not implemented in JBox2D yet, but
            // when they are, commenting out the following section should work.

            //else if (type == "gear")

            //	jointDef = gearDef = new b2GearJointDef();  //JointFactory.CreateGearJoint(world, joint1, joint2, ratio);
            //	int jointIndex1 = (int)jointValue["joint1"];
            //	int jointIndex2 = (int)jointValue["joint2"];
            //	var joint1 = m_joints[jointIndex1];
            //	var joint2 = m_joints[jointIndex2];
            //	var ratio = jsonToFloat("ratio", jointValue);

            //	//joint = gearDef = JointFactory.CreateGearJoint(world, joint1, joint2, ratio);


            // Wheel joints are apparently not implemented in JBox2D yet, but
            // when they are, commenting out the following section should work.

            else if (type == "wheel")

                CCPoint localAnchorA = jsonToPoint("anchorA", jointValue);
                CCPoint localAnchorB = jsonToPoint("anchorB", jointValue);
                CCPoint localAxisA = jsonToPoint("localAxisA", jointValue);
                //joint =new cpGrooveJoint(m_bodies[bodyIndexA], m_bodies[bodyIndexB], localAnchorA, cpVect.cpvadd(localAnchorA, localAxisA), localAnchorB);
                joint =CCPhysicsJointGroove.Construct(m_bodies[bodyIndexA], m_bodies[bodyIndexB], localAnchorA, localAnchorA+localAxisA, localAnchorB);

                //also add a distance joint
                //Chipmunk groove joints have limits whereas b2WheelJoints do not, and chipmunk damped springs
                //seem to be only one way (ie. only preventing compression) whereas b2WheelJoints are two-way,
                //for lack of a better description. This can be accounted for in a rather messy way by using
                //the length of the axis to adjust the target position of the spring so that it is not right
                //on top of the limit of the groove joint.
                float length = localAxisA.Length * 0.5f;
                float stiffness = jsonToFloat("springFrequency", jointValue);
                float damping = jsonToFloat("springDampingRatio", jointValue);

                joint =CCPhysicsJointSpring.Construct(m_bodies[bodyIndexA], m_bodies[bodyIndexB], localAnchorA, localAnchorB, stiffness, damping);
                space.AddJoint( joint);

                //jointDef = revoluteDef = new b2RevoluteJointDef();
                //revoluteDef.localAnchorA = jsonToVec("anchorA", jointValue);
                //revoluteDef.localAnchorB = jsonToVec("anchorB", jointValue);

                //revoluteDef.enableMotor = jointValue["enableMotor"] == null ? false : (bool)jointValue["enableMotor"];

                //revoluteDef.motorSpeed = jsonToFloat("motorSpeed", jointValue);
                //revoluteDef.maxMotorTorque = jsonToFloat("maxMotorTorque", jointValue);

                //jointDef = wheelDef = new b2WheelJointDef(); //JointFactory.CreateWheelJoint(world, bodyA, bodyB, localAnchorB, localAxisA);

                //var localAnchorA = jsonToVec("anchorA", jointValue);
                //var localAnchorB = (jsonToVec("anchorB", jointValue));
                //var localAxisA = (jsonToVec("localAxisA", jointValue));
                //var enableMotor = jointValue["enableMotor"] == null ? false : (bool)jointValue["enableMotor"];
                //var motorSpeed = jsonToFloat("motorSpeed", jointValue);
                //var maxMotorTorque = jsonToFloat("maxMotorTorque", jointValue);
                //var frequencyHz = jsonToFloat("springFrequency", jointValue);
                //var dampingRatio = jsonToFloat("springDampingRatio", jointValue);

                //wheelDef.LocalAnchorA = localAnchorA;
                //wheelDef.LocalAnchorB = localAnchorB;
                //wheelDef.MotorEnabled = enableMotor;
                //wheelDef.MotorSpeed = motorSpeed;
                //wheelDef.SpringFrequencyHz = frequencyHz;
                //wheelDef.MaxMotorTorque = maxMotorTorque;
                //wheelDef.SpringDampingRatio = dampingRatio;
            //else if (type == "weld")
            //	jointDef = weldDef = new b2WeldJointDef();
            //	weldDef.localAnchorA = jsonToVec("anchorA", jointValue);
            //	weldDef.localAnchorB = jsonToVec("anchorB", jointValue);
            //	weldDef.referenceAngle = 0;

            //else if (type == "friction")
            //	jointDef = frictionDef = new b2FrictionJointDef();
            //	frictionDef.localAnchorA = jsonToVec("anchorA", jointValue);
            //	frictionDef.localAnchorB = jsonToVec("anchorB", jointValue);
            //	frictionDef.maxForce = jsonToFloat("maxForce", jointValue);
            //	frictionDef.maxTorque = jsonToFloat("maxTorque", jointValue);
            //else if (type == "rope")
            //	jointDef = ropeDef = new b2RopeJointDef();
            //	ropeDef.localAnchorA = jsonToVec("anchorA", jointValue);
            //	ropeDef.localAnchorB = jsonToVec("anchorB", jointValue);
            //	ropeDef.maxLength = jsonToFloat("maxLength", jointValue);

            //else if (type == "motor")
            //    var maxForce = jsonToFloat("maxForce", jointValue);
            //    var maxMotorTorque = jsonToFloat("maxTorque", jointValue);
            //    var angularOffset = jsonToFloat("refAngle", jointValue);

            //    joint = motorDef = new MotorJoint(bodyA, bodyB);
            //    world.AddJoint(joint);
            //    motorDef.LinearOffset = jsonToVec("anchorA", jointValue);
            //    motorDef.MaxForce = maxForce;
            //    motorDef.MaxTorque = maxMotorTorque;
            //    motorDef.AngularOffset = angularOffset;

            //if (null != jointDef)
            //	// set features common to all joints
            //	jointDef.BodyA = m_bodies[bodyIndexA];
            //	jointDef.BodyB = m_bodies[bodyIndexB];

            //	jointDef.CollideConnected = jointValue["collideConnected"] == null ? false : (bool)jointValue["collideConnected"];

            //	joint = space.CreateJoint(jointDef);

            //	if (type.Equals("mouse"))
            //		((b2MouseJoint)joint).SetTarget(mouseJointTarget);

            //	String jointName = jointValue["name"] == null ? "" : (string)jointValue["name"];

            //	if (!jointName.Equals(""))
            //	{
            //		SetJointName(joint, jointName);
            //	}

            return joint;
Beispiel #21
 public static bool CollisionPreSolveCallbackFunc(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, CCPhysicsWorld world)
Beispiel #22
		public CCPhysicsBody(float mass, float moment, CCPoint offset)
            var offsetcp = new cpVect(offset.X, offset.Y); ;
			_positionOffset = offsetcp != null ? offsetcp : cpVect.Zero;
			_node = null;
			_world = null;
			_info = null;
			_dynamic = true;
			_enabled = true;
			_rotationEnabled = true;
			_gravityEnabled = true;
			_massDefault = mass == MASS_DEFAULT;
			_momentDefault = moment == MOMENT_DEFAULT;
			_mass = mass;
			_area = 0.0f;
			_density = 0.0f;
			_moment = moment;
			_isDamping = false;
			_linearDamping = 0.0f;
			_angularDamping = 0.0f;
			_tag = 0;
			_categoryBitmask = int.MaxValue;//(UINT_MAX)
			_collisionBitmask = 0;
			_contactTestBitmask = int.MaxValue;
			_group = 0;
			_positionResetTag = false;
			_rotationResetTag = false;
			_rotationOffset = 0;

			_info = new CCPhysicsBodyInfo();
			_info.Body = new cpBody(_mass, _moment);

Beispiel #23
 public CCPointQueryCallbackInfo(CCPhysicsWorld w, Func <CCPhysicsWorld, CCPhysicsShape, object, bool> f, object d)
     world = w; func = f; data = d;
Beispiel #24
		public void SetWorld(CCPhysicsWorld world) { _world = world; }
Beispiel #25
 public void SetWorld(CCPhysicsWorld world)
     _world = world;
Beispiel #26
        protected void readCustomPropertiesFromJson(CCPhysicsWorld item, JObject value)
            if (null == item)

            if (value["customProperties"] != null)

            int i = 0;
            JArray propValues = (JArray)value["customProperties"];
            if (null != propValues)
                int numPropValues = propValues.Count;
                for (i = 0; i < numPropValues; i++)
                    JObject propValue = (JObject)propValues[i];
                    String propertyName = propValue["name"].ToString();
                    if (propValue["int"] != null)
                        SetCustomInt(item, propertyName, (int)propValue["int"]);
                    if (propValue["float"] != null)
                        SetCustomFloat(item, propertyName, (float)propValue["float"]);
                    if (propValue["string"] != null)
                        SetCustomString(item, propertyName, propValue["string"].ToString());
                    if (propValue["vec2"] != null)
                        SetCustomVector(item, propertyName, this.jsonToVec("vec2", propValue));
                    if (propValue["bool"] != null)
                        SetCustomBool(item, propertyName, (bool)propValue["bool"]);
Beispiel #27
		public CCPointQueryCallbackInfo(CCPhysicsWorld w, Func<CCPhysicsWorld, CCPhysicsShape, object, bool> f, object d)
			World = w; Function = f; Data = d;
Beispiel #28
        public CCPhysicsBody j2CCPhysicsBody(CCPhysicsWorld world, JObject bodyValue)
            CCPhysicsBody body = null;

            int i = 0;

            JArray fixtureValues = (JArray)bodyValue["fixture"];
            if (null != fixtureValues)
                int numFixtureValues = fixtureValues.Count;
                for (i = 0; i < numFixtureValues; i++)
                    JObject fixtureValue = (JObject)fixtureValues[i];
                    body = j2CCPhysicsShape(fixtureValue, (int)bodyValue.GetValue("type"));
                    readCustomPropertiesFromJson(body, fixtureValue);

            body.Position = jsonToPoint("position", bodyValue);
            body.SetAngle(jsonToFloat("angle", bodyValue));
            body.SetVelocity(jsonToPoint("linearVelocity", bodyValue));
            body.SetAngularVelocity( jsonToFloat("angularVelocity", bodyValue));
            //body. linearDamping = jsonToFloat("linearDamping", bodyValue, -1, 0);
            //body.set angularDamping = jsonToFloat("angularDamping", bodyValue, -1, 0);
            //body.gravityScale = jsonToFloat("gravityScale", bodyValue, -1, 1);

            //body.allowSleep = bodyValue["allowSleep"] == null ? false : (bool)bodyValue["allowSleep"];
            //body.awake =;
            var awake = bodyValue["awake"] == null ? false : (bool)bodyValue["awake"];
            if (!awake)

            var fixedRotation = bodyValue["fixedRotation"] == null ? false : (bool)bodyValue["fixedRotation"];
            if (fixedRotation)
                body.Moment = cp.Infinity;

            //body.bullet = bodyValue["bullet"] == null ? false : (bool)bodyValue["bullet"];

            // = bodyValue["active"] == null ? false : (bool)bodyValue["active"];

            // = true;

            String bodyName = bodyValue["name"] == null ? "" : (string)bodyValue["active"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bodyName))
                SetBodyName(body, bodyName);

            // may be necessary if user has overridden mass characteristics
            //b2MassData massData = new b2MassData();
            body.Body.SetMass(jsonToFloat("massData-mass", bodyValue));
            //massData.mass = ;
            body.Body.SetCenterOfGravity(jsonToVec("massData-center", bodyValue));
            // =;

            //massData.I = jsonToFloat("massData-I", bodyValue);
            return body;
Beispiel #29
        public static void CollisionSeparateCallbackFunc(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, CCPhysicsWorld world)
            CCPhysicsContact contact = (CCPhysicsContact)(;

            if (contact != null)
            //delete contact;
Beispiel #30
		//bool ignoreBodyRotation = false;


		public PhysicsDebugDraw(CCPhysicsWorld world)
			_world = world;
			_space = world.Info.Space;
			SelectFont("weblysleeku", 22);
			_world.Scene.AddChild(this); // getScene().addChild(_drawNode);

Beispiel #31
 public CCPointQueryCallbackInfo(CCPhysicsWorld w, Func <CCPhysicsWorld, CCPhysicsShape, object, bool> f, object d)
     World = w; Function = f; Data = d;