Beispiel #1
 public ZlibBaseStream(Stream stream,
     CompressionMode compressionMode,
     CompressionLevel level,
     ZlibStreamFlavor flavor,
     bool leaveOpen)
     this._flushMode = FlushType.None;
     //this._workingBuffer = new byte[WORKING_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT];
     this._stream = stream;
     this._leaveOpen = leaveOpen;
     this._compressionMode = compressionMode;
     this._flavor = flavor;
     this._level = level;
     // workitem 7159
     if (flavor == ZlibStreamFlavor.GZIP) {
         this.crc = new CRC32();
        private void _DeflateOne(Object wi)
            // compress one buffer
            var workitem = (WorkItem)wi;
            try {
                int myItem = workitem.index;
                var crc = new CRC32();

                // calc CRC on the buffer
                crc.SlurpBlock(workitem.buffer, 0, workitem.inputBytesAvailable);

                // deflate it

                // update status
                workitem.crc = crc.Crc32Result;
                    "Compress          wi({0}) ord({1}) len({2})",

                lock (_latestLock) {
                    if (workitem.ordinal > _latestCompressed) {
                        _latestCompressed = workitem.ordinal;
                lock (_toWrite) {
            } catch (Exception exc1) {
                lock (_eLock) {
                    // expose the exception to the main thread
                    if (_pendingException != null) {
                        _pendingException = exc1;
        ///  Resets the stream for use with another stream.
        ///  Because the ParallelDeflateOutputStream is expensive to create, it has been designed so that it can be recycled and re-used. You have to call Close() on the stream first, then you can call Reset() on it, to use it again on another stream.
        ///<param name="stream"> The new output stream for this era. </param>
        ///  <code>ParallelDeflateOutputStream deflater = null;
        ///    foreach (var inputFile in listOfFiles)
        ///    {
        ///    string outputFile = inputFile + ".compressed";
        ///    using (System.IO.Stream input = System.IO.File.OpenRead(inputFile))
        ///    {
        ///    using (var outStream = System.IO.File.Create(outputFile))
        ///    {
        ///    if (deflater == null)
        ///    deflater = new ParallelDeflateOutputStream(outStream,
        ///    CompressionLevel.Best,
        ///    CompressionStrategy.Default,
        ///    true);
        ///    deflater.Reset(outStream);
        ///    while ((n= input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
        ///    {
        ///    deflater.Write(buffer, 0, n);
        ///    }
        ///    }
        ///    }
        ///    }</code>
        public void Reset(Stream stream)
            TraceOutput(TraceBits.Session, "-------------------------------------------------------");
            TraceOutput(TraceBits.Session, "Reset {0:X8} firstDone({1})", this.GetHashCode(), _firstWriteDone);

            if (!_firstWriteDone) {

            // reset all status
            foreach (var workitem in _pool) {
                workitem.ordinal = -1;

            _firstWriteDone = false;
            _totalBytesProcessed = 0L;
            _runningCrc = new CRC32();
            _isClosed = false;
            _currentlyFilling = -1;
            _lastFilled = -1;
            _lastWritten = -1;
            _latestCompressed = -1;
            _outStream = stream;
        private void _InitializePoolOfWorkItems()
            _toWrite = new Queue<int>();
            _toFill = new Queue<int>();
            _pool = new List<WorkItem>();
            int nTasks = BufferPairsPerCore*Environment.ProcessorCount;
            nTasks = Math.Min(nTasks, _maxBufferPairs);
            for (int i = 0; i < nTasks; i++) {
                _pool.Add(new WorkItem(_bufferSize, _compressLevel, Strategy, i));

            _newlyCompressedBlob = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            _runningCrc = new CRC32();
            _currentlyFilling = -1;
            _lastFilled = -1;
            _lastWritten = -1;
            _latestCompressed = -1;
Beispiel #5
 // This ctor is private - no validation is done here.  This is to allow the use
 // of a (specific) negative value for the _lengthLimit, to indicate that there
 // is no length set.  So we validate the length limit in those ctors that use an
 // explicit param, otherwise we don't validate, because it could be our special
 // value.
 private CrcCalculatorStream
     (bool leaveOpen, Int64 length, Stream stream, CRC32 crc32) {
     _innerStream = stream;
     _Crc32 = crc32 ?? new CRC32();
     _lengthLimit = length;
     _leaveOpen = leaveOpen;
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 ///   A constructor allowing the specification of the length of the stream to read, as well as whether to keep the underlying stream open upon Close(), and the CRC32 instance to use.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 ///   <para>The stream uses the specified CRC32 instance, which allows the
 ///     application to specify how the CRC gets calculated.</para>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="stream"> The underlying stream </param>
 /// <param name="length"> The length of the stream to slurp </param>
 /// <param name="leaveOpen"> true to leave the underlying stream open upon close of the <c>CrcCalculatorStream</c> ; false otherwise. </param>
 /// <param name="crc32"> the CRC32 instance to use to calculate the CRC32 </param>
 public CrcCalculatorStream(Stream stream, Int64 length, bool leaveOpen,
     CRC32 crc32)
     : this(leaveOpen, length, stream, crc32) {
     if (length < 0) {
         throw new ArgumentException("length");