Beispiel #1
        static void NudgeWholeSequence(AlignedMacromolecule macromolecule, int nudgeAmount)
        // Moves the entire sequences given by the sequenceIndices by the nudgeAmount.
            //int[] seqAlignedPos = alignedMacromolecules[index].Item2;
            int[] seqAlignedPos = macromolecule.AlignedPositions;

            for (int i = 0; i < seqAlignedPos.Length; i++)
                seqAlignedPos[i] += nudgeAmount;
Beispiel #2
        //internal void RemoveAlignedMacromolecule(Tuple<Macromolecule, int[]> alignedMacromoleculeToRemove, bool doAdjustments = true)
        internal void RemoveAlignedMacromolecule(AlignedMacromolecule alignedMacromoleculeToRemove, bool doAdjustments = true)
        // Provides an interface to remove an aligned macromolecule from the list.

            if (doAdjustments)
Beispiel #3
        public AlignedMacromolecule Copy()
            //Produces a copy of the alignment information only, and sets sequemceWeight to 0
            AlignedMacromolecule copy = new AlignedMacromolecule(this, (int[])alignedPositions.Clone());

            foreach (int newGap in newGaps)

            sequenceWeight = 0;

Beispiel #4
        //internal void AddAlignedMacromolecule(Tuple<Macromolecule, int[]> newAlignedMacromolecule, bool doAdjustments = true)
        internal void AddAlignedMacromolecule(AlignedMacromolecule newAlignedMacromolecule, bool doAdjustments = true)
        // Provides an interface to add an aligned macromolecule to the list.
        // Adjust the name if it is not unique, adjust the alignmentLength, and add it to the list.
            //Macromolecule newMacromolecule = newAlignedMacromolecule.Item1;
            Macromolecule newMacromolecule = newAlignedMacromolecule;

            // Rename the macromolecule if another with the same name is already loaded.
            // Appends a "1" if already exists; then if this new name matches another, add "2", etc.
            // Could lead to some weirdness if the loaded sequences were "seq1" "seq4" "seq4", which would
            // become "seq1", "seq4", "seq4 1", but this is tolerable.
            int nameInteger = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < alignedMacromolecules.Count; i++)
                //Macromolecule testMacromolecule = alignedMacromolecules[i].Item1;
                Macromolecule testMacromolecule = alignedMacromolecules[i];
                if (newMacromolecule.Name == testMacromolecule.Name) // same name
                    newMacromolecule.Name += " " + nameInteger.ToString();


            if (doAdjustments)
            { // Make into another sub so the Add routines can be synced?
                //isNucleicAcid = newAlignedMacromolecule.Item1.IsNucleicAcid;
                isNucleicAcid = newAlignedMacromolecule.IsNucleicAcid;
Beispiel #5
        internal static void Align(ref Alignment alignmentObject, ref BackgroundWorker myBackgroundWorker)
        // Runs complete Clustal multiple sequence alignment on all loaded molecules
            // Currently not set up to save files during alignment.
            // Also not set to use the "stats" option

            if (alignmentObject.IsNucleicAcid)
                // Load alignment parameters for nucleic acids
                // Load alignment parameters for protein

            // Step 1: Do pairwise alignments and generate the distance matrix
            myBackgroundWorker.ReportProgress(0, "Starting pairwise alignments...");

            int numSequences = alignmentObject.NumberMacromolecules;

            double[,] distanceMatrix = new double[numSequences, numSequences];

            // This will select between fast and full pairwise alignment. Just implementing fast alignment to start.
            PairwiseAlignment.IPairwiseAlignmentAlgorithm pairwiseAlignmentAlgorithm;
            if (true)
                // This sub basically calculates the score of the best alignment between each pair of sequences
                pairwiseAlignmentAlgorithm = new PairwiseAlignment.FastPairwiseAlignment();
                throw new NotImplementedException("Full Pairwise Alignment is not yet implemented");
                // pairwiseAlignmentAlgorithm = new PairwiseAlignment.FullPairwiseAlignment();
            pairwiseAlignmentAlgorithm.PairwiseAlign(ref alignmentObject, ref distanceMatrix);

            // Step 2: Generate a phylogenetic tree of the sequences from the distance matrix
            myBackgroundWorker.ReportProgress(0, "Generating phylogenetic tree...");

            AlignedMacromolecule[] macromolecules = new AlignedMacromolecule[alignmentObject.NumberMacromolecules];
            ReadOnlyCollection <AlignedMacromolecule> alignedMacromolecules = alignmentObject.AlignedMacromolecules;

            for (int i = 0; i < alignmentObject.NumberMacromolecules; i++)
                macromolecules[i] = alignedMacromolecules[i];

            Tree.GuideTree <AlignedMacromolecule> tree = Tree.GuideTree <AlignedMacromolecule> .GetWeightsAndSteps(ref distanceMatrix, macromolecules);

            // Transfer the weights from the tree to the macromolecules and fetch the similarities and steps
            foreach (Tree.GuideTree <AlignedMacromolecule> .TreeLeaf leaf in tree.LeavesList)
                AlignedMacromolecule macromolecule = (AlignedMacromolecule)leaf.Data;
                macromolecule.SequenceWeight = leaf.weight;

            ReadOnlyCollection <Tuple <ReadOnlyCollection <AlignedMacromolecule>, ReadOnlyCollection <AlignedMacromolecule>, double> > alignmentSteps = tree.Steps;

            // Step 3: Multiple sequence alignment
            myBackgroundWorker.ReportProgress(0, "Starting multiple sequence alignment...");

            SubstitutionMatrix.SubstitutionMatrixSeries subMatrixType;

            if (alignmentObject.IsNucleicAcid) // Replaced by more advanced logic later
                subMatrixType = new SubstitutionMatrix.NucleotideIdentity();
                subMatrixType = new SubstitutionMatrix.BLOSUM();

            MultipleAlignment.MultipleAlignment.AlignSequences(ref alignmentObject, subMatrixType, ref tree.similarityMatrix, tree.LeavesList, alignmentSteps);