public override void update(float t)
            // waits until enough time has passed for the next shake
            if (FloatUtils.EQ(shakeInterval, 0))
            }              // shake every frame!
            else if (FloatUtils.Small(t, nextShake))
                return;                 // haven't reached the next shake point yet
                nextShake += shakeInterval;                 // proceed with shake this time and increment for next shake goal
            // calculate the dampening effect, if being used
            if (dampening)
                float dFactor = (1 - t);
                amplitude.x = dFactor * startAmplitude.x;
                amplitude.y = dFactor * startAmplitude.y;

            Vector2 newp = new Vector2((Random.Range(0, 100) / 100.0f * amplitude.x * 2) - amplitude.x, (Random.Range(0, 100) / 100.0f * amplitude.y * 2) - amplitude.y);

            // simultaneously un-move the last shake and move the next shake
            ((CCNode)_target).position = ((CCNode)_target).position - last + newp;

            // store the current shake value so it can be un-done
            last = newp;
Beispiel #2
        /** initializes the action with a set boundary */
        public void initWithTarget(CCNode fNode, Rect rect)
            _followedNode         = fNode;
            _boundarySet          = true;
            _boundaryFullyCovered = false;

            Vector2 winSize = CCDirector.sharedDirector.winSize;

            _fullScreenSize = winSize;
            _halfScreenSize = _fullScreenSize * .5f;

            _leftBoundary   = -((rect.position.x + rect.size.x) - _fullScreenSize.x);
            _rightBoundary  = -rect.position.x;
            _topBoundary    = -rect.position.y;
            _bottomBoundary = -((rect.position.y + rect.size.y) - _fullScreenSize.y);

            if (FloatUtils.Small(_rightBoundary, _leftBoundary))
                // screen width is larger than world's boundary width
                //set both in the middle of the world
                _rightBoundary = _leftBoundary = (_leftBoundary + _rightBoundary) / 2;
            if (FloatUtils.Small(_topBoundary, _bottomBoundary))
                // screen width is larger than world's boundary width
                //set both in the middle of the world
                _topBoundary = _bottomBoundary = (_topBoundary + _bottomBoundary) / 2;

            if (FloatUtils.EQ(_topBoundary, _bottomBoundary) && FloatUtils.EQ(_leftBoundary, _rightBoundary))
                _boundaryFullyCovered = true;
Beispiel #3
        public override void update(float t)
            float newT = 0;

            if (FloatUtils.EQ(t, 0) || FloatUtils.EQ(t, 1))
                newT = t;
                t = t * 2;
                if (!FloatUtils.EQ(_period, 0))
                    _period = 0.3f * 1.5f;
                float s = _period / 4;

                t = t - 1;
                if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 0))
                    newT = -0.5f * Mathf.Pow(2, 10 * t) * Mathf.Sin((t - s) * (Mathf.PI * 2) / _period);
                    newT = Mathf.Pow(2, -10 * t) * Mathf.Sin((t - s) * (Mathf.PI * 2) / _period) * 0.5f + 1;
Beispiel #4
        public override void startWithTarget(object aTarget)

            //Calculate angle
            _startAngle = ((CCNode)_target).rotation;
            if (FloatUtils.Big(_startAngle, 0))
                _startAngle = _startAngle % 360.0f;
                _startAngle = _startAngle % -360.0f;

            _diffAngle = _dstAngle - _startAngle;
            if (FloatUtils.Big(_diffAngle, 180))
                _diffAngle -= 360;
            if (FloatUtils.Small(_diffAngle, -180))
                _diffAngle += 360;
 public static bool RectIntersectsRect(Rect a, Rect b)
     return(FloatUtils.Small(b.x, a.x + a.width) &&
            FloatUtils.Small(a.x, (b.x + b.width)) &&
            FloatUtils.Small(b.y, a.y + a.height) &&
            FloatUtils.Small(a.y, b.y + b.height));
Beispiel #6
 public override void update(float t)
     t *= 2;
     if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 1))
         _inner.update(0.5f * Mathf.Pow(t, _rate));
         _inner.update(1.0f - 0.5f * Mathf.Pow(2 - t, _rate));
        public override void update(float t)
            float overshoot = 1.70158f * 1.525f;

            t = t * 2;
            if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 1))
                _inner.update((t * t * ((overshoot + 1) * t - overshoot)) / 2);
                t = t - 2;
                _inner.update((t * t * ((overshoot + 1) * t + overshoot)) / 2 + 1);
        public override void update(float t)
            // if t==1, ignore. Animation should finish with t==1
            if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 1.0f))
                t *= _animation.loops;

                // new loop?  If so, reset frame counter
                uint loopNumber = (uint)t;
                if (loopNumber > _executedLoops)
                    _nextFrame = 0;

                // new t for animations
                t = (t % 1.0f);

            List <CCAnimationFrame> frames = _animation.frames;
            uint          numberOfFrames   = (uint)frames.Count;
            CCSpriteFrame frameToDisplay   = null;

            for (int i = _nextFrame; i < numberOfFrames; i++)
                float splitTime = _splitTimes[i];

                if (FloatUtils.ES(splitTime, t))
                    CCAnimationFrame frame = frames[i];
                    frameToDisplay = frame.spriteFrame;
                    ((CCSprite)_target).displayedFrame = frameToDisplay;

                    NSDictionary dict = frame.userInfo;
                    if (dict != null)
//						NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.postNotification(CCAnimationFrameDisplayedNotification, _target, dict);

                        _nextFrame = i + 1;
                // Issue 1438. Could be more than one frame per tick, due to low frame rate or frame delta < 1/FPS
Beispiel #9
        public override void update(float t)
            // prevents rouding errors
            if (!FloatUtils.EQ(t, 1) && !FloatUtils.EQ(t, 0))
                t *= 2;
                if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 1))
                    t = 0.5f * Mathf.Pow(2, 10 * (t - 1));
                    t = 0.5f * (-Mathf.Pow(2, -10 * (t - 1)) + 2);

        protected float bounceTime(float t)
            if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 1 / 2.75f))
                return(7.5625f * t * t);
            else if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 2 / 2.75f))
                t -= 1.5f / 2.75f;
                return(7.5625f * t * t + 0.75f);
            else if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 2.5f / 2.75f))
                t -= 2.25f / 2.75f;
                return(7.5625f * t * t + 0.9375f);

            t -= 2.625f / 2.75f;
            return(7.5625f * t * t + 0.984375f);
Beispiel #11
        // Needed for BridgeSupport
        public override void update(float t)
            if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 0.5f))
                t = Mathf.Pow(t * _intersetValue, _polynomialOrder);
                if (_hasInflection)
                    t = Mathf.Pow((t - 1.0f) * _intersetValue, _polynomialOrder) + 1.0f;
                    t = -Mathf.Pow((t - 1.0f) * _intersetValue, _polynomialOrder) + 1.0f;

        public override void update(float t)
            float newT;

            // prevents possible rounding errors
            if (FloatUtils.EQ(t, 0) || FloatUtils.EQ(t, 1))
                newT = t;
            else if (FloatUtils.Small(t, 0.5f))
                t    = t * 2;
                newT = (1 - bounceTime(1 - t)) * 0.5f;
                newT = bounceTime(t * 2 - 1) * 0.5f + 0.5f;

        public override void update(float t)
            int   found = 0;
            float new_t = 0;

            CCAction action0 = _actions [0];
            CCAction action1 = _actions [1];

            if (FloatUtils.Small(t, _split))
                // action[0]
                found = 0;
                if (!FloatUtils.EQ(_split, 0))
                    new_t = t / _split;
                    new_t = 1;
                // action[1]
                found = 1;
                if (FloatUtils.EQ(_split, 1))
                    new_t = 1;
                    new_t = (t - _split) / (1 - _split);

            if (found == 1)
                if (_last == -1)
                    // action[0] was skipped, execute it.
                else if (_last == 0)
                    // switching to action 1. stop action 0.
            else if (found == 0 && _last == 1)
                // Reverse mode ?
                // XXX: Bug. this case doesn't contemplate when _last==-1, found=0 and in "reverse mode"
                // since it will require a hack to know if an action is on reverse mode or not.
                // "step" should be overriden, and the "reverseMode" value propagated to inner Sequences.

            // Last action found and it is done.
            if (found == _last && _actions[found].isDone())

            // New action. Start it.
            if (found != _last)

            _last = found;
        public override void ccTouchMoved(UITouch touch)
            if (scrollTouch_ != touch)

            Vector2 touchPoint = this.convertTouchToNodeSpace(touch);

            touchPoint = this.convertToWorldSpace(touchPoint);

            // If finger is dragged for more distance then minimum - start sliding and cancel pressed buttons.
            // Of course only if we not already in sliding mode
            if ((state_ != kCCScrollLayerState.Sliding) &&
                (Mathf.Abs(touchPoint.x - startSwipe_) >= this.minimumTouchLengthToSlide))
                state_ = kCCScrollLayerState.Sliding;

                // Avoid jerk after state change.
                startSwipe_ = touchPoint.x;

                if (this.stealTouches)
                if (this.delegate_ != null)

            if (state_ == kCCScrollLayerState.Sliding)
                float desiredX = (-currentScreen_ * (this.contentSize.x - this.pagesWidthOffset)) + touchPoint.x - startSwipe_;
                int   page     = this.pageNumberForPosition(new Vector2(desiredX, 0));
                float offset   = desiredX - this.positionForPageWithNumber(page).x;
                if ((page == 0 && FloatUtils.Big(offset, 0)) || (page == layers_.Count - 1 && FloatUtils.Small(offset, 0)))
                    offset -= marginOffset_ * offset / CCDirector.sharedDirector.winSize.x;
                    offset = 0;
                this.position = new Vector2(desiredX - offset, 0);
        public virtual void updateTransform()
            if (_isUpdateTransformDirty)

//				CGAffineTransform tmpAffine = nodeToParentTransform();
//				Vector2 pInParent = CGAffineTransform.CGPointApplyAffineTransform(_anchorPointInPixels, tmpAffine);
//				Vector2 pInUIUnits = ccUtils.PixelsToUnits (pInParent);
//				transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (pInUIUnits.x, pInUIUnits.y, transform.localPosition.z);

//				if(_parent!=null && _parent.ignoreAnchorPointForPosition){
//					CGAffineTransform tmpAffine = _parent.nodeToWorldTransform ();
//					Vector2 pInWorld = CGAffineTransform.CGPointApplyAffineTransform (_position, tmpAffine);
//					Vector2 pInUI = CCDirector.sharedDirector.convertToUI (pInWorld);
//					Vector2 pInUIUnits = ccUtils.PixelsToUnits (pInUI);
//					transform.position = new Vector3 (pInUIUnits.x, pInUIUnits.y, 0);
//					Vector3 localPos = transform.localPosition;
//					localPos.z = -_positionZ / UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT;
//					transform.localPosition = localPos;
//				}else{
//					Vector2 pInParentAR = _position;
//					if(_parent==null)
//						pInParentAR = CCDirector.sharedDirector.convertToUI(pInParentAR);
//					else
//						pInParentAR -= _parent._anchorPointInPixels;
//					Vector2 pInUIUnits = ccUtils.PixelsToUnits (pInParentAR);
//					Vector3 pos = transform.localPosition;
//					pos.x = pInUIUnits.x;
//					pos.y = pInUIUnits.y;
//					pos.z = -_positionZ / UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT;
//					transform.localPosition = pos;
//				}

                Vector2 pInParentAR = _position;
                if (_parent != null && !_parent.ignoreAnchorPointForPosition)
                    pInParentAR -= _parent._anchorPointInPixels;
                Vector2 pInUIUnits = ccUtils.PixelsToUnits(pInParentAR);
                Vector3 pos        = transform.localPosition;
                pos.x = pInUIUnits.x;
                pos.y = pInUIUnits.y;
                pos.z = 0;
                transform.localPosition = pos;

                Vector3 rotation = transform.localEulerAngles;
                rotation.x = 0;
                rotation.z = -_rotation;
                rotation.y = 0;
                bool negativeScaleX = FloatUtils.Small(_scaleX, 0);
                bool negativeScaleY = FloatUtils.Small(_scaleY, 0);
                if (negativeScaleX && negativeScaleY)
                    rotation.z = 180 - _rotation;
                else if (negativeScaleX)
                    rotation.y = 180;
                    rotation.z = _rotation;
                else if (negativeScaleY)
                    rotation.y = 180;
                    rotation.z = _rotation + 180;

                transform.localEulerAngles = rotation;

                transform.localScale = new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(_scaleX), Mathf.Abs(_scaleY), transform.localScale.z);

                _isUpdateTransformDirty = false;